path: root/cpp/managementgen/qmfgen
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Diffstat (limited to 'cpp/managementgen/qmfgen')
12 files changed, 2359 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cpp/managementgen/qmfgen/ b/cpp/managementgen/qmfgen/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..caef6cc58b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpp/managementgen/qmfgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
diff --git a/cpp/managementgen/qmfgen/ b/cpp/managementgen/qmfgen/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..762af972e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpp/managementgen/qmfgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from xml.dom.minidom import parse, parseString, Node
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+from stat import *
+from errno import *
+import os
+import os.path
+import filecmp
+class Template:
+ """
+ Expandable File Template - This class is instantiated each time a
+ template is to be expanded. It is instantiated with the "filename"
+ which is the full path to the template file and the "handler" which
+ is an object that is responsible for storing variables (setVariable),
+ checking conditions (testCondition), and expanding tags (substHandler).
+ """
+ def __init__ (self, filename, handler):
+ self.filename = filename
+ self.handler = handler
+ self.handler.initExpansion ()
+ self.writing = True
+ def expandLine (self, line, stream, object):
+ cursor = 0
+ while 1:
+ sub = line.find ("/*MGEN:", cursor)
+ if sub == -1:
+ if self.writing:
+ stream.write (line[cursor:len (line)])
+ return
+ subend = line.find("*/", sub)
+ if self.writing:
+ stream.write (line[cursor:sub])
+ cursor = subend + 2
+ tag = line[sub:subend]
+ if tag[7:10] == "IF(":
+ close = tag.find(")")
+ if close == -1:
+ raise ValueError ("Missing ')' on condition")
+ cond = tag[10:close]
+ dotPos = cond.find (".")
+ if dotPos == -1:
+ raise ValueError ("Invalid condition tag: %s" % cond)
+ tagObject = cond[0:dotPos]
+ tagName = cond[dotPos + 1 : len(cond)]
+ if not self.handler.testCondition(object, tagObject, tagName):
+ self.writing = False
+ elif tag[7:12] == "ENDIF":
+ self.writing = True
+ else:
+ equalPos = tag.find ("=")
+ if equalPos == -1:
+ dotPos = tag.find (".")
+ if dotPos == -1:
+ raise ValueError ("Invalid tag: %s" % tag)
+ tagObject = tag[7:dotPos]
+ tagName = tag[dotPos + 1:len (tag)]
+ if self.writing:
+ self.handler.substHandler (object, stream, tagObject, tagName)
+ else:
+ tagKey = tag[7:equalPos]
+ tagVal = tag[equalPos + 1:len (tag)]
+ if self.writing:
+ self.handler.setVariable (tagKey, tagVal)
+ def expand (self, object):
+ fd = open (self.filename)
+ stream = StringIO ()
+ for line in fd:
+ self.expandLine (line, stream, object)
+ fd.close ()
+ return stream
+class Makefile:
+ """ Object representing a makefile fragment """
+ def __init__ (self, filelists, templateFiles, packagelist):
+ self.filelists = filelists
+ self.templateFiles = templateFiles
+ self.packagelist = packagelist
+ def genGenSources (self, stream, variables):
+ mdir = variables["mgenDir"]
+ sdir = variables["specDir"]
+ stream.write (mdir + "/qmf-gen \\\n")
+ stream.write (" " + mdir + "/qmfgen/ \\\n")
+ stream.write (" " + mdir + "/qmfgen/ \\\n")
+ stream.write (" " + mdir + "/qmfgen/management-types.xml \\\n")
+ stream.write (" " + sdir + "/management-schema.xml \\\n")
+ first = True
+ for template in self.templateFiles:
+ if first:
+ first = False
+ stream.write (" ")
+ else:
+ stream.write (" \\\n ")
+ stream.write (mdir + "/qmfgen/templates/" + template)
+ def genGenCppFiles (self, stream, variables):
+ first = True
+ for file in self.filelists["cpp"]:
+ if first:
+ first = False
+ else:
+ stream.write (" \\\n ")
+ stream.write (file)
+ def genGenHFiles (self, stream, variables):
+ first = True
+ for file in self.filelists["h"]:
+ if first:
+ first = False
+ else:
+ stream.write (" \\\n ")
+ stream.write (file)
+ def genGeneratedFiles(self, stream, variables):
+ first = True
+ extensions = ("h", "cpp")
+ for ext in extensions:
+ for file in self.filelists[ext]:
+ if first:
+ first = False
+ else:
+ stream.write(" \\\n ")
+ if "genprefix" in variables:
+ prefix = variables["genprefix"]
+ if prefix != "":
+ stream.write(prefix + "/")
+ stream.write(file)
+ def genHeaderInstalls (self, stream, variables):
+ for package in self.packagelist:
+ name = "_".join(package.split("/"))
+ stream.write(name + "dir = $(includedir)/qmf/" + package + "\n")
+ stream.write("dist_" + name + "_HEADERS = ")
+ first = True
+ for file in self.filelists["h"]:
+ if file.find("gen/qmf/" + package) == 0:
+ if first:
+ first = False
+ else:
+ stream.write (" \\\n ")
+ stream.write(file)
+ stream.write("\n\n")
+ def testQpidBroker(self, variables):
+ if "qpidbroker" in variables:
+ return variables["qpidbroker"]
+ return False
+class Generator:
+ """
+ This class manages code generation using template files. It is instantiated
+ once for an entire code generation session.
+ """
+ def createPath (self, path):
+ exists = True
+ try:
+ mode = os.stat (path)[ST_MODE]
+ except OSError, (err,text):
+ if err == ENOENT or err == ESRCH:
+ exists = False
+ else:
+ raise
+ if exists and not S_ISDIR (mode):
+ raise ValueError ("path is not directory: %s" % path)
+ if not exists:
+ pair = os.path.split (path)
+ if pair[0] != '':
+ self.createPath (pair[0])
+ os.mkdir (path)
+ def normalize (self, path):
+ newpath = os.path.normcase (os.path.normpath (path))
+ self.createPath (newpath)
+ return newpath + "/"
+ def __init__ (self, destDir, templateDir):
+ self.dest = self.normalize (destDir)
+ self.input = self.normalize (templateDir)
+ self.packagePath = self.dest
+ self.filelists = {}
+ self.filelists["h"] = []
+ self.filelists["cpp"] = []
+ self.filelists["mk"] = []
+ self.packagelist = []
+ self.templateFiles = []
+ self.variables = {}
+ def setPackage (self, packageName):
+ path = "/".join(packageName.split("."))
+ self.packagelist.append(path)
+ self.packagePath = self.normalize(self.dest + path)
+ def genDisclaimer (self, stream, variables):
+ prefix = variables["commentPrefix"]
+ stream.write (prefix + " This source file was created by a code generator.\n")
+ stream.write (prefix + " Please do not edit.")
+ def fileExt (self, path):
+ dot = path.rfind (".")
+ if dot == -1:
+ return ""
+ return path[dot + 1:]
+ def writeIfChanged (self, stream, target, force=False):
+ ext = self.fileExt (target)
+ self.filelists[ext].append (target)
+ tempFile = self.packagePath + "gen.tmp"
+ fd = open (tempFile, "w")
+ fd.write (stream.getvalue ())
+ fd.close ()
+ try:
+ if not force and filecmp.cmp (target, tempFile):
+ os.remove (tempFile)
+ return
+ except:
+ pass
+ try:
+ os.remove (target)
+ except:
+ pass
+ os.rename (tempFile, target)
+ print "Generated:", target
+ def targetPackageFile (self, schema, templateFile):
+ dot = templateFile.find(".")
+ if dot == -1:
+ raise ValueError ("Invalid template file name %s" % templateFile)
+ extension = templateFile[dot:len (templateFile)]
+ path = self.packagePath + "Package" + extension
+ return path
+ def targetClassFile (self, _class, templateFile):
+ dot = templateFile.find(".")
+ if dot == -1:
+ raise ValueError ("Invalid template file name %s" % templateFile)
+ extension = templateFile[dot:len (templateFile)]
+ path = self.packagePath + _class.getNameCap () + extension
+ return path
+ def targetEventFile (self, event, templateFile):
+ dot = templateFile.find(".")
+ if dot == -1:
+ raise ValueError ("Invalid template file name %s" % templateFile)
+ extension = templateFile[dot:len (templateFile)]
+ path = self.packagePath + "Event" + event.getNameCap () + extension
+ return path
+ def targetMethodFile (self, method, templateFile):
+ """ Return the file name for a method file """
+ dot = templateFile.rfind(".")
+ if dot == -1:
+ raise ValueError ("Invalid template file name %s" % templateFile)
+ extension = templateFile[dot:]
+ path = self.packagePath + "Args" + method.getFullName () + extension
+ return path
+ def initExpansion (self):
+ self.variables = {}
+ def substHandler (self, object, stream, tagObject, tag):
+ if tagObject == "Root":
+ obj = "self"
+ else:
+ obj = "object" # MUST be the same as the 2nd formal parameter
+ call = obj + ".gen" + tag + "(stream, self.variables)"
+ eval (call)
+ def testCondition (self, object, tagObject, tag):
+ if tagObject == "Root":
+ obj = "self"
+ else:
+ obj = "object" # MUST be the same as the 2nd formal parameter
+ call = obj + ".test" + tag + "(self.variables)"
+ return eval (call)
+ def setVariable (self, key, value):
+ self.variables[key] = value
+ def makeClassFiles (self, templateFile, schema, force=False):
+ """ Generate an expanded template per schema class """
+ classes = schema.getClasses ()
+ template = Template (self.input + templateFile, self)
+ self.templateFiles.append (templateFile)
+ for _class in classes:
+ target = self.targetClassFile (_class, templateFile)
+ stream = template.expand (_class)
+ self.writeIfChanged (stream, target, force)
+ def makeEventFiles (self, templateFile, schema, force=False):
+ """ Generate an expanded template per schema event """
+ events = schema.getEvents()
+ template = Template (self.input + templateFile, self)
+ self.templateFiles.append (templateFile)
+ for event in events:
+ target = self.targetEventFile(event, templateFile)
+ stream = template.expand(event)
+ self.writeIfChanged(stream, target, force)
+ def makeMethodFiles (self, templateFile, schema, force=False):
+ """ Generate an expanded template per method-with-arguments """
+ classes = schema.getClasses ()
+ template = Template (self.input + templateFile, self)
+ self.templateFiles.append (templateFile)
+ for _class in classes:
+ methods = _class.getMethods ()
+ for method in methods:
+ if method.getArgCount () > 0:
+ target = self.targetMethodFile (method, templateFile)
+ stream = template.expand (method)
+ self.writeIfChanged (stream, target, force)
+ def makePackageFile (self, templateFile, schema, force=False):
+ """ Generate a package-specific file """
+ template = Template (self.input + templateFile, self)
+ self.templateFiles.append (templateFile)
+ target = self.targetPackageFile (schema, templateFile)
+ stream = template.expand (schema)
+ self.writeIfChanged (stream, target, force)
+ def makeSingleFile (self, templateFile, target, force=False, vars=None):
+ """ Generate a single expanded template """
+ makefile = Makefile (self.filelists, self.templateFiles, self.packagelist)
+ template = Template (self.input + templateFile, self)
+ if vars:
+ for arg in vars:
+ self.setVariable(arg, vars[arg])
+ self.templateFiles.append (templateFile)
+ stream = template.expand (makefile)
+ self.writeIfChanged (stream, target, force)
+ def getModulePath():
+ return __file__
+ getModulePath = staticmethod(getModulePath)
diff --git a/cpp/managementgen/qmfgen/management-types.xml b/cpp/managementgen/qmfgen/management-types.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..626880afb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpp/managementgen/qmfgen/management-types.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ distributed with this work for additional information
+ regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ under the License.
+<type name="objId" base="REF" cpp="::qpid::management::ObjectId" encode="#.encode(@)" decode="#.decode(@)" accessor="direct" init="::qpid::management::ObjectId()" byRef="y"/>
+<type name="uint8" base="U8" cpp="uint8_t" encode="@.putOctet(#)" decode="# = @.getOctet()" accessor="direct" init="0"/>
+<type name="uint16" base="U16" cpp="uint16_t" encode="@.putShort(#)" decode="# = @.getShort()" accessor="direct" init="0"/>
+<type name="uint32" base="U32" cpp="uint32_t" encode="@.putLong(#)" decode="# = @.getLong()" accessor="direct" init="0"/>
+<type name="uint64" base="U64" cpp="uint64_t" encode="@.putLongLong(#)" decode="# = @.getLongLong()" accessor="direct" init="0"/>
+<type name="int8" base="S8" cpp="int8_t" encode="@.putInt8(#)" decode="# = @.getInt8()" accessor="direct" init="0"/>
+<type name="int16" base="S16" cpp="int16_t" encode="@.putInt16(#)" decode="# = @.getInt16()" accessor="direct" init="0"/>
+<type name="int32" base="S32" cpp="int32_t" encode="@.putInt32(#)" decode="# = @.getInt32()" accessor="direct" init="0"/>
+<type name="int64" base="S64" cpp="int64_t" encode="@.putInt64(#)" decode="# = @.getInt64()" accessor="direct" init="0"/>
+<type name="bool" base="BOOL" cpp="uint8_t" encode="@.putOctet(#?1:0)" decode="# = @.getOctet()==1" accessor="direct" init="0"/>
+<type name="sstr" base="SSTR" cpp="std::string" encode="@.putShortString(#)" decode="@.getShortString(#)" accessor="direct" init='""' byRef="y"/>
+<type name="lstr" base="LSTR" cpp="std::string" encode="@.putMediumString(#)" decode="@.getMediumString(#)" accessor="direct" init='""' byRef="y"/>
+<type name="absTime" base="ABSTIME" cpp="int64_t" encode="@.putLongLong(#)" decode="# = @.getLongLong()" accessor="direct" init="0"/>
+<type name="deltaTime" base="DELTATIME" cpp="uint64_t" encode="@.putLongLong(#)" decode="# = @.getLongLong()" accessor="direct" init="0"/>
+<type name="float" base="FLOAT" cpp="float" encode="@.putFloat(#)" decode="# = @.getFloat()" accessor="direct" init="0."/>
+<type name="double" base="DOUBLE" cpp="double" encode="@.putDouble(#)" decode="# = @.getDouble()" accessor="direct" init="0."/>
+<type name="uuid" base="UUID" cpp="::qpid::framing::Uuid" encode="#.encode(@)" decode="#.decode(@)" accessor="direct" init="::qpid::framing::Uuid()" byRef="y"/>
+<type name="map" base="FTABLE" cpp="::qpid::framing::FieldTable" encode="#.encode(@)" decode="#.decode(@)" accessor="direct" init="::qpid::framing::FieldTable()" byRef="y"/>
+<type name="hilo8" base="U8" cpp="uint8_t" encode="@.putOctet(#)" decode="# = @.getOctet()" style="wm" accessor="counter" init="0"/>
+<type name="hilo16" base="U16" cpp="uint16_t" encode="@.putShort(#)" decode="# = @.getShort()" style="wm" accessor="counter" init="0"/>
+<type name="hilo32" base="U32" cpp="uint32_t" encode="@.putLong(#)" decode="# = @.getLong()" style="wm" accessor="counter" init="0"/>
+<type name="hilo64" base="U64" cpp="uint64_t" encode="@.putLongLong(#)" decode="# = @.getLongLong()" style="wm" accessor="counter" init="0"/>
+<type name="count8" base="U8" cpp="uint8_t" encode="@.putOctet(#)" decode="# = @.getOctet()" accessor="counter" init="0" perThread="y"/>
+<type name="count16" base="U16" cpp="uint16_t" encode="@.putShort(#)" decode="# = @.getShort()" accessor="counter" init="0" perThread="y"/>
+<type name="count32" base="U32" cpp="uint32_t" encode="@.putLong(#)" decode="# = @.getLong()" accessor="counter" init="0" perThread="y"/>
+<type name="count64" base="U64" cpp="uint64_t" encode="@.putLongLong(#)" decode="# = @.getLongLong()" accessor="counter" init="0" perThread="y"/>
+<!-- Min/Max/Average statistics -->
+<type name="mma32" base="U32" cpp="uint32_t" encode="@.putLong(#)" decode="# = @.getLong()" style="mma" accessor="direct" init="0" perThread="y"/>
+<type name="mma64" base="U64" cpp="uint64_t" encode="@.putLongLong(#)" decode="# = @.getLongLong()" style="mma" accessor="direct" init="0" perThread="y"/>
+<type name="mmaTime" base="DELTATIME" cpp="uint64_t" encode="@.putLongLong(#)" decode="# = @.getLongLong()" style="mma" accessor="direct" init="0" perThread="y"/>
diff --git a/cpp/managementgen/qmfgen/ b/cpp/managementgen/qmfgen/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..692a474992
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpp/managementgen/qmfgen/
@@ -0,0 +1,1339 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from xml.dom.minidom import parse, parseString, Node
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+import md5
+class Hash:
+ """ Manage the hash of an XML sub-tree """
+ def __init__(self, node):
+ self.md5Sum =
+ self._compute(node)
+ def addSubHash(self, hash):
+ """ Use this method to add the hash of a dependend-on XML fragment that is not in the sub-tree """
+ self.md5Sum.update(hash.getDigest())
+ def getDigest(self):
+ return self.md5Sum.digest()
+ def _compute(self, node):
+ attrs = node.attributes
+ self.md5Sum.update(node.nodeName)
+ for idx in range(attrs.length):
+ self.md5Sum.update(attrs.item(idx).nodeName)
+ self.md5Sum.update(attrs.item(idx).nodeValue)
+ for child in node.childNodes:
+ if child.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
+ self._compute(child)
+class SchemaType:
+ def __init__ (self, node):
+ = None
+ self.base = None
+ self.cpp = None
+ self.encode = None
+ self.decode = None
+ = "normal"
+ self.accessor = None
+ self.init = "0"
+ self.perThread = False
+ self.byRef = False
+ attrs = node.attributes
+ for idx in range (attrs.length):
+ key = attrs.item(idx).nodeName
+ val = attrs.item(idx).nodeValue
+ if key == 'name':
+ = val
+ elif key == 'base':
+ self.base = val
+ elif key == 'cpp':
+ self.cpp = val
+ elif key == 'encode':
+ self.encode = val
+ elif key == 'decode':
+ self.decode = val
+ elif key == 'style':
+ = val
+ elif key == 'accessor':
+ self.accessor = val
+ elif key == 'init':
+ self.init = val
+ elif key == 'perThread':
+ if val != 'y':
+ raise ValueError ("Expected 'y' in perThread attribute")
+ self.perThread = True
+ elif key == 'byRef':
+ if val != 'y':
+ raise ValueError ("Expected 'y' in byRef attribute")
+ self.byRef = True
+ else:
+ raise ValueError ("Unknown attribute in type '%s'" % key)
+ if == None or self.base == None or self.cpp == None or \
+ self.encode == None or self.decode == None:
+ raise ValueError ("Missing required attribute(s) in type")
+ if self.byRef:
+ self.asArg = "const " + self.cpp + "&"
+ else:
+ self.asArg = self.cpp
+ def getName (self):
+ return
+ def genAccessor (self, stream, varName, changeFlag = None, optional = False):
+ if self.perThread:
+ prefix = "getThreadStats()->"
+ if == "wm":
+ raise ValueError ("'wm' style types can't be per-thread")
+ else:
+ prefix = ""
+ if self.accessor == "direct":
+ stream.write (" inline void set_" + varName + " (" + self.asArg + " val) {\n");
+ if not self.perThread:
+ stream.write (" ::qpid::sys::Mutex::ScopedLock mutex(accessLock);\n")
+ if != "mma":
+ stream.write (" " + prefix + varName + " = val;\n")
+ if optional:
+ stream.write (" presenceMask[presenceByte_%s] |= presenceMask_%s;\n" % (varName, varName))
+ if == "wm":
+ stream.write (" if (" + varName + "Low > val)\n")
+ stream.write (" " + varName + "Low = val;\n")
+ stream.write (" if (" + varName + "High < val)\n")
+ stream.write (" " + varName + "High = val;\n")
+ if == "mma":
+ stream.write (" " + prefix + varName + "Count++;\n")
+ stream.write (" " + prefix + varName + "Total += val;\n")
+ stream.write (" if (" + prefix + varName + "Min > val)\n")
+ stream.write (" " + prefix + varName + "Min = val;\n")
+ stream.write (" if (" + prefix + varName + "Max < val)\n")
+ stream.write (" " + prefix + varName + "Max = val;\n")
+ if changeFlag != None:
+ stream.write (" " + changeFlag + " = true;\n")
+ stream.write (" }\n")
+ if != "mma":
+ stream.write (" inline " + self.asArg + " get_" + varName + "() {\n");
+ if not self.perThread:
+ stream.write (" ::qpid::sys::Mutex::ScopedLock mutex(accessLock);\n")
+ stream.write (" return " + prefix + varName + ";\n")
+ stream.write (" }\n")
+ if optional:
+ stream.write (" inline void clr_" + varName + "() {\n")
+ stream.write (" presenceMask[presenceByte_%s] &= ~presenceMask_%s;\n" % (varName, varName))
+ if changeFlag != None:
+ stream.write (" " + changeFlag + " = true;\n")
+ stream.write (" }\n")
+ stream.write (" inline bool isSet_" + varName + "() {\n")
+ stream.write (" return (presenceMask[presenceByte_%s] & presenceMask_%s) != 0;\n" % (varName, varName))
+ stream.write (" }\n")
+ elif self.accessor == "counter":
+ stream.write (" inline void inc_" + varName + " (" + self.asArg + " by = 1) {\n");
+ if not self.perThread:
+ stream.write (" ::qpid::sys::Mutex::ScopedLock mutex(accessLock);\n")
+ stream.write (" " + prefix + varName + " += by;\n")
+ if == "wm":
+ stream.write (" if (" + varName + "High < " + varName + ")\n")
+ stream.write (" " + varName + "High = " + varName + ";\n")
+ if changeFlag != None:
+ stream.write (" " + changeFlag + " = true;\n")
+ stream.write (" }\n");
+ stream.write (" inline void dec_" + varName + " (" + self.asArg + " by = 1) {\n");
+ if not self.perThread:
+ stream.write (" ::qpid::sys::Mutex::ScopedLock mutex(accessLock);\n")
+ stream.write (" " + prefix + varName + " -= by;\n")
+ if == "wm":
+ stream.write (" if (" + varName + "Low > " + varName + ")\n")
+ stream.write (" " + varName + "Low = " + varName + ";\n")
+ if changeFlag != None:
+ stream.write (" " + changeFlag + " = true;\n")
+ stream.write (" }\n");
+ def genHiLoStatResets (self, stream, varName):
+ if == "wm":
+ stream.write (" " + varName + "High = " + varName + ";\n")
+ stream.write (" " + varName + "Low = " + varName + ";\n")
+ if == "mma":
+ stream.write (" " + varName + "Count = 0;\n")
+ stream.write (" " + varName + "Total = 0;\n")
+ stream.write (" " + varName + "Min = std::numeric_limits<" + self.type.type.cpp + ">::max();\n")
+ stream.write (" " + varName + "Max = std::numeric_limits<" + self.type.type.cpp + ">::min();\n")
+ def genPerThreadHiLoStatResets (self, stream, varName, cpptype):
+ if == "mma":
+ stream.write (" threadStats->" + varName + "Count = 0;\n")
+ stream.write (" threadStats->" + varName + "Total = 0;\n")
+ stream.write (" threadStats->" + varName + "Min = std::numeric_limits<" + cpptype + ">::max();\n")
+ stream.write (" threadStats->" + varName + "Max = std::numeric_limits<" + cpptype + ">::min();\n")
+ def genWrite (self, stream, varName, indent=" "):
+ if != "mma":
+ stream.write (indent + self.encode.replace ("@", "buf").replace ("#", varName) + ";\n")
+ if == "wm":
+ stream.write (indent + self.encode.replace ("@", "buf") \
+ .replace ("#", varName + "High") + ";\n")
+ stream.write (indent + self.encode.replace ("@", "buf") \
+ .replace ("#", varName + "Low") + ";\n")
+ if == "mma":
+ stream.write (indent + self.encode.replace ("@", "buf") \
+ .replace ("#", varName + "Count") + ";\n")
+ stream.write (indent + self.encode.replace ("@", "buf") \
+ .replace ("#", varName + "Count ? " + varName + "Min : 0") + ";\n")
+ stream.write (indent + self.encode.replace ("@", "buf") \
+ .replace ("#", varName + "Max") + ";\n")
+ stream.write (indent + self.encode.replace ("@", "buf") \
+ .replace ("#", varName + "Count ? " + varName + "Total / " +
+ varName + "Count : 0") + ";\n")
+ def getReadCode (self, varName, bufName):
+ result = self.decode.replace ("@", bufName).replace ("#", varName)
+ return result
+ def getWriteCode (self, varName, bufName):
+ result = self.encode.replace ("@", bufName).replace ("#", varName)
+ return result
+class TypeSpec:
+ def __init__ (self, file):
+ self.types = {}
+ dom = parse (file)
+ document = dom.documentElement
+ if document.tagName != 'schema-types':
+ raise ValueError ("Expected 'schema-types' in type file")
+ for child in document.childNodes:
+ if child.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
+ if child.nodeName == 'type':
+ stype = SchemaType (child)
+ self.types[stype.getName ()] = stype
+ else:
+ raise ValueError ("Unknown type tag '%s'" % child.nodeName)
+ def getType (self, name):
+ return self.types[name]
+class Type:
+ def __init__ (self, name, typespec):
+ self.type = typespec.getType (name)
+class SchemaProperty:
+ def __init__ (self, node, typespec):
+ = None
+ self.type = None
+ self.ref = None
+ self.access = "RO"
+ self.isIndex = 0
+ self.isParentRef = 0
+ self.isGeneralRef = 0
+ self.isOptional = 0
+ self.unit = None
+ self.min = None
+ self.max = None
+ self.maxLen = None
+ self.desc = None
+ attrs = node.attributes
+ for idx in range (attrs.length):
+ key = attrs.item(idx).nodeName
+ val = attrs.item(idx).nodeValue
+ if key == 'name':
+ = makeValidCppSymbol(val)
+ elif key == 'type':
+ self.type = Type (val, typespec)
+ if self.type.type.accessor != 'direct':
+ raise ValueError ("Class properties must have a type with a direct accessor")
+ elif key == 'references':
+ self.ref = val
+ elif key == 'access':
+ self.access = val
+ elif key == 'index':
+ if val != 'y':
+ raise ValueError ("Expected 'y' in index attribute")
+ self.isIndex = 1
+ elif key == 'parentRef':
+ if val != 'y':
+ raise ValueError ("Expected 'y' in parentRef attribute")
+ self.isParentRef = 1
+ elif key == 'isGeneralReference':
+ if val != 'y':
+ raise ValueError ("Expected 'y' in isGeneralReference attribute")
+ self.isGeneralRef = 1
+ elif key == 'optional':
+ if val != 'y':
+ raise ValueError ("Expected 'y' in optional attribute")
+ self.isOptional = 1
+ elif key == 'unit':
+ self.unit = val
+ elif key == 'min':
+ self.min = val
+ elif key == 'max':
+ self.max = val
+ elif key == 'maxlen':
+ self.maxLen = val
+ elif key == 'desc':
+ self.desc = val
+ else:
+ raise ValueError ("Unknown attribute in property '%s'" % key)
+ if self.access == "RC" and self.isOptional == 1:
+ raise ValueError ("Properties with ReadCreate access must not be optional (%s)" %
+ if == None:
+ raise ValueError ("Missing 'name' attribute in property")
+ if self.type == None:
+ raise ValueError ("Missing 'type' attribute in property")
+ def getName (self):
+ return
+ def isConstructorArg (self):
+ if self.access == "RC" and self.isParentRef == 0:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def genDeclaration (self, stream, prefix=" "):
+ stream.write (prefix + self.type.type.cpp + " " + + ";\n")
+ def genFormalParam (self, stream, variables):
+ stream.write (self.type.type.asArg + " _" +
+ def genAccessor (self, stream):
+ self.type.type.genAccessor (stream,, "configChanged", self.isOptional == 1)
+ def genInitialize (self, stream, prefix="", indent=" "):
+ val = self.type.type.init
+ stream.write (indent + prefix + + " = " + val + ";\n")
+ def genSchema (self, stream):
+ stream.write (" ft = FieldTable ();\n")
+ stream.write (" ft.setString (NAME, \"" + + "\");\n")
+ stream.write (" ft.setInt (TYPE, TYPE_" + self.type.type.base +");\n")
+ stream.write (" ft.setInt (ACCESS, ACCESS_" + self.access + ");\n")
+ stream.write (" ft.setInt (IS_INDEX, " + str (self.isIndex) + ");\n")
+ stream.write (" ft.setInt (IS_OPTIONAL, " + str (self.isOptional) + ");\n")
+ if self.unit != None:
+ stream.write (" ft.setString (UNIT, \"" + self.unit + "\");\n")
+ if self.min != None:
+ stream.write (" ft.setInt (MIN, " + self.min + ");\n")
+ if self.max != None:
+ stream.write (" ft.setInt (MAX, " + self.max + ");\n")
+ if self.maxLen != None:
+ stream.write (" ft.setInt (MAXLEN, " + self.maxLen + ");\n")
+ if self.desc != None:
+ stream.write (" ft.setString (DESC, \"" + self.desc + "\");\n")
+ stream.write (" buf.put (ft);\n\n")
+ def genWrite (self, stream):
+ indent = " "
+ if self.isOptional:
+ stream.write(" if (presenceMask[presenceByte_%s] & presenceMask_%s) {\n" % (,
+ indent = " "
+ self.type.type.genWrite (stream,, indent)
+ if self.isOptional:
+ stream.write(" }\n")
+class SchemaStatistic:
+ def __init__ (self, node, typespec):
+ = None
+ self.type = None
+ self.unit = None
+ self.desc = None
+ self.assign = None
+ attrs = node.attributes
+ for idx in range (attrs.length):
+ key = attrs.item(idx).nodeName
+ val = attrs.item(idx).nodeValue
+ if key == 'name':
+ = makeValidCppSymbol(val)
+ elif key == 'type':
+ self.type = Type (val, typespec)
+ elif key == 'unit':
+ self.unit = val
+ elif key == 'desc':
+ self.desc = val
+ elif key == 'assign':
+ self.assign = val
+ else:
+ raise ValueError ("Unknown attribute in statistic '%s'" % key)
+ if == None:
+ raise ValueError ("Missing 'name' attribute in statistic")
+ if self.type == None:
+ raise ValueError ("Missing 'type' attribute in statistic")
+ def getName (self):
+ return
+ def genDeclaration (self, stream, prefix=" "):
+ if != "mma":
+ stream.write (prefix + self.type.type.cpp + " " + + ";\n")
+ if == 'wm':
+ stream.write (prefix + self.type.type.cpp + " " + + "High;\n")
+ stream.write (prefix + self.type.type.cpp + " " + + "Low;\n")
+ if == "mma":
+ stream.write (prefix + self.type.type.cpp + " " + + "Count;\n")
+ stream.write (prefix + "uint64_t " + + "Total;\n")
+ stream.write (prefix + self.type.type.cpp + " " + + "Min;\n")
+ stream.write (prefix + self.type.type.cpp + " " + + "Max;\n")
+ def genAccessor (self, stream):
+ self.type.type.genAccessor (stream,, "instChanged")
+ def genHiLoStatResets (self, stream):
+ self.type.type.genHiLoStatResets (stream,
+ def genPerThreadHiLoStatResets (self, stream):
+ self.type.type.genPerThreadHiLoStatResets (stream,, self.type.type.cpp)
+ def genSchemaText (self, stream, name, desc):
+ stream.write (" ft = FieldTable ();\n")
+ stream.write (" ft.setString (NAME, \"" + name + "\");\n")
+ stream.write (" ft.setInt (TYPE, TYPE_" + self.type.type.base +");\n")
+ if self.unit != None:
+ stream.write (" ft.setString (UNIT, \"" + self.unit + "\");\n")
+ if desc != None:
+ stream.write (" ft.setString (DESC, \"" + desc + "\");\n")
+ stream.write (" buf.put (ft);\n\n")
+ def genSchema (self, stream):
+ if != "mma":
+ self.genSchemaText (stream,, self.desc)
+ if == "wm":
+ descHigh = self.desc
+ descLow = self.desc
+ if self.desc != None:
+ descHigh = descHigh + " (High)"
+ descLow = descLow + " (Low)"
+ self.genSchemaText (stream, + "High", descHigh)
+ self.genSchemaText (stream, + "Low", descLow)
+ if == "mma":
+ descCount = self.desc
+ descMin = self.desc
+ descMax = self.desc
+ descAverage = self.desc
+ if self.desc != None:
+ descCount = descCount + " (Samples)"
+ descMin = descMin + " (Min)"
+ descMax = descMax + " (Max)"
+ descAverage = descAverage + " (Average)"
+ self.genSchemaText (stream, + "Samples", descCount)
+ self.genSchemaText (stream, + "Min", descMin)
+ self.genSchemaText (stream, + "Max", descMax)
+ self.genSchemaText (stream, + "Average", descAverage)
+ def genAssign (self, stream):
+ if self.assign != None:
+ if self.type.type.perThread:
+ prefix = " threadStats->"
+ else:
+ prefix = ""
+ stream.write (" " + prefix + + " = (" + self.type.type.cpp +
+ ") (" + self.assign + ");\n")
+ def genWrite (self, stream):
+ if self.type.type.perThread:
+ self.type.type.genWrite (stream, "totals." +
+ else:
+ self.type.type.genWrite (stream,
+ def genInitialize (self, stream, prefix="", indent=" "):
+ val = self.type.type.init
+ if != "mma":
+ stream.write (indent + prefix + + " = " + val + ";\n")
+ if == "wm":
+ stream.write (indent + prefix + + "High = " + val + ";\n")
+ stream.write (indent + prefix + + "Low = " + val + ";\n")
+ if == "mma":
+ stream.write (indent + prefix + + "Count = 0;\n")
+ stream.write (indent + prefix + + "Min = std::numeric_limits<" + self.type.type.cpp + ">::max();\n")
+ stream.write (indent + prefix + + "Max = std::numeric_limits<" + self.type.type.cpp + ">::min();\n")
+ stream.write (indent + prefix + + "Total = 0;\n")
+ def genInitializeTotalPerThreadStats (self, stream):
+ if == "mma":
+ stream.write (" totals->" + + "Count = 0;\n")
+ stream.write (" totals->" + + "Min = std::numeric_limits<" + self.type.type.cpp + ">::max();\n")
+ stream.write (" totals->" + + "Max = std::numeric_limits<" + self.type.type.cpp + ">::min();\n")
+ stream.write (" totals->" + + "Total = 0;\n")
+ else:
+ stream.write (" totals->" + + " = 0;\n")
+ def genAggregatePerThreadStats (self, stream):
+ if == "mma":
+ stream.write (" totals->%sCount += threadStats->%sCount;\n" % (,
+ stream.write (" if (totals->%sMin > threadStats->%sMin)\n" % (,
+ stream.write (" totals->%sMin = threadStats->%sMin;\n" % (,
+ stream.write (" if (totals->%sMax < threadStats->%sMax)\n" % (,
+ stream.write (" totals->%sMax = threadStats->%sMax;\n" % (,
+ stream.write (" totals->%sTotal += threadStats->%sTotal;\n" % (,
+ else:
+ stream.write (" totals->%s += threadStats->%s;\n" % (,
+class SchemaArg:
+ def __init__ (self, node, typespec):
+ = None
+ self.type = None
+ self.unit = None
+ self.dir = "I"
+ self.min = None
+ self.max = None
+ self.maxLen = None
+ self.desc = None
+ self.default = None
+ self.hash = Hash(node)
+ attrs = node.attributes
+ for idx in range (attrs.length):
+ key = attrs.item(idx).nodeName
+ val = attrs.item(idx).nodeValue
+ if key == 'name':
+ = makeValidCppSymbol(val)
+ elif key == 'type':
+ self.type = Type (val, typespec)
+ elif key == 'unit':
+ self.unit = val
+ elif key == 'dir':
+ self.dir = val.upper ()
+ elif key == 'min':
+ self.min = val
+ elif key == 'max':
+ self.max = val
+ elif key == 'maxlen':
+ self.maxLen = val
+ elif key == 'desc':
+ self.desc = val
+ elif key == 'default':
+ self.default = val
+ else:
+ raise ValueError ("Unknown attribute in arg '%s'" % key)
+ if == None:
+ raise ValueError ("Missing 'name' attribute in arg")
+ if self.type == None:
+ raise ValueError ("Missing 'type' attribute in arg")
+ def getName (self):
+ return
+ def getDir (self):
+ return self.dir
+ def genSchema (self, stream, event=False):
+ stream.write (" ft = FieldTable ();\n")
+ stream.write (" ft.setString (NAME, \"" + + "\");\n")
+ stream.write (" ft.setInt (TYPE, TYPE_" + self.type.type.base +");\n")
+ if (not event):
+ stream.write (" ft.setString (DIR, \"" + self.dir + "\");\n")
+ if self.unit != None:
+ stream.write (" ft.setString (UNIT, \"" + self.unit + "\");\n")
+ if not event:
+ if self.min != None:
+ stream.write (" ft.setInt (MIN, " + self.min + ");\n")
+ if self.max != None:
+ stream.write (" ft.setInt (MAX, " + self.max + ");\n")
+ if self.maxLen != None:
+ stream.write (" ft.setInt (MAXLEN, " + self.maxLen + ");\n")
+ if self.default != None:
+ stream.write (" ft.setString (DEFAULT, \"" + self.default + "\");\n")
+ if self.desc != None:
+ stream.write (" ft.setString (DESC, \"" + self.desc + "\");\n")
+ stream.write (" buf.put (ft);\n\n")
+ def genFormalParam (self, stream, variables):
+ stream.write ("%s _%s" % (self.type.type.asArg,
+class SchemaMethod:
+ def __init__ (self, parent, node, typespec):
+ self.parent = parent
+ = None
+ self.desc = None
+ self.args = []
+ attrs = node.attributes
+ for idx in range (attrs.length):
+ key = attrs.item(idx).nodeName
+ val = attrs.item(idx).nodeValue
+ if key == 'name':
+ = makeValidCppSymbol(val)
+ elif key == 'desc':
+ self.desc = val
+ else:
+ raise ValueError ("Unknown attribute in method '%s'" % key)
+ for child in node.childNodes:
+ if child.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
+ if child.nodeName == 'arg':
+ arg = SchemaArg (child, typespec)
+ self.args.append (arg)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError ("Unknown method tag '%s'" % child.nodeName)
+ def getName (self):
+ return
+ def getFullName (self):
+ return capitalize(self.parent.getName()) +[0:1].upper() +\
+ def getArgCount (self):
+ return len (self.args)
+ #===================================================================================
+ # Code Generation Functions. The names of these functions (minus the leading "gen")
+ # match the substitution keywords in the template files.
+ #===================================================================================
+ def genNameUpper (self, stream, variables):
+ stream.write (self.getFullName ().upper ())
+ def genNameCamel (self, stream, variables):
+ stream.write (self.getFullName ())
+ def genOpenNamespaces (self, stream, variables):
+ self.parent.genOpenNamespaces(stream, variables)
+ def genCloseNamespaces (self, stream, variables):
+ self.parent.genCloseNamespaces(stream, variables)
+ def genArguments (self, stream, variables):
+ for arg in self.args:
+ ctype = arg.type.type.cpp
+ dirTag = arg.dir.lower() + "_"
+ stream.write (" " + ctype + " " + dirTag + arg.getName () + ";\n")
+ def genNamePackageLower (self, stream, variables):
+ self.parent.genNamePackageLower(stream, variables)
+ def genSchema (self, stream, variables):
+ stream.write (" ft = FieldTable ();\n")
+ stream.write (" ft.setString (NAME, \"" + + "\");\n")
+ stream.write (" ft.setInt (ARGCOUNT, " + str (len (self.args)) + ");\n")
+ if self.desc != None:
+ stream.write (" ft.setString (DESC, \"" + self.desc + "\");\n")
+ stream.write (" buf.put (ft);\n\n")
+ for arg in self.args:
+ arg.genSchema (stream)
+class SchemaEvent:
+ def __init__ (self, package, node, typespec, argset):
+ self.packageName = package
+ = None
+ self.desc = None
+ self.sevText = "inform"
+ self.args = []
+ self.hash = Hash(node)
+ attrs = node.attributes
+ for idx in range (attrs.length):
+ key = attrs.item(idx).nodeName
+ val = attrs.item(idx).nodeValue
+ if key == 'name':
+ = val
+ elif key == 'desc':
+ self.desc = val
+ elif key == 'sev':
+ self.sevText = val
+ elif key == 'args':
+ list = val.replace(" ", "").split(",")
+ for item in list:
+ if item not in argset.args:
+ raise Exception("undefined argument '%s' in event" % item)
+ self.args.append(argset.args[item])
+ self.hash.addSubHash(argset.args[item].hash)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError ("Unknown attribute in event '%s'" % key)
+ if self.sevText == "emerg" : self.sev = 0
+ elif self.sevText == "alert" : self.sev = 1
+ elif self.sevText == "crit" : self.sev = 2
+ elif self.sevText == "error" : self.sev = 3
+ elif self.sevText == "warn" : self.sev = 4
+ elif self.sevText == "notice" : self.sev = 5
+ elif self.sevText == "inform" : self.sev = 6
+ elif self.sevText == "debug" : self.sev = 7
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Unknown severity '%s' in event '%s'" % (self.sevText,
+ def getName (self):
+ return
+ def getNameCap(self):
+ return capitalize(
+ def getFullName (self):
+ return capitalize(self.package + capitalize(
+ def getArgCount (self):
+ return len (self.args)
+ def genArgCount (self, stream, variables):
+ stream.write("%d" % len(self.args))
+ def genArgDeclarations(self, stream, variables):
+ for arg in self.args:
+ if arg.type.type.byRef:
+ ref = "&"
+ else:
+ ref = ""
+ stream.write(" const %s%s %s;\n" % (arg.type.type.cpp, ref,
+ def genCloseNamespaces (self, stream, variables):
+ for item in self.packageName.split("."):
+ stream.write ("}")
+ def genConstructorArgs(self, stream, variables):
+ pre = ""
+ for arg in self.args:
+ if arg.type.type.byRef:
+ ref = "&"
+ else:
+ ref = ""
+ stream.write("%sconst %s%s _%s" % (pre, arg.type.type.cpp, ref,
+ pre = ",\n "
+ def genConstructorInits(self, stream, variables):
+ pre = ""
+ for arg in self.args:
+ stream.write("%s%s(_%s)" % (pre,,
+ pre = ",\n "
+ def genName(self, stream, variables):
+ stream.write(
+ def genNameCap(self, stream, variables):
+ stream.write(capitalize(
+ def genNamespace (self, stream, variables):
+ stream.write("::".join(self.packageName.split(".")))
+ def genNameLower(self, stream, variables):
+ stream.write(
+ def genNameUpper(self, stream, variables):
+ stream.write(
+ def genNamePackageLower(self, stream, variables):
+ stream.write(self.packageName.lower())
+ def genOpenNamespaces (self, stream, variables):
+ for item in self.packageName.split("."):
+ stream.write ("namespace %s {\n" % item)
+ def genSeverity(self, stream, variables):
+ stream.write("%d" % self.sev)
+ def genArgEncodes(self, stream, variables):
+ for arg in self.args:
+ stream.write(" " + arg.type.type.encode.replace("@", "buf").replace("#", + ";\n")
+ def genArgSchema(self, stream, variables):
+ for arg in self.args:
+ arg.genSchema(stream, True)
+ def genSchemaMD5(self, stream, variables):
+ sum = self.hash.getDigest()
+ for idx in range (len (sum)):
+ if idx != 0:
+ stream.write (",")
+ stream.write (hex (ord (sum[idx])))
+class SchemaClass:
+ def __init__ (self, package, node, typespec, fragments, options):
+ self.packageName = package
+ = []
+ self.statistics = []
+ self.methods = []
+ = []
+ self.options = options
+ self.hash = Hash(node)
+ attrs = node.attributes
+ = makeValidCppSymbol(attrs['name'].nodeValue)
+ children = node.childNodes
+ for child in children:
+ if child.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
+ if child.nodeName == 'property':
+ sub = SchemaProperty (child, typespec)
+ (sub)
+ elif child.nodeName == 'statistic':
+ sub = SchemaStatistic (child, typespec)
+ self.statistics.append (sub)
+ elif child.nodeName == 'method':
+ sub = SchemaMethod (self, child, typespec)
+ self.methods.append (sub)
+ elif child.nodeName == 'group':
+ self.expandFragment (child, fragments)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError ("Unknown class tag '%s'" % child.nodeName)
+ # Adjust the 'assign' attributes for each statistic
+ for stat in self.statistics:
+ if stat.assign != None and stat.type.type.perThread:
+ stat.assign = self.adjust (stat.assign, self.statistics)
+ def adjust (self, text, statistics):
+ result = text
+ start = 0
+ while True:
+ next = None
+ for stat in statistics:
+ pos = result.find (, start)
+ if pos != -1 and (next == None or pos < next[0]):
+ next = (pos,
+ if next == None:
+ return result
+ pos = next[0]
+ result = result[0:pos] + "threadStats->" + result[pos:]
+ start = pos + 9 + len(next[1])
+ def expandFragment (self, node, fragments):
+ attrs = node.attributes
+ name = attrs['name'].nodeValue
+ for fragment in fragments:
+ if == name:
+ self.hash.addSubHash(fragment.hash)
+ for config in
+ (config)
+ for inst in fragment.statistics:
+ self.statistics.append (inst)
+ for method in fragment.methods:
+ self.methods.append (method)
+ for event in
+ (event)
+ return
+ raise ValueError ("Undefined group '%s'" % name)
+ def getName (self):
+ return
+ def getNameCap (self):
+ return capitalize(
+ def getMethods (self):
+ return self.methods
+ def getEvents (self):
+ return
+ def getPackageNameCap (self):
+ return capitalize(self.packageName)
+ #===================================================================================
+ # Code Generation Functions. The names of these functions (minus the leading "gen")
+ # match the substitution keywords in the template files.
+ #===================================================================================
+ def testExistOptionals (self, variables):
+ for prop in
+ if prop.isOptional == 1:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def testExistPerThreadStats (self, variables):
+ for inst in self.statistics:
+ if inst.type.type.perThread:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def testExistPerThreadAssign (self, variables):
+ for inst in self.statistics:
+ if inst.type.type.perThread and inst.assign != None:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def testExistPerThreadResets (self, variables):
+ for inst in self.statistics:
+ if inst.type.type.perThread and == "mma":
+ return True
+ return False
+ def testNoStatistics (self, variables):
+ return len (self.statistics) == 0
+ def genAccessorMethods (self, stream, variables):
+ for config in
+ if config.access != "RC":
+ config.genAccessor (stream)
+ for inst in self.statistics:
+ if inst.assign == None:
+ inst.genAccessor (stream)
+ def genCloseNamespaces (self, stream, variables):
+ for item in self.packageName.split("."):
+ stream.write ("}")
+ def genConfigCount (self, stream, variables):
+ stream.write ("%d" % len (
+ def genConfigDeclarations (self, stream, variables):
+ for element in
+ element.genDeclaration (stream)
+ def genConstructorArgs (self, stream, variables):
+ # Constructor args are config elements with read-create access
+ result = ""
+ for element in
+ if element.isConstructorArg ():
+ stream.write (", ")
+ element.genFormalParam (stream, variables)
+ def genConstructorInits (self, stream, variables):
+ for element in
+ if element.isConstructorArg ():
+ stream.write ("," + element.getName () + "(_" + element.getName () + ")")
+ def genDoMethodArgs (self, stream, variables):
+ methodCount = 0
+ inArgCount = 0
+ for method in self.methods:
+ methodCount = methodCount + 1
+ for arg in method.args:
+ if arg.getDir () == "I" or arg.getDir () == "IO":
+ inArgCount = inArgCount + 1
+ if methodCount == 0:
+ stream.write ("string&, Buffer&, Buffer& outBuf")
+ else:
+ if inArgCount == 0:
+ stream.write ("string& methodName, Buffer&, Buffer& outBuf")
+ else:
+ stream.write ("string& methodName, Buffer& inBuf, Buffer& outBuf")
+ def genHiLoStatResets (self, stream, variables):
+ for inst in self.statistics:
+ if not inst.type.type.perThread:
+ inst.genHiLoStatResets (stream)
+ def genPerThreadHiLoStatResets (self, stream, variables):
+ for inst in self.statistics:
+ if inst.type.type.perThread:
+ inst.genPerThreadHiLoStatResets (stream)
+ def genInitializeElements (self, stream, variables):
+ for prop in
+ if not prop.isConstructorArg() and not prop.isParentRef:
+ prop.genInitialize(stream)
+ for inst in self.statistics:
+ if not inst.type.type.perThread:
+ inst.genInitialize (stream)
+ def genInitializePerThreadElements (self, stream, variables):
+ for inst in self.statistics:
+ if inst.type.type.perThread:
+ inst.genInitialize (stream, "threadStats->", " ")
+ def genInitializeTotalPerThreadStats (self, stream, variables):
+ for inst in self.statistics:
+ if inst.type.type.perThread:
+ inst.genInitializeTotalPerThreadStats (stream)
+ def genAggregatePerThreadStats (self, stream, variables):
+ for inst in self.statistics:
+ if inst.type.type.perThread:
+ inst.genAggregatePerThreadStats (stream)
+ def genInstCount (self, stream, variables):
+ count = 0
+ for inst in self.statistics:
+ count = count + 1
+ if == "wm":
+ count = count + 2
+ if == "mma":
+ count = count + 3
+ stream.write ("%d" % count)
+ def genInstDeclarations (self, stream, variables):
+ for element in self.statistics:
+ if not element.type.type.perThread:
+ element.genDeclaration (stream)
+ def genPerThreadDeclarations (self, stream, variables):
+ for element in self.statistics:
+ if element.type.type.perThread:
+ element.genDeclaration (stream, " ")
+ def genNamespace (self, stream, variables):
+ stream.write("::".join(self.packageName.split(".")))
+ def genMethodArgIncludes (self, stream, variables):
+ for method in self.methods:
+ if method.getArgCount () > 0:
+ stream.write ("#include \"Args" + method.getFullName () + ".h\"\n")
+ def genMethodCount (self, stream, variables):
+ stream.write ("%d" % len (self.methods))
+ def genMethodHandlers (self, stream, variables):
+ for method in self.methods:
+ stream.write ("\n if (methodName == \"" + method.getName () + "\") {\n")
+ if method.getArgCount () == 0:
+ stream.write (" ::qpid::management::ArgsNone ioArgs;\n")
+ else:
+ stream.write (" Args" + method.getFullName () + " ioArgs;\n")
+ for arg in method.args:
+ if arg.getDir () == "I" or arg.getDir () == "IO":
+ stream.write (" " +\
+ arg.type.type.getReadCode ("ioArgs." +\
+ arg.dir.lower () + "_" +\
+, "inBuf") + ";\n")
+ stream.write (" status = coreObject->ManagementMethod (METHOD_" +\
+ method.getName().upper() + ", ioArgs, text);\n")
+ stream.write (" outBuf.putLong (status);\n")
+ stream.write (" outBuf.putMediumString(::qpid::management::Manageable::StatusText (status, text));\n")
+ for arg in method.args:
+ if arg.getDir () == "O" or arg.getDir () == "IO":
+ stream.write (" " +\
+ arg.type.type.getWriteCode ("ioArgs." +\
+ arg.dir.lower () + "_" +\
+, "outBuf") + ";\n")
+ stream.write (" return;\n }\n")
+ def genOpenNamespaces (self, stream, variables):
+ for item in self.packageName.split("."):
+ stream.write ("namespace %s {\n" % item)
+ def genPresenceMaskBytes (self, stream, variables):
+ count = 0
+ for prop in
+ if prop.isOptional == 1:
+ count += 1
+ if count == 0:
+ stream.write("0")
+ else:
+ stream.write (str(((count - 1) / 8) + 1))
+ def genPresenceMaskConstants (self, stream, variables):
+ count = 0
+ for prop in
+ if prop.isOptional == 1:
+ stream.write(" static const uint8_t presenceByte_%s = %d;\n" % (, count / 8))
+ stream.write(" static const uint8_t presenceMask_%s = %d;\n" % (, 1 << (count % 8)))
+ count += 1
+ def genPropertySchema (self, stream, variables):
+ for prop in
+ prop.genSchema (stream)
+ def genSetGeneralReferenceDeclaration (self, stream, variables):
+ for prop in
+ if prop.isGeneralRef:
+ stream.write ("void setReference(::qpid::management::ObjectId objectId) { " + + " = objectId; }\n")
+ def genStatisticSchema (self, stream, variables):
+ for stat in self.statistics:
+ stat.genSchema (stream)
+ def genMethodIdDeclarations (self, stream, variables):
+ number = 1
+ for method in self.methods:
+ stream.write (" static const uint32_t METHOD_" + method.getName().upper() +\
+ " = %d;\n" % number)
+ number = number + 1
+ def genMethodSchema (self, stream, variables):
+ for method in self.methods:
+ method.genSchema (stream, variables)
+ def genNameCap (self, stream, variables):
+ stream.write (capitalize(
+ def genNameLower (self, stream, variables):
+ stream.write ( ())
+ def genNamePackageCap (self, stream, variables):
+ stream.write (self.getPackageNameCap ())
+ def genNamePackageLower (self, stream, variables):
+ stream.write (self.packageName.lower ())
+ def genNameUpper (self, stream, variables):
+ stream.write ( ())
+ def genParentArg (self, stream, variables):
+ for config in
+ if config.isParentRef == 1:
+ stream.write (", ::qpid::management::Manageable* _parent")
+ return
+ def genParentRefAssignment (self, stream, variables):
+ for config in
+ if config.isParentRef == 1:
+ stream.write (config.getName () + \
+ " = _parent->GetManagementObject ()->getObjectId ();")
+ return
+ def genSchemaMD5 (self, stream, variables):
+ sum = self.hash.getDigest()
+ for idx in range (len (sum)):
+ if idx != 0:
+ stream.write (",")
+ stream.write (hex (ord (sum[idx])))
+ def genAssign (self, stream, variables):
+ for inst in self.statistics:
+ if not inst.type.type.perThread:
+ inst.genAssign (stream)
+ def genPerThreadAssign (self, stream, variables):
+ for inst in self.statistics:
+ if inst.type.type.perThread:
+ inst.genAssign (stream)
+ def genWriteProperties (self, stream, variables):
+ for prop in
+ prop.genWrite (stream)
+ def genWriteStatistics (self, stream, variables):
+ for stat in self.statistics:
+ stat.genWrite (stream)
+class SchemaEventArgs:
+ def __init__(self, package, node, typespec, fragments, options):
+ self.packageName = package
+ self.options = options
+ self.args = {}
+ children = node.childNodes
+ for child in children:
+ if child.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
+ if child.nodeName == 'arg':
+ arg = SchemaArg(child, typespec)
+ self.args[] = arg
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Unknown tag '%s' in <eventArguments>" % child.nodeName)
+class SchemaPackage:
+ def __init__ (self, typefile, schemafile, options):
+ self.classes = []
+ self.fragments = []
+ self.typespec = TypeSpec (typefile)
+ self.eventArgSet = None
+ = []
+ dom = parse (schemafile)
+ document = dom.documentElement
+ if document.tagName != 'schema':
+ raise ValueError ("Expected 'schema' node")
+ attrs = document.attributes
+ pname = attrs['package'].nodeValue
+ namelist = pname.split('.')
+ self.packageName = ".".join(namelist)
+ children = document.childNodes
+ for child in children:
+ if child.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
+ if child.nodeName == 'class':
+ cls = SchemaClass (self.packageName, child, self.typespec,
+ self.fragments, options)
+ self.classes.append (cls)
+ elif child.nodeName == 'group':
+ cls = SchemaClass (self.packageName, child, self.typespec,
+ self.fragments, options)
+ self.fragments.append (cls)
+ elif child.nodeName == 'eventArguments':
+ if self.eventArgSet:
+ raise Exception("Only one <eventArguments> may appear in a package")
+ self.eventArgSet = SchemaEventArgs(self.packageName, child, self.typespec, self.fragments, options)
+ elif child.nodeName == 'event':
+ event = SchemaEvent(self.packageName, child, self.typespec, self.eventArgSet)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError ("Unknown schema tag '%s'" % child.nodeName)
+ def getPackageName (self):
+ return self.packageName
+ def getPackageNameCap (self):
+ return capitalize(self.packageName)
+ def getPackageNameLower (self):
+ return self.packageName.lower()
+ def getClasses (self):
+ return self.classes
+ def getEvents(self):
+ return
+ def genCloseNamespaces (self, stream, variables):
+ for item in self.packageName.split("."):
+ stream.write ("}")
+ def genNamespace (self, stream, variables):
+ stream.write("::".join(self.packageName.split(".")))
+ def genOpenNamespaces (self, stream, variables):
+ for item in self.packageName.split("."):
+ stream.write ("namespace %s {\n" % item)
+ def genPackageNameUpper (self, stream, variables):
+ up = "_".join(self.packageName.split("."))
+ stream.write (up.upper())
+ def genNamePackageLower (self, stream, variables):
+ stream.write (self.packageName.lower ())
+ def genClassIncludes (self, stream, variables):
+ for _class in self.classes:
+ stream.write ("#include \"")
+ _class.genNameCap (stream, variables)
+ stream.write (".h\"\n")
+ for _event in
+ stream.write ("#include \"Event")
+ _event.genNameCap(stream, variables)
+ stream.write (".h\"\n")
+ def genClassRegisters(self, stream, variables):
+ for _class in self.classes:
+ stream.write(" ")
+ _class.genNameCap(stream, variables)
+ stream.write("::registerSelf(agent);\n")
+ for _event in
+ stream.write(" Event")
+ _event.genNameCap(stream, variables)
+ stream.write("::registerSelf(agent);\n")
+# Utility Functions
+# Create a valid C++ symbol from the input string so that it can be
+# used in generated C++ source. For instance, change "qpid.mgmt" to
+# "qpidMgmt".
+# Input: Raw string (str) to process
+# Output: String (str) suitable for use as a C++ symbol
+# Limitations: Currently, only strips periods ('.') from strings,
+# eventually should strip :'s and ,'s and ''s, oh my!
+def makeValidCppSymbol(input):
+ output = str()
+ capitalize = False
+ for char in input:
+ skip = False
+ if char == ".":
+ capitalize = True
+ skip = True
+ if not skip:
+ output += capitalize and char.upper() or char
+ capitalize = False
+ return output
+# Capitalize a string by /only/ forcing the first character to be
+# uppercase. The rest of the string is left alone. This is different
+# from str.capitalize(), which forces the first character to uppercase
+# and the rest to lowercase.
+# Input: A string (str) to capitalize
+# Output: A string (str) with the first character as uppercase
+def capitalize(input):
+ return input[0].upper() + input[1:]
diff --git a/cpp/managementgen/qmfgen/templates/Args.h b/cpp/managementgen/qmfgen/templates/Args.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..074ccf9940
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpp/managementgen/qmfgen/templates/Args.h
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#ifndef _ARGS_/*MGEN:Method.NameUpper*/_
+#define _ARGS_/*MGEN:Method.NameUpper*/_
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+#include "qpid/management/Args.h"
+#include "qpid/framing/FieldTable.h"
+#include "qpid/framing/Uuid.h"
+#include <string>
+namespace qmf {
+ class Args/*MGEN:Method.NameCamel*/ : public ::qpid::management::Args
+ public:
+#endif /*!_ARGS_/*MGEN:Method.NameUpper*/_*/
diff --git a/cpp/managementgen/qmfgen/templates/Class.cpp b/cpp/managementgen/qmfgen/templates/Class.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..247e1090ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpp/managementgen/qmfgen/templates/Class.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+#include "qpid/log/Statement.h"
+#include "qpid/framing/FieldTable.h"
+#include "qpid/management/Manageable.h"
+#include "qpid/agent/ManagementAgent.h"
+#include "/*MGEN:Class.NameCap*/.h"
+using namespace qmf::/*MGEN:Class.Namespace*/;
+using namespace qpid::framing;
+using qpid::management::ManagementAgent;
+using qpid::management::Manageable;
+using qpid::management::ManagementObject;
+using qpid::management::Args;
+using std::string;
+string /*MGEN:Class.NameCap*/::packageName = string ("/*MGEN:Class.NamePackageLower*/");
+string /*MGEN:Class.NameCap*/::className = string ("/*MGEN:Class.NameLower*/");
+uint8_t /*MGEN:Class.NameCap*/::md5Sum[16] =
+ {/*MGEN:Class.SchemaMD5*/};
+/*MGEN:Class.NameCap*/::/*MGEN:Class.NameCap*/ (ManagementAgent* _agent, Manageable* _core/*MGEN:Class.ParentArg*//*MGEN:Class.ConstructorArgs*/) :
+ ManagementObject(_agent, _core)/*MGEN:Class.ConstructorInits*/
+ /*MGEN:Class.ParentRefAssignment*/
+ // Optional properties start out not-present
+ for (uint8_t idx = 0; idx < /*MGEN:Class.PresenceMaskBytes*/; idx++)
+ presenceMask[idx] = 0;
+ maxThreads = agent->getMaxThreads();
+ perThreadStatsArray = new struct PerThreadStats*[maxThreads];
+ for (int idx = 0; idx < maxThreads; idx++)
+ perThreadStatsArray[idx] = 0;
+/*MGEN:Class.NameCap*/::~/*MGEN:Class.NameCap*/ ()
+ for (int idx = 0; idx < maxThreads; idx++)
+ if (perThreadStatsArray[idx] != 0)
+ delete perThreadStatsArray[idx];
+ delete[] perThreadStatsArray;
+namespace {
+ const string NAME("name");
+ const string TYPE("type");
+ const string ACCESS("access");
+ const string IS_INDEX("index");
+ const string IS_OPTIONAL("optional");
+ const string UNIT("unit");
+ const string MIN("min");
+ const string MAX("max");
+ const string MAXLEN("maxlen");
+ const string DESC("desc");
+ const string ARGCOUNT("argCount");
+ const string ARGS("args");
+ const string DIR("dir");
+ const string DEFAULT("default");
+void /*MGEN:Class.NameCap*/::registerSelf(ManagementAgent* agent)
+ agent->registerClass(packageName, className, md5Sum, writeSchema);
+void /*MGEN:Class.NameCap*/::writeSchema (Buffer& buf)
+ FieldTable ft;
+ // Schema class header:
+ buf.putOctet (CLASS_KIND_TABLE);
+ buf.putShortString (packageName); // Package Name
+ buf.putShortString (className); // Class Name
+ buf.putBin128 (md5Sum); // Schema Hash
+ buf.putShort (/*MGEN:Class.ConfigCount*/); // Config Element Count
+ buf.putShort (/*MGEN:Class.InstCount*/); // Inst Element Count
+ buf.putShort (/*MGEN:Class.MethodCount*/); // Method Count
+ // Properties
+ // Statistics
+ // Methods
+void /*MGEN:Class.NameCap*/::aggregatePerThreadStats(struct PerThreadStats* totals)
+ for (int idx = 0; idx < maxThreads; idx++) {
+ struct PerThreadStats* threadStats = perThreadStatsArray[idx];
+ if (threadStats != 0) {
+ }
+ }
+void /*MGEN:Class.NameCap*/::writeProperties (Buffer& buf)
+ ::qpid::sys::Mutex::ScopedLock mutex(accessLock);
+ configChanged = false;
+ writeTimestamps (buf);
+ for (uint8_t idx = 0; idx < /*MGEN:Class.PresenceMaskBytes*/; idx++)
+ buf.putOctet(presenceMask[idx]);
+void /*MGEN:Class.NameCap*/::writeStatistics (Buffer& buf, bool skipHeaders)
+ ::qpid::sys::Mutex::ScopedLock mutex(accessLock);
+ instChanged = false;
+ for (int idx = 0; idx < maxThreads; idx++) {
+ struct PerThreadStats* threadStats = perThreadStatsArray[idx];
+ if (threadStats != 0) {
+ }
+ }
+ struct PerThreadStats totals;
+ aggregatePerThreadStats(&totals);
+ if (!skipHeaders)
+ writeTimestamps (buf);
+ // Maintenance of hi-lo statistics
+ for (int idx = 0; idx < maxThreads; idx++) {
+ struct PerThreadStats* threadStats = perThreadStatsArray[idx];
+ if (threadStats != 0) {
+ }
+ }
+void /*MGEN:Class.NameCap*/::doMethod (/*MGEN:Class.DoMethodArgs*/)
+ Manageable::status_t status = Manageable::STATUS_UNKNOWN_METHOD;
+ std::string text;
+ outBuf.putLong(status);
+ outBuf.putShortString(Manageable::StatusText(status, text));
diff --git a/cpp/managementgen/qmfgen/templates/Class.h b/cpp/managementgen/qmfgen/templates/Class.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7796914d51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpp/managementgen/qmfgen/templates/Class.h
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+#ifndef _MANAGEMENT_/*MGEN:Class.NameUpper*/_
+#define _MANAGEMENT_/*MGEN:Class.NameUpper*/_
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+#include "qpid/management/ManagementObject.h"
+#include "qpid/framing/FieldTable.h"
+#include "qpid/framing/Uuid.h"
+namespace qmf {
+class /*MGEN:Class.NameCap*/ : public ::qpid::management::ManagementObject
+ private:
+ static std::string packageName;
+ static std::string className;
+ static uint8_t md5Sum[16];
+ uint8_t presenceMask[/*MGEN:Class.PresenceMaskBytes*/];
+ // Properties
+ // Statistics
+ // Per-Thread Statistics
+ struct PerThreadStats {
+ };
+ struct PerThreadStats** perThreadStatsArray;
+ inline struct PerThreadStats* getThreadStats() {
+ int idx = getThreadIndex();
+ struct PerThreadStats* threadStats = perThreadStatsArray[idx];
+ if (threadStats == 0) {
+ threadStats = new(PerThreadStats);
+ perThreadStatsArray[idx] = threadStats;
+ }
+ return threadStats;
+ }
+ void aggregatePerThreadStats(struct PerThreadStats*);
+ // Private Methods
+ static void writeSchema (::qpid::framing::Buffer& buf);
+ void writeProperties (::qpid::framing::Buffer& buf);
+ void writeStatistics (::qpid::framing::Buffer& buf,
+ bool skipHeaders = false);
+ void doMethod (std::string& methodName,
+ ::qpid::framing::Buffer& inBuf,
+ ::qpid::framing::Buffer& outBuf);
+ writeSchemaCall_t getWriteSchemaCall(void) { return writeSchema; }
+ // Stub for getInstChanged. There are no statistics in this class.
+ bool getInstChanged (void) { return false; }
+ public:
+ /*MGEN:Class.NameCap*/ (::qpid::management::ManagementAgent* agent,
+ ::qpid::management::Manageable* coreObject/*MGEN:Class.ParentArg*//*MGEN:Class.ConstructorArgs*/);
+ ~/*MGEN:Class.NameCap*/ (void);
+ /*MGEN:Class.SetGeneralReferenceDeclaration*/
+ static void registerSelf (::qpid::management::ManagementAgent* agent);
+ std::string& getPackageName (void) const { return packageName; }
+ std::string& getClassName (void) const { return className; }
+ uint8_t* getMd5Sum (void) const { return md5Sum; }
+ // Method IDs
+ // Accessor Methods
+#endif /*!_MANAGEMENT_/*MGEN:Class.NameUpper*/_*/
diff --git a/cpp/managementgen/qmfgen/templates/Event.cpp b/cpp/managementgen/qmfgen/templates/Event.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cdb40c6d79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpp/managementgen/qmfgen/templates/Event.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+#include "qpid/log/Statement.h"
+#include "qpid/framing/FieldTable.h"
+#include "qpid/management/Manageable.h"
+#include "qpid/agent/ManagementAgent.h"
+#include "Event/*MGEN:Event.NameCap*/.h"
+using namespace qmf::/*MGEN:Event.Namespace*/;
+using namespace qpid::framing;
+using qpid::management::ManagementAgent;
+using qpid::management::Manageable;
+using qpid::management::ManagementObject;
+using qpid::management::Args;
+using std::string;
+string Event/*MGEN:Event.NameCap*/::packageName = string ("/*MGEN:Event.NamePackageLower*/");
+string Event/*MGEN:Event.NameCap*/::eventName = string ("/*MGEN:Event.Name*/");
+uint8_t Event/*MGEN:Event.NameCap*/::md5Sum[16] =
+ {/*MGEN:Event.SchemaMD5*/};
+Event/*MGEN:Event.NameCap*/::Event/*MGEN:Event.NameCap*/ (/*MGEN:Event.ConstructorArgs*/) :
+ /*MGEN:Event.ConstructorInits*/
+namespace {
+ const string NAME("name");
+ const string TYPE("type");
+ const string DESC("desc");
+ const string ARGCOUNT("argCount");
+ const string ARGS("args");
+void Event/*MGEN:Event.NameCap*/::registerSelf(ManagementAgent* agent)
+ agent->registerEvent(packageName, eventName, md5Sum, writeSchema);
+void Event/*MGEN:Event.NameCap*/::writeSchema (Buffer& buf)
+ FieldTable ft;
+ // Schema class header:
+ buf.putOctet (CLASS_KIND_EVENT);
+ buf.putShortString (packageName); // Package Name
+ buf.putShortString (eventName); // Event Name
+ buf.putBin128 (md5Sum); // Schema Hash
+ buf.putShort (/*MGEN:Event.ArgCount*/); // Argument Count
+ // Arguments
+void Event/*MGEN:Event.NameCap*/::encode(::qpid::framing::Buffer& buf) const
diff --git a/cpp/managementgen/qmfgen/templates/Event.h b/cpp/managementgen/qmfgen/templates/Event.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b5c2a211d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpp/managementgen/qmfgen/templates/Event.h
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#ifndef _MANAGEMENT_/*MGEN:Event.NameUpper*/_
+#define _MANAGEMENT_/*MGEN:Event.NameUpper*/_
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+#include "qpid/management/ManagementEvent.h"
+#include "qpid/framing/FieldTable.h"
+#include "qpid/framing/Uuid.h"
+namespace qmf {
+class Event/*MGEN:Event.NameCap*/ : public ::qpid::management::ManagementEvent
+ private:
+ static void writeSchema (::qpid::framing::Buffer& buf);
+ static std::string packageName;
+ static std::string eventName;
+ static uint8_t md5Sum[16];
+ public:
+ writeSchemaCall_t getWriteSchemaCall(void) { return writeSchema; }
+ Event/*MGEN:Event.NameCap*/(/*MGEN:Event.ConstructorArgs*/);
+ ~Event/*MGEN:Event.NameCap*/() {};
+ static void registerSelf(::qpid::management::ManagementAgent* agent);
+ std::string& getPackageName() const { return packageName; }
+ std::string& getEventName() const { return eventName; }
+ uint8_t* getMd5Sum() const { return md5Sum; }
+ uint8_t getSeverity() const { return /*MGEN:Event.Severity*/; }
+ void encode(::qpid::framing::Buffer& buffer) const;
+#endif /*!_MANAGEMENT_/*MGEN:Event.NameUpper*/_*/
diff --git a/cpp/managementgen/qmfgen/templates/ b/cpp/managementgen/qmfgen/templates/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2b32c7c0f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpp/managementgen/qmfgen/templates/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# Header file install rules.
+$(srcdir)/ $(mgen_generator)
+ $(mgen_cmd)
diff --git a/cpp/managementgen/qmfgen/templates/Package.cpp b/cpp/managementgen/qmfgen/templates/Package.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f6bd7f4654
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpp/managementgen/qmfgen/templates/Package.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+#include "Package.h"
+using namespace qmf::/*MGEN:Schema.Namespace*/;
+Package::Package (::qpid::management::ManagementAgent* agent)
diff --git a/cpp/managementgen/qmfgen/templates/Package.h b/cpp/managementgen/qmfgen/templates/Package.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ad7060b9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpp/managementgen/qmfgen/templates/Package.h
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#ifndef _MANAGEMENT_PACKAGE_/*MGEN:Schema.PackageNameUpper*/_
+#define _MANAGEMENT_PACKAGE_/*MGEN:Schema.PackageNameUpper*/_
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+#include "qpid/agent/ManagementAgent.h"
+namespace qmf {
+class Package
+ public:
+ Package (::qpid::management::ManagementAgent* agent);
+ ~Package () {}
+#endif /*!_MANAGEMENT_PACKAGE_/*MGEN:Schema.PackageNameUpper*/_*/