path: root/java/bdbstore/src/main/java/org/apache/qpid/server/store/berkeleydb/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'java/bdbstore/src/main/java/org/apache/qpid/server/store/berkeleydb/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2124 deletions
diff --git a/java/bdbstore/src/main/java/org/apache/qpid/server/store/berkeleydb/ b/java/bdbstore/src/main/java/org/apache/qpid/server/store/berkeleydb/
deleted file mode 100644
index f900159808..0000000000
--- a/java/bdbstore/src/main/java/org/apache/qpid/server/store/berkeleydb/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2124 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
- */
-import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Queue;
-import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
-import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration;
-import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
-import org.apache.qpid.AMQStoreException;
-import org.apache.qpid.framing.AMQShortString;
-import org.apache.qpid.framing.FieldTable;
-import org.apache.qpid.server.logging.LogSubject;
-import org.apache.qpid.server.logging.actors.CurrentActor;
-import org.apache.qpid.server.logging.messages.ConfigStoreMessages;
-import org.apache.qpid.server.logging.messages.MessageStoreMessages;
-import org.apache.qpid.server.logging.messages.TransactionLogMessages;
-import org.apache.qpid.server.queue.AMQQueue;
-import com.sleepycat.bind.EntryBinding;
-import com.sleepycat.bind.tuple.ByteBinding;
-import com.sleepycat.bind.tuple.TupleBinding;
- * BDBMessageStore implements a persistent {@link MessageStore} using the BDB high performance log.
- *
- * <p/><table id="crc"><caption>CRC Card</caption> <tr><th> Responsibilities <th> Collaborations <tr><td> Accept
- * transaction boundary demarcations: Begin, Commit, Abort. <tr><td> Store and remove queues. <tr><td> Store and remove
- * exchanges. <tr><td> Store and remove messages. <tr><td> Bind and unbind queues to exchanges. <tr><td> Enqueue and
- * dequeue messages to queues. <tr><td> Generate message identifiers. </table>
- */
-public class BDBMessageStore implements MessageStore
- private static final Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(BDBMessageStore.class);
- static final int DATABASE_FORMAT_VERSION = 5;
- private static final String DATABASE_FORMAT_VERSION_PROPERTY = "version";
- public static final String ENVIRONMENT_PATH_PROPERTY = "environment-path";
- private Environment _environment;
- private String MESSAGEMETADATADB_NAME = "messageMetaDataDb";
- private String MESSAGECONTENTDB_NAME = "messageContentDb";
- private String QUEUEBINDINGSDB_NAME = "queueBindingsDb";
- private String DELIVERYDB_NAME = "deliveryDb";
- private String EXCHANGEDB_NAME = "exchangeDb";
- private String QUEUEDB_NAME = "queueDb";
- private Database _messageMetaDataDb;
- private Database _messageContentDb;
- private Database _queueBindingsDb;
- private Database _deliveryDb;
- private Database _exchangeDb;
- private Database _queueDb;
- /* =======
- * Schema:
- * =======
- *
- * Queue:
- * name(AMQShortString) - name(AMQShortString), owner(AMQShortString),
- * arguments(FieldTable encoded as binary), exclusive (boolean)
- *
- * Exchange:
- * name(AMQShortString) - name(AMQShortString), typeName(AMQShortString), autodelete (boolean)
- *
- * Binding:
- * exchangeName(AMQShortString), queueName(AMQShortString), routingKey(AMQShortString),
- * arguments (FieldTable encoded as binary) - 0 (zero)
- *
- * QueueEntry:
- * queueName(AMQShortString), messageId (long) - 0 (zero)
- *
- * Message (MetaData):
- * messageId (long) - bodySize (integer), metaData (MessageMetaData encoded as binary)
- *
- * Message (Content):
- * messageId (long), byteOffset (integer) - dataLength(integer), data(binary);
- */
- private LogSubject _logSubject;
- private final AtomicLong _messageId = new AtomicLong(0);
- private final CommitThread _commitThread = new CommitThread("Commit-Thread");
- // Factory Classes to create the TupleBinding objects that reflect the version instance of this BDBStore
- private MessageMetaDataTupleBindingFactory _metaDataTupleBindingFactory;
- private QueueTupleBindingFactory _queueTupleBindingFactory;
- private BindingTupleBindingFactory _bindingTupleBindingFactory;
- /** The data version this store should run with */
- private int _version;
- private enum State
- {
- }
- private State _state = State.INITIAL;
- private TransactionConfig _transactionConfig = new TransactionConfig();
- private boolean _readOnly = false;
- private boolean _configured;
- public BDBMessageStore()
- {
- }
- public BDBMessageStore(int version)
- {
- _version = version;
- }
- private void setDatabaseNames(int version)
- {
- if (version > 1)
- {
- MESSAGEMETADATADB_NAME += "_v" + version;
- MESSAGECONTENTDB_NAME += "_v" + version;
- QUEUEDB_NAME += "_v" + version;
- DELIVERYDB_NAME += "_v" + version;
- EXCHANGEDB_NAME += "_v" + version;
- QUEUEBINDINGSDB_NAME += "_v" + version;
- }
- }
- public void configureConfigStore(String name,
- ConfigurationRecoveryHandler recoveryHandler,
- Configuration storeConfiguration,
- LogSubject logSubject) throws Exception
- {
- _logSubject = logSubject;
- CurrentActor.get().message(_logSubject, ConfigStoreMessages.CREATED(this.getClass().getName()));
- if(_configured)
- {
- throw new Exception("ConfigStore already configured");
- }
- configure(name,storeConfiguration);
- _configured = true;
- stateTransition(State.CONFIGURING, State.CONFIGURED);
- recover(recoveryHandler);
- stateTransition(State.RECOVERING, State.STARTED);
- }
- public void configureMessageStore(String name,
- MessageStoreRecoveryHandler recoveryHandler,
- Configuration storeConfiguration,
- LogSubject logSubject) throws Exception
- {
- CurrentActor.get().message(_logSubject, MessageStoreMessages.CREATED(this.getClass().getName()));
- if(!_configured)
- {
- throw new Exception("ConfigStore not configured");
- }
- recoverMessages(recoveryHandler);
- }
- public void configureTransactionLog(String name, TransactionLogRecoveryHandler recoveryHandler,
- Configuration storeConfiguration, LogSubject logSubject) throws Exception
- {
- CurrentActor.get().message(_logSubject, TransactionLogMessages.CREATED(this.getClass().getName()));
- if(!_configured)
- {
- throw new Exception("ConfigStore not configured");
- }
- recoverQueueEntries(recoveryHandler);
- }
- public newTransaction()
- {
- return new BDBTransaction();
- }
- /**
- * Called after instantiation in order to configure the message store.
- *
- * @param name The name of the virtual host using this store
- * @return whether a new store environment was created or not (to indicate whether recovery is necessary)
- *
- * @throws Exception If any error occurs that means the store is unable to configure itself.
- */
- public boolean configure(String name, Configuration storeConfig) throws Exception
- {
- File environmentPath = new File(storeConfig.getString(ENVIRONMENT_PATH_PROPERTY,
- System.getProperty("QPID_WORK") + "/bdbstore/" + name));
- if (!environmentPath.exists())
- {
- if (!environmentPath.mkdirs())
- {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Environment path " + environmentPath + " could not be read or created. "
- + "Ensure the path is correct and that the permissions are correct.");
- }
- }
- CurrentActor.get().message(_logSubject, MessageStoreMessages.STORE_LOCATION(environmentPath.getAbsolutePath()));
- return configure(environmentPath, false);
- }
- /**
- * @param environmentPath location for the store to be created in/recovered from
- * @param readonly if true then don't allow modifications to an existing store, and don't create a new store if none exists
- * @return whether or not a new store environment was created
- * @throws AMQStoreException
- * @throws DatabaseException
- */
- protected boolean configure(File environmentPath, boolean readonly) throws AMQStoreException, DatabaseException
- {
- _readOnly = readonly;
- stateTransition(State.INITIAL, State.CONFIGURING);
-"Configuring BDB message store");
- createTupleBindingFactories(_version);
- setDatabaseNames(_version);
- return setupStore(environmentPath, readonly);
- }
- private void createTupleBindingFactories(int version)
- {
- _bindingTupleBindingFactory = new BindingTupleBindingFactory(version);
- _queueTupleBindingFactory = new QueueTupleBindingFactory(version);
- _metaDataTupleBindingFactory = new MessageMetaDataTupleBindingFactory(version);
- }
- /**
- * Move the store state from CONFIGURING to STARTED.
- *
- * This is required if you do not want to perform recovery of the store data
- *
- * @throws AMQStoreException if the store is not in the correct state
- */
- public void start() throws AMQStoreException
- {
- stateTransition(State.CONFIGURING, State.STARTED);
- }
- private boolean setupStore(File storePath, boolean readonly) throws DatabaseException, AMQStoreException
- {
- checkState(State.CONFIGURING);
- boolean newEnvironment = createEnvironment(storePath, readonly);
- verifyVersionByTables();
- openDatabases(readonly);
- if (!readonly)
- {
- _commitThread.start();
- }
- return newEnvironment;
- }
- private void verifyVersionByTables() throws DatabaseException
- {
- for (String s : _environment.getDatabaseNames())
- {
- int versionIndex = s.indexOf("_v");
- // lack of _v index suggests DB is v1
- // so if _version is not v1 then error
- if (versionIndex == -1)
- {
- if (_version != 1)
- {
- closeEnvironment();
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error: Unable to load BDBStore as version " + _version
- + ". Store on disk contains version 1 data.");
- }
- else // DB is v1 and _version is v1
- {
- continue;
- }
- }
- // Otherwise Check Versions
- int version = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(versionIndex + 2));
- if (version != _version)
- {
- closeEnvironment();
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error: Unable to load BDBStore as version " + _version
- + ". Store on disk contains version " + version + " data.");
- }
- }
- }
- private synchronized void stateTransition(State requiredState, State newState) throws AMQStoreException
- {
- if (_state != requiredState)
- {
- throw new AMQStoreException("Cannot transition to the state: " + newState + "; need to be in state: " + requiredState
- + "; currently in state: " + _state);
- }
- _state = newState;
- }
- private void checkState(State requiredState) throws AMQStoreException
- {
- if (_state != requiredState)
- {
- throw new AMQStoreException("Unexpected state: " + _state + "; required state: " + requiredState);
- }
- }
- private boolean createEnvironment(File environmentPath, boolean readonly) throws DatabaseException
- {
-"BDB message store using environment path " + environmentPath.getAbsolutePath());
- EnvironmentConfig envConfig = new EnvironmentConfig();
- // This is what allows the creation of the store if it does not already exist.
- envConfig.setAllowCreate(true);
- envConfig.setTransactional(true);
- envConfig.setConfigParam("je.lock.nLockTables", "7");
- // Restore 500,000 default timeout.
- //envConfig.setLockTimeout(15000);
- // Added to help diagnosis of Deadlock issue
- //
- if (Boolean.getBoolean("qpid.bdb.lock.debug"))
- {
- envConfig.setConfigParam("je.txn.deadlockStackTrace", "true");
- envConfig.setConfigParam("je.txn.dumpLocks", "true");
- }
- // Set transaction mode
- _transactionConfig.setReadCommitted(true);
- //This prevents background threads running which will potentially update the store.
- envConfig.setReadOnly(readonly);
- try
- {
- _environment = new Environment(environmentPath, envConfig);
- return false;
- }
- catch (DatabaseException de)
- {
- if (de.getMessage().contains("Environment.setAllowCreate is false"))
- {
- //Allow the creation this time
- envConfig.setAllowCreate(true);
- if (_environment != null )
- {
- _environment.cleanLog();
- _environment.close();
- }
- _environment = new Environment(environmentPath, envConfig);
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- throw de;
- }
- }
- }
- private void openDatabases(boolean readonly) throws DatabaseException
- {
- DatabaseConfig dbConfig = new DatabaseConfig();
- dbConfig.setTransactional(true);
- dbConfig.setAllowCreate(true);
- //This is required if we are wanting read only access.
- dbConfig.setReadOnly(readonly);
- _messageMetaDataDb = _environment.openDatabase(null, MESSAGEMETADATADB_NAME, dbConfig);
- _queueDb = _environment.openDatabase(null, QUEUEDB_NAME, dbConfig);
- _exchangeDb = _environment.openDatabase(null, EXCHANGEDB_NAME, dbConfig);
- _queueBindingsDb = _environment.openDatabase(null, QUEUEBINDINGSDB_NAME, dbConfig);
- _messageContentDb = _environment.openDatabase(null, MESSAGECONTENTDB_NAME, dbConfig);
- _deliveryDb = _environment.openDatabase(null, DELIVERYDB_NAME, dbConfig);
- }
- /**
- * Called to close and cleanup any resources used by the message store.
- *
- * @throws Exception If the close fails.
- */
- public void close() throws Exception
- {
- if (_state != State.STARTED)
- {
- return;
- }
- _state = State.CLOSING;
- _commitThread.close();
- _commitThread.join();
- if (_messageMetaDataDb != null)
- {
-"Closing message metadata database");
- _messageMetaDataDb.close();
- }
- if (_messageContentDb != null)
- {
-"Closing message content database");
- _messageContentDb.close();
- }
- if (_exchangeDb != null)
- {
-"Closing exchange database");
- _exchangeDb.close();
- }
- if (_queueBindingsDb != null)
- {
-"Closing bindings database");
- _queueBindingsDb.close();
- }
- if (_queueDb != null)
- {
-"Closing queue database");
- _queueDb.close();
- }
- if (_deliveryDb != null)
- {
-"Close delivery database");
- _deliveryDb.close();
- }
- closeEnvironment();
- _state = State.CLOSED;
- CurrentActor.get().message(_logSubject,MessageStoreMessages.CLOSED());
- }
- private void closeEnvironment() throws DatabaseException
- {
- if (_environment != null)
- {
- if(!_readOnly)
- {
- // Clean the log before closing. This makes sure it doesn't contain
- // redundant data. Closing without doing this means the cleaner may not
- // get a chance to finish.
- _environment.cleanLog();
- }
- _environment.close();
- }
- }
- public void recover(ConfigurationRecoveryHandler recoveryHandler) throws AMQStoreException
- {
- stateTransition(State.CONFIGURED, State.RECOVERING);
- CurrentActor.get().message(_logSubject,MessageStoreMessages.RECOVERY_START());
- try
- {
- QueueRecoveryHandler qrh = recoveryHandler.begin(this);
- loadQueues(qrh);
- ExchangeRecoveryHandler erh = qrh.completeQueueRecovery();
- loadExchanges(erh);
- BindingRecoveryHandler brh = erh.completeExchangeRecovery();
- recoverBindings(brh);
- brh.completeBindingRecovery();
- }
- catch (DatabaseException e)
- {
- throw new AMQStoreException("Error recovering persistent state: " + e.getMessage(), e);
- }
- }
- private void loadQueues(QueueRecoveryHandler qrh) throws DatabaseException
- {
- Cursor cursor = null;
- try
- {
- cursor = _queueDb.openCursor(null, null);
- DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry();
- DatabaseEntry value = new DatabaseEntry();
- TupleBinding binding = _queueTupleBindingFactory.getInstance();
- while (cursor.getNext(key, value, LockMode.RMW) == OperationStatus.SUCCESS)
- {
- QueueRecord queueRecord = (QueueRecord) binding.entryToObject(value);
- String queueName = queueRecord.getNameShortString() == null ? null :
- queueRecord.getNameShortString().asString();
- String owner = queueRecord.getOwner() == null ? null :
- queueRecord.getOwner().asString();
- boolean exclusive = queueRecord.isExclusive();
- FieldTable arguments = queueRecord.getArguments();
- qrh.queue(queueName, owner, exclusive, arguments);
- }
- }
- finally
- {
- if (cursor != null)
- {
- cursor.close();
- }
- }
- }
- private void loadExchanges(ExchangeRecoveryHandler erh) throws DatabaseException
- {
- Cursor cursor = null;
- try
- {
- cursor = _exchangeDb.openCursor(null, null);
- DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry();
- DatabaseEntry value = new DatabaseEntry();
- TupleBinding binding = new ExchangeTB();
- while (cursor.getNext(key, value, LockMode.RMW) == OperationStatus.SUCCESS)
- {
- ExchangeRecord exchangeRec = (ExchangeRecord) binding.entryToObject(value);
- String exchangeName = exchangeRec.getNameShortString() == null ? null :
- exchangeRec.getNameShortString().asString();
- String type = exchangeRec.getType() == null ? null :
- exchangeRec.getType().asString();
- boolean autoDelete = exchangeRec.isAutoDelete();
-, type, autoDelete);
- }
- }
- finally
- {
- if (cursor != null)
- {
- cursor.close();
- }
- }
- }
- private void recoverBindings(BindingRecoveryHandler brh) throws DatabaseException
- {
- Cursor cursor = null;
- try
- {
- cursor = _queueBindingsDb.openCursor(null, null);
- DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry();
- DatabaseEntry value = new DatabaseEntry();
- TupleBinding binding = _bindingTupleBindingFactory.getInstance();
- while (cursor.getNext(key, value, LockMode.RMW) == OperationStatus.SUCCESS)
- {
- //yes, this is retrieving all the useful information from the key only.
- //For table compatibility it shall currently be left as is
- BindingKey bindingRecord = (BindingKey) binding.entryToObject(key);
- String exchangeName = bindingRecord.getExchangeName() == null ? null :
- bindingRecord.getExchangeName().asString();
- String queueName = bindingRecord.getQueueName() == null ? null :
- bindingRecord.getQueueName().asString();
- String routingKey = bindingRecord.getRoutingKey() == null ? null :
- bindingRecord.getRoutingKey().asString();
- ByteBuffer argumentsBB = (bindingRecord.getArguments() == null ? null :
- java.nio.ByteBuffer.wrap(bindingRecord.getArguments().getDataAsBytes()));
- brh.binding(exchangeName, queueName, routingKey, argumentsBB);
- }
- }
- finally
- {
- if (cursor != null)
- {
- cursor.close();
- }
- }
- }
- private void recoverMessages(MessageStoreRecoveryHandler msrh) throws DatabaseException
- {
- StoredMessageRecoveryHandler mrh = msrh.begin();
- Cursor cursor = null;
- try
- {
- cursor = _messageMetaDataDb.openCursor(null, null);
- DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry();
- EntryBinding keyBinding = TupleBinding.getPrimitiveBinding(Long.class);;
- DatabaseEntry value = new DatabaseEntry();
- EntryBinding valueBinding = _metaDataTupleBindingFactory.getInstance();
- long maxId = 0;
- while (cursor.getNext(key, value, LockMode.RMW) == OperationStatus.SUCCESS)
- {
- long messageId = (Long) keyBinding.entryToObject(key);
- StorableMessageMetaData metaData = (StorableMessageMetaData) valueBinding.entryToObject(value);
- StoredBDBMessage message = new StoredBDBMessage(messageId, metaData, false);
- mrh.message(message);
- maxId = Math.max(maxId, messageId);
- }
- _messageId.set(maxId);
- }
- catch (DatabaseException e)
- {
- _log.error("Database Error: " + e.getMessage(), e);
- throw e;
- }
- finally
- {
- if (cursor != null)
- {
- cursor.close();
- }
- }
- }
- private void recoverQueueEntries(TransactionLogRecoveryHandler recoveryHandler)
- throws DatabaseException
- {
- QueueEntryRecoveryHandler qerh = recoveryHandler.begin(this);
- ArrayList<QueueEntryKey> entries = new ArrayList<QueueEntryKey>();
- Cursor cursor = null;
- try
- {
- cursor = _deliveryDb.openCursor(null, null);
- DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry();
- EntryBinding keyBinding = new QueueEntryTB();
- DatabaseEntry value = new DatabaseEntry();
- while (cursor.getNext(key, value, LockMode.RMW) == OperationStatus.SUCCESS)
- {
- QueueEntryKey qek = (QueueEntryKey) keyBinding.entryToObject(key);
- entries.add(qek);
- }
- try
- {
- cursor.close();
- }
- finally
- {
- cursor = null;
- }
- for(QueueEntryKey entry : entries)
- {
- AMQShortString queueName = entry.getQueueName();
- long messageId = entry.getMessageId();
- qerh.queueEntry(queueName.asString(),messageId);
- }
- }
- catch (DatabaseException e)
- {
- _log.error("Database Error: " + e.getMessage(), e);
- throw e;
- }
- finally
- {
- if (cursor != null)
- {
- cursor.close();
- }
- }
- qerh.completeQueueEntryRecovery();
- }
- /**
- * Removes the specified message from the store.
- *
- * @param messageId Identifies the message to remove.
- *
- * @throws AMQInternalException If the operation fails for any reason.
- */
- public void removeMessage(Long messageId) throws AMQStoreException
- {
- // _log.debug("public void removeMessage(Long messageId = " + messageId): called");
- tx = null;
- Cursor cursor = null;
- try
- {
- tx = _environment.beginTransaction(null, null);
- //remove the message meta data from the store
- DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry();
- EntryBinding metaKeyBindingTuple = TupleBinding.getPrimitiveBinding(Long.class);
- metaKeyBindingTuple.objectToEntry(messageId, key);
- if (_log.isDebugEnabled())
- {
- _log.debug("Removing message id " + messageId);
- }
- OperationStatus status = _messageMetaDataDb.delete(tx, key);
- if (status == OperationStatus.NOTFOUND)
- {
- tx.abort();
- throw new AMQStoreException("Message metadata not found for message id " + messageId);
- }
- if (_log.isDebugEnabled())
- {
- _log.debug("Deleted metadata for message " + messageId);
- }
- //now remove the content data from the store if there is any.
- DatabaseEntry contentKeyEntry = new DatabaseEntry();
- MessageContentKey_5 mck = new MessageContentKey_5(messageId,0);
- TupleBinding<MessageContentKey> contentKeyTupleBinding = new MessageContentKeyTB_5();
- contentKeyTupleBinding.objectToEntry(mck, contentKeyEntry);
- //Use a partial record for the value to prevent retrieving the
- //data itself as we only need the key to identify what to remove.
- DatabaseEntry value = new DatabaseEntry();
- value.setPartial(0, 0, true);
- cursor = _messageContentDb.openCursor(tx, null);
- status = cursor.getSearchKeyRange(contentKeyEntry, value, LockMode.RMW);
- while (status == OperationStatus.SUCCESS)
- {
- mck = (MessageContentKey_5) contentKeyTupleBinding.entryToObject(contentKeyEntry);
- if(mck.getMessageId() != messageId)
- {
- //we have exhausted all chunks for this message id, break
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- status = cursor.delete();
- if(status == OperationStatus.NOTFOUND)
- {
- cursor.close();
- cursor = null;
- tx.abort();
- throw new AMQStoreException("Content chunk offset" + mck.getOffset() + " not found for message " + messageId);
- }
- if (_log.isDebugEnabled())
- {
- _log.debug("Deleted content chunk offset " + mck.getOffset() + " for message " + messageId);
- }
- }
- status = cursor.getNext(contentKeyEntry, value, LockMode.RMW);
- }
- cursor.close();
- cursor = null;
- commit(tx, true);
- }
- catch (DatabaseException e)
- {
- e.printStackTrace();
- if (tx != null)
- {
- try
- {
- if(cursor != null)
- {
- cursor.close();
- cursor = null;
- }
- tx.abort();
- }
- catch (DatabaseException e1)
- {
- throw new AMQStoreException("Error aborting transaction " + e1, e1);
- }
- }
- throw new AMQStoreException("Error removing message with id " + messageId + " from database: " + e.getMessage(), e);
- }
- finally
- {
- if(cursor != null)
- {
- try
- {
- cursor.close();
- }
- catch (DatabaseException e)
- {
- throw new AMQStoreException("Error closing database connection: " + e.getMessage(), e);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @see DurableConfigurationStore#createExchange(Exchange)
- */
- public void createExchange(Exchange exchange) throws AMQStoreException
- {
- if (_state != State.RECOVERING)
- {
- ExchangeRecord exchangeRec = new ExchangeRecord(exchange.getNameShortString(),
- exchange.getTypeShortString(), exchange.isAutoDelete());
- DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry();
- EntryBinding keyBinding = new AMQShortStringTB();
- keyBinding.objectToEntry(exchange.getNameShortString(), key);
- DatabaseEntry value = new DatabaseEntry();
- TupleBinding exchangeBinding = new ExchangeTB();
- exchangeBinding.objectToEntry(exchangeRec, value);
- try
- {
- _exchangeDb.put(null, key, value);
- }
- catch (DatabaseException e)
- {
- throw new AMQStoreException("Error writing Exchange with name " + exchange.getName() + " to database: " + e.getMessage(), e);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @see DurableConfigurationStore#removeExchange(Exchange)
- */
- public void removeExchange(Exchange exchange) throws AMQStoreException
- {
- DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry();
- EntryBinding keyBinding = new AMQShortStringTB();
- keyBinding.objectToEntry(exchange.getNameShortString(), key);
- try
- {
- OperationStatus status = _exchangeDb.delete(null, key);
- if (status == OperationStatus.NOTFOUND)
- {
- throw new AMQStoreException("Exchange " + exchange.getName() + " not found");
- }
- }
- catch (DatabaseException e)
- {
- throw new AMQStoreException("Error writing deleting with name " + exchange.getName() + " from database: " + e.getMessage(), e);
- }
- }
- /**
- * @see DurableConfigurationStore#bindQueue(Exchange, AMQShortString, AMQQueue, FieldTable)
- */
- public void bindQueue(Exchange exchange, AMQShortString routingKey, AMQQueue queue, FieldTable args) throws AMQStoreException
- {
- // _log.debug("public void bindQueue(Exchange exchange = " + exchange + ", AMQShortString routingKey = " + routingKey
- // + ", AMQQueue queue = " + queue + ", FieldTable args = " + args + "): called");
- if (_state != State.RECOVERING)
- {
- BindingKey bindingRecord = new BindingKey(exchange.getNameShortString(),
- queue.getNameShortString(), routingKey, args);
- DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry();
- EntryBinding keyBinding = _bindingTupleBindingFactory.getInstance();
- keyBinding.objectToEntry(bindingRecord, key);
- //yes, this is writing out 0 as a value and putting all the
- //useful info into the key, don't ask me why. For table
- //compatibility it shall currently be left as is
- DatabaseEntry value = new DatabaseEntry();
- ByteBinding.byteToEntry((byte) 0, value);
- try
- {
- _queueBindingsDb.put(null, key, value);
- }
- catch (DatabaseException e)
- {
- throw new AMQStoreException("Error writing binding for AMQQueue with name " + queue.getName() + " to exchange "
- + exchange.getName() + " to database: " + e.getMessage(), e);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @see DurableConfigurationStore#unbindQueue(Exchange, AMQShortString, AMQQueue, FieldTable)
- */
- public void unbindQueue(Exchange exchange, AMQShortString routingKey, AMQQueue queue, FieldTable args)
- throws AMQStoreException
- {
- DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry();
- EntryBinding keyBinding = _bindingTupleBindingFactory.getInstance();
- keyBinding.objectToEntry(new BindingKey(exchange.getNameShortString(), queue.getNameShortString(), routingKey, args), key);
- try
- {
- OperationStatus status = _queueBindingsDb.delete(null, key);
- if (status == OperationStatus.NOTFOUND)
- {
- throw new AMQStoreException("Queue binding for queue with name " + queue.getName() + " to exchange "
- + exchange.getName() + " not found");
- }
- }
- catch (DatabaseException e)
- {
- throw new AMQStoreException("Error deleting queue binding for queue with name " + queue.getName() + " to exchange "
- + exchange.getName() + " from database: " + e.getMessage(), e);
- }
- }
- /**
- * @see DurableConfigurationStore#createQueue(AMQQueue)
- */
- public void createQueue(AMQQueue queue) throws AMQStoreException
- {
- createQueue(queue, null);
- }
- /**
- * @see DurableConfigurationStore#createQueue(AMQQueue, FieldTable)
- */
- public void createQueue(AMQQueue queue, FieldTable arguments) throws AMQStoreException
- {
- if (_log.isDebugEnabled())
- {
- _log.debug("public void createQueue(AMQQueue queue(" + queue.getName() + ") = " + queue + "): called");
- }
- QueueRecord queueRecord= new QueueRecord(queue.getNameShortString(),
- queue.getOwner(), queue.isExclusive(), arguments);
- createQueue(queueRecord);
- }
- /**
- * Makes the specified queue persistent.
- *
- * Only intended for direct use during store upgrades.
- *
- * @param queueRecord Details of the queue to store.
- *
- * @throws AMQStoreException If the operation fails for any reason.
- */
- protected void createQueue(QueueRecord queueRecord) throws AMQStoreException
- {
- if (_state != State.RECOVERING)
- {
- DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry();
- EntryBinding keyBinding = new AMQShortStringTB();
- keyBinding.objectToEntry(queueRecord.getNameShortString(), key);
- DatabaseEntry value = new DatabaseEntry();
- TupleBinding queueBinding = _queueTupleBindingFactory.getInstance();
- queueBinding.objectToEntry(queueRecord, value);
- try
- {
- _queueDb.put(null, key, value);
- }
- catch (DatabaseException e)
- {
- throw new AMQStoreException("Error writing AMQQueue with name " + queueRecord.getNameShortString().asString()
- + " to database: " + e.getMessage(), e);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Updates the specified queue in the persistent store, IF it is already present. If the queue
- * is not present in the store, it will not be added.
- *
- * NOTE: Currently only updates the exclusivity.
- *
- * @param queue The queue to update the entry for.
- * @throws AMQStoreException If the operation fails for any reason.
- */
- public void updateQueue(final AMQQueue queue) throws AMQStoreException
- {
- if (_log.isDebugEnabled())
- {
- _log.debug("Updating queue: " + queue.getName());
- }
- try
- {
- DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry();
- EntryBinding keyBinding = new AMQShortStringTB();
- keyBinding.objectToEntry(queue.getNameShortString(), key);
- DatabaseEntry value = new DatabaseEntry();
- DatabaseEntry newValue = new DatabaseEntry();
- TupleBinding queueBinding = _queueTupleBindingFactory.getInstance();
- OperationStatus status = _queueDb.get(null, key, value, LockMode.DEFAULT);
- if(status == OperationStatus.SUCCESS)
- {
- //read the existing record and apply the new exclusivity setting
- QueueRecord queueRecord = (QueueRecord) queueBinding.entryToObject(value);
- queueRecord.setExclusive(queue.isExclusive());
- //write the updated entry to the store
- queueBinding.objectToEntry(queueRecord, newValue);
- _queueDb.put(null, key, newValue);
- }
- else if(status != OperationStatus.NOTFOUND)
- {
- throw new AMQStoreException("Error updating queue details within the store: " + status);
- }
- }
- catch (DatabaseException e)
- {
- throw new AMQStoreException("Error updating queue details within the store: " + e,e);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Removes the specified queue from the persistent store.
- *
- * @param queue The queue to remove.
- *
- * @throws AMQStoreException If the operation fails for any reason.
- */
- public void removeQueue(final AMQQueue queue) throws AMQStoreException
- {
- AMQShortString name = queue.getNameShortString();
- if (_log.isDebugEnabled())
- {
- _log.debug("public void removeQueue(AMQShortString name = " + name + "): called");
- }
- DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry();
- EntryBinding keyBinding = new AMQShortStringTB();
- keyBinding.objectToEntry(name, key);
- try
- {
- OperationStatus status = _queueDb.delete(null, key);
- if (status == OperationStatus.NOTFOUND)
- {
- throw new AMQStoreException("Queue " + name + " not found");
- }
- }
- catch (DatabaseException e)
- {
- throw new AMQStoreException("Error writing deleting with name " + name + " from database: " + e.getMessage(), e);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Places a message onto a specified queue, in a given transaction.
- *
- * @param tx The transaction for the operation.
- * @param queue The the queue to place the message on.
- * @param messageId The message to enqueue.
- *
- * @throws AMQStoreException If the operation fails for any reason.
- */
- public void enqueueMessage(final tx, final TransactionLogResource queue, Long messageId) throws AMQStoreException
- {
- // _log.debug("public void enqueueMessage(Transaction tx = " + tx + ", AMQShortString name = " + name + ", Long messageId): called");
- AMQShortString name = new AMQShortString(queue.getResourceName());
- DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry();
- EntryBinding keyBinding = new QueueEntryTB();
- QueueEntryKey dd = new QueueEntryKey(name, messageId);
- keyBinding.objectToEntry(dd, key);
- DatabaseEntry value = new DatabaseEntry();
- ByteBinding.byteToEntry((byte) 0, value);
- try
- {
- if (_log.isDebugEnabled())
- {
- _log.debug("Enqueuing message " + messageId + " on queue " + name + " [Transaction" + tx + "]");
- }
- _deliveryDb.put(tx, key, value);
- }
- catch (DatabaseException e)
- {
- _log.error("Failed to enqueue: " + e.getMessage(), e);
- throw new AMQStoreException("Error writing enqueued message with id " + messageId + " for queue " + name
- + " to database", e);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Extracts a message from a specified queue, in a given transaction.
- *
- * @param tx The transaction for the operation.
- * @param queue The name queue to take the message from.
- * @param messageId The message to dequeue.
- *
- * @throws AMQStoreException If the operation fails for any reason, or if the specified message does not exist.
- */
- public void dequeueMessage(final tx, final TransactionLogResource queue, Long messageId) throws AMQStoreException
- {
- AMQShortString name = new AMQShortString(queue.getResourceName());
- DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry();
- EntryBinding keyBinding = new QueueEntryTB();
- QueueEntryKey dd = new QueueEntryKey(name, messageId);
- keyBinding.objectToEntry(dd, key);
- if (_log.isDebugEnabled())
- {
- _log.debug("Dequeue message id " + messageId);
- }
- try
- {
- OperationStatus status = _deliveryDb.delete(tx, key);
- if (status == OperationStatus.NOTFOUND)
- {
- throw new AMQStoreException("Unable to find message with id " + messageId + " on queue " + name);
- }
- else if (status != OperationStatus.SUCCESS)
- {
- throw new AMQStoreException("Unable to remove message with id " + messageId + " on queue " + name);
- }
- if (_log.isDebugEnabled())
- {
- _log.debug("Removed message " + messageId + ", " + name + " from delivery db");
- }
- }
- catch (DatabaseException e)
- {
- _log.error("Failed to dequeue message " + messageId + ": " + e.getMessage(), e);
- _log.error(tx);
- throw new AMQStoreException("Error accessing database while dequeuing message: " + e.getMessage(), e);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Commits all operations performed within a given transaction.
- *
- * @param tx The transaction to commit all operations for.
- *
- * @throws AMQStoreException If the operation fails for any reason.
- */
- private StoreFuture commitTranImpl(final tx, boolean syncCommit) throws AMQStoreException
- {
- //if (_log.isDebugEnabled())
- //{
- // _log.debug("public void commitTranImpl() called with (Transaction=" + tx + ", syncCommit= "+ syncCommit + ")");
- //}
- if (tx == null)
- {
- throw new AMQStoreException("Fatal internal error: transactional is null at commitTran");
- }
- StoreFuture result;
- try
- {
- result = commit(tx, syncCommit);
- if (_log.isDebugEnabled())
- {
- _log.debug("commitTranImpl completed for [Transaction:" + tx + "]");
- }
- }
- catch (DatabaseException e)
- {
- throw new AMQStoreException("Error commit tx: " + e.getMessage(), e);
- }
- return result;
- }
- /**
- * Abandons all operations performed within a given transaction.
- *
- * @param tx The transaction to abandon.
- *
- * @throws AMQStoreException If the operation fails for any reason.
- */
- public void abortTran(final tx) throws AMQStoreException
- {
- if (_log.isDebugEnabled())
- {
- _log.debug("abortTran called for [Transaction:" + tx + "]");
- }
- try
- {
- tx.abort();
- }
- catch (DatabaseException e)
- {
- throw new AMQStoreException("Error aborting transaction: " + e.getMessage(), e);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Primarily for testing purposes.
- *
- * @param queueName
- *
- * @return a list of message ids for messages enqueued for a particular queue
- */
- List<Long> getEnqueuedMessages(AMQShortString queueName) throws AMQStoreException
- {
- Cursor cursor = null;
- try
- {
- cursor = _deliveryDb.openCursor(null, null);
- DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry();
- QueueEntryKey dd = new QueueEntryKey(queueName, 0);
- EntryBinding keyBinding = new QueueEntryTB();
- keyBinding.objectToEntry(dd, key);
- DatabaseEntry value = new DatabaseEntry();
- LinkedList<Long> messageIds = new LinkedList<Long>();
- OperationStatus status = cursor.getSearchKeyRange(key, value, LockMode.DEFAULT);
- dd = (QueueEntryKey) keyBinding.entryToObject(key);
- while ((status == OperationStatus.SUCCESS) && dd.getQueueName().equals(queueName))
- {
- messageIds.add(dd.getMessageId());
- status = cursor.getNext(key, value, LockMode.DEFAULT);
- if (status == OperationStatus.SUCCESS)
- {
- dd = (QueueEntryKey) keyBinding.entryToObject(key);
- }
- }
- return messageIds;
- }
- catch (DatabaseException e)
- {
- throw new AMQStoreException("Database error: " + e.getMessage(), e);
- }
- finally
- {
- if (cursor != null)
- {
- try
- {
- cursor.close();
- }
- catch (DatabaseException e)
- {
- throw new AMQStoreException("Error closing cursor: " + e.getMessage(), e);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Return a valid, currently unused message id.
- *
- * @return A fresh message id.
- */
- public Long getNewMessageId()
- {
- return _messageId.incrementAndGet();
- }
- /**
- * Stores a chunk of message data.
- *
- * @param tx The transaction for the operation.
- * @param messageId The message to store the data for.
- * @param offset The offset of the data chunk in the message.
- * @param contentBody The content of the data chunk.
- *
- * @throws AMQStoreException If the operation fails for any reason, or if the specified message does not exist.
- */
- protected void addContent(final tx, Long messageId, int offset,
- ByteBuffer contentBody) throws AMQStoreException
- {
- DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry();
- TupleBinding<MessageContentKey> keyBinding = new MessageContentKeyTB_5();
- keyBinding.objectToEntry(new MessageContentKey_5(messageId, offset), key);
- DatabaseEntry value = new DatabaseEntry();
- TupleBinding<ByteBuffer> messageBinding = new ContentTB();
- messageBinding.objectToEntry(contentBody, value);
- try
- {
- OperationStatus status = _messageContentDb.put(tx, key, value);
- if (status != OperationStatus.SUCCESS)
- {
- throw new AMQStoreException("Error adding content chunk offset" + offset + " for message id " + messageId + ": "
- + status);
- }
- if (_log.isDebugEnabled())
- {
- _log.debug("Storing content chunk offset" + offset + " for message " + messageId + "[Transaction" + tx + "]");
- }
- }
- catch (DatabaseException e)
- {
- throw new AMQStoreException("Error writing AMQMessage with id " + messageId + " to database: " + e.getMessage(), e);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Stores message meta-data.
- *
- * @param tx The transaction for the operation.
- * @param messageId The message to store the data for.
- * @param messageMetaData The message meta data to store.
- *
- * @throws AMQStoreException If the operation fails for any reason, or if the specified message does not exist.
- */
- private void storeMetaData(final tx, Long messageId, StorableMessageMetaData messageMetaData)
- throws AMQStoreException
- {
- if (_log.isDebugEnabled())
- {
- _log.debug("public void storeMetaData(Txn tx = " + tx + ", Long messageId = "
- + messageId + ", MessageMetaData messageMetaData = " + messageMetaData + "): called");
- }
- DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry();
- EntryBinding keyBinding = TupleBinding.getPrimitiveBinding(Long.class);
- keyBinding.objectToEntry(messageId, key);
- DatabaseEntry value = new DatabaseEntry();
- TupleBinding messageBinding = _metaDataTupleBindingFactory.getInstance();
- messageBinding.objectToEntry(messageMetaData, value);
- try
- {
- _messageMetaDataDb.put(tx, key, value);
- if (_log.isDebugEnabled())
- {
- _log.debug("Storing message metadata for message id " + messageId + "[Transaction" + tx + "]");
- }
- }
- catch (DatabaseException e)
- {
- throw new AMQStoreException("Error writing message metadata with id " + messageId + " to database: " + e.getMessage(), e);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves message meta-data.
- *
- * @param messageId The message to get the meta-data for.
- *
- * @return The message meta data.
- *
- * @throws AMQStoreException If the operation fails for any reason, or if the specified message does not exist.
- */
- public StorableMessageMetaData getMessageMetaData(Long messageId) throws AMQStoreException
- {
- if (_log.isDebugEnabled())
- {
- _log.debug("public MessageMetaData getMessageMetaData(Long messageId = "
- + messageId + "): called");
- }
- DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry();
- EntryBinding keyBinding = TupleBinding.getPrimitiveBinding(Long.class);
- keyBinding.objectToEntry(messageId, key);
- DatabaseEntry value = new DatabaseEntry();
- TupleBinding messageBinding = _metaDataTupleBindingFactory.getInstance();
- try
- {
- OperationStatus status = _messageMetaDataDb.get(null, key, value, LockMode.READ_UNCOMMITTED);
- if (status != OperationStatus.SUCCESS)
- {
- throw new AMQStoreException("Metadata not found for message with id " + messageId);
- }
- StorableMessageMetaData mdd = (StorableMessageMetaData) messageBinding.entryToObject(value);
- return mdd;
- }
- catch (DatabaseException e)
- {
- throw new AMQStoreException("Error reading message metadata for message with id " + messageId + ": " + e.getMessage(), e);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Fills the provided ByteBuffer with as much content for the specified message as possible, starting
- * from the specified offset in the message.
- *
- * @param messageId The message to get the data for.
- * @param offset The offset of the data within the message.
- * @param dst The destination of the content read back
- *
- * @return The number of bytes inserted into the destination
- *
- * @throws AMQStoreException If the operation fails for any reason, or if the specified message does not exist.
- */
- public int getContent(Long messageId, int offset, ByteBuffer dst) throws AMQStoreException
- {
- DatabaseEntry contentKeyEntry = new DatabaseEntry();
- //Start from 0 offset and search for the starting chunk.
- MessageContentKey_5 mck = new MessageContentKey_5(messageId, 0);
- TupleBinding<MessageContentKey> contentKeyTupleBinding = new MessageContentKeyTB_5();
- contentKeyTupleBinding.objectToEntry(mck, contentKeyEntry);
- DatabaseEntry value = new DatabaseEntry();
- TupleBinding<ByteBuffer> contentTupleBinding = new ContentTB();
- if (_log.isDebugEnabled())
- {
- _log.debug("Message Id: " + messageId + " Getting content body from offset: " + offset);
- }
- int written = 0;
- int seenSoFar = 0;
- Cursor cursor = null;
- try
- {
- cursor = _messageContentDb.openCursor(null, null);
- OperationStatus status = cursor.getSearchKeyRange(contentKeyEntry, value, LockMode.READ_UNCOMMITTED);
- while (status == OperationStatus.SUCCESS)
- {
- mck = (MessageContentKey_5) contentKeyTupleBinding.entryToObject(contentKeyEntry);
- long id = mck.getMessageId();
- if(id != messageId)
- {
- //we have exhausted all chunks for this message id, break
- break;
- }
- int offsetInMessage = mck.getOffset();
- ByteBuffer buf = (ByteBuffer) contentTupleBinding.entryToObject(value);
- final int size = (int) buf.limit();
- seenSoFar += size;
- if(seenSoFar >= offset)
- {
- byte[] dataAsBytes = buf.array();
- int posInArray = offset + written - offsetInMessage;
- int count = size - posInArray;
- if(count > dst.remaining())
- {
- count = dst.remaining();
- }
- dst.put(dataAsBytes,posInArray,count);
- written+=count;
- if(dst.remaining() == 0)
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- status = cursor.getNext(contentKeyEntry, value, LockMode.RMW);
- }
- return written;
- }
- catch (DatabaseException e)
- {
- throw new AMQStoreException("Error writing AMQMessage with id " + messageId + " to database: " + e.getMessage(), e);
- }
- finally
- {
- if(cursor != null)
- {
- try
- {
- cursor.close();
- }
- catch (DatabaseException e)
- {
- throw new AMQStoreException("Error writing AMQMessage with id " + messageId + " to database: " + e.getMessage(), e);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- public boolean isPersistent()
- {
- return true;
- }
- public <T extends StorableMessageMetaData> StoredMessage<T> addMessage(T metaData)
- {
- if(metaData.isPersistent())
- {
- return new StoredBDBMessage(getNewMessageId(), metaData);
- }
- else
- {
- return new StoredMemoryMessage(getNewMessageId(), metaData);
- }
- }
- //protected getters for the TupleBindingFactories
- protected QueueTupleBindingFactory getQueueTupleBindingFactory()
- {
- return _queueTupleBindingFactory;
- }
- protected BindingTupleBindingFactory getBindingTupleBindingFactory()
- {
- return _bindingTupleBindingFactory;
- }
- protected MessageMetaDataTupleBindingFactory getMetaDataTupleBindingFactory()
- {
- return _metaDataTupleBindingFactory;
- }
- //Package getters for the various databases used by the Store
- Database getMetaDataDb()
- {
- return _messageMetaDataDb;
- }
- Database getContentDb()
- {
- return _messageContentDb;
- }
- Database getQueuesDb()
- {
- return _queueDb;
- }
- Database getDeliveryDb()
- {
- return _deliveryDb;
- }
- Database getExchangesDb()
- {
- return _exchangeDb;
- }
- Database getBindingsDb()
- {
- return _queueBindingsDb;
- }
- void visitMetaDataDb(DatabaseVisitor visitor) throws DatabaseException, AMQStoreException
- {
- visitDatabase(_messageMetaDataDb, visitor);
- }
- void visitContentDb(DatabaseVisitor visitor) throws DatabaseException, AMQStoreException
- {
- visitDatabase(_messageContentDb, visitor);
- }
- void visitQueues(DatabaseVisitor visitor) throws DatabaseException, AMQStoreException
- {
- visitDatabase(_queueDb, visitor);
- }
- void visitDelivery(DatabaseVisitor visitor) throws DatabaseException, AMQStoreException
- {
- visitDatabase(_deliveryDb, visitor);
- }
- void visitExchanges(DatabaseVisitor visitor) throws DatabaseException, AMQStoreException
- {
- visitDatabase(_exchangeDb, visitor);
- }
- void visitBindings(DatabaseVisitor visitor) throws DatabaseException, AMQStoreException
- {
- visitDatabase(_queueBindingsDb, visitor);
- }
- /**
- * Generic visitDatabase allows iteration through the specified database.
- *
- * @param database The database to visit
- * @param visitor The visitor to give each entry to.
- *
- * @throws DatabaseException If there is a problem with the Database structure
- * @throws AMQStoreException If there is a problem with the Database contents
- */
- void visitDatabase(Database database, DatabaseVisitor visitor) throws DatabaseException, AMQStoreException
- {
- Cursor cursor = database.openCursor(null, null);
- try
- {
- DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry();
- DatabaseEntry value = new DatabaseEntry();
- while (cursor.getNext(key, value, LockMode.RMW) == OperationStatus.SUCCESS)
- {
- visitor.visit(key, value);
- }
- }
- finally
- {
- if (cursor != null)
- {
- cursor.close();
- }
- }
- }
- private StoreFuture commit( tx, boolean syncCommit) throws DatabaseException
- {
- // _log.debug("void commit(Transaction tx = " + tx + ", sync = " + syncCommit + "): called");
- tx.commitNoSync();
- BDBCommitFuture commitFuture = new BDBCommitFuture(_commitThread, tx, syncCommit);
- commitFuture.commit();
- return commitFuture;
- }
- public void startCommitThread()
- {
- _commitThread.start();
- }
- private static final class BDBCommitFuture implements StoreFuture
- {
- // private static final Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(BDBCommitFuture.class);
- private final CommitThread _commitThread;
- private final _tx;
- private DatabaseException _databaseException;
- private boolean _complete;
- private boolean _syncCommit;
- public BDBCommitFuture(CommitThread commitThread, tx, boolean syncCommit)
- {
- // _log.debug("public Commit(CommitThread commitThread = " + commitThread + ", Transaction tx = " + tx
- // + "): called");
- _commitThread = commitThread;
- _tx = tx;
- _syncCommit = syncCommit;
- }
- public synchronized void complete()
- {
- if (_log.isDebugEnabled())
- {
- _log.debug("public synchronized void complete(): called (Transaction = " + _tx + ")");
- }
- _complete = true;
- notifyAll();
- }
- public synchronized void abort(DatabaseException databaseException)
- {
- // _log.debug("public synchronized void abort(DatabaseException databaseException = " + databaseException
- // + "): called");
- _complete = true;
- _databaseException = databaseException;
- notifyAll();
- }
- public void commit() throws DatabaseException
- {
- //_log.debug("public void commit(): called");
- _commitThread.addJob(this);
- if(!_syncCommit)
- {
- _log.debug("CommitAsync was requested, returning immediately.");
- return;
- }
- synchronized (BDBCommitFuture.this)
- {
- while (!_complete)
- {
- try
- {
- wait(250);
- }
- catch (InterruptedException e)
- {
- // _log.error("Unexpected thread interruption: " + e, e);
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- }
- // _log.debug("Commit completed, _databaseException = " + _databaseException);
- if (_databaseException != null)
- {
- throw _databaseException;
- }
- }
- }
- public synchronized boolean isComplete()
- {
- return _complete;
- }
- public void waitForCompletion()
- {
- while (!isComplete())
- {
- try
- {
- wait(250);
- }
- catch (InterruptedException e)
- {
- //TODO Should we ignore, or throw a 'StoreException'?
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Implements a thread which batches and commits a queue of {@link BDBCommitFuture} operations. The commit operations
- * themselves are responsible for adding themselves to the queue and waiting for the commit to happen before
- * continuing, but it is the responsibility of this thread to tell the commit operations when they have been
- * completed by calling back on their {@link BDBCommitFuture#complete()} and {@link BDBCommitFuture#abort} methods.
- *
- * <p/><table id="crc"><caption>CRC Card</caption> <tr><th> Responsibilities <th> Collarations </table>
- */
- private class CommitThread extends Thread
- {
- // private final Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(CommitThread.class);
- private final AtomicBoolean _stopped = new AtomicBoolean(false);
- private final AtomicReference<Queue<BDBCommitFuture>> _jobQueue = new AtomicReference<Queue<BDBCommitFuture>>(new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<BDBCommitFuture>());
- private final CheckpointConfig _config = new CheckpointConfig();
- private final Object _lock = new Object();
- public CommitThread(String name)
- {
- super(name);
- _config.setForce(true);
- }
- public void run()
- {
- while (!_stopped.get())
- {
- synchronized (_lock)
- {
- while (!_stopped.get() && !hasJobs())
- {
- try
- {
- // RHM-7 Periodically wake up and check, just in case we
- // missed a notification. Don't want to lock the broker hard.
- _lock.wait(250);
- }
- catch (InterruptedException e)
- {
- // + " interrupted. ");
- }
- }
- }
- processJobs();
- }
- }
- private void processJobs()
- {
- // _log.debug("private void processJobs(): called");
- // we replace the old queue atomically with a new one and this avoids any need to
- // copy elements out of the queue
- Queue<BDBCommitFuture> jobs = _jobQueue.getAndSet(new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<BDBCommitFuture>());
- try
- {
- // _environment.checkpoint(_config);
- _environment.sync();
- for (BDBCommitFuture commit : jobs)
- {
- commit.complete();
- }
- }
- catch (DatabaseException e)
- {
- for (BDBCommitFuture commit : jobs)
- {
- commit.abort(e);
- }
- }
- }
- private boolean hasJobs()
- {
- return !_jobQueue.get().isEmpty();
- }
- public void addJob(BDBCommitFuture commit)
- {
- synchronized (_lock)
- {
- _jobQueue.get().add(commit);
- _lock.notifyAll();
- }
- }
- public void close()
- {
- synchronized (_lock)
- {
- _stopped.set(true);
- _lock.notifyAll();
- }
- }
- }
- private class StoredBDBMessage implements StoredMessage
- {
- private final long _messageId;
- private volatile SoftReference<StorableMessageMetaData> _metaDataRef;
- private _txn;
- StoredBDBMessage(long messageId, StorableMessageMetaData metaData)
- {
- this(messageId, metaData, true);
- }
- StoredBDBMessage(long messageId,
- StorableMessageMetaData metaData, boolean persist)
- {
- try
- {
- _messageId = messageId;
- _metaDataRef = new SoftReference<StorableMessageMetaData>(metaData);
- if(persist)
- {
- _txn = _environment.beginTransaction(null, null);
- storeMetaData(_txn, messageId, metaData);
- }
- }
- catch (DatabaseException e)
- {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- catch (AMQStoreException e)
- {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- }
- public StorableMessageMetaData getMetaData()
- {
- StorableMessageMetaData metaData = _metaDataRef.get();
- if(metaData == null)
- {
- try
- {
- metaData = BDBMessageStore.this.getMessageMetaData(_messageId);
- }
- catch (AMQStoreException e)
- {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- _metaDataRef = new SoftReference<StorableMessageMetaData>(metaData);
- }
- return metaData;
- }
- public long getMessageNumber()
- {
- return _messageId;
- }
- public void addContent(int offsetInMessage, java.nio.ByteBuffer src)
- {
- try
- {
- BDBMessageStore.this.addContent(_txn, _messageId, offsetInMessage, src);
- }
- catch (AMQStoreException e)
- {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- }
- public int getContent(int offsetInMessage, java.nio.ByteBuffer dst)
- {
- try
- {
- return BDBMessageStore.this.getContent(_messageId, offsetInMessage, dst);
- }
- catch (AMQStoreException e)
- {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- }
- public StoreFuture flushToStore()
- {
- try
- {
- if(_txn != null)
- {
- //if(_log.isDebugEnabled())
- //{
- // _log.debug("Flushing message " + _messageId + " to store");
- //}
- BDBMessageStore.this.commitTranImpl(_txn, true);
- }
- }
- catch (AMQStoreException e)
- {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- finally
- {
- _txn = null;
- }
- }
- public void remove()
- {
- flushToStore();
- try
- {
- BDBMessageStore.this.removeMessage(_messageId);
- }
- catch (AMQStoreException e)
- {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- }
- }
- private class BDBTransaction implements Transaction
- {
- private _txn;
- private BDBTransaction()
- {
- try
- {
- _txn = _environment.beginTransaction(null, null);
- }
- catch (DatabaseException e)
- {
- throw new RuntimeException(e);
- }
- }
- public void enqueueMessage(TransactionLogResource queue, Long messageId) throws AMQStoreException
- {
- BDBMessageStore.this.enqueueMessage(_txn, queue, messageId);
- }
- public void dequeueMessage(TransactionLogResource queue, Long messageId) throws AMQStoreException
- {
- BDBMessageStore.this.dequeueMessage(_txn, queue, messageId);
- }
- public void commitTran() throws AMQStoreException
- {
- BDBMessageStore.this.commitTranImpl(_txn, true);
- }
- public StoreFuture commitTranAsync() throws AMQStoreException
- {
- return BDBMessageStore.this.commitTranImpl(_txn, false);
- }
- public void abortTran() throws AMQStoreException
- {
- BDBMessageStore.this.abortTran(_txn);
- }
- }