path: root/java/java/broker/build-old.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'java/java/broker/build-old.xml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 268 deletions
diff --git a/java/java/broker/build-old.xml b/java/java/broker/build-old.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 52a30f53ae..0000000000
--- a/java/java/broker/build-old.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
- -
- - Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- - or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- - distributed with this work for additional information
- - regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- - to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- - "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- - with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- -
- -
- -
- - Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- - software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- - KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- - specific language governing permissions and limitations
- - under the License.
- -
- -->
-<!-- AMQPd build file -->
-<project name="qpid-broker" default="jar" basedir=".">
- <!-- Global task properties -->
- <property name="common.root" value="${basedir}/../common"/>
- <property name="common.lib" value="${common.root}/lib"/>
- <property name="common.src" value="${common.root}/src"/>
- <property name="common.resources" value="${common.root}/resources"/>
- <property name="" value="${common.root}/generated/java"/>
- <property name="client.classes" value="${basedir}/../client/classes"/>
- <property name="client.testclasses" value="${basedir}/../client/testclasses"/>
- <property name="broker.root" value="${basedir}"/>
- <property name="broker.lib" value="${basedir}/lib"/>
- <property name="broker.src" value="${broker.root}/src"/>
- <property name="broker.tests" value="${broker.root}/test"/>
- <property name="broker.classes" value="${broker.root}/classes"/>
- <property name="broker.testclasses" value="${broker.root}/testclasses"/>
- <property name="broker.dist" value="${basedir}/dist"/>
- <property name="dam.dist" value="${basedir}/damPackage"/>
- <!-- Path structures used by several tasks -->
- <path id="amqp.classpath">
- <fileset dir="${broker.lib}">
- <include name="**/*.jar"/>
- </fileset>
- <fileset dir="${common.lib}">
- <include name="**/*.jar"/>
- </fileset>
- <pathelement path="${client.classes}"/>
- <pathelement path="${client.testclasses}"/>
- <pathelement path="${broker.classes}"/>
- <pathelement path="${broker.testclasses}"/>
- </path>
- <!-- Task definitions -->
- <target name="init" description="Initialise the build process">
- <tstamp>
- <format property="release" pattern="-dMMMyy" locale="en" timezone="GMT"/>
- </tstamp>
- <mkdir dir="${broker.classes}"/>
- <mkdir dir="${broker.testclasses}"/>
- <mkdir dir="${broker.dist}"/>
- </target>
- <!-- Remove all built files -->
- <target name="clean" depends="init" description="Remove all built and generated files">
- <delete dir="${broker.dist}"/>
- <!--<delete dir="${}"/>-->
- <delete dir="${broker.classes}"/>
- <delete dir="${broker.testclasses}"/>
- </target>
- <!-- Generate framing source code from protocol specification -->
- <target name="generate" description="Generates framing source code from protocol specification">
- <ant dir="../common" target="generate"/>
- </target>
- <!-- Compile Java -->
- <target name="compile" depends="init, generate" description="Compile all source files excluding tests">
- <javac destdir="${broker.classes}" target="1.5" source="1.5" classpathref="amqp.classpath" debug="on">
- <compilerarg value="-Xlint:unchecked" />
- <compilerarg value="-Xlint:deprecation" />
- <src path="${common.src}"/>
- <src path="${broker.src}"/>
- <src path="${}"/>
- </javac>
- <copy todir="${broker.classes}">
- <!-- copy any non java src files into the build tree, e.g. -->
- <fileset dir="${broker.src}">
- <exclude name="**/*.java"/>
- <exclude name="**/package.html"/>
- </fileset>
- <fileset dir="${common.src}">
- <exclude name="**/*.java"/>
- <exclude name="**/package.html"/>
- </fileset>
- <fileset dir="${common.resources}">
- <exclude name="**/*.java"/>
- <exclude name="**/package.html"/>
- </fileset>
- </copy>
- </target>
- <target name="compiletests" depends="compile" description="Compile all tests">
- <javac destdir="${broker.testclasses}" target="1.5" source="1.5" classpathref="amqp.classpath" debug="on">
- <compilerarg value="-Xlint:unchecked"/>
- <compilerarg value="-Xlint:deprecation"/>
- <src path="${broker.tests}"/>
- </javac>
- <copy todir="${broker.testclasses}">
- <!-- copy any non java src files into the build tree, e.g. -->
- <fileset dir="${broker.tests}">
- <exclude name="**/*.java"/>
- <exclude name="**/package.html"/>
- </fileset>
- </copy>
- </target>
- <target name="test" depends="compiletests">
- <junit fork="yes" showoutput="true" haltonfailure="yes">
- <test name="org.apache.qpid.server.UnitTests"/>
- <formatter type="plain"/>
- <classpath refid="amqp.classpath"/>
- </junit>
- </target>
- <!-- Build jar archive -->
- <target name="jar" depends="compile, compiletests" description="Create Jar files as the distribution">
- <mkdir dir="${broker.dist}"/>
- <jar basedir="${broker.classes}" jarfile="${broker.dist}/amqpd.jar"/>
- <jar basedir="${broker.testclasses}" jarfile="${broker.dist}/amqpd-tests.jar"/>
- </target>
- <target name="release" depends="jar" description="Create a release package">
- <!-- create a jar file that will contain classpath entries for all required jars -->
- <jar jarfile="${broker.dist}/broker-launch.jar">
- <manifest>
- <attribute name="Main-Class" value="org.apache.qpid.server.Main"/>
- <attribute name="Class-Path" value="lib/je-3.0.35.jar lib/slf4j-simple.jar lib/log4j-1.2.13.jar lib/mina-core-0.9.5-SNAPSHOT.jar lib/mina-filter-ssl-0.9.5-SNAPSHOT.jar lib/commons-cli-1.0.jar lib/commons-configuration-1.2.jar lib/commons-collections-3.1.jar lib/commons-logging-api.jar lib/commons-logging.jar lib/commons-lang-2.1.jar lib/amqpd.jar lib/amqp-common.jar"/>
- </manifest>
- </jar>
- <!-- create a zip for releasing -->
- <zip destfile="${broker.dist}/">
- <fileset dir="bin" includes="*.sh,*.bat"/>
- <fileset file="${broker.dist}/broker-launch.jar" />
- <zipfileset prefix="etc" dir="etc" includes="*"/>
- <zipfileset prefix="lib" file="${broker.lib}/bdb/je-3.0.35.jar"/>
- <zipfileset prefix="lib" file="${common.lib}/slf4j/slf4j-simple.jar"/>
- <zipfileset prefix="lib" file="${common.lib}/logging-log4j/log4j-1.2.13.jar"/>
- <zipfileset prefix="lib" file="${common.lib}/mina/mina-core-0.9.5-SNAPSHOT.jar"/>
- <zipfileset prefix="lib" file="${common.lib}/mina/mina-filter-ssl-0.9.5-SNAPSHOT.jar"/>
- <zipfileset prefix="lib" file="${common.lib}/commons-cli/commons-cli-1.0.jar"/>
- <zipfileset prefix="lib" file="${common.lib}/commons-configuration/commons-configuration-1.2.jar"/>
- <zipfileset prefix="lib" file="${common.lib}/commons-collections/commons-collections-3.1.jar"/>
- <zipfileset prefix="lib" file="${common.lib}/commons-logging/commons-logging-api.jar"/>
- <zipfileset prefix="lib" file="${common.lib}/commons-logging/commons-logging.jar"/>
- <zipfileset prefix="lib" file="${common.lib}/commons-lang/commons-lang-2.1.jar"/>
- <zipfileset prefix="lib" file="${broker.dist}/amqpd.jar"/>
- <zipfileset prefix="lib" file="${broker.dist}/amqp-common.jar"/>
- </zip>
- <tar destfile="${broker.dist}/broker.tar.gz" compression="gzip">
- <tarfileset dir="bin" includes="*.sh,*.bat"/>
- <tarfileset file="${broker.dist}/broker-launch.jar" />
- <tarfileset prefix="etc" dir="etc" includes="*"/>
- <tarfileset prefix="lib" file="${broker.lib}/bdb/je-3.0.35.jar"/>
- <tarfileset prefix="lib" file="${common.lib}/slf4j/slf4j-simple.jar"/>
- <tarfileset prefix="lib" file="${common.lib}/logging-log4j/log4j-1.2.13.jar"/>
- <tarfileset prefix="lib" file="${common.lib}/mina/mina-core-0.9.5-SNAPSHOT.jar"/>
- <tarfileset prefix="lib" file="${common.lib}/mina/mina-filter-ssl-0.9.5-SNAPSHOT.jar"/>
- <tarfileset prefix="lib" file="${common.lib}/commons-cli/commons-cli-1.0.jar"/>
- <tarfileset prefix="lib" file="${common.lib}/commons-configuration/commons-configuration-1.2.jar"/>
- <tarfileset prefix="lib" file="${common.lib}/commons-collections/commons-collections-3.1.jar"/>
- <tarfileset prefix="lib" file="${common.lib}/commons-logging/commons-logging-api.jar"/>
- <tarfileset prefix="lib" file="${common.lib}/commons-logging/commons-logging.jar"/>
- <tarfileset prefix="lib" file="${common.lib}/commons-lang/commons-lang-2.1.jar"/>
- <tarfileset prefix="lib" file="${broker.dist}/amqpd.jar"/>
- <tarfileset prefix="lib" file="${broker.dist}/amqp-common.jar"/>
- </tar>
- </target>
- <!-- @TODO finish this target MM !! -->
- <target name="damit">
- <property name="tarFileName" value="ams_amq.tar"/>
- <delete failonerror="false" file="${tarFileName}"/>
- <delete includeEmptyDirs="true" failonerror="false">
- <fileset dir="${dam.dist}"/>
- </delete>
- <mkdir dir="${dam.dist}"/>
- <copy todir="${dam.dist}">
- <fileset dir="${basedir}/damPackage">
- <exclude name="config/gps_domain/applications/gps.ear"/>
- </fileset>
- </copy>
- <!-- Remove CR and EOF characters from shell scripts within the DAM package -->
- <fixcrlf srcdir="${dam.dist}" eol="lf" eof="remove">
- <include name="**/*.sh"/>
- <include name="**/*.startup"/>
- </fixcrlf>
- <tar tarfile="${tarFileName}">
- <!-- add everything _except_ shell scripts: rw_r__r__ -->
- <tarfileset dir="${dam.dist}" mode="644">
- <exclude name="**/*.sh"/>
- <exclude name="**/*.startup"/>
- </tarfileset>
- <!-- add all shell scripts as executable: rwxr_xr_x -->
- <tarfileset dir="${dam.dist}" mode="755">
- <include name="**/*.sh"/>
- <include name="**/*.startup"/>
- </tarfileset>
- </tar>
- </target>
- <target name="javadoc" depends="compile, compiletests" description="Generate javadoc for all broker classes">
- <mkdir dir="${broker.dist}/docs/api"/>
- <javadoc sourcepath="${broker.src}" destdir="${broker.dist}/docs/api"
- packagenames="org.apache.qpid.*" classpathref="amqp.classpath" author="true"
- version="true" windowTitle="AMQPd (Project Qpid) API" doctitle="AMQP Broker API"
- footer="See &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;;/a&gt; for more information."
- use="true" verbose="false"/>
- </target>
- <target name="RunBroker" depends="compile" description="Run broker">
- <java classpathref="amqp.classpath" fork="yes" classname="org.apache.qpid.server.Main">
- <sysproperty key="amqj.logging.level" value="INFO"/>
- <jvmarg value="-server"/>
- </java>
- </target>
- <target name="profile" depends="compile" description="Run broker in Netbeans profiler">
- <fail unless="netbeans.home">This target can only run inside the NetBeans IDE.</fail>
- <nbprofiledirect>
- <classpath refid="amqp.classpath"/>
- </nbprofiledirect>
- <java classpathref="amqp.classpath" fork="yes" classname="org.apache.qpid.server.Main"
- dir="${profiler.session.working.dir}"
- jvm="${}">
- <sysproperty key="amqj.logging.level" value="INFO"/>
- <jvmarg value="${}"/>
- <jvmarg line="${}"/>
- <jvmarg value="-server"/>
- <jvmarg value="-Xmx512m"/>
- <env key="Path" path="${}:${env.Path}"/>
- </java>
- </target>
- <target name="profile-single" depends="compile" description="Profile File">
- <fail unless="netbeans.home">This target can only run inside the NetBeans IDE.</fail>
- <nbprofile classname="${profile.class}">
- <classpath refid="amqp.classpath"/>
- </nbprofile>
- </target>