path: root/java/java/broker/src/org/apache/qpid/server/protocol/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 700 deletions
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- *
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
- */
-package org.apache.qpid.server.protocol;
-import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
-import org.apache.mina.common.IdleStatus;
-import org.apache.mina.common.IoSession;
-import org.apache.mina.transport.vmpipe.VmPipeAddress;
-import org.apache.qpid.AMQChannelException;
-import org.apache.qpid.AMQException;
-import org.apache.qpid.codec.AMQCodecFactory;
-import org.apache.qpid.codec.AMQDecoder;
-import org.apache.qpid.framing.AMQDataBlock;
-import org.apache.qpid.framing.AMQFrame;
-import org.apache.qpid.framing.AMQMethodBody;
-import org.apache.qpid.framing.ConnectionStartBody;
-import org.apache.qpid.framing.ContentBody;
-import org.apache.qpid.framing.ContentHeaderBody;
-import org.apache.qpid.framing.HeartbeatBody;
-import org.apache.qpid.framing.ProtocolInitiation;
-import org.apache.qpid.framing.ProtocolVersionList;
-import org.apache.qpid.server.AMQChannel;
-import org.apache.qpid.server.RequiredDeliveryException;
-import org.apache.qpid.server.queue.QueueRegistry;
-import org.apache.qpid.server.registry.ApplicationRegistry;
-import org.apache.qpid.server.state.AMQStateManager;
-import java.util.Date;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet;
-public class AMQMinaProtocolSession implements AMQProtocolSession,
- ProtocolVersionList,
- Managable
- private static final Logger _logger = Logger.getLogger(AMQProtocolSession.class);
- private final IoSession _minaProtocolSession;
- private String _contextKey;
- private final Map<Integer, AMQChannel> _channelMap = new HashMap<Integer, AMQChannel>();
- private final CopyOnWriteArraySet<AMQMethodListener> _frameListeners = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<AMQMethodListener>();
- private final AMQStateManager _stateManager;
- private final QueueRegistry _queueRegistry;
- private final ExchangeRegistry _exchangeRegistry;
- private AMQCodecFactory _codecFactory;
- private ManagedAMQProtocolSession _managedObject;
- private SaslServer _saslServer;
- private Object _lastReceived;
- private Object _lastSent;
- private boolean _closed;
- private long _maxNoOfChannels = 1000;
- /* AMQP Version for this session */
- private byte _major;
- private byte _minor;
- public ManagedObject getManagedObject()
- {
- return _managedObject;
- }
- /**
- * This class implements the management interface (is an MBean). In order to
- * make more attributes, operations and notifications available over JMX simply
- * augment the ManagedConnection interface and add the appropriate implementation here.
- */
- @MBeanDescription("Management Bean for an AMQ Broker Connection")
- private final class ManagedAMQProtocolSession extends AMQManagedObject
- implements ManagedConnection
- {
- private String _name = null;
- /**
- * Represents the channel attributes sent with channel data.
- */
- private String[] _channelAtttibuteNames = { "ChannelId",
- "Transactional",
- "DefaultQueue",
- "UnacknowledgedMessageCount"};
- private String[] _channelAttributeDescriptions = { "Channel Identifier",
- "is Channel Transactional?",
- "Default Queue Name",
- "Unacknowledged Message Count"};
- private OpenType[] _channelAttributeTypes = { SimpleType.INTEGER,
- SimpleType.BOOLEAN,
- SimpleType.STRING,
- SimpleType.INTEGER};
- private String[] _indexNames = { "ChannelId" }; //Channels in the list will be indexed according to channelId.
- private CompositeType _channelType = null; // represents the data type for channel data
- private TabularType _channelsType = null; // Datatype for list of channelsType
- private TabularDataSupport _channelsList = null;
- @MBeanConstructor("Creates an MBean exposing an AMQ Broker Connection")
- public ManagedAMQProtocolSession() throws NotCompliantMBeanException
- {
- super(ManagedConnection.class, ManagedConnection.TYPE);
- init();
- }
- /**
- * initialises the CompositeTypes and TabularType attributes.
- */
- private void init()
- {
- String remote = getRemoteAddress();
- remote = "anonymous".equals(remote) ? remote + hashCode() : remote;
- _name = jmxEncode(new StringBuffer(remote), 0).toString();
- try
- {
- _channelType = new CompositeType("channel",
- "Channel Details",
- _channelAtttibuteNames,
- _channelAttributeDescriptions,
- _channelAttributeTypes);
- _channelsType = new TabularType("channelsType",
- "List of available channels",
- _channelType,
- _indexNames);
- }
- catch(OpenDataException ex)
- {
- // It should never occur.
- _logger.error("OpenDataTypes could not be created.", ex);
- throw new RuntimeException(ex);
- }
- }
- public Date getLastIoTime()
- {
- return new Date(_minaProtocolSession.getLastIoTime());
- }
- public String getRemoteAddress()
- {
- return _minaProtocolSession.getRemoteAddress().toString();
- }
- public Long getWrittenBytes()
- {
- return _minaProtocolSession.getWrittenBytes();
- }
- public Long getReadBytes()
- {
- return _minaProtocolSession.getReadBytes();
- }
- public Long getMaximumNumberOfAllowedChannels()
- {
- return _maxNoOfChannels;
- }
- public void setMaximumNumberOfAllowedChannels(Long value)
- {
- _maxNoOfChannels = value;
- }
- public String getObjectInstanceName()
- {
- return _name;
- }
- public void commitTransactions(int channelId) throws JMException
- {
- try
- {
- AMQChannel channel = _channelMap.get(channelId);
- if (channel == null)
- {
- throw new JMException("The channel (channel Id = " + channelId + ") does not exist");
- }
- if (channel.isTransactional())
- {
- channel.commit();
- }
- }
- catch(AMQException ex)
- {
- throw new MBeanException(ex, ex.toString());
- }
- }
- public void rollbackTransactions(int channelId) throws JMException
- {
- try
- {
- AMQChannel channel = _channelMap.get(channelId);
- if (channel == null)
- {
- throw new JMException("The channel (channel Id = " + channelId + ") does not exist");
- }
- if (channel.isTransactional())
- {
- channel.rollback();
- }
- }
- catch(AMQException ex)
- {
- throw new MBeanException(ex, ex.toString());
- }
- }
- /**
- * Creates the list of channels in tabular form from the _channelMap.
- * @return list of channels in tabular form.
- * @throws OpenDataException
- */
- public TabularData getChannels() throws OpenDataException
- {
- _channelsList = new TabularDataSupport(_channelsType);
- for (Map.Entry<Integer, AMQChannel> entry : _channelMap.entrySet())
- {
- AMQChannel channel = entry.getValue();
- Object[] itemValues = {channel.getChannelId(),
- channel.isTransactional(),
- (channel.getDefaultQueue() != null) ? channel.getDefaultQueue().getName() : null,
- channel.getUnacknowledgedMessageMap().size()};
- CompositeData channelData = new CompositeDataSupport(_channelType,
- _channelAtttibuteNames,
- itemValues);
- _channelsList.put(channelData);
- }
- return _channelsList;
- }
- public void closeChannel(int id)
- throws Exception
- {
- try
- {
- AMQMinaProtocolSession.this.closeChannel(id);
- }
- catch (AMQException ex)
- {
- throw new Exception(ex.toString());
- }
- }
- public void closeConnection()
- throws Exception
- {
- try
- {
- AMQMinaProtocolSession.this.closeSession();
- }
- catch (AMQException ex)
- {
- throw new Exception(ex.toString());
- }
- }
- @Override
- public MBeanNotificationInfo[] getNotificationInfo()
- {
- String[] notificationTypes = new String[]
- {MonitorNotification.THRESHOLD_VALUE_EXCEEDED};
- String name = MonitorNotification.class.getName();
- String description = "An attribute of this MBean has reached threshold value";
- MBeanNotificationInfo info1 = new MBeanNotificationInfo(notificationTypes,
- name,
- description);
- return new MBeanNotificationInfo[] {info1};
- }
- private void checkForNotification()
- {
- int channelsCount = _channelMap.size();
- if (channelsCount >= getMaximumNumberOfAllowedChannels())
- {
- Notification n = new Notification(
- this,
- ++_notificationSequenceNumber,
- System.currentTimeMillis(),
- "ChannelsCount = " + channelsCount + ", ChannelsCount has reached the threshold value");
- _broadcaster.sendNotification(n);
- }
- }
- } // End of MBean class
- public AMQMinaProtocolSession(IoSession session, QueueRegistry queueRegistry, ExchangeRegistry exchangeRegistry,
- AMQCodecFactory codecFactory)
- throws AMQException
- {
- this(session, queueRegistry, exchangeRegistry, codecFactory, new AMQStateManager());
- }
- public AMQMinaProtocolSession(IoSession session, QueueRegistry queueRegistry, ExchangeRegistry exchangeRegistry,
- AMQCodecFactory codecFactory, AMQStateManager stateManager)
- throws AMQException
- {
- _stateManager = stateManager;
- _minaProtocolSession = session;
- session.setAttachment(this);
- _frameListeners.add(_stateManager);
- _queueRegistry = queueRegistry;
- _exchangeRegistry = exchangeRegistry;
- _codecFactory = codecFactory;
- _managedObject = createMBean();
- _managedObject.register();
- }
- private ManagedAMQProtocolSession createMBean() throws AMQException
- {
- try
- {
- return new ManagedAMQProtocolSession();
- }
- catch(NotCompliantMBeanException ex)
- {
- _logger.error("AMQProtocolSession MBean creation has failed.", ex);
- throw new AMQException("AMQProtocolSession MBean creation has failed.", ex);
- }
- }
- public static AMQProtocolSession getAMQProtocolSession(IoSession minaProtocolSession)
- {
- return (AMQProtocolSession) minaProtocolSession.getAttachment();
- }
- public void dataBlockReceived(AMQDataBlock message)
- throws Exception
- {
- _lastReceived = message;
- if (message instanceof ProtocolInitiation)
- {
- ProtocolInitiation pi = (ProtocolInitiation) message;
- // this ensures the codec never checks for a PI message again
- ((AMQDecoder)_codecFactory.getDecoder()).setExpectProtocolInitiation(false);
- try {
- pi.checkVersion(this); // Fails if not correct
- // This sets the protocol version (and hence framing classes) for this session.
- _major = pi.protocolMajor;
- _minor = pi.protocolMinor;
- String mechanisms = ApplicationRegistry.getInstance().getAuthenticationManager().getMechanisms();
- String locales = "en_US";
- AMQFrame response = ConnectionStartBody.createAMQFrame((short)0, pi.protocolMajor, pi.protocolMinor, null,
- mechanisms.getBytes(), locales.getBytes());
- _minaProtocolSession.write(response);
- } catch (AMQException e) {
- _logger.error("Received incorrect protocol initiation", e);
- /* Find last protocol version in protocol version list. Make sure last protocol version
- listed in the build file (build-module.xml) is the latest version which will be used
- here. */
- int i = pv.length - 1;
- _minaProtocolSession.write(new ProtocolInitiation(pv[i][PROTOCOL_MAJOR], pv[i][PROTOCOL_MINOR]));
- // TODO: Close connection (but how to wait until message is sent?)
- }
- }
- else
- {
- AMQFrame frame = (AMQFrame) message;
- if (frame.bodyFrame instanceof AMQMethodBody)
- {
- methodFrameReceived(frame);
- }
- else
- {
- try
- {
- contentFrameReceived(frame);
- }
- catch (RequiredDeliveryException e)
- {
- //need to return the message:
-"Returning message to " + this + " channel " +
- + ": " + e.getMessage());
- writeFrame(e.getReturnMessage(;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private void methodFrameReceived(AMQFrame frame)
- {
- if (_logger.isDebugEnabled())
- {
- _logger.debug("Method frame received: " + frame);
- }
- final AMQMethodEvent<AMQMethodBody> evt = new AMQMethodEvent<AMQMethodBody>(,
- (AMQMethodBody)frame.bodyFrame);
- try
- {
- boolean wasAnyoneInterested = false;
- for (AMQMethodListener listener : _frameListeners)
- {
- wasAnyoneInterested = listener.methodReceived(evt, this, _queueRegistry, _exchangeRegistry) ||
- wasAnyoneInterested;
- }
- if (!wasAnyoneInterested)
- {
- throw new AMQException("AMQMethodEvent " + evt + " was not processed by any listener.");
- }
- }
- catch (AMQChannelException e)
- {
- _logger.error("Closing channel due to: " + e.getMessage());
- writeFrame(e.getCloseFrame(;
- }
- catch (AMQException e)
- {
- for (AMQMethodListener listener : _frameListeners)
- {
- listener.error(e);
- }
- _minaProtocolSession.close();
- }
- }
- private void contentFrameReceived(AMQFrame frame) throws AMQException
- {
- if (frame.bodyFrame instanceof ContentHeaderBody)
- {
- contentHeaderReceived(frame);
- }
- else if (frame.bodyFrame instanceof ContentBody)
- {
- contentBodyReceived(frame);
- }
- else if (frame.bodyFrame instanceof HeartbeatBody)
- {
- _logger.debug("Received heartbeat from client");
- }
- else
- {
- _logger.warn("Unrecognised frame " + frame.getClass().getName());
- }
- }
- private void contentHeaderReceived(AMQFrame frame) throws AMQException
- {
- if (_logger.isDebugEnabled())
- {
- _logger.debug("Content header frame received: " + frame);
- }
- getChannel(;
- }
- private void contentBodyReceived(AMQFrame frame) throws AMQException
- {
- if (_logger.isDebugEnabled())
- {
- _logger.debug("Content body frame received: " + frame);
- }
- getChannel(;
- }
- /**
- * Convenience method that writes a frame to the protocol session. Equivalent
- * to calling getProtocolSession().write().
- *
- * @param frame the frame to write
- */
- public void writeFrame(AMQDataBlock frame)
- {
- _lastSent = frame;
- _minaProtocolSession.write(frame);
- }
- public String getContextKey()
- {
- return _contextKey;
- }
- public void setContextKey(String contextKey)
- {
- _contextKey = contextKey;
- }
- public AMQChannel getChannel(int channelId) throws AMQException
- {
- return _channelMap.get(channelId);
- }
- public void addChannel(AMQChannel channel)
- {
- _channelMap.put(channel.getChannelId(), channel);
- _managedObject.checkForNotification();
- }
- /**
- * Close a specific channel. This will remove any resources used by the channel, including:
- * <ul><li>any queue subscriptions (this may in turn remove queues if they are auto delete</li>
- * </ul>
- * @param channelId id of the channel to close
- * @throws AMQException if an error occurs closing the channel
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the channel id is not valid
- */
- public void closeChannel(int channelId) throws AMQException
- {
- final AMQChannel channel = _channelMap.get(channelId);
- if (channel == null)
- {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown channel id");
- }
- else
- {
- try
- {
- channel.close(this);
- }
- finally
- {
- _channelMap.remove(channelId);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * In our current implementation this is used by the clustering code.
- * @param channelId
- */
- public void removeChannel(int channelId)
- {
- _channelMap.remove(channelId);
- }
- /**
- * Initialise heartbeats on the session.
- * @param delay delay in seconds (not ms)
- */
- public void initHeartbeats(int delay)
- {
- if(delay > 0)
- {
- _minaProtocolSession.setIdleTime(IdleStatus.WRITER_IDLE, delay);
- _minaProtocolSession.setIdleTime(IdleStatus.READER_IDLE, HeartbeatConfig.getInstance().getTimeout(delay));
- }
- }
- /**
- * Closes all channels that were opened by this protocol session. This frees up all resources
- * used by the channel.
- * @throws AMQException if an error occurs while closing any channel
- */
- private void closeAllChannels() throws AMQException
- {
- for (AMQChannel channel : _channelMap.values())
- {
- channel.close(this);
- }
- }
- /**
- * This must be called when the session is _closed in order to free up any resources
- * managed by the session.
- */
- public void closeSession() throws AMQException
- {
- if(!_closed)
- {
- _closed = true;
- closeAllChannels();
- if (_managedObject != null)
- {
- _managedObject.unregister();
- }
- }
- }
- public String toString()
- {
- return "AMQProtocolSession(" + _minaProtocolSession.getRemoteAddress() + ")";
- }
- public String dump()
- {
- return this + " last_sent=" + _lastSent + " last_received=" + _lastReceived;
- }
- /**
- * @return an object that can be used to identity
- */
- public Object getKey()
- {
- return _minaProtocolSession.getRemoteAddress();
- }
- /**
- * Get the fully qualified domain name of the local address to which this session is bound. Since some servers
- * may be bound to multiple addresses this could vary depending on the acceptor this session was created from.
- *
- * @return a String FQDN
- */
- public String getLocalFQDN()
- {
- SocketAddress address = _minaProtocolSession.getLocalAddress();
- // we use the vmpipe address in some tests hence the need for this rather ugly test. The host
- // information is used by SASL primary.
- if (address instanceof InetSocketAddress)
- {
- return ((InetSocketAddress)address).getHostName();
- }
- else if (address instanceof VmPipeAddress)
- {
- return "vmpipe:" + ((VmPipeAddress)address).getPort();
- }
- else
- {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported socket address class: " + address);
- }
- }
- public SaslServer getSaslServer()
- {
- return _saslServer;
- }
- public void setSaslServer(SaslServer saslServer)
- {
- _saslServer = saslServer;
- }
- /**
- * Convenience methods for managing AMQP version.
- * NOTE: Both major and minor will be set to 0 prior to protocol initiation.
- */
- public byte getAmqpMajor()
- {
- return _major;
- }
- public byte getAmqpMinor()
- {
- return _minor;
- }
- public boolean amqpVersionEquals(byte major, byte minor)
- {
- return _major == major && _minor == minor;
- }