path: root/python/tests_0-9/
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-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-from qpid.client import Client, Closed
-from qpid.queue import Empty
-from qpid.content import Content
-from qpid.testlib import testrunner, TestBase
-from qpid.reference import Reference, ReferenceId
-class MessageTests(TestBase):
- """Tests for 'methods' on the amqp message 'class'"""
- def test_consume_no_local(self):
- """
- Test that the no_local flag is honoured in the consume method
- """
- channel =
- #setup, declare two queues:
- channel.queue_declare(queue="test-queue-1a", exclusive=True)
- channel.queue_declare(queue="test-queue-1b", exclusive=True)
- #establish two consumers one of which excludes delivery of locally sent messages
- channel.message_consume(destination="local_included", queue="test-queue-1a")
- channel.message_consume(destination="local_excluded", queue="test-queue-1b", no_local=True)
- #send a message
- channel.message_transfer(routing_key="test-queue-1a", body="consume_no_local")
- channel.message_transfer(routing_key="test-queue-1b", body="consume_no_local")
- #check the queues of the two consumers
- excluded = self.client.queue("local_excluded")
- included = self.client.queue("local_included")
- msg = included.get(timeout=1)
- self.assertEqual("consume_no_local", msg.body)
- try:
- excluded.get(timeout=1)
-"Received locally published message though no_local=true")
- except Empty: None
- def test_consume_exclusive(self):
- """
- Test that the exclusive flag is honoured in the consume method
- """
- channel =
- #setup, declare a queue:
- channel.queue_declare(queue="test-queue-2", exclusive=True)
- #check that an exclusive consumer prevents other consumer being created:
- channel.message_consume(destination="first", queue="test-queue-2", exclusive=True)
- try:
- channel.message_consume(destination="second", queue="test-queue-2")
-"Expected consume request to fail due to previous exclusive consumer")
- except Closed, e:
- self.assertChannelException(403, e.args[0])
- #open new channel and cleanup last consumer:
- channel =
- channel.channel_open()
- #check that an exclusive consumer cannot be created if a consumer already exists:
- channel.message_consume(destination="first", queue="test-queue-2")
- try:
- channel.message_consume(destination="second", queue="test-queue-2", exclusive=True)
-"Expected exclusive consume request to fail due to previous consumer")
- except Closed, e:
- self.assertChannelException(403, e.args[0])
- def test_consume_queue_errors(self):
- """
- Test error conditions associated with the queue field of the consume method:
- """
- channel =
- try:
- #queue specified but doesn't exist:
- channel.message_consume(queue="invalid-queue")
-"Expected failure when consuming from non-existent queue")
- except Closed, e:
- self.assertChannelException(404, e.args[0])
- channel =
- channel.channel_open()
- try:
- #queue not specified and none previously declared for channel:
- channel.message_consume(queue="")
-"Expected failure when consuming from unspecified queue")
- except Closed, e:
- self.assertConnectionException(530, e.args[0])
- def test_consume_unique_consumers(self):
- """
- Ensure unique consumer tags are enforced
- """
- channel =
- #setup, declare a queue:
- channel.queue_declare(queue="test-queue-3", exclusive=True)
- #check that attempts to use duplicate tags are detected and prevented:
- channel.message_consume(destination="first", queue="test-queue-3")
- try:
- channel.message_consume(destination="first", queue="test-queue-3")
-"Expected consume request to fail due to non-unique tag")
- except Closed, e:
- self.assertConnectionException(530, e.args[0])
- def test_cancel(self):
- """
- Test compliance of the basic.cancel method
- """
- channel =
- #setup, declare a queue:
- channel.queue_declare(queue="test-queue-4", exclusive=True)
- channel.message_consume(destination="my-consumer", queue="test-queue-4")
- channel.message_transfer(routing_key="test-queue-4", body="One")
- #cancel should stop messages being delivered
- channel.message_cancel(destination="my-consumer")
- channel.message_transfer(routing_key="test-queue-4", body="Two")
- myqueue = self.client.queue("my-consumer")
- msg = myqueue.get(timeout=1)
- self.assertEqual("One", msg.body)
- try:
- msg = myqueue.get(timeout=1)
-"Got message after cancellation: " + msg)
- except Empty: None
- #cancellation of non-existant consumers should be handled without error
- channel.message_cancel(destination="my-consumer")
- channel.message_cancel(destination="this-never-existed")
- def test_ack(self):
- """
- Test basic ack/recover behaviour
- """
- channel =
- channel.queue_declare(queue="test-ack-queue", exclusive=True)
- channel.message_consume(queue="test-ack-queue", destination="consumer_tag", no_ack=False)
- queue = self.client.queue("consumer_tag")
- channel.message_transfer(routing_key="test-ack-queue", body="One")
- channel.message_transfer(routing_key="test-ack-queue", body="Two")
- channel.message_transfer(routing_key="test-ack-queue", body="Three")
- channel.message_transfer(routing_key="test-ack-queue", body="Four")
- channel.message_transfer(routing_key="test-ack-queue", body="Five")
- msg1 = queue.get(timeout=1)
- msg2 = queue.get(timeout=1)
- msg3 = queue.get(timeout=1)
- msg4 = queue.get(timeout=1)
- msg5 = queue.get(timeout=1)
- self.assertEqual("One", msg1.body)
- self.assertEqual("Two", msg2.body)
- self.assertEqual("Three", msg3.body)
- self.assertEqual("Four", msg4.body)
- self.assertEqual("Five", msg5.body)
- msg1.ok(batchoffset=1)#One and Two
- msg4.ok()
- channel.message_recover(requeue=False)
- msg3b = queue.get(timeout=1)
- msg5b = queue.get(timeout=1)
- self.assertEqual("Three", msg3b.body)
- self.assertEqual("Five", msg5b.body)
- try:
- extra = queue.get(timeout=1)
-"Got unexpected message: " + extra.body)
- except Empty: None
- def test_recover_requeue(self):
- """
- Test requeing on recovery
- """
- channel =
- channel.queue_declare(queue="test-requeue", exclusive=True)
- channel.message_consume(queue="test-requeue", destination="consumer_tag", no_ack=False)
- queue = self.client.queue("consumer_tag")
- channel.message_transfer(routing_key="test-requeue", body="One")
- channel.message_transfer(routing_key="test-requeue", body="Two")
- channel.message_transfer(routing_key="test-requeue", body="Three")
- channel.message_transfer(routing_key="test-requeue", body="Four")
- channel.message_transfer(routing_key="test-requeue", body="Five")
- msg1 = queue.get(timeout=1)
- msg2 = queue.get(timeout=1)
- msg3 = queue.get(timeout=1)
- msg4 = queue.get(timeout=1)
- msg5 = queue.get(timeout=1)
- self.assertEqual("One", msg1.body)
- self.assertEqual("Two", msg2.body)
- self.assertEqual("Three", msg3.body)
- self.assertEqual("Four", msg4.body)
- self.assertEqual("Five", msg5.body)
- msg1.ok(batchoffset=1) #One and Two
- msg4.ok() #Four
- channel.message_cancel(destination="consumer_tag")
- #publish a new message
- channel.message_transfer(routing_key="test-requeue", body="Six")
- #requeue unacked messages (Three and Five)
- channel.message_recover(requeue=True)
- channel.message_consume(queue="test-requeue", destination="consumer_tag")
- queue2 = self.client.queue("consumer_tag")
- msg3b = queue2.get(timeout=1)
- msg5b = queue2.get(timeout=1)
- self.assertEqual("Three", msg3b.body)
- self.assertEqual("Five", msg5b.body)
- self.assertEqual(True, msg3b.redelivered)
- self.assertEqual(True, msg5b.redelivered)
- self.assertEqual("Six", queue2.get(timeout=1).body)
- try:
- extra = queue2.get(timeout=1)
-"Got unexpected message in second queue: " + extra.body)
- except Empty: None
- try:
- extra = queue.get(timeout=1)
-"Got unexpected message in original queue: " + extra.body)
- except Empty: None
- def test_qos_prefetch_count(self):
- """
- Test that the prefetch count specified is honoured
- """
- #setup: declare queue and subscribe
- channel =
- channel.queue_declare(queue="test-prefetch-count", exclusive=True)
- subscription = channel.message_consume(queue="test-prefetch-count", destination="consumer_tag", no_ack=False)
- queue = self.client.queue("consumer_tag")
- #set prefetch to 5:
- channel.message_qos(prefetch_count=5)
- #publish 10 messages:
- for i in range(1, 11):
- channel.message_transfer(routing_key="test-prefetch-count", body="Message %d" % i)
- #only 5 messages should have been delivered:
- for i in range(1, 6):
- msg = queue.get(timeout=1)
- self.assertEqual("Message %d" % i, msg.body)
- try:
- extra = queue.get(timeout=1)
-"Got unexpected 6th message in original queue: " + extra.body)
- except Empty: None
- #ack messages and check that the next set arrive ok:
- #todo: once batching is implmented, send a single response for all messages
- msg.ok(batchoffset=-4)#1-5
- for i in range(6, 11):
- msg = queue.get(timeout=1)
- self.assertEqual("Message %d" % i, msg.body)
- msg.ok(batchoffset=-4)#6-10
- try:
- extra = queue.get(timeout=1)
-"Got unexpected 11th message in original queue: " + extra.body)
- except Empty: None
- def test_qos_prefetch_size(self):
- """
- Test that the prefetch size specified is honoured
- """
- #setup: declare queue and subscribe
- channel =
- channel.queue_declare(queue="test-prefetch-size", exclusive=True)
- subscription = channel.message_consume(queue="test-prefetch-size", destination="consumer_tag", no_ack=False)
- queue = self.client.queue("consumer_tag")
- #set prefetch to 50 bytes (each message is 9 or 10 bytes):
- channel.message_qos(prefetch_size=50)
- #publish 10 messages:
- for i in range(1, 11):
- channel.message_transfer(routing_key="test-prefetch-size", body="Message %d" % i)
- #only 5 messages should have been delivered (i.e. 45 bytes worth):
- for i in range(1, 6):
- msg = queue.get(timeout=1)
- self.assertEqual("Message %d" % i, msg.body)
- try:
- extra = queue.get(timeout=1)
-"Got unexpected 6th message in original queue: " + extra.body)
- except Empty: None
- #ack messages and check that the next set arrive ok:
- msg.ok(batchoffset=-4)#1-5
- for i in range(6, 11):
- msg = queue.get(timeout=1)
- self.assertEqual("Message %d" % i, msg.body)
- msg.ok(batchoffset=-4)#6-10
- try:
- extra = queue.get(timeout=1)
-"Got unexpected 11th message in original queue: " + extra.body)
- except Empty: None
- #make sure that a single oversized message still gets delivered
- large = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
- large = large + "-" + large;
- channel.message_transfer(routing_key="test-prefetch-size", body=large)
- msg = queue.get(timeout=1)
- self.assertEqual(large, msg.body)
- def test_get(self):
- """
- Test message_get method
- """
- channel =
- channel.queue_declare(queue="test-get", exclusive=True)
- #publish some messages (no_ack=True)
- for i in range(1, 11):
- channel.message_transfer(routing_key="test-get", body="Message %d" % i)
- #use message_get to read back the messages, and check that we get an empty at the end
- for i in range(1, 11):
- tag = "queue %d" % i
- reply = channel.message_get(no_ack=True, queue="test-get", destination=tag)
- self.assertEqual(, "message")
- self.assertEqual(, "ok")
- self.assertEqual("Message %d" % i, self.client.queue(tag).get(timeout=1).body)
- reply = channel.message_get(no_ack=True, queue="test-get")
- self.assertEqual(, "message")
- self.assertEqual(, "empty")
- #repeat for no_ack=False
- for i in range(11, 21):
- channel.message_transfer(routing_key="test-get", body="Message %d" % i)
- for i in range(11, 21):
- tag = "queue %d" % i
- reply = channel.message_get(no_ack=False, queue="test-get", destination=tag)
- self.assertEqual(, "message")
- self.assertEqual(, "ok")
- msg = self.client.queue(tag).get(timeout=1)
- self.assertEqual("Message %d" % i, msg.body)
- if (i==13):
- msg.ok(batchoffset=-2)#11, 12 & 13
- if(i in [15, 17, 19]):
- msg.ok()
- reply = channel.message_get(no_ack=True, queue="test-get")
- self.assertEqual(, "message")
- self.assertEqual(, "empty")
- #recover(requeue=True)
- channel.message_recover(requeue=True)
- #get the unacked messages again (14, 16, 18, 20)
- for i in [14, 16, 18, 20]:
- tag = "queue %d" % i
- reply = channel.message_get(no_ack=False, queue="test-get", destination=tag)
- self.assertEqual(, "message")
- self.assertEqual(, "ok")
- msg = self.client.queue(tag).get(timeout=1)
- self.assertEqual("Message %d" % i, msg.body)
- msg.ok()
- #channel.message_ack(delivery_tag=reply.delivery_tag)
- reply = channel.message_get(no_ack=True, queue="test-get")
- self.assertEqual(, "message")
- self.assertEqual(, "empty")
- channel.message_recover(requeue=True)
- reply = channel.message_get(no_ack=True, queue="test-get")
- self.assertEqual(, "message")
- self.assertEqual(, "empty")
- def test_reference_simple(self):
- """
- Test basic ability to handle references
- """
- channel =
- channel.queue_declare(queue="ref_queue", exclusive=True)
- channel.message_consume(queue="ref_queue", destination="c1")
- queue = self.client.queue("c1")
- refId = "myref"
- channel.message_open(reference=refId)
- channel.message_append(reference=refId, bytes="abcd")
- channel.synchronous = False
- ack = channel.message_transfer(routing_key="ref_queue", body=ReferenceId(refId))
- channel.synchronous = True
- channel.message_append(reference=refId, bytes="efgh")
- channel.message_append(reference=refId, bytes="ijkl")
- channel.message_close(reference=refId)
- #first, wait for the ok for the transfer
- ack.get_response(timeout=1)
- self.assertDataEquals(channel, queue.get(timeout=1), "abcdefghijkl")
- def test_reference_large(self):
- """
- Test basic ability to handle references whose content exceeds max frame size
- """
- channel =
- self.queue_declare(queue="ref_queue")
- #generate a big data string (> max frame size of consumer):
- data = "0123456789"
- for i in range(0, 10):
- data += data
- #send it inline
- channel.synchronous = False
- ack = channel.message_transfer(routing_key="ref_queue", body=data)
- channel.synchronous = True
- #first, wait for the ok for the transfer
- ack.get_response(timeout=1)
- #create a new connection for consumer, with specific max frame size (< data)
- other = self.connect(tune_params={"channel_max":10, "frame_max":5120, "heartbeat":0})
- ch2 =
- ch2.channel_open()
- ch2.message_consume(queue="ref_queue", destination="c1")
- queue = other.queue("c1")
- msg = queue.get(timeout=1)
- self.assertTrue(isinstance(msg.body, ReferenceId))
- self.assertTrue(msg.reference)
- self.assertEquals(data, msg.reference.get_complete())
- def test_reference_completion(self):
- """
- Test that reference transfer are not deemed complete until
- closed (therefore are not acked or routed until that point)
- """
- channel =
- channel.queue_declare(queue="ref_queue", exclusive=True)
- channel.message_consume(queue="ref_queue", destination="c1")
- queue = self.client.queue("c1")
- refId = "myref"
- channel.message_open(reference=refId)
- channel.message_append(reference=refId, bytes="abcd")
- channel.synchronous = False
- ack = channel.message_transfer(routing_key="ref_queue", body=ReferenceId(refId))
- channel.synchronous = True
- try:
- msg = queue.get(timeout=1)
-"Got unexpected message on queue: " + msg)
- except Empty: None
- self.assertTrue(not ack.is_complete())
- channel.message_close(reference=refId)
- #first, wait for the ok for the transfer
- ack.get_response(timeout=1)
- self.assertDataEquals(channel, queue.get(timeout=1), "abcd")
- def test_reference_multi_transfer(self):
- """
- Test that multiple transfer requests for the same reference are
- correctly handled.
- """
- channel =
- #declare and consume from two queues
- channel.queue_declare(queue="q-one", exclusive=True)
- channel.queue_declare(queue="q-two", exclusive=True)
- channel.message_consume(queue="q-one", destination="q-one")
- channel.message_consume(queue="q-two", destination="q-two")
- queue1 = self.client.queue("q-one")
- queue2 = self.client.queue("q-two")
- #transfer a single ref to both queues (in separate commands)
- channel.message_open(reference="my-ref")
- channel.synchronous = False
- ack1 = channel.message_transfer(routing_key="q-one", body=ReferenceId("my-ref"))
- channel.message_append(reference="my-ref", bytes="my data")
- ack2 = channel.message_transfer(routing_key="q-two", body=ReferenceId("my-ref"))
- channel.synchronous = True
- channel.message_close(reference="my-ref")
- #check that both queues have the message
- self.assertDataEquals(channel, queue1.get(timeout=1), "my data")
- self.assertDataEquals(channel, queue2.get(timeout=1), "my data")
- self.assertEmpty(queue1)
- self.assertEmpty(queue2)
- #transfer a single ref to the same queue twice (in separate commands)
- channel.message_open(reference="my-ref")
- channel.synchronous = False
- ack1 = channel.message_transfer(routing_key="q-one", message_id="abc", body=ReferenceId("my-ref"))
- channel.message_append(reference="my-ref", bytes="second message")
- ack2 = channel.message_transfer(routing_key="q-one", message_id="xyz", body=ReferenceId("my-ref"))
- channel.synchronous = True
- channel.message_close(reference="my-ref")
- msg1 = queue1.get(timeout=1)
- msg2 = queue1.get(timeout=1)
- #order is undefined
- if msg1.message_id == "abc":
- self.assertEquals(msg2.message_id, "xyz")
- else:
- self.assertEquals(msg1.message_id, "xyz")
- self.assertEquals(msg2.message_id, "abc")
- #would be legal for the incoming messages to be transfered
- #inline or by reference in any combination
- if isinstance(msg1.body, ReferenceId):
- self.assertEquals("second message", msg1.reference.get_complete())
- if isinstance(msg2.body, ReferenceId):
- if msg1.body != msg2.body:
- self.assertEquals("second message", msg2.reference.get_complete())
- #else ok, as same ref as msg1
- else:
- self.assertEquals("second message", msg1.body)
- if isinstance(msg2.body, ReferenceId):
- self.assertEquals("second message", msg2.reference.get_complete())
- else:
- self.assertEquals("second message", msg2.body)
- self.assertEmpty(queue1)
- def test_reference_unopened_on_append_error(self):
- channel =
- try:
- channel.message_append(reference="unopened")
- except Closed, e:
- self.assertConnectionException(503, e.args[0])
- def test_reference_unopened_on_close_error(self):
- channel =
- try:
- channel.message_close(reference="unopened")
- except Closed, e:
- self.assertConnectionException(503, e.args[0])
- def test_reference_unopened_on_transfer_error(self):
- channel =
- try:
- channel.message_transfer(body=ReferenceId("unopened"))
- except Closed, e:
- self.assertConnectionException(503, e.args[0])
- def test_reference_already_opened_error(self):
- channel =
- channel.message_open(reference="a")
- try:
- channel.message_open(reference="a")
- except Closed, e:
- self.assertConnectionException(503, e.args[0])
- def test_empty_reference(self):
- channel =
- channel.queue_declare(queue="ref_queue", exclusive=True)
- channel.message_consume(queue="ref_queue", destination="c1")
- queue = self.client.queue("c1")
- refId = "myref"
- channel.message_open(reference=refId)
- channel.synchronous = False
- ack = channel.message_transfer(routing_key="ref_queue", message_id="empty-msg", body=ReferenceId(refId))
- channel.synchronous = True
- channel.message_close(reference=refId)
- #first, wait for the ok for the transfer
- ack.get_response(timeout=1)
- msg = queue.get(timeout=1)
- self.assertEquals(msg.message_id, "empty-msg")
- self.assertDataEquals(channel, msg, "")
- def test_reject(self):
- channel =
- channel.queue_declare(queue = "q", exclusive=True)
- channel.message_consume(queue = "q", destination = "consumer")
- channel.message_transfer(routing_key = "q", body="blah, blah")
- msg = self.client.queue("consumer").get(timeout = 1)
- self.assertEquals(msg.body, "blah, blah")
- channel.message_cancel(destination = "consumer")
- msg.reject()
- channel.message_consume(queue = "q", destination = "checker")
- msg = self.client.queue("checker").get(timeout = 1)
- self.assertEquals(msg.body, "blah, blah")
- def test_checkpoint(self):
- channel =
- channel.queue_declare(queue = "q", exclusive=True)
- channel.message_open(reference="my-ref")
- channel.message_append(reference="my-ref", bytes="abcdefgh")
- channel.message_append(reference="my-ref", bytes="ijklmnop")
- channel.message_checkpoint(reference="my-ref", identifier="my-checkpoint")
- channel.channel_close()
- channel =
- channel.channel_open()
- channel.message_consume(queue = "q", destination = "consumer")
- offset = channel.message_resume(reference="my-ref", identifier="my-checkpoint").value
- self.assertTrue(offset<=16)
- channel.message_append(reference="my-ref", bytes="qrstuvwxyz")
- channel.synchronous = False
- channel.message_transfer(routing_key="q-one", message_id="abcd", body=ReferenceId("my-ref"))
- channel.synchronous = True
- channel.message_close(reference="my-ref")
- self.assertDataEquals(channel, self.client.queue("consumer").get(timeout = 1), "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
- self.assertEmpty(self.client.queue("consumer"))
- def assertDataEquals(self, channel, msg, expected):
- if isinstance(msg.body, ReferenceId):
- data = msg.reference.get_complete()
- else:
- data = msg.body
- self.assertEquals(expected, data)