path: root/qpid/cpp/src/tests/legacystore/jrnl/_ut_lpmgr.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'qpid/cpp/src/tests/legacystore/jrnl/_ut_lpmgr.cpp')
1 files changed, 886 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qpid/cpp/src/tests/legacystore/jrnl/_ut_lpmgr.cpp b/qpid/cpp/src/tests/legacystore/jrnl/_ut_lpmgr.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2dc20ffa7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qpid/cpp/src/tests/legacystore/jrnl/_ut_lpmgr.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,886 @@
+ *
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ *
+ */
+#include "../unit_test.h"
+#include <cmath>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "qpid/legacystore/jrnl/jcntl.h"
+#include "qpid/legacystore/jrnl/lpmgr.h"
+using namespace boost::unit_test;
+using namespace mrg::journal;
+using namespace std;
+const string test_filename("_ut_lpmgr");
+#include "_st_helper_fns.h"
+// === Helper functions and definitions ===
+typedef vector<u_int16_t> flist;
+typedef flist::const_iterator flist_citr;
+class lpmgr_test_helper
+ lpmgr_test_helper() {}
+ virtual ~lpmgr_test_helper() {}
+ static void check_pfids_lfids(const lpmgr& lm, const u_int16_t pfids[], const u_int16_t lfids[],
+ const size_t pfid_lfid_size)
+ {
+ vector<u_int16_t> res;
+ lm.get_pfid_list(res);
+ vectors_equal(lm, pfids, pfid_lfid_size, res, true);
+ lm.get_lfid_list(res);
+ vectors_equal(lm, lfids, pfid_lfid_size, res, false);
+ }
+ static void check_pfids_lfids(const lpmgr& lm, const flist& pfids, const flist lfids)
+ {
+ vector<u_int16_t> res;
+ lm.get_pfid_list(res);
+ vectors_equal(lm, pfids, res, true);
+ lm.get_lfid_list(res);
+ vectors_equal(lm, lfids, res, false);
+ }
+ static void check_linear_pfids_lfids(const lpmgr& lm, const size_t pfid_lfid_size)
+ {
+ vector<u_int16_t> res;
+ lm.get_pfid_list(res);
+ linear_vectors_equal(lm, pfid_lfid_size, res, true);
+ lm.get_lfid_list(res);
+ linear_vectors_equal(lm, pfid_lfid_size, res, false);
+ }
+ static void rcvdat_init(rcvdat& rd, const u_int16_t num_jfiles, const bool ae, const u_int16_t ae_max_jfiles,
+ const u_int16_t pfids[])
+ {
+ rd.reset(num_jfiles, ae, ae_max_jfiles);
+ load_vector(pfids, num_jfiles, rd._fid_list);
+ rd._jempty = false;
+ rd._lfid = pfids[num_jfiles - 1];
+ rd._eo = 100 * JRNL_DBLK_SIZE * JRNL_SBLK_SIZE;
+ }
+ static void rcvdat_init(rcvdat& rd, const flist& pfidl, const bool ae, const u_int16_t ae_max_jfiles)
+ {
+ const u_int16_t num_jfiles = pfidl.size();
+ rd.reset(num_jfiles, ae, ae_max_jfiles);
+ load_vector(pfidl, rd._fid_list);
+ rd._jempty = false;
+ rd._lfid = pfidl[num_jfiles - 1];
+ rd._eo = 100 * JRNL_DBLK_SIZE * JRNL_SBLK_SIZE;
+ }
+ static void initialize(lpmgr& lm, test_jrnl& jc, const u_int16_t num_jfiles, const bool ae,
+ const u_int16_t ae_max_jfiles)
+ {
+ lm.initialize(num_jfiles, ae, ae_max_jfiles, &jc, &jc.new_fcntl);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(lm.is_init(), true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(lm.is_ae(), ae);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(lm.ae_max_jfiles(), ae_max_jfiles);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(lm.num_jfiles(), num_jfiles);
+ if (num_jfiles)
+ check_linear_pfids_lfids(lm, num_jfiles);
+ else
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(lm.get_fcntlp(0), (void*)0);
+ }
+ // version which sets up the lfid_pfid_map for later manipulation by insert tests
+ static void initialize(lfid_pfid_map& lfm, lpmgr& lm, test_jrnl& jc, const u_int16_t num_jfiles, const bool ae,
+ const u_int16_t ae_max_jfiles)
+ {
+ lfm.journal_create(num_jfiles, num_jfiles);
+ initialize(lm, jc, num_jfiles, ae, ae_max_jfiles);
+ }
+ static void prepare_recover(lfid_pfid_map& lfm, const u_int16_t size)
+ {
+ if (size < 4) BOOST_FAIL("prepare_recover(): size parameter (" << size << ") too small.");
+ lfm.journal_create(4, 4); // initial journal of size 4
+ u_int16_t s = 4; // cumulative size
+ while (s < size)
+ {
+ const u_int16_t ins_posn = u_int16_t(s * ::drand48()); // this insert posn
+ if (3.0 * ::drand48() > 1.0 || size - s < 2) // 2:1 chance of single insert when >= 2 still to insert
+ {
+ lfm.journal_insert(ins_posn); // single insert
+ s++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // multiple insert, either 2 - 5
+ const u_int16_t max_ins_size = size - s >5 ? 5 : size - s;
+ const u_int16_t ins_size = 2 + u_int16_t((max_ins_size - 2) * ::drand48()); // this insert size
+ lfm.journal_insert(ins_posn, ins_size);
+ s += ins_size;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static void recover(lfid_pfid_map& lfm, lpmgr& lm, test_jrnl& jc, const bool ae, const u_int16_t ae_max_jfiles)
+ {
+ flist pfidl;
+ flist lfidl;
+ rcvdat rd;
+ const u_int16_t num_jfiles = lfm.size();
+ lfm.get_pfid_list(pfidl);
+ lfm.get_lfid_list(lfidl);
+ lm.finalize(); // clear all file handles before erasing old journal files
+ lfm.write_journal(ae, ae_max_jfiles, JFSIZE_SBLKS);
+ lpmgr_test_helper::rcvdat_init(rd, pfidl, ae, ae_max_jfiles);
+ lm.recover(rd, &jc, &jc.new_fcntl);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(lm.is_init(), true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(lm.is_ae(), ae);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(lm.ae_max_jfiles(), ae_max_jfiles);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(lm.num_jfiles(), num_jfiles);
+ if (num_jfiles)
+ check_pfids_lfids(lm, pfidl, lfidl);
+ else
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(lm.get_fcntlp(0), (void*)0);
+ }
+ static void finalize(lpmgr& lm)
+ {
+ lm.finalize();
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(lm.is_init(), false);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(lm.is_ae(), false);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(lm.ae_max_jfiles(), u_int16_t(0));
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(lm.num_jfiles(), u_int16_t(0));
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(lm.get_fcntlp(0), (void*)0);
+ vector<u_int16_t> res;
+ lm.get_pfid_list(res);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(res.size(), u_int16_t(0));
+ lm.get_lfid_list(res);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(res.size(), u_int16_t(0));
+ }
+ static void insert(lfid_pfid_map& lfm, lpmgr& lm, test_jrnl& jc, const u_int16_t after_lfid, const u_int16_t incr = 1)
+ {
+ flist pfidl;
+ flist lfidl;
+ const u_int16_t num_jfiles = lm.num_jfiles();
+ lfm.journal_insert(after_lfid, incr);
+ lfm.get_pfid_list(pfidl);
+ lfm.get_lfid_list(lfidl);
+ lm.insert(after_lfid, &jc, &jc.new_fcntl, incr);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(lm.num_jfiles(), num_jfiles + incr);
+ lpmgr_test_helper::check_pfids_lfids(lm, pfidl, lfidl);
+ }
+ static void check_ae_max_jfiles(lpmgr& lm, const u_int16_t num_jfiles, const u_int16_t ae_max_jfiles)
+ {
+ bool legal = ae_max_jfiles > num_jfiles || ae_max_jfiles == 0;
+ lm.set_ae(false);
+ BOOST_CHECK(!lm.is_ae());
+ if (legal)
+ {
+ lm.set_ae_max_jfiles(ae_max_jfiles);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(lm.ae_max_jfiles(), ae_max_jfiles);
+ lm.set_ae(true);
+ BOOST_CHECK(lm.is_ae());
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(lm.ae_jfiles_rem(), ae_max_jfiles
+ ? ae_max_jfiles - num_jfiles
+ : JRNL_MAX_NUM_FILES - num_jfiles);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lm.set_ae_max_jfiles(ae_max_jfiles);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(lm.ae_max_jfiles(), ae_max_jfiles);
+ try
+ {
+ lm.set_ae(true); // should raise exception
+ BOOST_ERROR("Auto-expand enabled with out-of-range ae_max_jfiles");
+ }
+ catch (const jexception& e) { BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(e.err_code(), jerrno::JERR_LFMGR_BADAEFNUMLIM); }
+ BOOST_CHECK(!lm.is_ae());
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(lm.ae_jfiles_rem(), 0);
+ }
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(lm.ae_max_jfiles(), ae_max_jfiles);
+ }
+ static void check_multiple_initialization_recover(lfid_pfid_map& lfm, test_jrnl& jc,
+ const u_int16_t num_jfiles_arr[][2], const bool init_flag_0, const bool finalize_flag,
+ const bool init_flag_1)
+ {
+ unsigned i_njf = 0;
+ while (num_jfiles_arr[i_njf][0] && num_jfiles_arr[i_njf][1]) // cycle through each entry in num_jfiles_arr
+ {
+ for (unsigned i1_njf = 0; i1_njf <= 1; i1_njf++) // cycle through the two numbers in each entry of num_jfiles_arr
+ {
+ const u_int16_t num_jfiles_0 = num_jfiles_arr[i_njf][i1_njf == 0]; // first number in pair
+ const u_int16_t num_jfiles_1 = num_jfiles_arr[i_njf][i1_njf != 0]; // second number in pair
+ for (unsigned i_ae = 0; i_ae < 4; i_ae++) // cycle through combinations of enabling AE
+ {
+ const bool ae_0 = i_ae & 0x1; // first bit: enable AE on first init
+ const bool ae_1 = i_ae & 0x2; // second bit: enable AE on second init
+ for (unsigned i_aemjf = 0; i_aemjf < 4; i_aemjf++) // cycle through combinations of enabling/disabling ae limit
+ {
+ const u_int16_t ae_max_jfiles_0 = i_aemjf & 0x1 ? 3 * num_jfiles_0 : 0; // max ae files, 0 = disable max
+ const u_int16_t ae_max_jfiles_1 = i_aemjf & 0x2 ? 4 * num_jfiles_1 : 0; // max ae files, 0 = disable max
+ lpmgr lm; // DUT
+ if (init_flag_0)
+ initialize(lm, jc, num_jfiles_0, ae_0, ae_max_jfiles_0);
+ else
+ {
+ prepare_recover(lfm, num_jfiles_0);
+ recover(lfm, lm, jc, ae_1, ae_max_jfiles_0);
+ lfm.destroy_journal();
+ }
+ if (finalize_flag) finalize(lm);
+ if (init_flag_1)
+ initialize(lm, jc, num_jfiles_1, ae_1, ae_max_jfiles_1);
+ else
+ {
+ prepare_recover(lfm, num_jfiles_1);
+ recover(lfm, lm, jc, ae_1, ae_max_jfiles_1);
+ lfm.destroy_journal();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ i_njf++;
+ }
+ }
+ static void check_insert(lfid_pfid_map& lfm, lpmgr& lm, test_jrnl& jc, const u_int16_t after_lfid,
+ const u_int16_t incr = 1)
+ {
+ const u_int16_t num_jfiles = lm.num_jfiles();
+ const u_int16_t ae_max_jfiles = lm.ae_max_jfiles();
+ const u_int16_t effective_ae_max_jfiles = ae_max_jfiles ? ae_max_jfiles : JRNL_MAX_NUM_FILES;
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(lm.ae_jfiles_rem(), effective_ae_max_jfiles - num_jfiles);
+ bool legal = lm.is_ae() && num_jfiles + incr <= effective_ae_max_jfiles;
+ if (legal)
+ {
+ insert(lfm, lm, jc, after_lfid, incr);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(lm.num_jfiles(), num_jfiles + incr);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(lm.ae_jfiles_rem(), effective_ae_max_jfiles - num_jfiles - incr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ insert(lfm, lm, jc, after_lfid, incr);
+ if (lm.is_ae())
+ BOOST_ERROR("lpmgr::insert() succeeded and exceeded limit");
+ else
+ BOOST_ERROR("lpmgr::insert() succeeded with auto-expand disabled");
+ }
+ catch (const jexception& e)
+ {
+ if (lm.is_ae())
+ else
+ }
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(lm.num_jfiles(), num_jfiles);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(lm.ae_jfiles_rem(), effective_ae_max_jfiles - num_jfiles);
+ }
+ }
+ static void check_limit(lfid_pfid_map& lfm, test_jrnl& jc, const bool ae, const u_int16_t num_jfiles,
+ const u_int16_t ae_max_jfiles)
+ {
+ lpmgr lm;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ {
+ if (i)
+ initialize(lfm, lm, jc, num_jfiles, ae, ae_max_jfiles);
+ else
+ {
+ prepare_recover(lfm, num_jfiles);
+ recover(lfm, lm, jc, ae, ae_max_jfiles);
+ }
+ // use up all available files
+ unsigned j = ae_max_jfiles ? ae_max_jfiles : JRNL_MAX_NUM_FILES;
+ while (ae && j > num_jfiles)
+ {
+ const u_int16_t posn = static_cast<u_int16_t>((lm.num_jfiles() - 1) * ::drand48());
+ const u_int16_t incr = 1 + static_cast<u_int16_t>((lm.ae_jfiles_rem() > 4
+ ? 3 : lm.ae_jfiles_rem() - 1) * ::drand48());
+ check_insert(lfm, lm, jc, posn, incr);
+ j -= incr;
+ }
+ // these should be over the limit or illegal
+ check_insert(lfm, lm, jc, 0);
+ check_insert(lfm, lm, jc, 2, 2);
+ lfm.destroy_journal();
+ }
+ }
+ static void load_vector(const u_int16_t a[], const size_t n, flist& v)
+ {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ v.push_back(a[i]);
+ }
+ static void load_vector(const flist& a, flist& b)
+ {
+ for (flist_citr i = a.begin(); i < a.end(); i++)
+ b.push_back(*i);
+ }
+ static void vectors_equal(const lpmgr& lm, const u_int16_t a[], const size_t n, const flist& b,
+ const bool pfid_check)
+ {
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(n, b.size());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ {
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(a[i], b[i]);
+ fcntl* fp = lm.get_fcntlp(i);
+ BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fp != (void*)0, "Unexpected void pointer returned by lpmgr::get_fcntlp()");
+ if (fp) BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pfid_check ? fp->pfid() : fp->lfid(), pfid_check ? a[i] : i);
+ }
+ }
+ static void vectors_equal(const lpmgr& lm, const flist& a, const flist& b, const bool pfid_check)
+ {
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(a.size(), b.size());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < a.size(); i++)
+ {
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(a[i], b[i]);
+ fcntl* fp = lm.get_fcntlp(i);
+ BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fp != (void*)0, "Unexpected void pointer returned by lpmgr::get_fcntlp()");
+ if (fp) BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pfid_check ? fp->pfid() : fp->lfid(), pfid_check ? a[i] : i);
+ }
+ }
+ static void linear_vectors_equal(const lpmgr& lm, const size_t n, const flist& f, const bool pfid_check)
+ {
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(n, f.size());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ {
+ fcntl* fp = lm.get_fcntlp(i);
+ BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fp != (void*)0, "Unexpected void pointer returned by lpmgr::get_fcntlp()");
+ if (fp) BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(pfid_check ? fp->pfid() : fp->lfid(), i);
+ }
+ }
+// === Tests ===
+#ifndef LONG_TEST
+ * ==============================================
+ * This section contains normal "make check" tests
+ * for building/packaging. These are built when
+ * LONG_TEST is _not_ defined.
+ * ==============================================
+ */
+ * Check that after construction, the fcntl array _fcntl_arr is empty and the is_init() function returns false.
+ */
+ string test_name = get_test_name(test_filename, "default_constructor");
+ try
+ {
+ lpmgr lm;
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(lm.is_init(), false);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(lm.is_ae(), false);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(lm.ae_max_jfiles(), u_int16_t(0));
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(lm.num_jfiles(), u_int16_t(0));
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(lm.get_fcntlp(0), (void*)0);
+ }
+ catch(const exception& e) { BOOST_FAIL(e.what()); }
+ cout << "done" << endl;
+ * Check that initialize() correctly creates an ordered fcntl array _fcntl_arr.
+ */
+ string test_name = get_test_name(test_filename, "initialize");
+ const u_int16_t num_jfiles = 8;
+ try
+ {
+ jdir::create_dir(test_dir); // Check test dir exists; create it if not
+ test_jrnl_cb cb;
+ test_jrnl jc(test_name, test_dir, test_name, cb);
+ {
+ lpmgr lm;
+ lpmgr_test_helper::initialize(lm, jc, num_jfiles, false, 0);
+ }
+ {
+ lpmgr lm;
+ lpmgr_test_helper::initialize(lm, jc, num_jfiles, true, 0);
+ }
+ {
+ lpmgr lm;
+ lpmgr_test_helper::initialize(lm, jc, num_jfiles, true, 5 * num_jfiles);
+ }
+ }
+ catch(const exception& e) { BOOST_FAIL(e.what()); }
+ cout << "done" << endl;
+ * Check that recover() correctly sets up the specified pfid list order.
+ */
+ string test_name = get_test_name(test_filename, "recover");
+ ::srand48(1); // init random gen for repeatable tests when using lpmgr_test_helper::prepare_recover()
+ try
+ {
+ test_jrnl_cb cb;
+ test_jrnl jc(test_name, test_dir, test_name, cb);
+ lfid_pfid_map lfm(test_name, test_name);
+ {
+ lpmgr lm;
+ lpmgr_test_helper::prepare_recover(lfm, 8);
+ lpmgr_test_helper::recover(lfm, lm, jc, false, 0);
+ lfm.destroy_journal();
+ }
+ {
+ lpmgr lm;
+ lpmgr_test_helper::prepare_recover(lfm, 8);
+ lpmgr_test_helper::recover(lfm, lm, jc, true, 0);
+ lfm.destroy_journal();
+ }
+ {
+ lpmgr lm;
+ lpmgr_test_helper::prepare_recover(lfm, 8);
+ lpmgr_test_helper::recover(lfm, lm, jc, true, 5 * lfm.size());
+ lfm.destroy_journal();
+ }
+ }
+ catch(const exception& e) { BOOST_FAIL(e.what()); }
+ cout << "done" << endl;
+ * Check that finalize() after an initialize() empties _fcntl_arr and that afterwards is_init() returns false.
+ */
+ string test_name = get_test_name(test_filename, "initialize_finalize");
+ const u_int16_t num_jfiles = 8;
+ try
+ {
+ jdir::create_dir(test_dir); // Check test dir exists; create it if not
+ test_jrnl_cb cb;
+ test_jrnl jc(test_name, test_dir, test_name, cb);
+ {
+ lpmgr lm;
+ lpmgr_test_helper::initialize(lm, jc, num_jfiles, false, 0);
+ lpmgr_test_helper::finalize(lm);
+ }
+ {
+ lpmgr lm;
+ lpmgr_test_helper::initialize(lm, jc, num_jfiles, true, 0);
+ lpmgr_test_helper::finalize(lm);
+ }
+ {
+ lpmgr lm;
+ lpmgr_test_helper::initialize(lm, jc, num_jfiles, true, 5 * num_jfiles);
+ lpmgr_test_helper::finalize(lm);
+ }
+ }
+ catch(const exception& e) { BOOST_FAIL(e.what()); }
+ cout << "done" << endl;
+ * Check that finalize() after a recover() empties _fcntl_arr and that afterwards is_init() returns false.
+ */
+ string test_name = get_test_name(test_filename, "recover_finalize");
+ const u_int16_t num_jfiles = 8;
+ ::srand48(1); // init random gen for repeatable tests when using lpmgr_test_helper::prepare_recover()
+ try
+ {
+ test_jrnl_cb cb;
+ test_jrnl jc(test_name, test_dir, test_name, cb);
+ lfid_pfid_map lfm(test_name, test_name);
+ {
+ lpmgr lm;
+ lpmgr_test_helper::prepare_recover(lfm, num_jfiles);
+ lpmgr_test_helper::recover(lfm, lm, jc, false, 0);
+ lpmgr_test_helper::finalize(lm);
+ lfm.destroy_journal();
+ }
+ {
+ lpmgr lm;
+ lpmgr_test_helper::prepare_recover(lfm, num_jfiles);
+ lpmgr_test_helper::recover(lfm, lm, jc, true, 0);
+ lpmgr_test_helper::finalize(lm);
+ lfm.destroy_journal();
+ }
+ {
+ lpmgr lm;
+ lpmgr_test_helper::prepare_recover(lfm, num_jfiles);
+ lpmgr_test_helper::recover(lfm, lm, jc, true, 5 * lfm.size());
+ lpmgr_test_helper::finalize(lm);
+ lfm.destroy_journal();
+ }
+ }
+ catch(const exception& e) { BOOST_FAIL(e.what()); }
+ cout << "done" << endl;
+ * Check that 0 and/or null and other extreme/boundary parameters behave as expected.
+ */
+ string test_name = get_test_name(test_filename, "zero_null_params");
+ const u_int16_t num_jfiles = 8;
+ try
+ {
+ test_jrnl_cb cb;
+ test_jrnl jc(test_name, test_dir, test_name, cb);
+ lfid_pfid_map lfm(test_name, test_name);
+ lpmgr lm;
+ lpmgr_test_helper::initialize(lfm, lm, jc, num_jfiles, true, 0);
+ // Check that inserting 0 files works ok
+ lpmgr_test_helper::insert(lfm, lm, jc, 0, 0);
+ lpmgr_test_helper::insert(lfm, lm, jc, 2, 0);
+ lpmgr_test_helper::insert(lfm, lm, jc, num_jfiles - 1, 0);
+ }
+ catch(const exception& e) { BOOST_FAIL(e.what()); }
+ cout << "done" << endl;
+ * Check that initialize()/recover() works correctly after a previous initialize()/recover() with/without an intervening
+ * finalize().
+ */
+ string test_name = get_test_name(test_filename, "multiple_initialization_recover");
+ ::srand48(1); // init random gen for repeatable tests when using lpmgr_test_helper::prepare_recover()
+ // Set combinations of value pairs to be used for number of journal files in first and second init
+ u_int16_t num_jfiles_arr[][2] = {{8, 12}, {4, 7}, {0, 0}}; // end with zeros
+ try
+ {
+ test_jrnl_cb cb;
+ test_jrnl jc(test_name, test_dir, test_name, cb);
+ lfid_pfid_map lfm(test_name, test_name);
+ for (unsigned p = 0; p < 8; p++)
+ {
+ const bool i_0 = p & 0x01; // first bit
+ const bool i_1 = p & 0x02; // second bit
+ const bool f = p & 0x04; // third bit
+ lpmgr_test_helper::check_multiple_initialization_recover(lfm, jc, num_jfiles_arr, i_0, f, i_1);
+ }
+ }
+ catch(const exception& e) { BOOST_FAIL(e.what()); }
+ cout << "done" << endl;
+ * Check that insert() works correctly after initialize() and shifts the pfid sequence beyond the insert point correctly:
+ *
+ * The following sequence is tested:
+ * initialize 4 pfids=[0,1,2,3] lfids=[0,1,2,3]
+ * insert 1 after lfid 0 pfids=[0,4,1,2,3] lfids=[0,2,3,4,1]
+ * insert 2 after lfid 2 pfids=[0,4,1,5,6,2,3] lfids=[0,2,5,6,1,3,4]
+ * insert 1 after lfid 6 pfids=[0,4,1,5,6,2,3,7] lfids=[0,2,5,6,1,3,4,7]
+ * issert 1 after lfid 3 pfids=[0,4,1,5,8,6,2,3,7] lfids=[0,2,6,7,1,3,5,8,4]
+ */
+ string test_name = get_test_name(test_filename, "initialize_insert");
+ const u_int16_t initial_num_jfiles = 8;
+ try
+ {
+ jdir::create_dir(test_dir); // Check test dir exists; create it if not
+ test_jrnl_cb cb;
+ test_jrnl jc(test_name, test_dir, test_name, cb);
+ lfid_pfid_map lfm(test_name, test_name);
+ lpmgr lm;
+ lpmgr_test_helper::initialize(lfm, lm, jc, initial_num_jfiles, true, 0);
+ lpmgr_test_helper::insert(lfm, lm, jc, 0);
+ lpmgr_test_helper::insert(lfm, lm, jc, 2, 2);
+ lpmgr_test_helper::insert(lfm, lm, jc, 6);
+ lpmgr_test_helper::insert(lfm, lm, jc, 3);
+ }
+ catch(const exception& e) { BOOST_FAIL(e.what()); }
+ cout << "done" << endl;
+ * Check that insert() works correctly after recover() and shifts the pfid sequence beyond the insert point correctly:
+ *
+ * The following sequence is tested:
+ * recover 4 pfids=[0,2,3,1] lfids=[0,3,1,2]
+ * insert 1 after lfid 0 pfids=[0,4,2,3,1] lfids=[0,4,2,3,1]
+ * insert 2 after lfid 2 pfids=[0,4,2,5,6,3,1] lfids=[0,6,2,5,1,3,4]
+ * insert 1 after lfid 6 pfids=[0,4,2,5,6,3,1,7] lfids=[0,6,2,5,1,3,4,7]
+ * issert 1 after lfid 3 pfids=[0,4,2,5,8,6,3,1,7] lfids=[0,7,2,6,1,3,5,8,4]
+ */
+ string test_name = get_test_name(test_filename, "recover_insert");
+ const u_int16_t initial_num_jfiles = 4;
+ ::srand48(1); // init random gen for repeatable tests when using lpmgr_test_helper::prepare_recover()
+ try
+ {
+ jdir::create_dir(test_dir); // Check test dir exists; create it if not
+ test_jrnl_cb cb;
+ test_jrnl jc(test_name, test_dir, test_name, cb);
+ lfid_pfid_map lfm(test_name, test_name);
+ lpmgr lm;
+ lpmgr_test_helper::prepare_recover(lfm, initial_num_jfiles);
+ lpmgr_test_helper::recover(lfm, lm, jc, true, 0);
+ lpmgr_test_helper::insert(lfm, lm, jc, 0);
+ lpmgr_test_helper::insert(lfm, lm, jc, 2, 2);
+ lpmgr_test_helper::insert(lfm, lm, jc, 6);
+ lpmgr_test_helper::insert(lfm, lm, jc, 3);
+ }
+ catch(const exception& e) { BOOST_FAIL(e.what()); }
+ cout << "done" << endl;
+ * Check that illegal ae parameter combinations are caught and result in an exception being thrown.
+ */
+ string test_name = get_test_name(test_filename, "ae_parameters");
+ ::srand48(1); // init random gen for repeatable tests when using lpmgr_test_helper::prepare_recover()
+ try
+ {
+ jdir::create_dir(test_dir); // Check test dir exists; create it if not
+ test_jrnl_cb cb;
+ test_jrnl jc(test_name, test_dir, test_name, cb);
+ lfid_pfid_map lfm(test_name, test_name);
+ const u_int16_t num_jfiles = 8;
+ lpmgr lm;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ {
+ if (i)
+ lpmgr_test_helper::initialize(lfm, lm, jc, num_jfiles, false, 0);
+ else
+ {
+ lpmgr_test_helper::prepare_recover(lfm, num_jfiles);
+ lpmgr_test_helper::recover(lfm, lm, jc, false, 0);
+ }
+ lpmgr_test_helper::check_ae_max_jfiles(lm, num_jfiles, num_jfiles - 2);
+ lpmgr_test_helper::check_ae_max_jfiles(lm, num_jfiles, 0);
+ lpmgr_test_helper::check_ae_max_jfiles(lm, num_jfiles, 2 * num_jfiles);
+ lpmgr_test_helper::check_ae_max_jfiles(lm, num_jfiles, num_jfiles);
+ lfm.destroy_journal();
+ }
+ }
+ catch(const exception& e) { BOOST_FAIL(e.what()); }
+ cout << "done" << endl;
+ * Check that initialized or recovered journals with auto-expand disabled will not allow either inserts or appends.
+ */
+ string test_name = get_test_name(test_filename, "ae_disabled");
+ ::srand48(1); // init random gen for repeatable tests when using lpmgr_test_helper::prepare_recover()
+ try
+ {
+ jdir::create_dir(test_dir); // Check test dir exists; create it if not
+ test_jrnl_cb cb;
+ test_jrnl jc(test_name, test_dir, test_name, cb);
+ lfid_pfid_map lfm(test_name, test_name);
+ lpmgr_test_helper::check_limit(lfm, jc, false, 8, 0);
+ }
+ catch(const exception& e) { BOOST_FAIL(e.what()); }
+ cout << "done" << endl;
+ * Check that initialized or recovered journals with auto-expand enabled and a file limit set will enforce the correct
+ * limits on inserts and appends.
+ */
+ string test_name = get_test_name(test_filename, "ae_enabled_limit");
+ ::srand48(1); // init random gen for repeatable tests when using lpmgr_test_helper::prepare_recover()
+ try
+ {
+ jdir::create_dir(test_dir); // Check test dir exists; create it if not
+ test_jrnl_cb cb;
+ test_jrnl jc(test_name, test_dir, test_name, cb);
+ lfid_pfid_map lfm(test_name, test_name);
+ lpmgr_test_helper::check_limit(lfm, jc, true, 8, 32);
+ }
+ catch(const exception& e) { BOOST_FAIL(e.what()); }
+ cout << "done" << endl;
+ * Check that initialized or recovered journals with auto-expand enabled and no file limit set (0) will allow inserts and
+ * appends up to the file limit JRNL_MAX_NUM_FILES.
+ */
+ string test_name = get_test_name(test_filename, "ae_enabled_unlimited");
+ ::srand48(1); // init random gen for repeatable tests when using lpmgr_test_helper::prepare_recover()
+ try
+ {
+ jdir::create_dir(test_dir); // Check test dir exists; create it if not
+ test_jrnl_cb cb;
+ test_jrnl jc(test_name, test_dir, test_name, cb);
+ lfid_pfid_map lfm(test_name, test_name);
+ lpmgr_test_helper::check_limit(lfm, jc, true, 8, 0);
+ }
+ catch(const exception& e) { BOOST_FAIL(e.what()); }
+ cout << "done" << endl;
+ * ==============================================
+ * This section contains long tests and soak tests,
+ * and are run using target check-long (ie "make
+ * check-long"). These are built when LONG_TEST is
+ * defined.
+ * ==============================================
+ */
+ * Tests randomized combinations of initialization/recovery, initial size, number, size and location of inserts.
+ *
+ * To reproduce a specific test, comment out the get_seed() statement and uncomment the literal below, adjusting the seed
+ * value to that required.
+ */
+ string test_name = get_test_name(test_filename, "randomized_tests");
+ const long seed = get_seed();
+ // const long seed = 0x2d9b69d32;
+ cout << "seed=0x" << hex << seed << dec << " " << flush;
+ ::srand48(seed);
+ lfid_pfid_map lfm(test_name, test_name);
+ flist pfidl;
+ flist lfidl;
+ rcvdat rd;
+ u_int16_t curr_ae_max_jfiles = 0;
+ jdir::create_dir(test_dir); // Check test dir exists; create it if not
+ for (int test_num = 0; test_num < 250; test_num++)
+ {
+ test_jrnl_cb cb;
+ test_jrnl jc(test_name, test_dir, test_name, cb);
+ lpmgr lm;
+ // 50% chance of recovery except first run and if there is still ae space left
+ const bool recover_flag = test_num > 0 &&
+ curr_ae_max_jfiles > lfm.size() &&
+ 2.0 * ::drand48() < 1.0;
+ if (recover_flag)
+ {
+ // Recover from previous iteration
+ lfm.get_pfid_list(pfidl);
+ lfm.get_lfid_list(lfidl);
+ lfm.write_journal(true, curr_ae_max_jfiles, JFSIZE_SBLKS);
+ lpmgr_test_helper::rcvdat_init(rd, pfidl, true, curr_ae_max_jfiles);
+ lm.recover(rd, &jc, &jc.new_fcntl);
+ lpmgr_test_helper::check_pfids_lfids(lm, pfidl, lfidl);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Initialize from scratch
+ const u_int16_t num_jfiles = 4 + u_int16_t(21.0 * ::drand48()); // size: 4 - 25 files
+ curr_ae_max_jfiles = u_int16_t(4 * num_jfiles * ::drand48()); // size: 0 - 100 files
+ if (curr_ae_max_jfiles > JRNL_MAX_NUM_FILES) curr_ae_max_jfiles = JRNL_MAX_NUM_FILES;
+ else if (curr_ae_max_jfiles <= num_jfiles) curr_ae_max_jfiles = 0;
+ lfm.destroy_journal();
+ lfm.journal_create(num_jfiles, num_jfiles);
+ lfm.get_pfid_list(pfidl);
+ lfm.get_lfid_list(lfidl);
+ lm.initialize(num_jfiles, true, curr_ae_max_jfiles, &jc, &jc.new_fcntl);
+ lpmgr_test_helper::check_linear_pfids_lfids(lm, num_jfiles);
+ }
+ // Loop to insert pfids
+ const int num_inserts = 1 + int(lfm.size() * ::drand48());
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_inserts; i++)
+ {
+ const u_int16_t size = lm.num_jfiles();
+ const u_int16_t after_lfid = u_int16_t(1.0 * size * ::drand48());
+ const u_int16_t num_jfiles = 1 + u_int16_t(4.0 * ::drand48());
+ const bool legal = lm.ae_max_jfiles()
+ ? size + num_jfiles <= lm.ae_max_jfiles()
+ : size + num_jfiles <= JRNL_MAX_NUM_FILES;
+ if (legal)
+ {
+ lfm.journal_insert(after_lfid, num_jfiles);
+ lfm.get_pfid_list(pfidl);
+ lfm.get_lfid_list(lfidl);
+ lm.insert(after_lfid, &jc, &jc.new_fcntl, num_jfiles);
+ lpmgr_test_helper::check_pfids_lfids(lm, pfidl, lfidl);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ lm.insert(after_lfid, &jc, &jc.new_fcntl, num_jfiles);
+ BOOST_FAIL("lpmgr::insert() succeeded and exceeded limit");
+ }
+ catch (const jexception& e)
+ {
+ break; // no more inserts...
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ lm.finalize();
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(lm.is_init(), false);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(lm.num_jfiles(), u_int16_t(0));
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(lm.get_fcntlp(0), (void*)0);
+ }
+ cout << "done" << endl;