path: root/qpid/extras/qmf/src/py/qmf2/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'qpid/extras/qmf/src/py/qmf2/')
1 files changed, 1943 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qpid/extras/qmf/src/py/qmf2/ b/qpid/extras/qmf/src/py/qmf2/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8107b86666
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qpid/extras/qmf/src/py/qmf2/
@@ -0,0 +1,1943 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import time
+from logging import getLogger
+from threading import Lock
+from threading import Condition
+ import hashlib
+ _md5Obj = hashlib.md5
+except ImportError:
+ import md5
+ _md5Obj =
+log = getLogger("qmf")
+log_query = getLogger("qmf.query")
+## Constants
+class MsgKey(object):
+ agent_info = "agent_info"
+ query = "query"
+ package_info = "package_info"
+ schema_id = "schema_id"
+ schema = "schema"
+ object_id="object_id"
+ data_obj="object"
+ method="method"
+ event="event"
+class OpCode(object):
+ noop = "noop"
+ # codes sent by a console and processed by the agent
+ agent_locate = "agent-locate"
+ cancel_subscription = "cancel-subscription"
+ create_subscription = "create-subscription"
+ get_query = "get-query"
+ method_req = "method"
+ renew_subscription = "renew-subscription"
+ schema_query = "schema-query" # @todo: deprecate
+ # codes sent by the agent to a console
+ agent_ind = "agent"
+ data_ind = "data"
+ event_ind = "event"
+ managed_object = "managed-object"
+ object_ind = "object"
+ response = "response"
+ schema_ind="schema" # @todo: deprecate
+def make_subject(_code):
+ """
+ Create a message subject field value.
+ """
+def parse_subject(_sub):
+ """
+ Deconstruct a subject field, return version,opcode values
+ """
+ if _sub[:3] != "qmf":
+ raise Exception("Non-QMF message received")
+ return _sub[3:].split('.', 1)
+def timedelta_to_secs(td):
+ """
+ Convert a time delta to a time interval in seconds (float)
+ """
+ return td.days * 86400 + td.seconds + td.microseconds/1000000.0
+## Async Event Model
+class Notifier(object):
+ """
+ Virtual base class that defines a call back which alerts the application that
+ a QMF Console notification is pending.
+ """
+ def indication(self):
+ """
+ Called when one or more items are ready for the application to process.
+ This method may be called by an internal QMF library thread. Its purpose is to
+ indicate that the application should process pending work items.
+ """
+ raise Exception("The indication method must be overridden by the application!")
+class WorkItem(object):
+ """
+ Describes an event that has arrived for the application to process. The
+ Notifier is invoked when one or more of these WorkItems become available
+ for processing.
+ """
+ # Enumeration of the types of WorkItems produced on the Console
+ # Enumeration of the types of WorkItems produced on the Agent
+ QUERY=1001
+ def __init__(self, kind, handle, _params=None):
+ """
+ Used by the Console to create a work item.
+ @type kind: int
+ @param kind: work item type
+ """
+ self._kind = kind
+ self._handle = handle
+ self._params = _params
+ def get_type(self):
+ return self._kind
+ def get_handle(self):
+ return self._handle
+ def get_params(self):
+ return self._params
+## Addressing
+class QmfAddress(object):
+ """
+ Address format: "qmf.<domain>.[topic|direct]/<subject>"
+ """
+ TYPE_DIRECT = "direct"
+ TYPE_TOPIC = "topic"
+ ADDRESS_FMT = "qmf.%s.%s/%s"
+ DEFAULT_DOMAIN = "default"
+ # Directly-addressed messages:
+ # agent's direct address: "qmf.<domain>.direct/<agent-name>
+ # console's direct address: "qmf.<domain>.direct/<console-name>
+ # Well-known Topic Addresses:
+ # "qmf.<domain>.topic/<subject>
+ # Where <subject> has the following format:
+ # "console.ind#" - indications sent from consoles
+ # "agent.ind#" - indications sent from agents
+ #
+ # The following "well known" subjects are defined:
+ #
+ # console.ind.locate[.<agent-name>] - agent discovery request
+ # agent.ind.heartbeat[.<agent-name>"] - agent heartbeats
+ # agent.ind.event[.<severity>.<agent-name>] - events
+ # agent.ind.schema[TBD] - schema updates
+ #
+ SUBJECT_AGENT_IND="agent.ind"
+ SUBJECT_AGENT_HEARTBEAT = "agent.ind.heartbeat"
+ SUBJECT_AGENT_EVENT="agent.ind.event"
+ SUBJECT_AGENT_SCHEMA="agent.ind.schema"
+ SUBJECT_CONSOLE_IND="console.ind"
+ SUBJECT_CONSOLE_LOCATE_AGENT="console.ind.locate"
+ def __init__(self, subject, domain, type_):
+ if '/' in domain or '.' in domain:
+ raise Exception("domain string must not contain '/' or '.'"
+ " characters.")
+ self._subject = subject
+ self._domain = domain
+ self._type = type_
+ def _direct(cls, subject, _domain=None):
+ if _domain is None:
+ _domain = QmfAddress.DEFAULT_DOMAIN
+ return cls(subject, _domain, type_=QmfAddress.TYPE_DIRECT)
+ direct = classmethod(_direct)
+ def _topic(cls, subject, _domain=None):
+ if _domain is None:
+ _domain = QmfAddress.DEFAULT_DOMAIN
+ return cls(subject, _domain, type_=QmfAddress.TYPE_TOPIC)
+ topic = classmethod(_topic)
+ def __from_string(cls, address):
+ node,subject = address.split('/',1)
+ qmf,domain,type_ = node.split('.',2)
+ if qmf != "qmf" or (type_ != QmfAddress.TYPE_DIRECT and
+ type_ != QmfAddress.TYPE_TOPIC):
+ raise ValueError("invalid QmfAddress format: %s" % address)
+ return cls(subject, domain, type_)
+ from_string = classmethod(__from_string)
+ def get_address(self):
+ """
+ Return the QMF address as a string, suitable for use with the AMQP
+ messaging API.
+ """
+ return str(self)
+ def get_node(self):
+ """
+ Return the 'node' portion of the address.
+ """
+ return self.get_address().split('/',1)[0]
+ def get_subject(self):
+ """
+ Return the 'subject' portion of the address.
+ """
+ return self.get_address().split('/',1)[1]
+ def get_domain(self):
+ return self._domain
+ def is_direct(self):
+ return self._type == self.TYPE_DIRECT
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return QmfAddress.ADDRESS_FMT % (self._domain, self._type, self._subject)
+class AgentName(object):
+ """
+ Uniquely identifies a management agent within the management domain.
+ """
+ _separator = ":"
+ def __init__(self, vendor, product, name, _str=None):
+ """
+ Note: this object must be immutable, as it is used to index into a dictionary
+ """
+ if _str is not None:
+ # construct from string representation
+ if _str.count(AgentName._separator) < 2:
+ raise TypeError("AgentName string format must be ''")
+ self._vendor, self._product, self._name = _str.split(AgentName._separator)
+ else:
+ self._vendor = vendor
+ self._product = product
+ self._name = name
+ def _from_str(cls, str_):
+ return cls(None, None, None, str_=str_)
+ from_str = classmethod(_from_str)
+ def vendor(self):
+ return self._vendor
+ def product(self):
+ return self._product
+ def name(self):
+ return self._name
+ def __cmp__(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, AgentName) :
+ raise TypeError("Invalid types for compare")
+ # return 1
+ me = str(self)
+ them = str(other)
+ if me < them:
+ return -1
+ if me > them:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return (self._vendor, self._product, self._name).__hash__()
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return self._vendor + AgentName._separator + \
+ self._product + AgentName._separator + \
+ self._name
+class _mapEncoder(object):
+ """
+ virtual base class for all objects that support being converted to a map
+ """
+ def map_encode(self):
+ raise Exception("The map_encode method my be overridden.")
+class QmfData(_mapEncoder):
+ """
+ Base class representing management data.
+ Map format:
+ map["_values"] = map of unordered "name"=<value> pairs (optional)
+ map["_subtype"] = map of unordered "name"="subtype string" pairs (optional)
+ map["_tag"] = application-specific tag for this instance (optional)
+ """
+ KEY_VALUES = "_values"
+ KEY_SUBTYPES = "_subtypes"
+ KEY_TAG="_tag"
+ KEY_OBJECT_ID = "_object_id"
+ KEY_SCHEMA_ID = "_schema_id"
+ KEY_UPDATE_TS = "_update_ts"
+ KEY_CREATE_TS = "_create_ts"
+ KEY_DELETE_TS = "_delete_ts"
+ def __init__(self,
+ _values={}, _subtypes={}, _tag=None,
+ _object_id=None, _schema_id=None,
+ _ctime = 0, _utime = 0, _dtime = 0,
+ _map=None, _const=False):
+ """
+ @type _values: dict
+ @param _values: dictionary of initial name=value pairs for object's
+ named data.
+ @type _subtypes: dict
+ @param _subtype: dictionary of subtype strings for each of the object's
+ named data.
+ @type _desc: string
+ @param _desc: Human-readable description of this data object.
+ @type _const: boolean
+ @param _const: if true, this object cannot be modified
+ """
+ if _map is not None:
+ # construct from map
+ _tag = _map.get(self.KEY_TAG, _tag)
+ _values = _map.get(self.KEY_VALUES, _values)
+ _subtypes = _map.get(self.KEY_SUBTYPES, _subtypes)
+ _object_id = _map.get(self.KEY_OBJECT_ID, _object_id)
+ sid = _map.get(self.KEY_SCHEMA_ID)
+ if sid:
+ _schema_id = SchemaClassId.from_map(sid)
+ _ctime = long(_map.get(self.KEY_CREATE_TS, _ctime))
+ _utime = long(_map.get(self.KEY_UPDATE_TS, _utime))
+ _dtime = long(_map.get(self.KEY_DELETE_TS, _dtime))
+ if _object_id is None:
+ raise Exception("An object_id must be provided.")
+ self._values = _values.copy()
+ self._subtypes = _subtypes.copy()
+ self._tag = _tag
+ self._ctime = _ctime
+ self._utime = _utime
+ self._dtime = _dtime
+ self._const = _const
+ self._schema_id = _schema_id
+ self._object_id = str(_object_id)
+ def __create(cls, values, _subtypes={}, _tag=None, _object_id=None,
+ _schema_id=None, _const=False):
+ # timestamp in millisec since epoch UTC
+ ctime = long(time.time() * 1000)
+ return cls(_values=values, _subtypes=_subtypes, _tag=_tag,
+ _ctime=ctime, _utime=ctime,
+ _object_id=_object_id, _schema_id=_schema_id, _const=_const)
+ create = classmethod(__create)
+ def __from_map(cls, map_, _const=False):
+ return cls(_map=map_, _const=_const)
+ from_map = classmethod(__from_map)
+ def is_managed(self):
+ return self._object_id is not None
+ def is_described(self):
+ return self._schema_id is not None
+ def get_tag(self):
+ return self._tag
+ def get_value(self, name):
+ """
+ Will throw an AttributeError exception if the named value does not exist.
+ """
+ # meta-properties first:
+ if name == SchemaClassId.KEY_PACKAGE:
+ if self._schema_id:
+ return self._schema_id.get_package_name()
+ return None
+ if name == SchemaClassId.KEY_CLASS:
+ if self._schema_id:
+ return self._schema_id.get_class_name()
+ return None
+ if name == SchemaClassId.KEY_TYPE:
+ if self._schema_id:
+ return self._schema_id.get_type()
+ return None
+ if name == SchemaClassId.KEY_HASH:
+ if self._schema_id:
+ return self._schema_id.get_hash_string()
+ return None
+ if name == self.KEY_SCHEMA_ID:
+ return self._schema_id
+ if name == self.KEY_OBJECT_ID:
+ return self._object_id
+ if name == self.KEY_TAG:
+ return self._tag
+ if name == self.KEY_UPDATE_TS:
+ return self._utime
+ if name == self.KEY_CREATE_TS:
+ return self._ctime
+ if name == self.KEY_DELETE_TS:
+ return self._dtime
+ try:
+ return self._values[name]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise AttributeError("no value named '%s' in this object" % name)
+ def has_value(self, name):
+ if name in [SchemaClassId.KEY_PACKAGE, SchemaClassId.KEY_CLASS,
+ SchemaClassId.KEY_TYPE, SchemaClassId.KEY_HASH,
+ self.KEY_SCHEMA_ID]:
+ return self._schema_id is not None
+ if name in [self.KEY_UPDATE_TS, self.KEY_CREATE_TS,
+ self.KEY_DELETE_TS]:
+ return True
+ if name == self.KEY_OBJECT_ID:
+ return self._object_id is not None
+ if name == self.KEY_TAG:
+ return self._tag is not None
+ return name in self._values
+ def set_value(self, _name, _value, _subType=None):
+ if self._const:
+ raise Exception("cannot modify constant data object")
+ self._values[_name] = _value
+ if _subType:
+ self._subtypes[_name] = _subType
+ return _value
+ def get_subtype(self, _name):
+ return self._subtypes.get(_name)
+ def get_schema_class_id(self):
+ """
+ @rtype: class SchemaClassId
+ @returns: the identifier of the Schema that describes the structure of the data.
+ """
+ return self._schema_id
+ def get_object_id(self):
+ """
+ Get the instance's identification string.
+ @rtype: str
+ @returns: the identification string, or None if not assigned and id.
+ """
+ return self._object_id
+ def map_encode(self):
+ _map = {}
+ if self._tag:
+ _map[self.KEY_TAG] = self._tag
+ # data in the _values map may require recursive map_encode()
+ vmap = {}
+ for name,val in self._values.iteritems():
+ if isinstance(val, _mapEncoder):
+ vmap[name] = val.map_encode()
+ else:
+ # otherwise, just toss in the native type...
+ vmap[name] = val
+ _map[self.KEY_VALUES] = vmap
+ # subtypes are never complex, so safe to just copy
+ _map[self.KEY_SUBTYPES] = self._subtypes.copy()
+ if self._object_id:
+ _map[self.KEY_OBJECT_ID] = self._object_id
+ if self._schema_id:
+ _map[self.KEY_SCHEMA_ID] = self._schema_id.map_encode()
+ return _map
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "QmfData=<<" + str(self.map_encode()) + ">>"
+ def __setattr__(self, _name, _value):
+ # ignore private data members
+ if _name[0] == '_':
+ return super(QmfData, self).__setattr__(_name, _value)
+ if _name in self._values:
+ return self.set_value(_name, _value)
+ return super(QmfData, self).__setattr__(_name, _value)
+ def __getattr__(self, _name):
+ if _name != "_values" and _name in self._values:
+ return self._values[_name]
+ raise AttributeError("no value named '%s' in this object" % _name)
+ def __getitem__(self, _name):
+ return self.__getattr__(_name)
+ def __setitem__(self, _name, _value):
+ return self.__setattr__(_name, _value)
+class QmfEvent(QmfData):
+ """
+ A QMF Event is a type of described data that is not managed. Events are
+ notifications that are sent by Agents. An event notifies a Console of a
+ change in some aspect of the system under managment.
+ """
+ KEY_TIMESTAMP = "_timestamp"
+ KEY_SEVERITY = "_severity"
+ SEV_EMERG = "emerg"
+ SEV_ALERT = "alert"
+ SEV_CRIT = "crit"
+ SEV_ERR = "err"
+ SEV_WARNING = "warning"
+ SEV_NOTICE = "notice"
+ SEV_INFO = "info"
+ SEV_DEBUG = "debug"
+ def __init__(self, _timestamp=None, _sev=SEV_NOTICE, _values={},
+ _subtypes={}, _tag=None,
+ _map=None,
+ _schema_id=None, _const=True):
+ """
+ @type _map: dict
+ @param _map: if not None, construct instance from map representation.
+ @type _timestamp: int
+ @param _timestamp: moment in time when event occurred, expressed
+ as milliseconds since Midnight, Jan 1, 1970 UTC.
+ @type _agentId: class AgentId
+ @param _agentId: Identifies agent issuing this event.
+ @type _schema: class Schema
+ @param _schema:
+ @type _schemaId: class SchemaClassId (event)
+ @param _schemaId: identi
+ """
+ if _map is not None:
+ # construct from map
+ super(QmfEvent, self).__init__(_map=_map, _const=_const,
+ _object_id="_event")
+ _timestamp = _map.get(self.KEY_TIMESTAMP, _timestamp)
+ _sev = _map.get(self.KEY_SEVERITY, _sev)
+ else:
+ super(QmfEvent, self).__init__(_object_id="_event",
+ _values=_values,
+ _subtypes=_subtypes, _tag=_tag,
+ _schema_id=_schema_id,
+ _const=_const)
+ if _timestamp is None:
+ raise TypeError("QmfEvent: a valid timestamp is required.")
+ try:
+ self._timestamp = long(_timestamp)
+ except:
+ raise TypeError("QmfEvent: a numeric timestamp is required.")
+ self._severity = _sev
+ def _create(cls, timestamp, severity, values,
+ _subtypes={}, _tag=None, _schema_id=None, _const=False):
+ return cls(_timestamp=timestamp, _sev=severity, _values=values,
+ _subtypes=_subtypes, _tag=_tag, _schema_id=_schema_id, _const=_const)
+ create = classmethod(_create)
+ def _from_map(cls, map_, _const=False):
+ return cls(_map=map_, _const=_const)
+ from_map = classmethod(_from_map)
+ def get_timestamp(self):
+ return self._timestamp
+ def get_severity(self):
+ return self._severity
+ def map_encode(self):
+ _map = super(QmfEvent, self).map_encode()
+ _map[self.KEY_TIMESTAMP] = self._timestamp
+ _map[self.KEY_SEVERITY] = self._severity
+ return _map
+class Arguments(object):
+ def __init__(self, map):
+ pass
+# = map
+# self._by_hash = {}
+# key_count =
+# a = 0
+# while a < key_count:
+# self._by_hash[] = self.by_key(
+# a += 1
+# def __getitem__(self, key):
+# return self._by_hash[key]
+# def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+# self._by_hash[key] = value
+# self.set(key, value)
+# def __iter__(self):
+# return self._by_hash.__iter__
+# def __getattr__(self, name):
+# if name in self._by_hash:
+# return self._by_hash[name]
+# return super.__getattr__(self, name)
+# def __setattr__(self, name, value):
+# #
+# # ignore local data members
+# #
+# if (name[0] == '_' or
+# name == 'map'):
+# return super.__setattr__(self, name, value)
+# if name in self._by_hash:
+# self._by_hash[name] = value
+# return self.set(name, value)
+# return super.__setattr__(self, name, value)
+# def by_key(self, key):
+# val =
+# vType = val.getType()
+# if vType == TYPE_UINT8: return val.asUint()
+# elif vType == TYPE_UINT16: return val.asUint()
+# elif vType == TYPE_UINT32: return val.asUint()
+# elif vType == TYPE_UINT64: return val.asUint64()
+# elif vType == TYPE_SSTR: return val.asString()
+# elif vType == TYPE_LSTR: return val.asString()
+# elif vType == TYPE_ABSTIME: return val.asInt64()
+# elif vType == TYPE_DELTATIME: return val.asUint64()
+# elif vType == TYPE_REF: return ObjectId(val.asObjectId())
+# elif vType == TYPE_BOOL: return val.asBool()
+# elif vType == TYPE_FLOAT: return val.asFloat()
+# elif vType == TYPE_DOUBLE: return val.asDouble()
+# elif vType == TYPE_UUID: return val.asUuid()
+# elif vType == TYPE_INT8: return val.asInt()
+# elif vType == TYPE_INT16: return val.asInt()
+# elif vType == TYPE_INT32: return val.asInt()
+# elif vType == TYPE_INT64: return val.asInt64()
+# else:
+# # when TYPE_MAP
+# # when TYPE_OBJECT
+# # when TYPE_LIST
+# # when TYPE_ARRAY
+# logging.error( "Unsupported Type for Get? '%s'" % str(val.getType()))
+# return None
+# def set(self, key, value):
+# val =
+# vType = val.getType()
+# if vType == TYPE_UINT8: return val.setUint(value)
+# elif vType == TYPE_UINT16: return val.setUint(value)
+# elif vType == TYPE_UINT32: return val.setUint(value)
+# elif vType == TYPE_UINT64: return val.setUint64(value)
+# elif vType == TYPE_SSTR:
+# if value:
+# return val.setString(value)
+# else:
+# return val.setString('')
+# elif vType == TYPE_LSTR:
+# if value:
+# return val.setString(value)
+# else:
+# return val.setString('')
+# elif vType == TYPE_ABSTIME: return val.setInt64(value)
+# elif vType == TYPE_DELTATIME: return val.setUint64(value)
+# elif vType == TYPE_REF: return val.setObjectId(value.impl)
+# elif vType == TYPE_BOOL: return val.setBool(value)
+# elif vType == TYPE_FLOAT: return val.setFloat(value)
+# elif vType == TYPE_DOUBLE: return val.setDouble(value)
+# elif vType == TYPE_UUID: return val.setUuid(value)
+# elif vType == TYPE_INT8: return val.setInt(value)
+# elif vType == TYPE_INT16: return val.setInt(value)
+# elif vType == TYPE_INT32: return val.setInt(value)
+# elif vType == TYPE_INT64: return val.setInt64(value)
+# else:
+# # when TYPE_MAP
+# # when TYPE_OBJECT
+# # when TYPE_LIST
+# # when TYPE_ARRAY
+# logging.error("Unsupported Type for Set? '%s'" % str(val.getType()))
+# return None
+#class MethodResponse(object):
+# def __init__(self, impl):
+# pass
+# self.impl = qmfengine.MethodResponse(impl)
+# def status(self):
+# return self.impl.getStatus()
+# def exception(self):
+# return self.impl.getException()
+# def text(self):
+# return exception().asString()
+# def args(self):
+# return Arguments(self.impl.getArgs())
+# def __getattr__(self, name):
+# myArgs = self.args()
+# return myArgs.__getattr__(name)
+# def __setattr__(self, name, value):
+# if name == 'impl':
+# return super.__setattr__(self, name, value)
+# myArgs = self.args()
+# return myArgs.__setattr__(name, value)
+# ##==============================================================================
+# ## QUERY
+# ##==============================================================================
+# def _doQuery(predicate, params ):
+# """
+# Given the predicate from a query, and a map of named parameters, apply the predicate
+# to the parameters, and return True or False.
+# """
+# if type(predicate) != list or len(predicate) < 1:
+# return False
+# elif opr == Query._LOGIC_AND:
+# logging.debug("_doQuery() AND: [%s]" % predicate )
+# rc = False
+# for exp in predicate[1:]:
+# rc = _doQuery( exp, params )
+# if not rc:
+# break
+# return rc
+# elif opr == Query._LOGIC_OR:
+# logging.debug("_doQuery() OR: [%s]" % predicate )
+# rc = False
+# for exp in predicate[1:]:
+# rc = _doQuery( exp, params )
+# if rc:
+# break
+# return rc
+# elif opr == Query._LOGIC_NOT:
+# logging.debug("_doQuery() NOT: [%s]" % predicate )
+# if len(predicate) != 2:
+# logging.warning("Malformed query not-expression received: '%s'" % predicate)
+# return False
+# return not _doQuery( predicate[1:], params )
+# else:
+# logging.warning("Unknown query operator received: '%s'" % opr)
+# return False
+class QmfQuery(_mapEncoder):
+ KEY_TARGET="what"
+ KEY_ID="id"
+ ### Query Types
+ ID=1
+ #### Query Targets ####
+ TARGET_PACKAGES="schema_package"
+ # (returns just package names)
+ # allowed predicate key(s):
+ #
+ # SchemaClassId.KEY_PACKAGE
+ TARGET_SCHEMA_ID="schema_id"
+ TARGET_SCHEMA="schema"
+ # allowed id: value:
+ # SchemaClassId
+ #
+ # allowed predicate key(s):
+ # SchemaClassId.KEY_PACKAGE
+ # SchemaClassId.KEY_CLASS
+ # SchemaClassId.KEY_TYPE
+ # SchemaClassId.KEY_HASH
+ # SchemaClass.KEY_SCHEMA_ID
+ # name of property (exist test only)
+ # name of method (exist test only)
+ TARGET_AGENT="agent"
+ # allowed id: value:
+ # string name of agent
+ # allowed predicate keys(s):
+ #
+ KEY_AGENT_NAME="_name"
+ TARGET_OBJECT_ID="object_id"
+ TARGET_OBJECT="object"
+ # If object is described by a schema, the value of the target map must
+ # include a "_schema_id": {map encoded schema id} value.
+ #
+ # allowed id: value:
+ # object_id string
+ #
+ # allowed predicate keys(s):
+ #
+ # <name of data value>
+ # supported predicate operators
+ # evaluation operators
+ QUOTE="quote"
+ UNQUOTE="unquote"
+ # boolean operators
+ EQ="eq"
+ NE="ne"
+ LT="lt"
+ LE="le"
+ GT="gt"
+ GE="ge"
+ RE_MATCH="re_match"
+ EXISTS="exists"
+ TRUE="true"
+ FALSE="false"
+ # logic operators
+ AND="and"
+ OR="or"
+ NOT="not"
+ _valid_bool_ops = [EQ, NE, LT, GT, LE, GE, EXISTS, RE_MATCH, TRUE, FALSE]
+ _valid_logic_ops = [AND, OR, NOT]
+ _valid_eval_ops = [QUOTE, UNQUOTE]
+ def __init__(self, _target=None, _target_params=None, _predicate=None,
+ _id=None, _map=None):
+ """
+ """
+ if _map is not None:
+ target_map = _map.get(self.KEY_TARGET)
+ if not target_map:
+ raise TypeError("QmfQuery requires a target map")
+ _target = None
+ for key in target_map.iterkeys():
+ if key in self._valid_targets:
+ _target = key
+ break
+ if _target is None:
+ raise TypeError("Invalid QmfQuery target: '%s'" %
+ str(target_map))
+ # convert target params from map format
+ _target_params = target_map.get(_target)
+ if _target_params:
+ if not isinstance(_target_params, type({})):
+ raise TypeError("target params must be a map: '%s'" %
+ str(_target_params))
+ t_params = {}
+ for name,value in _target_params.iteritems():
+ if name == QmfData.KEY_SCHEMA_ID:
+ t_params[name] = SchemaClassId.from_map(value)
+ else:
+ t_params[name] = value
+ _target_params = t_params
+ _id = _map.get(self.KEY_ID)
+ if _id is not None:
+ # Convert identifier to native type if necessary
+ if _target == self.TARGET_SCHEMA:
+ _id = SchemaClassId.from_map(_id)
+ else:
+ _predicate = _map.get(self.KEY_PREDICATE, _predicate)
+ self._target = _target
+ if not self._target:
+ raise TypeError("QmfQuery requires a target value")
+ self._target_params = _target_params
+ self._predicate = _predicate
+ self._id = _id
+ # constructors
+ def _create_wildcard(cls, target, _target_params=None):
+ return cls(_target=target, _target_params=_target_params)
+ create_wildcard = classmethod(_create_wildcard)
+ def _create_wildcard_object_id(cls, schema_id):
+ """
+ Create a wildcard to match all object_ids for a given schema.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(schema_id, SchemaClassId):
+ raise TypeError("class SchemaClassId expected")
+ params = {QmfData.KEY_SCHEMA_ID: schema_id}
+ return cls(_target=QmfQuery.TARGET_OBJECT_ID,
+ _target_params=params)
+ create_wildcard_object_id = classmethod(_create_wildcard_object_id)
+ def _create_wildcard_object(cls, schema_id):
+ """
+ Create a wildcard to match all objects for a given schema.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(schema_id, SchemaClassId):
+ raise TypeError("class SchemaClassId expected")
+ params = {QmfData.KEY_SCHEMA_ID: schema_id}
+ return cls(_target=QmfQuery.TARGET_OBJECT,
+ _target_params=params)
+ create_wildcard_object = classmethod(_create_wildcard_object)
+ def _create_predicate(cls, target, predicate, _target_params=None):
+ return cls(_target=target, _target_params=_target_params,
+ _predicate=predicate)
+ create_predicate = classmethod(_create_predicate)
+ def _create_id(cls, target, ident, _target_params=None):
+ return cls(_target=target, _target_params=_target_params, _id=ident)
+ create_id = classmethod(_create_id)
+ def _create_id_object(cls, object_id, _schema_id=None):
+ """
+ Create a ID Query for an object (schema optional).
+ """
+ if _schema_id is not None:
+ if not isinstance(_schema_id, SchemaClassId):
+ raise TypeError("class SchemaClassId expected")
+ params = {QmfData.KEY_SCHEMA_ID: _schema_id}
+ else:
+ params = None
+ return cls(_target=QmfQuery.TARGET_OBJECT,
+ _id=object_id,
+ _target_params=params)
+ create_id_object = classmethod(_create_id_object)
+ def _create_id_object_id(cls, object_id, _schema_id=None):
+ """
+ Create a ID Query for object_ids (schema optional).
+ """
+ if _schema_id is not None:
+ if not isinstance(_schema_id, SchemaClassId):
+ raise TypeError("class SchemaClassId expected")
+ params = {QmfData.KEY_SCHEMA_ID: _schema_id}
+ else:
+ params = None
+ return cls(_target=QmfQuery.TARGET_OBJECT_ID,
+ _id=object_id,
+ _target_params=params)
+ create_id_object_id = classmethod(_create_id_object_id)
+ def _from_map(cls, map_):
+ return cls(_map=map_)
+ from_map = classmethod(_from_map)
+ # end constructors
+ def get_target(self):
+ return self._target
+ def get_target_param(self):
+ return self._target_params
+ def get_selector(self):
+ if self._id:
+ return QmfQuery.ID
+ else:
+ return QmfQuery.PREDICATE
+ def get_id(self):
+ return self._id
+ def get_predicate(self):
+ """
+ """
+ return self._predicate
+ def evaluate(self, qmfData):
+ """
+ """
+ if self._id:
+ if self._target == self.TARGET_SCHEMA:
+ return (qmfData.has_value(qmfData.KEY_SCHEMA_ID) and
+ qmfData.get_value(qmfData.KEY_SCHEMA_ID) == self._id)
+ elif self._target == self.TARGET_OBJECT:
+ return (qmfData.has_value(qmfData.KEY_OBJECT_ID) and
+ qmfData.get_value(qmfData.KEY_OBJECT_ID) == self._id)
+ elif self._target == self.TARGET_AGENT:
+ return (qmfData.has_value(self.KEY_AGENT_NAME) and
+ qmfData.get_value(self.KEY_AGENT_NAME) == self._id)
+ raise Exception("Unsupported query target '%s'" % str(self._target))
+ if self._predicate:
+ return self._eval_pred(self._predicate, qmfData)
+ # no predicate and no id - always match
+ return True
+ def map_encode(self):
+ t_params = {}
+ if self._target_params:
+ for name,value in self._target_params.iteritems():
+ if isinstance(value, _mapEncoder):
+ t_params[name] = value.map_encode()
+ else:
+ t_params[name] = value
+ if t_params:
+ _map = {self.KEY_TARGET: {self._target: t_params}}
+ else:
+ _map = {self.KEY_TARGET: {self._target: None}}
+ if self._id is not None:
+ if isinstance(self._id, _mapEncoder):
+ _map[self.KEY_ID] = self._id.map_encode()
+ else:
+ _map[self.KEY_ID] = self._id
+ elif self._predicate is not None:
+ _map[self.KEY_PREDICATE] = self._predicate
+ return _map
+ def _eval_pred(self, pred, qmfData):
+ """
+ Evaluate the predicate expression against a QmfData object.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(qmfData, QmfData):
+ raise TypeError("Query expects to evaluate QmfData types.")
+ if not isinstance(pred, type([])):
+ log_query.warning("Invalid type for predicate expression: '%s'" % str(pred))
+ return False
+ # empty predicate - match all???
+ if len(pred) == 0:
+ return True
+ oper = pred[0]
+ if oper == QmfQuery.TRUE:
+ log_query.debug("query evaluate TRUE")
+ return True
+ if oper == QmfQuery.FALSE:
+ log_query.debug("query evaluate FALSE")
+ return False
+ if oper == QmfQuery.AND:
+ log_query.debug("query evaluate AND: '%s'" % str(pred))
+ for exp in pred[1:]:
+ if not self._eval_pred(exp, qmfData):
+ log_query.debug("---> False")
+ return False
+ log_query.debug("---> True")
+ return True
+ if oper == QmfQuery.OR:
+ log_query.debug("query evaluate OR: [%s]" % str(pred))
+ for exp in pred[1:]:
+ if self._eval_pred(exp, qmfData):
+ log_query.debug("---> True")
+ return True
+ log_query.debug("---> False")
+ return False
+ if oper == QmfQuery.NOT:
+ log_query.debug("query evaluate NOT: [%s]" % str(pred))
+ for exp in pred[1:]:
+ if self._eval_pred(exp, qmfData):
+ log_query.debug("---> False")
+ return False
+ log_query.debug("---> True")
+ return True
+ if oper == QmfQuery.EXISTS:
+ if len(pred) != 2:
+ log_query.warning("Malformed query: 'exists' operator"
+ " - bad arguments '%s'" % str(pred))
+ return False
+ ### Q: Should we assume "quote", or should it be explicit?
+ ### "foo" or ["quote" "foo"]
+ ### my guess is "explicit"
+ log_query.debug("query evaluate EXISTS: [%s]" % str(pred))
+ try:
+ arg = self._fetch_pred_arg(pred[1], qmfData)
+ except AttributeError:
+ log_query.debug("query parameter not found: '%s'" % str(pred))
+ return False
+ v = qmfData.has_value(arg)
+ log_query.debug("---> %s" % str(v))
+ return v
+ # binary operators
+ if oper in [QmfQuery.EQ, QmfQuery.NE, QmfQuery.LT,
+ QmfQuery.LE, QmfQuery.GT, QmfQuery.GE,
+ QmfQuery.RE_MATCH]:
+ if len(pred) != 3:
+ log_query.warning("Malformed query: '%s' operator"
+ " - requires 2 arguments '%s'" %
+ (oper, str(pred)))
+ return False
+ # @todo: support regular expression match
+ log_query.debug("query evaluate binary op: [%s]" % str(pred))
+ try:
+ arg1 = self._fetch_pred_arg(pred[1], qmfData)
+ arg2 = self._fetch_pred_arg(pred[2], qmfData)
+ except AttributeError:
+ log_query.debug("query parameter not found: '%s'" % str(pred))
+ return False
+ log_query.debug("query evaluate %s: %s, %s" % (oper, str(arg1), str(arg2)))
+ v = False
+ try:
+ if oper == QmfQuery.EQ: v = arg1 == arg2
+ elif oper == QmfQuery.NE: v = arg1 != arg2
+ elif oper == QmfQuery.LT: v = arg1 < arg2
+ elif oper == QmfQuery.LE: v = arg1 <= arg2
+ elif oper == QmfQuery.GT: v = arg1 > arg2
+ elif oper == QmfQuery.GE: v = arg1 >= arg2
+ except TypeError:
+ log_query.warning("query comparison failed: '%s'" % str(pred))
+ log_query.debug("---> %s" % str(v))
+ return v
+ log_query.warning("Unrecognized query operator: [%s]" % str(pred[0]))
+ return False
+ def _fetch_pred_arg(self, arg, qmfData):
+ """
+ Determine the value of a predicate argument by evaluating quoted
+ arguments.
+ """
+ if isinstance(arg, basestring):
+ return qmfData.get_value(arg)
+ if isinstance(arg, type([])) and len(arg) == 2:
+ if arg[0] == QmfQuery.QUOTE:
+ return arg[1]
+ if arg[0] == QmfQuery.UNQUOTE:
+ return qmfData.get_value(arg[1])
+ return arg
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "QmfQuery=<<" + str(self.map_encode()) + ">>"
+# Argument typecodes, access, and direction qualifiers
+class qmfTypes(object):
+ TYPE_UINT8 = 1
+ TYPE_UINT16 = 2
+ TYPE_UINT32 = 3
+ TYPE_UINT64 = 4
+ TYPE_REF = 10
+ TYPE_BOOL = 11
+ TYPE_UUID = 14
+ TYPE_MAP = 15
+ TYPE_INT8 = 16
+ TYPE_INT16 = 17
+ TYPE_INT32 = 18
+ TYPE_INT64 = 19
+ TYPE_LIST = 21
+# New subtypes:
+# integer (for time, duration, signed/unsigned)
+# double (float)
+# bool
+# string
+# map (ref, qmfdata)
+# list
+# uuid
+class qmfAccess(object):
+class qmfDirection(object):
+ DIR_IN = 1
+ DIR_OUT = 2
+ DIR_IN_OUT = 3
+def _to_bool( param ):
+ """
+ Helper routine to convert human-readable representations of
+ boolean values to python bool types.
+ """
+ _false_strings = ["off", "no", "false", "0", "none"]
+ _true_strings = ["on", "yes", "true", "1"]
+ if type(param) == str:
+ lparam = param.lower()
+ if lparam in _false_strings:
+ return False
+ if lparam in _true_strings:
+ return True
+ raise TypeError("unrecognized boolean string: '%s'" % param )
+ else:
+ return bool(param)
+class SchemaClassId(_mapEncoder):
+ """
+ Unique identifier for an instance of a SchemaClass.
+ Map format:
+ map["package_name"] = str, name of associated package
+ map["class_name"] = str, name of associated class
+ map["type"] = str, "data"|"event", default: "data"
+ optional:
+ map["hash_str"] = str, hash value in standard format or None
+ if hash is unknown.
+ """
+ KEY_PACKAGE="_package_name"
+ KEY_CLASS="_class_name"
+ KEY_TYPE="_type"
+ KEY_HASH="_hash_str"
+ TYPE_DATA = "_data"
+ TYPE_EVENT = "_event"
+ _valid_types=[TYPE_DATA, TYPE_EVENT]
+ _schemaHashStrFormat = "%08x-%08x-%08x-%08x"
+ _schemaHashStrDefault = "00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000"
+ def __init__(self, pname=None, cname=None, stype=TYPE_DATA, hstr=None,
+ _map=None):
+ """
+ @type pname: str
+ @param pname: the name of the class's package
+ @type cname: str
+ @param cname: name of the class
+ @type stype: str
+ @param stype: schema type [data | event]
+ @type hstr: str
+ @param hstr: the hash value in '%08x-%08x-%08x-%08x' format
+ """
+ if _map is not None:
+ # construct from map
+ pname = _map.get(self.KEY_PACKAGE, pname)
+ cname = _map.get(self.KEY_CLASS, cname)
+ stype = _map.get(self.KEY_TYPE, stype)
+ hstr = _map.get(self.KEY_HASH, hstr)
+ self._pname = pname
+ self._cname = cname
+ if stype not in SchemaClassId._valid_types:
+ raise TypeError("Invalid SchemaClassId type: '%s'" % stype)
+ self._type = stype
+ self._hstr = hstr
+ if self._hstr:
+ try:
+ # sanity check the format of the hash string
+ hexValues = hstr.split("-")
+ h0 = int(hexValues[0], 16)
+ h1 = int(hexValues[1], 16)
+ h2 = int(hexValues[2], 16)
+ h3 = int(hexValues[3], 16)
+ except:
+ raise Exception("Invalid SchemaClassId format: bad hash string: '%s':"
+ % hstr)
+ # constructor
+ def _create(cls, pname, cname, stype=TYPE_DATA, hstr=None):
+ return cls(pname=pname, cname=cname, stype=stype, hstr=hstr)
+ create = classmethod(_create)
+ # map constructor
+ def _from_map(cls, map_):
+ return cls(_map=map_)
+ from_map = classmethod(_from_map)
+ def get_package_name(self):
+ """
+ Access the package name in the SchemaClassId.
+ @rtype: str
+ """
+ return self._pname
+ def get_class_name(self):
+ """
+ Access the class name in the SchemaClassId
+ @rtype: str
+ """
+ return self._cname
+ def get_hash_string(self):
+ """
+ Access the schema's hash as a string value
+ @rtype: str
+ """
+ return self._hstr
+ def get_type(self):
+ """
+ Returns the type code associated with this Schema
+ @rtype: str
+ """
+ return self._type
+ def map_encode(self):
+ _map = {}
+ _map[self.KEY_PACKAGE] = self._pname
+ _map[self.KEY_CLASS] = self._cname
+ _map[self.KEY_TYPE] = self._type
+ if self._hstr: _map[self.KEY_HASH] = self._hstr
+ return _map
+ def __repr__(self):
+ hstr = self.get_hash_string()
+ if not hstr:
+ hstr = SchemaClassId._schemaHashStrDefault
+ return self._pname + ":" + self._cname + ":" + self._type + "(" + hstr + ")"
+ def __cmp__(self, other):
+ if isinstance(other, dict):
+ other = SchemaClassId.from_map(other)
+ if not isinstance(other, SchemaClassId):
+ raise TypeError("Invalid types for compare")
+ # return 1
+ me = str(self)
+ them = str(other)
+ if me < them:
+ return -1
+ if me > them:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return (self._pname, self._cname, self._hstr).__hash__()
+class SchemaProperty(_mapEncoder):
+ """
+ Describes the structure of a Property data object.
+ Map format:
+ map["amqp_type"] = int, AMQP type code indicating property's data type
+ optional:
+ map["access"] = str, access allowed to this property, default "RO"
+ map["index"] = bool, True if this property is an index value, default False
+ map["optional"] = bool, True if this property is optional, default False
+ map["unit"] = str, describes units used
+ map["min"] = int, minimum allowed value
+ map["max"] = int, maximun allowed value
+ map["maxlen"] = int, if string type, this is the maximum length in bytes
+ required to represent the longest instance of this string.
+ map["desc"] = str, human-readable description of this argument
+ map["reference"] = str, ???
+ map["parent_ref"] = bool, true if this property references an object in
+ which this object is in a child-parent relationship. Default False
+ """
+ __hash__ = None
+ _access_strings = ["RO","RW","RC"]
+ _dir_strings = ["I", "O", "IO"]
+ def __init__(self, _type_code=None, _map=None, kwargs={}):
+ if _map is not None:
+ # construct from map
+ _type_code = _map.get("amqp_type", _type_code)
+ kwargs = _map
+ if not _type_code:
+ raise TypeError("SchemaProperty: amqp_type is a mandatory"
+ " parameter")
+ self._type = _type_code
+ self._access = "RO"
+ self._isIndex = False
+ self._isOptional = False
+ self._unit = None
+ self._min = None
+ self._max = None
+ self._maxlen = None
+ self._desc = None
+ self._reference = None
+ self._isParentRef = False
+ self._dir = None
+ self._default = None
+ for key, value in kwargs.items():
+ if key == "access":
+ value = str(value).upper()
+ if value not in self._access_strings:
+ raise TypeError("invalid value for access parameter: '%s':" % value )
+ self._access = value
+ elif key == "index" : self._isIndex = _to_bool(value)
+ elif key == "optional": self._isOptional = _to_bool(value)
+ elif key == "unit" : self._unit = value
+ elif key == "min" : self._min = value
+ elif key == "max" : self._max = value
+ elif key == "maxlen" : self._maxlen = value
+ elif key == "desc" : self._desc = value
+ elif key == "reference" : self._reference = value
+ elif key == "parent_ref" : self._isParentRef = _to_bool(value)
+ elif key == "dir":
+ value = str(value).upper()
+ if value not in self._dir_strings:
+ raise TypeError("invalid value for direction parameter: '%s'" % value)
+ self._dir = value
+ elif key == "default" : self._default = value
+ # constructor
+ def _create(cls, type_code, kwargs={}):
+ return cls(_type_code=type_code, kwargs=kwargs)
+ create = classmethod(_create)
+ # map constructor
+ def _from_map(cls, map_):
+ return cls(_map=map_)
+ from_map = classmethod(_from_map)
+ def get_type(self): return self._type
+ def get_access(self): return self._access
+ def is_optional(self): return self._isOptional
+ def is_index(self): return self._isIndex
+ def get_unit(self): return self._unit
+ def get_min(self): return self._min
+ def get_max(self): return self._max
+ def get_max_len(self): return self._maxlen
+ def get_desc(self): return self._desc
+ def get_reference(self): return self._reference
+ def is_parent_ref(self): return self._isParentRef
+ def get_direction(self): return self._dir
+ def get_default(self): return self._default
+ def map_encode(self):
+ """
+ Return the map encoding of this schema.
+ """
+ _map = {}
+ _map["amqp_type"] = self._type
+ _map["access"] = self._access
+ _map["index"] = self._isIndex
+ _map["optional"] = self._isOptional
+ if self._unit: _map["unit"] = self._unit
+ if self._min: _map["min"] = self._min
+ if self._max: _map["max"] = self._max
+ if self._maxlen: _map["maxlen"] = self._maxlen
+ if self._desc: _map["desc"] = self._desc
+ if self._reference: _map["reference"] = self._reference
+ _map["parent_ref"] = self._isParentRef
+ if self._dir: _map["dir"] = self._dir
+ if self._default: _map["default"] = self._default
+ return _map
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "SchemaProperty=<<" + str(self.map_encode()) + ">>"
+ def _update_hash(self, hasher):
+ """
+ Update the given hash object with a hash computed over this schema.
+ """
+ hasher.update(str(self._type))
+ hasher.update(str(self._isIndex))
+ hasher.update(str(self._isOptional))
+ if self._access: hasher.update(self._access)
+ if self._unit: hasher.update(self._unit)
+ if self._desc: hasher.update(self._desc)
+ if self._dir: hasher.update(self._dir)
+ if self._default: hasher.update(self._default)
+class SchemaMethod(_mapEncoder):
+ """
+ The SchemaMethod class describes the method's structure, and contains a
+ SchemaProperty class for each argument declared by the method.
+ Map format:
+ map["arguments"] = map of "name"=<SchemaProperty> pairs.
+ map["desc"] = str, description of the method
+ """
+ KEY_NAME="_name"
+ KEY_ARGUMENTS="_arguments"
+ KEY_DESC="_desc"
+ KEY_ERROR="_error"
+ def __init__(self, _args={}, _desc=None, _map=None):
+ """
+ Construct a SchemaMethod.
+ @type args: map of "name"=<SchemaProperty> objects
+ @param args: describes the arguments accepted by the method
+ @type _desc: str
+ @param _desc: Human-readable description of the schema
+ """
+ if _map is not None:
+ _desc = _map.get(self.KEY_DESC)
+ margs = _map.get(self.KEY_ARGUMENTS)
+ if margs:
+ # margs are in map format - covert to SchemaProperty
+ tmp_args = {}
+ for name,val in margs.iteritems():
+ tmp_args[name] = SchemaProperty.from_map(val)
+ _args=tmp_args
+ self._arguments = _args.copy()
+ self._desc = _desc
+ # map constructor
+ def _from_map(cls, map_):
+ return cls(_map=map_)
+ from_map = classmethod(_from_map)
+ def get_desc(self): return self._desc
+ def get_arg_count(self): return len(self._arguments)
+ def get_arguments(self): return self._arguments.copy()
+ def get_argument(self, name): return self._arguments.get(name)
+ def add_argument(self, name, schema):
+ """
+ Add an argument to the list of arguments passed to this method.
+ Used by an agent for dynamically creating method schema.
+ @type name: string
+ @param name: name of new argument
+ @type schema: SchemaProperty
+ @param schema: SchemaProperty to add to this method
+ """
+ if not isinstance(schema, SchemaProperty):
+ raise TypeError("argument must be a SchemaProperty class")
+ # "Input" argument, by default
+ if schema._dir is None:
+ schema._dir = "I"
+ self._arguments[name] = schema
+ def map_encode(self):
+ """
+ Return the map encoding of this schema.
+ """
+ _map = {}
+ _args = {}
+ for name,val in self._arguments.iteritems():
+ _args[name] = val.map_encode()
+ _map[self.KEY_ARGUMENTS] = _args
+ if self._desc: _map[self.KEY_DESC] = self._desc
+ return _map
+ def __repr__(self):
+ result = "SchemaMethod=<<args=("
+ first = True
+ for name,arg in self._arguments.iteritems():
+ if first:
+ first = False
+ else:
+ result += ", "
+ result += name
+ result += ")>>"
+ return result
+ def _update_hash(self, hasher):
+ """
+ Update the given hash object with a hash computed over this schema.
+ """
+ for name,val in self._arguments.iteritems():
+ hasher.update(name)
+ val._update_hash(hasher)
+ if self._desc: hasher.update(self._desc)
+class SchemaClass(QmfData):
+ """
+ Base class for Data and Event Schema classes.
+ Map format:
+ map(QmfData), plus:
+ map["_schema_id"] = map representation of a SchemaClassId instance
+ map["_primary_key_names"] = order list of primary key names
+ """
+ KEY_PRIMARY_KEY_NAMES="_primary_key_names"
+ KEY_DESC = "_desc"
+ SUBTYPE_PROPERTY="qmfProperty"
+ SUBTYPE_METHOD="qmfMethod"
+ def __init__(self, _classId=None, _desc=None, _map=None):
+ """
+ Schema Class constructor.
+ @type classId: class SchemaClassId
+ @param classId: Identifier for this SchemaClass
+ @type _desc: str
+ @param _desc: Human-readable description of the schema
+ """
+ if _map is not None:
+ super(SchemaClass, self).__init__(_map=_map)
+ # decode each value based on its type
+ for name,value in self._values.iteritems():
+ if self._subtypes.get(name) == self.SUBTYPE_METHOD:
+ self._values[name] = SchemaMethod.from_map(value)
+ else:
+ self._values[name] = SchemaProperty.from_map(value)
+ cid = _map.get(self.KEY_SCHEMA_ID)
+ if cid:
+ _classId = SchemaClassId.from_map(cid)
+ self._object_id_names = _map.get(self.KEY_PRIMARY_KEY_NAMES,[])
+ _desc = _map.get(self.KEY_DESC)
+ else:
+ if _classId is None:
+ raise Exception("A class identifier must be supplied.")
+ super(SchemaClass, self).__init__(_object_id=str(_classId))
+ self._object_id_names = []
+ self._classId = _classId
+ self._desc = _desc
+ def get_class_id(self):
+ if not self._classId.get_hash_string():
+ self.generate_hash()
+ return self._classId
+ def get_desc(self): return self._desc
+ def generate_hash(self):
+ """
+ generate an md5 hash over the body of the schema,
+ and return a string representation of the hash
+ in format "%08x-%08x-%08x-%08x"
+ """
+ md5Hash = _md5Obj()
+ md5Hash.update(self._classId.get_package_name())
+ md5Hash.update(self._classId.get_class_name())
+ md5Hash.update(self._classId.get_type())
+ for name,x in self._values.iteritems():
+ md5Hash.update(name)
+ x._update_hash( md5Hash )
+ for name,value in self._subtypes.iteritems():
+ md5Hash.update(name)
+ md5Hash.update(value)
+ idx = 0
+ for name in self._object_id_names:
+ md5Hash.update(str(idx) + name)
+ idx += 1
+ hstr = md5Hash.hexdigest()[0:8] + "-" +\
+ md5Hash.hexdigest()[8:16] + "-" +\
+ md5Hash.hexdigest()[16:24] + "-" +\
+ md5Hash.hexdigest()[24:32]
+ # update classId with new hash value
+ self._classId._hstr = hstr
+ return hstr
+ def get_property_count(self):
+ count = 0
+ for value in self._subtypes.itervalues():
+ if value == self.SUBTYPE_PROPERTY:
+ count += 1
+ return count
+ def get_properties(self):
+ props = {}
+ for name,value in self._subtypes.iteritems():
+ if value == self.SUBTYPE_PROPERTY:
+ props[name] = self._values.get(name)
+ return props
+ def get_property(self, name):
+ if self._subtypes.get(name) == self.SUBTYPE_PROPERTY:
+ return self._values.get(name)
+ return None
+ def add_property(self, name, prop):
+ self.set_value(name, prop, self.SUBTYPE_PROPERTY)
+ # need to re-generate schema hash
+ self._classId._hstr = None
+ def get_value(self, name):
+ # check for meta-properties first
+ if name == SchemaClassId.KEY_PACKAGE:
+ return self._classId.get_package_name()
+ if name == SchemaClassId.KEY_CLASS:
+ return self._classId.get_class_name()
+ if name == SchemaClassId.KEY_TYPE:
+ return self._classId.get_type()
+ if name == SchemaClassId.KEY_HASH:
+ return self.get_class_id().get_hash_string()
+ if name == self.KEY_SCHEMA_ID:
+ return self.get_class_id()
+ if name == self.KEY_PRIMARY_KEY_NAMES:
+ return self._object_id_names[:]
+ return super(SchemaClass, self).get_value(name)
+ def has_value(self, name):
+ if name in [SchemaClassId.KEY_PACKAGE, SchemaClassId.KEY_CLASS, SchemaClassId.KEY_TYPE,
+ return True
+ super(SchemaClass, self).has_value(name)
+ def map_encode(self):
+ """
+ Return the map encoding of this schema.
+ """
+ _map = super(SchemaClass,self).map_encode()
+ _map[self.KEY_SCHEMA_ID] = self.get_class_id().map_encode()
+ if self._object_id_names:
+ _map[self.KEY_PRIMARY_KEY_NAMES] = self._object_id_names[:]
+ if self._desc:
+ _map[self.KEY_DESC] = self._desc
+ return _map
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return str(self.get_class_id())
+class SchemaObjectClass(SchemaClass):
+ """
+ A schema class that describes a data object. The data object is composed
+ of zero or more properties and methods. An instance of the SchemaObjectClass
+ can be identified using a key generated by concantenating the values of
+ all properties named in the primary key list.
+ Map format:
+ map(SchemaClass)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, _classId=None, _desc=None,
+ _props={}, _methods={}, _object_id_names=[],
+ _map=None):
+ """
+ @type pname: str
+ @param pname: name of package this schema belongs to
+ @type cname: str
+ @param cname: class name for this schema
+ @type desc: str
+ @param desc: Human-readable description of the schema
+ @type _hash: str
+ @param _methods: hash computed on the body of this schema, if known
+ @type _props: map of 'name':<SchemaProperty> objects
+ @param _props: all properties provided by this schema
+ @type _pkey: list of strings
+ @param _pkey: names of each property to be used for constructing the primary key
+ @type _methods: map of 'name':<SchemaMethod> objects
+ @param _methods: all methods provided by this schema
+ """
+ if _map is not None:
+ super(SchemaObjectClass,self).__init__(_map=_map)
+ else:
+ super(SchemaObjectClass, self).__init__(_classId=_classId, _desc=_desc)
+ self._object_id_names = _object_id_names
+ for name,value in _props.iteritems():
+ self.set_value(name, value, self.SUBTYPE_PROPERTY)
+ for name,value in _methods.iteritems():
+ self.set_value(name, value, self.SUBTYPE_METHOD)
+ if self._classId.get_type() != SchemaClassId.TYPE_DATA:
+ raise TypeError("Invalid ClassId type for data schema: %s" % self._classId)
+ # map constructor
+ def __from_map(cls, map_):
+ return cls(_map=map_)
+ from_map = classmethod(__from_map)
+ def get_id_names(self):
+ return self._object_id_names[:]
+ def get_method_count(self):
+ count = 0
+ for value in self._subtypes.itervalues():
+ if value == self.SUBTYPE_METHOD:
+ count += 1
+ return count
+ def get_methods(self):
+ meths = {}
+ for name,value in self._subtypes.iteritems():
+ if value == self.SUBTYPE_METHOD:
+ meths[name] = self._values.get(name)
+ return meths
+ def get_method(self, name):
+ if self._subtypes.get(name) == self.SUBTYPE_METHOD:
+ return self._values.get(name)
+ return None
+ def add_method(self, name, method):
+ self.set_value(name, method, self.SUBTYPE_METHOD)
+ # need to re-generate schema hash
+ self._classId._hstr = None
+class SchemaEventClass(SchemaClass):
+ """
+ A schema class that describes an event. The event is composed
+ of zero or more properties.
+ Map format:
+ map["schema_id"] = map, SchemaClassId map for this object.
+ map["desc"] = string description of this schema
+ map["properties"] = map of "name":SchemaProperty values.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, _classId=None, _desc=None, _props={},
+ _map=None):
+ if _map is not None:
+ super(SchemaEventClass,self).__init__(_map=_map)
+ else:
+ super(SchemaEventClass, self).__init__(_classId=_classId,
+ _desc=_desc)
+ for name,value in _props.iteritems():
+ self.set_value(name, value, self.SUBTYPE_PROPERTY)
+ if self._classId.get_type() != SchemaClassId.TYPE_EVENT:
+ raise TypeError("Invalid ClassId type for event schema: %s" %
+ self._classId)
+ # map constructor
+ def __from_map(cls, map_):
+ return cls(_map=map_)
+ from_map = classmethod(__from_map)