path: root/qpid/java/bdbstore/src/test/java/org/apache/qpid/server/store/berkeleydb/
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Diffstat (limited to 'qpid/java/bdbstore/src/test/java/org/apache/qpid/server/store/berkeleydb/')
1 files changed, 470 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qpid/java/bdbstore/src/test/java/org/apache/qpid/server/store/berkeleydb/ b/qpid/java/bdbstore/src/test/java/org/apache/qpid/server/store/berkeleydb/
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+++ b/qpid/java/bdbstore/src/test/java/org/apache/qpid/server/store/berkeleydb/
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+ *
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ *
+ */
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.apache.qpid.AMQStoreException;
+import org.apache.qpid.framing.AMQShortString;
+import org.apache.qpid.framing.BasicContentHeaderProperties;
+import org.apache.qpid.framing.ContentHeaderBody;
+import org.apache.qpid.framing.MethodRegistry;
+import org.apache.qpid.framing.ProtocolVersion;
+import org.apache.qpid.framing.abstraction.MessagePublishInfo;
+import org.apache.qpid.server.message.MessageMetaData;
+import org.apache.qpid.server.message.MessageMetaData_0_10;
+import org.apache.qpid.transport.DeliveryProperties;
+import org.apache.qpid.transport.Header;
+import org.apache.qpid.transport.MessageAcceptMode;
+import org.apache.qpid.transport.MessageAcquireMode;
+import org.apache.qpid.transport.MessageDeliveryMode;
+import org.apache.qpid.transport.MessageDeliveryPriority;
+import org.apache.qpid.transport.MessageProperties;
+import org.apache.qpid.transport.MessageTransfer;
+ * Subclass of MessageStoreTest which runs the standard tests from the superclass against
+ * the BDB Store as well as additional tests specific to the DBB store-implementation.
+ */
+public class BDBMessageStoreTest extends
+ /**
+ * Tests that message metadata and content are successfully read back from a
+ * store after it has been reloaded. Both 0-8 and 0-10 metadata is used to
+ * verify their ability to co-exist within the store and be successful retrieved.
+ */
+ public void testBDBMessagePersistence() throws Exception
+ {
+ MessageStore store = getVirtualHost().getMessageStore();
+ BDBMessageStore bdbStore = assertBDBStore(store);
+ // Create content ByteBuffers.
+ // Split the content into 2 chunks for the 0-8 message, as per broker behaviour.
+ // Use a single chunk for the 0-10 message as per broker behaviour.
+ String bodyText = "jfhdjsflsdhfjdshfjdslhfjdslhfsjlhfsjkhfdsjkhfdsjkfhdslkjf";
+ ByteBuffer firstContentBytes_0_8 = ByteBuffer.wrap(bodyText.substring(0, 10).getBytes());
+ ByteBuffer secondContentBytes_0_8 = ByteBuffer.wrap(bodyText.substring(10).getBytes());
+ ByteBuffer completeContentBody_0_10 = ByteBuffer.wrap(bodyText.getBytes());
+ int bodySize = completeContentBody_0_10.limit();
+ /*
+ * Create and insert a 0-8 message (metadata and multi-chunk content)
+ */
+ MessagePublishInfo pubInfoBody_0_8 = createPublishInfoBody_0_8();
+ BasicContentHeaderProperties props_0_8 = createContentHeaderProperties_0_8();
+ ContentHeaderBody chb_0_8 = createContentHeaderBody_0_8(props_0_8, bodySize);
+ MessageMetaData messageMetaData_0_8 = new MessageMetaData(pubInfoBody_0_8, chb_0_8, 0);
+ StoredMessage<MessageMetaData> storedMessage_0_8 = bdbStore.addMessage(messageMetaData_0_8);
+ long origArrivalTime_0_8 = messageMetaData_0_8.getArrivalTime();
+ long messageid_0_8 = storedMessage_0_8.getMessageNumber();
+ storedMessage_0_8.addContent(0, firstContentBytes_0_8);
+ storedMessage_0_8.addContent(firstContentBytes_0_8.limit(), secondContentBytes_0_8);
+ storedMessage_0_8.flushToStore();
+ /*
+ * Create and insert a 0-10 message (metadata and content)
+ */
+ MessageProperties msgProps_0_10 = createMessageProperties_0_10(bodySize);
+ DeliveryProperties delProps_0_10 = createDeliveryProperties_0_10();
+ Header header_0_10 = new Header(msgProps_0_10, delProps_0_10);
+ MessageTransfer xfr_0_10 = new MessageTransfer("destination", MessageAcceptMode.EXPLICIT,
+ MessageAcquireMode.PRE_ACQUIRED, header_0_10, completeContentBody_0_10);
+ MessageMetaData_0_10 messageMetaData_0_10 = new MessageMetaData_0_10(xfr_0_10);
+ StoredMessage<MessageMetaData_0_10> storedMessage_0_10 = bdbStore.addMessage(messageMetaData_0_10);
+ long origArrivalTime_0_10 = messageMetaData_0_10.getArrivalTime();
+ long messageid_0_10 = storedMessage_0_10.getMessageNumber();
+ storedMessage_0_10.addContent(0, completeContentBody_0_10);
+ storedMessage_0_10.flushToStore();
+ /*
+ * reload the store only (read-only)
+ */
+ bdbStore = reloadStoreReadOnly(bdbStore);
+ /*
+ * Read back and validate the 0-8 message metadata and content
+ */
+ StorableMessageMetaData storeableMMD_0_8 = bdbStore.getMessageMetaData(messageid_0_8);
+ assertEquals("Unexpected message type",MessageMetaDataType.META_DATA_0_8, storeableMMD_0_8.getType());
+ assertTrue("Unexpected instance type", storeableMMD_0_8 instanceof MessageMetaData);
+ MessageMetaData returnedMMD_0_8 = (MessageMetaData) storeableMMD_0_8;
+ assertEquals("Message arrival time has changed", origArrivalTime_0_8, returnedMMD_0_8.getArrivalTime());
+ MessagePublishInfo returnedPubBody_0_8 = returnedMMD_0_8.getMessagePublishInfo();
+ assertEquals("Message exchange has changed", pubInfoBody_0_8.getExchange(), returnedPubBody_0_8.getExchange());
+ assertEquals("Immediate flag has changed", pubInfoBody_0_8.isImmediate(), returnedPubBody_0_8.isImmediate());
+ assertEquals("Mandatory flag has changed", pubInfoBody_0_8.isMandatory(), returnedPubBody_0_8.isMandatory());
+ assertEquals("Routing key has changed", pubInfoBody_0_8.getRoutingKey(), returnedPubBody_0_8.getRoutingKey());
+ ContentHeaderBody returnedHeaderBody_0_8 = returnedMMD_0_8.getContentHeaderBody();
+ assertEquals("ContentHeader ClassID has changed", chb_0_8.classId, returnedHeaderBody_0_8.classId);
+ assertEquals("ContentHeader weight has changed", chb_0_8.weight, returnedHeaderBody_0_8.weight);
+ assertEquals("ContentHeader bodySize has changed", chb_0_8.bodySize, returnedHeaderBody_0_8.bodySize);
+ BasicContentHeaderProperties returnedProperties_0_8 = (BasicContentHeaderProperties) returnedHeaderBody_0_8.getProperties();
+ assertEquals("Property ContentType has changed", props_0_8.getContentTypeAsString(), returnedProperties_0_8.getContentTypeAsString());
+ assertEquals("Property MessageID has changed", props_0_8.getMessageIdAsString(), returnedProperties_0_8.getMessageIdAsString());
+ ByteBuffer recoveredContent_0_8 = ByteBuffer.allocate((int) chb_0_8.bodySize) ;
+ long recoveredCount_0_8 = bdbStore.getContent(messageid_0_8, 0, recoveredContent_0_8);
+ assertEquals("Incorrect amount of payload data recovered", chb_0_8.bodySize, recoveredCount_0_8);
+ String returnedPayloadString_0_8 = new String(recoveredContent_0_8.array());
+ assertEquals("Message Payload has changed", bodyText, returnedPayloadString_0_8);
+ /*
+ * Read back and validate the 0-10 message metadata and content
+ */
+ StorableMessageMetaData storeableMMD_0_10 = bdbStore.getMessageMetaData(messageid_0_10);
+ assertEquals("Unexpected message type",MessageMetaDataType.META_DATA_0_10, storeableMMD_0_10.getType());
+ assertTrue("Unexpected instance type", storeableMMD_0_10 instanceof MessageMetaData_0_10);
+ MessageMetaData_0_10 returnedMMD_0_10 = (MessageMetaData_0_10) storeableMMD_0_10;
+ assertEquals("Message arrival time has changed", origArrivalTime_0_10, returnedMMD_0_10.getArrivalTime());
+ DeliveryProperties returnedDelProps_0_10 = returnedMMD_0_10.getHeader().get(DeliveryProperties.class);
+ assertNotNull("DeliveryProperties were not returned", returnedDelProps_0_10);
+ assertEquals("Immediate flag has changed", delProps_0_10.getImmediate(), returnedDelProps_0_10.getImmediate());
+ assertEquals("Routing key has changed", delProps_0_10.getRoutingKey(), returnedDelProps_0_10.getRoutingKey());
+ assertEquals("Message exchange has changed", delProps_0_10.getExchange(), returnedDelProps_0_10.getExchange());
+ assertEquals("Message expiration has changed", delProps_0_10.getExpiration(), returnedDelProps_0_10.getExpiration());
+ assertEquals("Message delivery priority has changed", delProps_0_10.getPriority(), returnedDelProps_0_10.getPriority());
+ MessageProperties returnedMsgProps = returnedMMD_0_10.getHeader().get(MessageProperties.class);
+ assertNotNull("MessageProperties were not returned", returnedMsgProps);
+ assertTrue("Message correlationID has changed", Arrays.equals(msgProps_0_10.getCorrelationId(), returnedMsgProps.getCorrelationId()));
+ assertEquals("Message content length has changed", msgProps_0_10.getContentLength(), returnedMsgProps.getContentLength());
+ assertEquals("Message content type has changed", msgProps_0_10.getContentType(), returnedMsgProps.getContentType());
+ ByteBuffer recoveredContent = ByteBuffer.allocate((int) msgProps_0_10.getContentLength()) ;
+ long recoveredCount = bdbStore.getContent(messageid_0_10, 0, recoveredContent);
+ assertEquals("Incorrect amount of payload data recovered", msgProps_0_10.getContentLength(), recoveredCount);
+ String returnedPayloadString_0_10 = new String(recoveredContent.array());
+ assertEquals("Message Payload has changed", bodyText, returnedPayloadString_0_10);
+ }
+ private DeliveryProperties createDeliveryProperties_0_10()
+ {
+ DeliveryProperties delProps_0_10 = new DeliveryProperties();
+ delProps_0_10.setDeliveryMode(MessageDeliveryMode.PERSISTENT);
+ delProps_0_10.setImmediate(true);
+ delProps_0_10.setExchange("exchange12345");
+ delProps_0_10.setRoutingKey("routingKey12345");
+ delProps_0_10.setExpiration(5);
+ delProps_0_10.setPriority(MessageDeliveryPriority.ABOVE_AVERAGE);
+ return delProps_0_10;
+ }
+ private MessageProperties createMessageProperties_0_10(int bodySize)
+ {
+ MessageProperties msgProps_0_10 = new MessageProperties();
+ msgProps_0_10.setContentLength(bodySize);
+ msgProps_0_10.setCorrelationId("qwerty".getBytes());
+ msgProps_0_10.setContentType("text/html");
+ return msgProps_0_10;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Close the provided store and create a new (read-only) store to read back the data.
+ *
+ * Use this method instead of reloading the virtual host like other tests in order
+ * to avoid the recovery handler deleting the message for not being on a queue.
+ */
+ private BDBMessageStore reloadStoreReadOnly(BDBMessageStore messageStore) throws Exception
+ {
+ messageStore.close();
+ File storePath = new File(String.valueOf(_config.getProperty("store.environment-path")));
+ BDBMessageStore newStore = new BDBMessageStore();
+ newStore.configure(storePath, false);
+ newStore.start();
+ return newStore;
+ }
+ private MessagePublishInfo createPublishInfoBody_0_8()
+ {
+ return new MessagePublishInfo()
+ {
+ public AMQShortString getExchange()
+ {
+ return new AMQShortString("exchange12345");
+ }
+ public void setExchange(AMQShortString exchange)
+ {
+ }
+ public boolean isImmediate()
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ public boolean isMandatory()
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ public AMQShortString getRoutingKey()
+ {
+ return new AMQShortString("routingKey12345");
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ private ContentHeaderBody createContentHeaderBody_0_8(BasicContentHeaderProperties props, int length)
+ {
+ MethodRegistry methodRegistry = MethodRegistry.getMethodRegistry(ProtocolVersion.v0_9);
+ int classForBasic = methodRegistry.createBasicQosOkBody().getClazz();
+ return new ContentHeaderBody(classForBasic, 1, props, length);
+ }
+ private BasicContentHeaderProperties createContentHeaderProperties_0_8()
+ {
+ BasicContentHeaderProperties props = new BasicContentHeaderProperties();
+ props.setDeliveryMode(Integer.valueOf(BasicContentHeaderProperties.PERSISTENT).byteValue());
+ props.setContentType("text/html");
+ props.getHeaders().setString("Test", "MST");
+ return props;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests that messages which are added to the store and then removed using the
+ * public MessageStore interfaces are actually removed from the store by then
+ * interrogating the store with its own implementation methods and verifying
+ * expected exceptions are thrown to indicate the message is not present.
+ */
+ public void testMessageCreationAndRemoval() throws Exception
+ {
+ MessageStore store = getVirtualHost().getMessageStore();
+ BDBMessageStore bdbStore = assertBDBStore(store);
+ StoredMessage<MessageMetaData> storedMessage_0_8 = createAndStoreMultiChunkMessage_0_8(store);
+ long messageid_0_8 = storedMessage_0_8.getMessageNumber();
+ //remove the message in the fashion the broker normally would
+ storedMessage_0_8.remove();
+ //verify the removal using the BDB store implementation methods directly
+ try
+ {
+ // the next line should throw since the message id should not be found
+ bdbStore.getMessageMetaData(messageid_0_8);
+ fail("No exception thrown when message id not found getting metadata");
+ }
+ catch (AMQStoreException e)
+ {
+ // pass since exception expected
+ }
+ //expecting no content, allocate a 1 byte
+ ByteBuffer dst = ByteBuffer.allocate(1);
+ assertEquals("Retrieved content when none was expected",
+ 0, bdbStore.getContent(messageid_0_8, 0, dst));
+ }
+ private BDBMessageStore assertBDBStore(Object store)
+ {
+ if(!(store instanceof BDBMessageStore))
+ {
+ fail("Test requires an instance of BDBMessageStore to proceed");
+ }
+ return (BDBMessageStore) store;
+ }
+ private StoredMessage<MessageMetaData> createAndStoreMultiChunkMessage_0_8(MessageStore store)
+ {
+ byte[] body10Bytes = "0123456789".getBytes();
+ byte[] body5Bytes = "01234".getBytes();
+ ByteBuffer chunk1 = ByteBuffer.wrap(body10Bytes);
+ ByteBuffer chunk2 = ByteBuffer.wrap(body5Bytes);
+ int bodySize = body10Bytes.length + body5Bytes.length;
+ //create and store the message using the MessageStore interface
+ MessagePublishInfo pubInfoBody_0_8 = createPublishInfoBody_0_8();
+ BasicContentHeaderProperties props_0_8 = createContentHeaderProperties_0_8();
+ ContentHeaderBody chb_0_8 = createContentHeaderBody_0_8(props_0_8, bodySize);
+ MessageMetaData messageMetaData_0_8 = new MessageMetaData(pubInfoBody_0_8, chb_0_8, 0);
+ StoredMessage<MessageMetaData> storedMessage_0_8 = store.addMessage(messageMetaData_0_8);
+ storedMessage_0_8.addContent(0, chunk1);
+ storedMessage_0_8.addContent(chunk1.limit(), chunk2);
+ storedMessage_0_8.flushToStore();
+ return storedMessage_0_8;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests transaction commit by utilising the enqueue and dequeue methods available
+ * in the TransactionLog interface implemented by the store, and verifying the
+ * behaviour using BDB implementation methods.
+ */
+ public void testTranCommit() throws Exception
+ {
+ TransactionLog log = getVirtualHost().getTransactionLog();
+ BDBMessageStore bdbStore = assertBDBStore(log);
+ final AMQShortString mockQueueName = new AMQShortString("queueName");
+ TransactionLogResource mockQueue = new TransactionLogResource()
+ {
+ public String getResourceName()
+ {
+ return mockQueueName.asString();
+ }
+ };
+ TransactionLog.Transaction txn = log.newTransaction();
+ txn.enqueueMessage(mockQueue, 1L);
+ txn.enqueueMessage(mockQueue, 5L);
+ txn.commitTran();
+ List<Long> enqueuedIds = bdbStore.getEnqueuedMessages(mockQueueName);
+ assertEquals("Number of enqueued messages is incorrect", 2, enqueuedIds.size());
+ Long val = enqueuedIds.get(0);
+ assertEquals("First Message is incorrect", 1L, val.longValue());
+ val = enqueuedIds.get(1);
+ assertEquals("Second Message is incorrect", 5L, val.longValue());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests transaction rollback before a commit has occurred by utilising the
+ * enqueue and dequeue methods available in the TransactionLog interface
+ * implemented by the store, and verifying the behaviour using BDB
+ * implementation methods.
+ */
+ public void testTranRollbackBeforeCommit() throws Exception
+ {
+ TransactionLog log = getVirtualHost().getTransactionLog();
+ BDBMessageStore bdbStore = assertBDBStore(log);
+ final AMQShortString mockQueueName = new AMQShortString("queueName");
+ TransactionLogResource mockQueue = new TransactionLogResource()
+ {
+ public String getResourceName()
+ {
+ return mockQueueName.asString();
+ }
+ };
+ TransactionLog.Transaction txn = log.newTransaction();
+ txn.enqueueMessage(mockQueue, 21L);
+ txn.abortTran();
+ txn = log.newTransaction();
+ txn.enqueueMessage(mockQueue, 22L);
+ txn.enqueueMessage(mockQueue, 23L);
+ txn.commitTran();
+ List<Long> enqueuedIds = bdbStore.getEnqueuedMessages(mockQueueName);
+ assertEquals("Number of enqueued messages is incorrect", 2, enqueuedIds.size());
+ Long val = enqueuedIds.get(0);
+ assertEquals("First Message is incorrect", 22L, val.longValue());
+ val = enqueuedIds.get(1);
+ assertEquals("Second Message is incorrect", 23L, val.longValue());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests transaction rollback after a commit has occurred by utilising the
+ * enqueue and dequeue methods available in the TransactionLog interface
+ * implemented by the store, and verifying the behaviour using BDB
+ * implementation methods.
+ */
+ public void testTranRollbackAfterCommit() throws Exception
+ {
+ TransactionLog log = getVirtualHost().getTransactionLog();
+ BDBMessageStore bdbStore = assertBDBStore(log);
+ final AMQShortString mockQueueName = new AMQShortString("queueName");
+ TransactionLogResource mockQueue = new TransactionLogResource()
+ {
+ public String getResourceName()
+ {
+ return mockQueueName.asString();
+ }
+ };
+ TransactionLog.Transaction txn = log.newTransaction();
+ txn.enqueueMessage(mockQueue, 30L);
+ txn.commitTran();
+ txn = log.newTransaction();
+ txn.enqueueMessage(mockQueue, 31L);
+ txn.abortTran();
+ txn = log.newTransaction();
+ txn.enqueueMessage(mockQueue, 32L);
+ txn.commitTran();
+ List<Long> enqueuedIds = bdbStore.getEnqueuedMessages(mockQueueName);
+ assertEquals("Number of enqueued messages is incorrect", 2, enqueuedIds.size());
+ Long val = enqueuedIds.get(0);
+ assertEquals("First Message is incorrect", 30L, val.longValue());
+ val = enqueuedIds.get(1);
+ assertEquals("Second Message is incorrect", 32L, val.longValue());
+ }