path: root/qpid/java/tools/src/main/java/org/apache/qpid/tools/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 422 deletions
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-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
-import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
-import javax.jms.MapMessage;
-import javax.jms.Message;
-import javax.jms.MessageConsumer;
-import javax.jms.MessageListener;
-import javax.jms.MessageProducer;
-import org.apache.qpid.client.message.AMQPEncodedMapMessage;
- * The Controller coordinates a test run between a number
- * of producers and consumers, configured via -Dprod_count and -Dcons_count.
- *
- * It waits till all the producers and consumers have registered and then
- * conducts a warmup run. Once all consumers and producers have completed
- * the warmup run and is ready, it will conduct the actual test run and
- * collect all stats from the participants and calculates the system
- * throughput, the avg/min/max for producer rates, consumer rates and latency.
- *
- * These stats are then printed to std out.
- * The Controller also prints events to std out to give a running account
- * of the test run in progress. Ex registering of participants, starting warmup ..etc.
- * This allows a scripting tool to monitor the progress.
- *
- * The Controller can be run in two modes.
- * 1. A single test run (default) where it just runs until the message count specified
- * for the producers via -Dmsg_count is sent and received.
- *
- * 2. Time based, configured via -Dduration=x, where x is in mins.
- * In this mode, the Controller repeatedly cycles through the tests (after an initial
- * warmup run) until the desired time is reached. If a test run is in progress
- * and the time is up, it will allow the run the complete.
- *
- * After each iteration, the stats will be printed out in csv format to a separate log file.
- * System throughput is calculated as follows
- * totalMsgCount/(totalTestTime)
- */
-public class PerfTestController extends PerfBase implements MessageListener
- enum TestMode { SINGLE_RUN, TIME_BASED };
- TestMode testMode = TestMode.SINGLE_RUN;
- long totalTestTime;
- private double avgSystemLatency = 0.0;
- private double minSystemLatency = Double.MAX_VALUE;
- private double maxSystemLatency = 0;
- private double avgSystemLatencyStdDev = 0.0;
- private double avgSystemConsRate = 0.0;
- private double maxSystemConsRate = 0.0;
- private double minSystemConsRate = Double.MAX_VALUE;
- private double avgSystemProdRate = 0.0;
- private double maxSystemProdRate = 0.0;
- private double minSystemProdRate = Double.MAX_VALUE;
- private long totalMsgCount = 0;
- private double totalSystemThroughput = 0.0;
- private int consumerCount = Integer.getInteger("cons_count", 1);
- private int producerCount = Integer.getInteger("prod_count", 1);
- private int duration = Integer.getInteger("duration", -1); // in mins
- private Map<String,MapMessage> consumers;
- private Map<String,MapMessage> producers;
- private CountDownLatch consRegistered;
- private CountDownLatch prodRegistered;
- private CountDownLatch consReady;
- private CountDownLatch prodReady;
- private CountDownLatch receivedEndMsg;
- private CountDownLatch receivedConsStats;
- private CountDownLatch receivedProdStats;
- private MessageConsumer consumer;
- private boolean printStdDev = false;
- FileWriter writer;
- public PerfTestController()
- {
- super("");
- consumers = new ConcurrentHashMap<String,MapMessage>(consumerCount);
- producers = new ConcurrentHashMap<String,MapMessage>(producerCount);
- consRegistered = new CountDownLatch(consumerCount);
- prodRegistered = new CountDownLatch(producerCount);
- consReady = new CountDownLatch(consumerCount);
- prodReady = new CountDownLatch(producerCount);
- printStdDev = params.isPrintStdDev();
- testMode = (duration == -1) ? TestMode.SINGLE_RUN : TestMode.TIME_BASED;
- }
- public void setUp() throws Exception
- {
- super.setUp();
- if (testMode == TestMode.TIME_BASED)
- {
- writer = new FileWriter("stats-csv.log");
- }
- consumer = controllerSession.createConsumer(controllerQueue);
- System.out.println("\nController: " + producerCount + " producers are expected");
- System.out.println("Controller: " + consumerCount + " consumers are expected \n");
- consumer.setMessageListener(this);
- consRegistered.await();
- prodRegistered.await();
- System.out.println("\nController: All producers and consumers have registered......\n");
- }
- public void warmup() throws Exception
- {
- System.out.println("Controller initiating warm up sequence......");
- sendMessageToNodes(OPCode.CONSUMER_STARTWARMUP,consumers.values());
- sendMessageToNodes(OPCode.PRODUCER_STARTWARMUP,producers.values());
- prodReady.await();
- consReady.await();
- System.out.println("\nController : All producers and consumers are ready to start the test......\n");
- }
- public void startTest() throws Exception
- {
- resetCounters();
- System.out.println("\nController Starting test......");
- long start = Clock.getTime();
- sendMessageToNodes(OPCode.PRODUCER_START,producers.values());
- receivedEndMsg.await();
- totalTestTime = Clock.getTime() - start;
- sendMessageToNodes(OPCode.CONSUMER_STOP,consumers.values());
- receivedProdStats.await();
- receivedConsStats.await();
- }
- public void resetCounters()
- {
- minSystemLatency = Double.MAX_VALUE;
- maxSystemLatency = 0;
- maxSystemConsRate = 0.0;
- minSystemConsRate = Double.MAX_VALUE;
- maxSystemProdRate = 0.0;
- minSystemProdRate = Double.MAX_VALUE;
- totalMsgCount = 0;
- receivedConsStats = new CountDownLatch(consumerCount);
- receivedProdStats = new CountDownLatch(producerCount);
- receivedEndMsg = new CountDownLatch(producerCount);
- }
- public void calcStats() throws Exception
- {
- double totLatency = 0.0;
- double totStdDev = 0.0;
- double totalConsRate = 0.0;
- double totalProdRate = 0.0;
- MapMessage conStat = null; // for error handling
- try
- {
- for (MapMessage m: consumers.values())
- {
- conStat = m;
- minSystemLatency = Math.min(minSystemLatency,m.getDouble(MIN_LATENCY));
- maxSystemLatency = Math.max(maxSystemLatency,m.getDouble(MAX_LATENCY));
- totLatency = totLatency + m.getDouble(AVG_LATENCY);
- totStdDev = totStdDev + m.getDouble(STD_DEV);
- minSystemConsRate = Math.min(minSystemConsRate,m.getDouble(CONS_RATE));
- maxSystemConsRate = Math.max(maxSystemConsRate,m.getDouble(CONS_RATE));
- totalConsRate = totalConsRate + m.getDouble(CONS_RATE);
- totalMsgCount = totalMsgCount + m.getLong(MSG_COUNT);
- }
- }
- catch(Exception e)
- {
- System.out.println("Error calculating stats from Consumer : " + conStat);
- }
- MapMessage prodStat = null; // for error handling
- try
- {
- for (MapMessage m: producers.values())
- {
- prodStat = m;
- minSystemProdRate = Math.min(minSystemProdRate,m.getDouble(PROD_RATE));
- maxSystemProdRate = Math.max(maxSystemProdRate,m.getDouble(PROD_RATE));
- totalProdRate = totalProdRate + m.getDouble(PROD_RATE);
- }
- }
- catch(Exception e)
- {
- System.out.println("Error calculating stats from Producer : " + conStat);
- }
- avgSystemLatency = totLatency/consumers.size();
- avgSystemLatencyStdDev = totStdDev/consumers.size();
- avgSystemConsRate = totalConsRate/consumers.size();
- avgSystemProdRate = totalProdRate/producers.size();
- System.out.println("Total test time : " + totalTestTime + " in " + Clock.getPrecision());
- totalSystemThroughput = (totalMsgCount*Clock.convertToSecs()/totalTestTime);
- }
- public void printResults() throws Exception
- {
- System.out.println(new StringBuilder("Total Msgs Received : ").append(totalMsgCount).toString());
- System.out.println(new StringBuilder("System Throughput : ").
- append(df.format(totalSystemThroughput)).
- append(" msg/sec").toString());
- System.out.println(new StringBuilder("Avg Consumer rate : ").
- append(df.format(avgSystemConsRate)).
- append(" msg/sec").toString());
- System.out.println(new StringBuilder("Min Consumer rate : ").
- append(df.format(minSystemConsRate)).
- append(" msg/sec").toString());
- System.out.println(new StringBuilder("Max Consumer rate : ").
- append(df.format(maxSystemConsRate)).
- append(" msg/sec").toString());
- System.out.println(new StringBuilder("Avg Producer rate : ").
- append(df.format(avgSystemProdRate)).
- append(" msg/sec").toString());
- System.out.println(new StringBuilder("Min Producer rate : ").
- append(df.format(minSystemProdRate)).
- append(" msg/sec").toString());
- System.out.println(new StringBuilder("Max Producer rate : ").
- append(df.format(maxSystemProdRate)).
- append(" msg/sec").toString());
- System.out.println(new StringBuilder("Avg System Latency : ").
- append(df.format(avgSystemLatency)).
- append(" ms").toString());
- System.out.println(new StringBuilder("Min System Latency : ").
- append(df.format(minSystemLatency)).
- append(" ms").toString());
- System.out.println(new StringBuilder("Max System Latency : ").
- append(df.format(maxSystemLatency)).
- append(" ms").toString());
- if (printStdDev)
- {
- System.out.println(new StringBuilder("Avg System Std Dev : ").
- append(avgSystemLatencyStdDev));
- }
- }
- private synchronized void sendMessageToNodes(OPCode code,Collection<MapMessage> nodes) throws Exception
- {
- System.out.println("\nController: Sending code " + code);
- MessageProducer tmpProd = controllerSession.createProducer(null);
- MapMessage msg = controllerSession.createMapMessage();
- msg.setInt(CODE, code.ordinal());
- for (MapMessage node : nodes)
- {
- if (node.getString(REPLY_ADDR) == null)
- {
- System.out.println("REPLY_ADDR is null " + node);
- }
- else
- {
- System.out.println("Controller: Sending " + code + " to " + node.getString(REPLY_ADDR));
- }
- tmpProd.send(controllerSession.createQueue(node.getString(REPLY_ADDR)), msg);
- }
- }
- public void onMessage(Message msg)
- {
- try
- {
- MapMessage m = (MapMessage)msg;
- OPCode code = OPCode.values()[m.getInt(CODE)];
- System.out.println("\n---------Controller Received Code : " + code);
- System.out.println("---------Data : " + ((AMQPEncodedMapMessage)m).getMap());
- switch (code)
- {
- if (consRegistered.getCount() == 0)
- {
- System.out.println("Warning : Expected number of consumers have already registered," +
- "ignoring extra consumer");
- break;
- }
- consumers.put(m.getString(ID),m);
- consRegistered.countDown();
- break;
- if (prodRegistered.getCount() == 0)
- {
- System.out.println("Warning : Expected number of producers have already registered," +
- "ignoring extra producer");
- break;
- }
- producers.put(m.getString(ID),m);
- prodRegistered.countDown();
- break;
- consReady.countDown();
- break;
- prodReady.countDown();
- break;
- receivedEndMsg.countDown();
- break;
- consumers.put(m.getString(ID),m);
- receivedConsStats.countDown();
- break;
- producers.put(m.getString(ID),m);
- receivedProdStats.countDown();
- break;
- default:
- throw new Exception("Invalid OPCode " + code);
- }
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- handleError(e,"Error when receiving messages " + msg);
- }
- }
- public void run()
- {
- try
- {
- setUp();
- warmup();
- if (testMode == TestMode.SINGLE_RUN)
- {
- startTest();
- calcStats();
- printResults();
- }
- else
- {
- long startTime = Clock.getTime();
- long timeLimit = duration * 60 * 1000; // duration is in mins.
- boolean nextIteration = true;
- while (nextIteration)
- {
- startTest();
- calcStats();
- writeStatsToFile();
- if (Clock.getTime() - startTime < timeLimit)
- {
- sendMessageToNodes(OPCode.CONTINUE_TEST,consumers.values());
- sendMessageToNodes(OPCode.CONTINUE_TEST,producers.values());
- nextIteration = true;
- }
- else
- {
- nextIteration = false;
- }
- }
- }
- tearDown();
- }
- catch(Exception e)
- {
- handleError(e,"Error when running test");
- }
- }
- @Override
- public void tearDown() throws Exception {
- System.out.println("Controller: Completed the test......\n");
- if (testMode == TestMode.TIME_BASED)
- {
- writer.close();
- }
- sendMessageToNodes(OPCode.STOP_TEST,consumers.values());
- sendMessageToNodes(OPCode.STOP_TEST,producers.values());
- super.tearDown();
- }
- public void writeStatsToFile() throws Exception
- {
- writer.append(String.valueOf(totalMsgCount)).append(",");
- writer.append(df.format(totalSystemThroughput)).append(",");
- writer.append(df.format(avgSystemConsRate)).append(",");
- writer.append(df.format(minSystemConsRate)).append(",");
- writer.append(df.format(maxSystemConsRate)).append(",");
- writer.append(df.format(avgSystemProdRate)).append(",");
- writer.append(df.format(minSystemProdRate)).append(",");
- writer.append(df.format(maxSystemProdRate)).append(",");
- writer.append(df.format(avgSystemLatency)).append(",");
- writer.append(df.format(minSystemLatency)).append(",");
- writer.append(df.format(maxSystemLatency));
- if (printStdDev)
- {
- writer.append(",").append(String.valueOf(avgSystemLatencyStdDev));
- }
- writer.append("\n");
- writer.flush();
- }
- public static void main(String[] args)
- {
- PerfTestController controller = new PerfTestController();
- }