path: root/qpid/specs/apache-filters.xml
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+ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ distributed with this work for additional information
+ regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ under the License.
+<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="amqp.xsl"?>
+<amqp name="apache-filters" label="Apache Proposed AMQP 1-0 Filters">
+ <section name="legacy-amqp" title="Legacy AMQP Exchange Binding Support">
+ <doc>
+ <p>
+ Versions of AMQP prior to 1.0 prescribed a model of Exchanges and Queues, where Queues were
+ bound to Exchanges with a binding key whose meaning depended upon the type of the Exchange.
+ In order to allow a consistent mechanism for addressing legacy AMQP Exchanges over AMQP 1.0
+ the following filter types are defined. Use of an Exchange as an address for a Source thus
+ can be seen as equivalent to constructing exclusive queues bound to an Exchange in legacy
+ AMQP versions.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Containers which support the filters that are defined in this section should advertise the
+ capability <term>APACHE.ORG:LEGACY_AMQP_EXCHANGE_FILTERS</term> in their connection
+ capabilities when sending the open performative, and MUST provide this capability on
+ sources supporting these filter types.
+ </p>
+ </doc>
+ <type class="restricted" name="legacy-amqp-direct-binding" source="string" provides="filter">
+ <descriptor name=""
+ code="0x0000468C:0x00000000"/>
+ <doc>
+ <p>
+ The legacy-amqp-direct-binding filter consists of a described string value. The filter
+ matches a message if and only if the described string value exactly matches the subject
+ field of the Properties section of the message being evaluated. If the message has no
+ Properties section, or if the subject field of the Properties section is not set, then
+ the legacy-amqp-direct-binding filter does not match.
+ </p>
+ </doc>
+ </type>
+ <type class="restricted" name="legacy-amqp-topic-binding" source="string" provides="filter">
+ <descriptor name=""
+ code="0x0000468C:0x00000001"/>
+ <doc>
+ <p>
+ The legacy-amqp-topic-binding filter consists of a described string value. The value
+ value described by the type is interpreted as a pattern to match against the subject
+ field of the Properties section of the message being evaluated.
+ </p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>The pattern is formed using zero or more tokens, with each token delimited by the
+ "." character. The tokens "#" and "*" have special meanings.</li>
+ <li>The token consisting of the single character "*" matches a single word in the
+ subject field.</li>
+ <li>The token consisting of the single character "#" matches zero or more words in the
+ subject field.</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>
+ Thus the filter value "*.stock.#" would match the subjects "usd.stock" and
+ "eur.stock.db" but not "stock.nasdaq".
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ If the message has no Properties section, or if the subject field of the Properties
+ section is not set, then the legacy-amqp-topic-binding filter matches only if the value
+ of the filter is a single "#".
+ </p>
+ </doc>
+ </type>
+ <type class="restricted" name="legacy-amqp-headers-binding" source="map" provides="filter">
+ <descriptor name="" code="0x0000468C:0x00000002"/>
+ <doc>
+ <p>
+ The legacy-amqp-headers-binding filter consists of a described map value. The map
+ value described by the type is interpreted as a pattern to match against the
+ application-properties section of the message being evaluated. The map has the same
+ restriction as the application-properties section, namely that the keys of this are
+ restricted to be of type string (which excludes the possibility of a null key) and the
+ values are restricted to be of simple types only, that is, excluding map, list, and
+ array types.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The key "x-match" in the described map has special meaning. This key MUST map to the
+ symbolic value "any" or the symbolic value "all" within the described map. All other
+ keys which begin "x-" MUST be ignored by the source when evaluating. If the value for
+ "x-match" is "all" then all other valid key-value pairs in the map MUST match with an
+ entry with the same key in the application-properties section. If the value for
+ "x-match" is "any" then the filter will accept the message if at least one key-value
+ pair matches the equivalent key value pair in the application-properties section.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ A key-value pair in the filter's map matches a key-value pair in the
+ application-properties section if the keys are identical (including the same type), or
+ if the value in the filter map for the key is null.
+ </p>
+ </doc>
+ </type>
+ </section>
+ <section name="jms" title="Java Message Service Support">
+ <doc>
+ <p>
+ The Java Message Service defines two types of filtering of messages: firstly the ability to
+ exclude from a subscription messages sent by the same connection, secondly a more general
+ filtering syntax known as "selectors" based on an SQL like syntax.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ AMQP filter extensions through which these two types of
+ filtering may be achieved are defined below. Their use, though
+ motivated by support for JMS, is not restricted to JMS.
+ </p>
+ </doc>
+ <type class="composite" name="no-local-filter" source="list" provides="filter">
+ <descriptor name="" code="0x0000468C:0x00000003"/>
+ <doc>
+ <p>
+ A message will be accepted by the simple-no-local-filter if and only if the message
+ was originally sent to the container of the source on a separate connection from that
+ which is currently receiving from the source.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Containers which support this filter should advertise the
+ capability <term>APACHE.ORG:NO_LOCAL</term> in their
+ connection capabilities when sending the open
+ performative, and MUST provide this capability on sources
+ supporting these filter types.
+ </p>
+ </doc>
+ </type>
+ <type class="restricted" name="selector-filter" provides="filter" source="string">
+ <descriptor name="" code="0x0000468C:0x00000004"/>
+ <doc>
+ <p>
+ The Java Message Service "selector" defines an SQL like
+ syntax for filtering messages. The selector filters based
+ on the values of "headers" and "properties". The
+ selector-filter uses the selector as defined by JMS but
+ with the names of JMS headers translated into their AMQP
+ equivalents. The defined JMS headers can be mapped to
+ equivalent fields within the AMQP message sections:
+ </p>
+<picture title="Mapping JMS Headers to AMQP fields">
+JMS Header Name | AMQP 1.0 Field
+JMSCorrelationID | correlation-id field of properties section
+JMSDeliveryMode | durable field of header section
+JMSDestination | to field of the properties section
+JMSExpiration | absolute-expiry-time of properties section
+JMSMessageID | message-id of properties section
+JMSPriority | priority field of header section
+JMSRedelivered | delivery-count > 0 in header section
+JMSReplyTo | reply-to in properties section
+JMSTimestamp | creation-time of properties section
+JMSType | annotation jms-type in message-annotations section
+ <p>
+ When encoding the selector string on the wire, these JMS
+ header names should be translated to amqp.<i>field_name</i>
+ where <i>field_name</i> is the appropriate AMQP 1.0 field
+ named in the table above, with the hyphen replaced by an
+ underscore. For example, the selector: "JMSCorrelationID =
+ 'abc' AND color = 'blue' AND weight > 2500" would be
+ transferred over the wire as: "amqp.correlation_id = 'abc'
+ AND color = 'blue' AND weight > 2500"
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The "properties" of the JMS message are equivalent to the AMQP application-properties
+ section. Thus a reference to a property Foo in a message selector would be evaluated
+ as the value associated with the key "Foo" (if present) in the application-properties
+ section.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The operands of the JMS selector are defined in terms of the types available within JMS,
+ When evaluated against the application properties section, the values within that section
+ MUST be evaluated according to the following type mapping.
+ </p>
+<picture title="Mapping AMQP types to JMS types">
+AMQP Type | JMS Selector Type
+null | null
+boolean | boolean
+ubyte | short
+ushort | int
+uint | long
+ulong | long
+byte | byte
+short | short
+int | int
+long | long
+float | float
+double | double
+decimal32 | double
+decimal64 | double
+decimal128 | double
+char | char
+timestamp | long
+uuid | byte[16]
+binary | byte[]
+string | String
+symbol | String
+ <p>
+ Containers which support this filter should advertise the
+ capability <term>APACHE.ORG:SELECTOR</term> in their
+ connection capabilities when sending the open
+ performative, and MUST provide this capability on sources
+ supporting these filter types.
+ </p>
+ </doc>
+ </type>
+ </section>
+ <section name="xquery" title="An xquery based filter">
+ <type class="restricted" name="xquery" source="string" provides="filter">
+ <descriptor name="" code="0x0000468C:0x00000005"/>
+ <doc>
+ <p>
+ The xquery filter consists of a described string value
+ containing a valid xquery string against which messages
+ are matched.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Containers which support the filter defined in this
+ section should advertise the capability
+ <term>APACHE.ORG:XQUERY</term> in their connection
+ capabilities when sending the open performative.
+ </p>
+ </doc>
+ </type>
+ </section>