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+ <title>Apache Qpid : Using Qpid with other JNDI Providers</title>
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+ Apache Qpid : Using Qpid with other JNDI Providers
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+ This page last changed on Jun 22, 2007 by <font color="#0050B2">ritchiem</font>.
+ </div>
+<h2><a name="UsingQpidwithotherJNDIProviders-HowtouseaJNDIProvider"></a>How to use a JNDI Provider</h2>
+<p>Qpid will work with any JNDI provider capable of storing Java objects. We have a task to add our own initial context factory, but until that's available ....</p>
+<p>First you must select a JNDI provider to use. If you aren't already using an application server (i.e. Tomcat ?) which provides JNDI support you could consider using either:</p>
+ <li>Apache's <a href="" title="Visit page outside Confluence">Directory</a> which provides an LDAP JNDI implementation</li>
+ <li>OR the SUN JNDI SPI for the FileSystem which can be downloaded from <a href="" title="Visit page outside Confluence"></a></li>
+<ul class="alternate" type="square">
+ <li>Click : Download JNDI 1.2.1 &amp; More button</li>
+ <li>Download: File System Service Provider, 1.2 Beta 3</li>
+ <li>and then add the two jars in the lib dir to your class path.</li>
+<p>There are two steps to using JNDI objects.</p>
+<ul class="alternate" type="square">
+ <li>Bind : Which stores a reference to a JMS Object in the provider.</li>
+ <li>Lookup : Which tries to retrieve the reference and create the JMS Object.</li>
+<p>There are two objects that would normally be stored in JNDI.</p>
+<ul class="alternate" type="square">
+ <li>A ConnectionFactory</li>
+ <li>A Destination (Queue or Topic)</li>
+<h3><a name="UsingQpidwithotherJNDIProviders-Binding"></a>Binding</h3>
+<p>Then you need to setup the values that the JNDI provider will used to bind your references, something like this:</p>
+<div class="code" style="border-style: solid; "><div class="codeHeader" style="border-bottom-style: solid; "><b>Setup JNDI</b></div><div class="codeContent">
+<pre class="code-java">Hashtable env = <span class="code-keyword">new</span> Hashtable(11);
+ env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY,<span class="code-quote">"com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory"</span>);
+<p>These values are then used to create a context to bind your references.</p>
+<div class="code" style="border-style: solid; "><div class="codeHeader" style="border-bottom-style: solid; "><b>Perform Binding of ConnectionFactory</b></div><div class="codeContent">
+<pre class="code-java"><span class="code-keyword">try</span>
+ Context ctx = <span class="code-keyword">new</span> InitialContext(env);
+ <span class="code-comment">// Create the object to be bound in <span class="code-keyword">this</span> <span class="code-keyword">case</span> a ConnectionFactory
+</span> ConnectionFactory factory = <span class="code-keyword">null</span>;
+ <span class="code-keyword">try</span>
+ {
+ factory = <span class="code-keyword">new</span> AMQConnectionFactory(CONNECTION_URL);
+ <span class="code-keyword">try</span>
+ {
+ ctx.bind(binding, factory);
+ }
+ <span class="code-keyword">catch</span> (NamingException e)
+ {
+ <span class="code-comment">//Handle problems with binding. Such as the binding already exists.
+</span> }
+ }
+ <span class="code-keyword">catch</span> (URLSyntaxException amqe)
+ {
+ <span class="code-comment">//Handle any exception with creating ConnnectionFactory
+</span> }
+<span class="code-keyword">catch</span> (NamingException e)
+ <span class="code-comment">//Handle problem creating the Context.
+<p>To bind a queue instead simply create a AMQQueue object and use that in the binding call.</p>
+<div class="code" style="border-style: solid; "><div class="codeHeader" style="border-bottom-style: solid; "><b>Bind a AMQQueue</b></div><div class="codeContent">
+<pre class="code-java">AMQQueue queue = <span class="code-keyword">new</span> AMQQueue(QUEUE_URL);
+ctx.bind(binding, queue);</pre>
+<h3><a name="UsingQpidwithotherJNDIProviders-Lookup"></a>Lookup</h3>
+<p>You can then get a queue connection factory from the JNDI context.</p>
+<div class="code" style="border-style: solid; "><div class="codeHeader" style="border-bottom-style: solid; "><b>Perform Binding of ConnectionFactory</b></div><div class="codeContent">
+<pre class="code-java">ConnectionFactory factory;
+<span class="code-keyword">try</span>
+ factory= (ConnectionFactory)ctx.lookup(binding);
+<span class="code-keyword">catch</span> (NamingException e)
+ <span class="code-comment">//Handle problems with lookup. Such as binding does not exist.
+<p>Note that you need not cast the bound object back to an <tt>AMQConnectionFactory</tt> so all your current JMS apps that use JNDI can start using Qpid straight away.</p>
+<h2><a name="UsingQpidwithotherJNDIProviders-HowtocreateaTopicConnectionFactoryandQueueConnectionFactory"></a>How to create a TopicConnectionFactory and QueueConnectionFactory</h2>
+<p>AMQConnectionFactory implements TopicConnectionFactory and QueueConnectionFactory as well as the ConnectionFactory.</p>
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+ <td align="center"><font color="grey">Document generated by Confluence on Apr 22, 2008 02:47</font></td>
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