path: root/trunk/qpid/cpp/rubygen/0-10/specification.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/qpid/cpp/rubygen/0-10/specification.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 389 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/qpid/cpp/rubygen/0-10/specification.rb b/trunk/qpid/cpp/rubygen/0-10/specification.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 7366599eba..0000000000
--- a/trunk/qpid/cpp/rubygen/0-10/specification.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,389 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-$: << ".." # Include .. in load path
-require 'cppgen'
-# Dummy element representing an unknown struct type.
-class UnknownStruct
- def visitable?() true end
- def fqclassname() "UnknownStruct" end
-# Dummy element representing a session.header field
-class SessionHeaderField
- def amqp2cpp() "session::Header" end
- def cppname() "sessionHeader" end
- def name() "session-header" end
-class Specification < CppGen
- def initialize(outdir, amqp)
- super(outdir, amqp)
- @ns="qpid::amqp_#{@amqp.version.bars}"
- @dir="qpid/amqp_#{@amqp.version.bars}"
- end
- # domains
- def domain_h(d)
- genl
- if d.enum
- scope("enum #{typename} {", "};") {
- genl { |c|
- "#{} = #{c.value}" }.join(",\n")
- }
- scope("inline SerializeAs<#{typename}, uint8_t> serializable(#{typename}& e) {") {
- genl "return SerializeAs<#{typename}, uint8_t>(e);"
- }
- else
- genl "typedef #{d.amqp2cpp} #{typename};"
- end
- end
- def visitable?(x) x.code and x.size=="4" end
- # Used by structs, commands and controls.
- def action_struct_h(x, base, consts, &block)
- genl
- base = visitable?(x) ? ["public #{base}"] : []
- struct(x.classname, *base) {
- x.fields.each { |f| genl "#{f.amqp2cpp} #{f.cppname};" }
- genl
- genl "static const char* NAME;"
- consts.each {
- |c| genl "static const uint8_t #{c.upcase}=#{(x.send c) or 0};"
- }
- genl "static const uint8_t CLASS_CODE=#{x.containing_class.nsname}::CODE;"
- genl "static const char* CLASS_NAME;"
- ctor_decl("explicit #{x.classname}", x.parameters(true))
- if visitable? x
- genl "void accept(Visitor&);"
- genl "void accept(ConstVisitor&) const;"
- end
- if (x.fields.empty?)
- genl "template <class S> void serialize(S&) {}"
- else
- scope("template <class S> void serialize(S& s) {") {
- gen "s"; x.fields.each { |f| gen "(#{f.cppname})"}; genl ";"
- }
- end
- genl
- yield if block
- }
- case x
- when AmqpCommand then packer = "CommandPacker"
- when AmqpControl then packer = "Packer"
- when AmqpStruct then packer = "SizedPacker"
- end
- genl "inline #{packer}<#{x.classname}> serializable(#{x.classname}& x) { return #{packer}<#{x.classname}>(x); }" unless x.respond_to? :pack and x.pack == "0"
- genl "std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream&, const #{x.classname}&);"
- genl "bool operator==(const #{x.classname}&, const #{x.classname}&);"
- end
- def action_struct_cpp(x, &block)
- genl
- genl "const char* #{x.classname}::NAME=\"#{x.fqname}\";"
- genl "const char* #{x.classname}::CLASS_NAME=#{x.containing_class.nsname}::NAME;"
- genl
- ctor=x.classname+"::"+x.classname
- ctor_defn(ctor, x.parameters, x.initializers) {}
- if visitable? x
- genl "void #{x.classname}::accept(Visitor& v) { v.visit(*this); }"
- genl "void #{x.classname}::accept(ConstVisitor& v) const { v.visit(*this); }"
- end
- genl
- scope("std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& o, const #{x.classname}&#{"x" unless x.fields.empty?}) {") {
- genl "o << \"#{x.fqname}[\";";
- x.fields.each{ |f| genl "o << \" #{}=\" << x.#{f.cppname};" }
- genl "o << \"]\";"
- genl "return o;"
- }
- yield if block
- end
- # structs
- def struct_h(s) action_struct_h(s, "Struct", ["size","pack","code"]); end
- def struct_cpp(s) action_struct_cpp(s) end
- # command and control
- def action_h(a)
- action_struct_h(a, a.base, ["code"]) {
- struct("Handler") {
- scope("void #{a.funcname}(", ");") {
- genl a.parameters.join(",\n")
- }
- }
- function_defn("template <class T> void invoke", ["T& target"], "const") {
- genl "target.#{a.funcname}(#{a.values.join(', ')} );"
- }
- }
- end
- def action_cpp(a)
- action_struct_cpp(a) {
- scope("void #{a.classname}::Handler::#{a.funcname}(", ")") {
- genl a.unused_parameters.join(",\n")
- }
- scope {
- genl "assert(0);"
- genl "throw NotImplementedException(QPID_MSG(\"#{a.fqname} not implemented.\"));"
- }
- }
- end
- # Types that must be generated early because they are used by other types.
- def pregenerate?(x) not @amqp.used_by[x.fqname].empty?; end
- def pregenerate_class?(c)
-{ |t| (t.is_a? AmqpStruct or t.is_a? AmqpDomain) and pregenerate? t}
- end
- # Typedefs, enums and forward declarations for classes.
- def gen_specification_fwd()
- h_file("#{@dir}/specification_fwd") {
- include "#{@dir}/built_in_types"
- namespace(@ns) {
- # Top level
- { |d|
- # segment-type and track are are built in
- domain_h d unless ["track","segment-type"].include?(
- }
- each_class_ns { |c|
- genl "const uint8_t CODE=#{c.code};" # class code
- genl "extern const char* NAME;"
- c.each_descendant { |x|
- case x
- when AmqpDomain then domain_h x
- when AmqpStruct then genl "class #{x.classname};"
- when AmqpAction then genl "class #{x.classname};"
- end
- }
- }
- }
- }
- end
- # Generate struct definitions into a separate header file so the
- # can be included by StructHolder.h without circularity.
- def gen_structs()
- h_file("#{@dir}/structs") {
- include "#{@dir}/specification_fwd"
- include "#{@dir}/Map.h"
- include "#{@dir}/Array.h"
- include "#{@dir}/Struct.h"
- include "#{@dir}/UnknownStruct.h"
- include "#{@dir}/Packer.h"
- namespace(@ns) {
- each_class_ns { |c|
- c.collect_all(AmqpStruct).each { |s| struct_h s }
- }
- }
- }
- cpp_file("#{@dir}/structs") {
- include "#{@dir}/structs"
- include "#{@dir}/StructHolder"
- namespace(@ns) {
- each_class_ns { |c|
- c.collect_all(AmqpStruct).each { |s| struct_cpp(s) }
- }
- }
- }
- end
- # Generate the specification files
- def gen_specification()
- h_file("#{@dir}/specification") {
- include "#{@dir}/specification_fwd.h"
- include "#{@dir}/Map.h"
- include "#{@dir}/Array.h"
- include "#{@dir}/UnknownType.h"
- include "#{@dir}/Struct32"
- include "#{@dir}/Control.h"
- include "#{@dir}/Command.h"
- include "#{@dir}/Packer.h"
- include "<iosfwd>"
- namespace(@ns) {
- each_class_ns { |c|
- c.collect_all(AmqpAction).each { |a| action_h a }
- }
- }}
- cpp_file("#{@dir}/specification") {
- include "#{@dir}/specification"
- include "#{@dir}/exceptions"
- include "<iostream>"
- ["Command","Control", "Struct"].each { |x| include "#{@dir}/Apply#{x}" }
- namespace(@ns) {
- each_class_ns { |c|
- genl "const char* NAME=\"#{c.fqname}\";"
- c.actions.each { |a| action_cpp a}
- }
- }
- }
- end
- def gen_proxy()
- h_file("#{@dir}/ProxyTemplate.h") {
- include "#{@dir}/specification"
- namespace(@ns) {
- genl "template <class F, class R=typename F::result_type>"
- cpp_class("ProxyTemplate") {
- public
- genl "ProxyTemplate(F f=F()) : functor(f) {}"
- @amqp.classes.each { |c|
- c.actions.each { |a|
- genl
- function_defn("R #{a.funcname}", a.parameters) {
- args = a.arguments.empty? ? "" : "("+a.arguments.join(", ")+")"
- genl("#{a.fqclassname} #{var}#{args};")
- genl "return functor(#{var});"
- }
- }
- }
- private
- genl "F functor;"
- }
- }
- }
- end
- def visitor_interface_h(base, subs, is_const)
- name="#{is_const ? 'Const' : ''}#{base}Visitor"
- const=is_const ? "const " : ""
- struct(name) {
- genl "virtual ~#{name}() {}"
- genl "typedef #{const}#{base} BaseType;"
- subs.each{ |s|
- genl "virtual void visit(#{const}#{s.fqclassname}&) = 0;"
- }}
- end
- def visitor_impl(base, subs, is_const)
- name="#{is_const ? 'Const' : ''}#{base}Visitor"
- const=is_const ? "const " : ""
- genl "template <class F>"
- struct("ApplyVisitor<#{name}, F>", "public ApplyVisitorBase<#{name}, F>") {
- subs.each{ |s|
- genl "virtual void visit(#{const}#{s.fqclassname}& x) { this->invoke(x); }"
- }}
- end
- def gen_visitor(base, subs)
- h_file("#{@dir}/#{base}Visitor.h") {
- include base=="Struct" ? "#{@dir}/structs" : "#{@dir}/specification"
- namespace("#{@ns}") {
- visitor_interface_h(base, subs, false)
- visitor_interface_h(base, subs, true)
- }}
- h_file("#{@dir}/Apply#{base}.h") {
- include "#{@dir}/#{base}Visitor.h"
- include "#{@dir}/apply.h"
- namespace("#{@ns}") {
- visitor_impl(base, subs, false)
- visitor_impl(base, subs, true)
- }
- }
- end
- def gen_holder(base, subs)
- name=base+"Holder"
- h_file("#{@dir}/#{name}") {
- include "#{@dir}/Apply#{base}"
- include "#{@dir}/Holder"
- include base=="Struct" ? "#{@dir}/structs" : "#{@dir}/specification"
- namespace(@ns){
- namespace("#{base.downcase}_max") {
- genl "static const size_t MAX000=0;"
- last="MAX000"
- subs.each { |s|
- sizeof="sizeof(#{s.fqclassname})"
- genl "static const size_t #{last.succ} = #{sizeof} > #{last} ? #{sizeof} : #{last};"
- last.succ!
- }
- genl "static const int MAX=#{last};"
- }
- holder_base="amqp_0_10::Holder<#{name}, #{base}, #{base.downcase}_max::MAX>"
- struct("#{name}", "public #{holder_base}") {
- genl "#{name}() {}"
- genl "template <class T> explicit #{name}(const T& t) : #{holder_base}(t) {}"
- genl "using #{holder_base}::operator=;"
- genl "void set(uint8_t classCode, uint8_t code);"
- }
- genl
- genl "std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const #{name}& h);"
- }
- }
- cpp_file("#{@dir}/#{name}") {
- include "#{@dir}/#{name}"
- include "#{@dir}/exceptions.h"
- namespace(@ns) {
- genl "using framing::in_place;"
- genl
- scope("void #{name}::set(uint8_t classCode, uint8_t code) {") {
- genl "uint16_t key=(classCode<<8)+code;"
- scope ("switch(key) {") {
- subs.each { |s|
- genl "case 0x#{s.full_code.to_s(16)}: *this=in_place<#{s.fqclassname}>(); break;" unless (s.is_a? UnknownStruct)
- }
- genl "default: "
- indent {
- if (base=="Struct")
- genl "*this=in_place<UnknownStruct>(classCode, code);"
- else
- genl "throw CommandInvalidException(QPID_MSG(\"Invalid class-#{base.downcase} key \" << std::hex << key));"
- end
- }
- }
- }
- genl
- genl "std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const #{name}& h) { return h.get() ? (o << *h.get()) : (o << \"<empty #{name}>\"); }"
- }
- }
- end
- def gen_visitable(base, subs)
- subs << if base=="Struct" # Extra case for unknown structs.
- gen_holder(base, subs)
- gen_visitor(base, subs)
- end
- def generate
- gen_specification_fwd
- gen_specification
- gen_proxy
- gen_structs
- gen_visitable("Command", @amqp.collect_all(AmqpCommand))
- gen_visitable("Control", @amqp.collect_all(AmqpControl))
- gen_visitable("Struct", @amqp.collect_all(AmqpStruct).select { |s| s.code})
- end
-$outdir, $amqp).generate();