path: root/trunk/qpid/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/structs.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/qpid/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/structs.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 609 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/qpid/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/structs.rb b/trunk/qpid/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/structs.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 70b08a0da3..0000000000
--- a/trunk/qpid/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/structs.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,609 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# Usage: output_directory xml_spec_file [xml_spec_file...]
-$: << '..'
-require 'cppgen'
-class StructGen < CppGen
- def initialize(outdir, amqp)
- super(outdir, amqp)
- end
- SizeMap={
- "Octet"=>1,
- "Short"=>2,
- "Long"=>4,
- "LongLong"=>8,
- "int8"=>1,
- "int16"=>2,
- "int32"=>4,
- "int64"=>8,
- "uint8"=>1,
- "uint16"=>2,
- "uint32"=>4,
- "uint64"=>8,
- "timestamp"=>8
- }
- SizeType={
- 1=>"Octet",
- 2=>"Short",
- 4=>"Long",
- 8=>"LongLong"
- }
- ValueTypes=["uint8_t", "uint16_t", "uint32_t", "uint64_t"]
- def is_packed(s) s.pack and s.pack != "0" end
- def execution_header?(s)
- s.is_a? AmqpMethod and not s.parent.control?
- # s.kind_of? AmqpMethod and"010") and not s.parent.control?
- end
- def has_bitfields_only(s)
- {|f| f.type_ != "bit"}.empty?
- end
- def default_initialisation(s)
- params = {|f| ValueTypes.include?( || (!is_packed(s) && f.type_ == "bit")}
- strings = params.collect {|f| "#{f.cppname}(#{f.default_value})"}
- strings << "flags(0)" if (is_packed(s))
- if strings.empty?
- return ""
- else
- return " : " + strings.join(", ")
- end
- end
- def printable_form(f)
- if ( == "uint8_t")
- return "(int) " + f.cppname
- elsif (f.type_ == "bit")
- return "get#{}()"
- else
- return f.cppname
- end
- end
- def flag_mask(s, i)
- pos = s.pack.to_i*8 - 8 - (i/8)*8 + (i % 8)
- return "(1 << #{pos})"
- end
- def encode_packed_struct(s)
- genl s.cpp_pack_type.encode('flags', 'buffer')
- process_packed_fields(s) { |f, i| encode_packed_field(s, f, i) unless f.type_ == "bit" }
- end
- def decode_packed_struct(s)
- genl "#{s.cpp_pack_type.decode('flags', 'buffer')}"
- process_packed_fields(s) { |f, i| decode_packed_field(s, f, i) unless f.type_ == "bit" }
- end
- def size_packed_struct(s)
- genl "total += #{s.pack};"
- process_packed_fields(s) { |f, i| size_packed_field(s, f, i) unless f.type_ == "bit" }
- end
- def print_packed_struct(s)
- process_packed_fields(s) { |f, i| print_packed_field(s, f, i) }
- end
- def encode_packed_field(s, f, i)
- genl "if (flags & #{flag_mask(s, i)})"
- indent { genl f.cpptype.encode(f.cppname,"buffer") }
- end
- def decode_packed_field(s, f, i)
- genl "if (flags & #{flag_mask(s, i)})"
- indent { genl f.cpptype.decode(f.cppname,"buffer") }
- end
- def size_packed_field(s, f, i)
- genl "if (flags & #{flag_mask(s, i)})"
- indent { generate_size(f, []) }
- end
- def print_packed_field(s, f, i)
- classname = s.cppname
- if (s.kind_of? AmqpMethod)
- classname = s.body_name
- end
- genl "if (flags & #{flag_mask(s, i)})"
- indent {
- unless (classname == "ConnectionStartOkBody" && == "response")
- genl "out << \"#{}=\" << #{printable_form(f)} << \"; \";"
- else
- genl "out << \"response=\" << \"xxxxxx\" << \"; \";"
- end
- }
- end
- def generate_encode(f, combined)
- if (f.type_ == "bit")
- genl "uint8_t #{f.cppname}_bits = #{f.cppname};"
- count = 0
- combined.each { |c| genl "#{f.cppname}_bits |= #{c.cppname} << #{count += 1};" }
- genl "buffer.putOctet(#{f.cppname}_bits);"
- else
- genl f.cpptype.encode(f.cppname,"buffer")
- end
- end
- def generate_decode(f, combined)
- if (f.type_ == "bit")
- genl "uint8_t #{f.cppname}_bits = buffer.getOctet();"
- genl "#{f.cppname} = 1 & #{f.cppname}_bits;"
- count = 0
- combined.each { |c| genl "#{c.cppname} = (1 << #{count += 1}) & #{f.cppname}_bits;" }
- else
- genl f.cpptype.decode(f.cppname,"buffer")
- end
- end
- def generate_size(f, combined)
- if (f.type_ == "bit")
- names = ([f] + combined).collect {|g| g.cppname}
- genl "total += 1;//#{names.join(", ")}"
- else
- size = SizeMap[f.cpptype.encoded]
- if (size)
- genl "total += #{size};//#{f.cppname}"
- elsif ( == "SequenceNumberSet")
- genl "total += #{f.cppname}.encodedSize();"
- else
- encoded = f.cpptype.encoded
- gen "total += ("
- gen "4 + " if encoded == "LongString"
- gen "2 + " if encoded == "MediumString"
- gen "1 + " if encoded == "ShortString"
- genl "#{f.cppname}.size());"
- end
- end
- end
- def process_packed_fields(s)
- s.fields.each { |f| yield f, s.fields.index(f) }
- end
- def process_fields(s)
- last = nil
- count = 0
- bits = []
- s.fields.each {
- |f| if (last and last.bit? and f.bit? and count < 7)
- count += 1
- bits << f
- else
- if (last and last.bit?)
- yield last, bits
- count = 0
- bits = []
- end
- if (not f.bit?)
- yield f
- end
- last = f
- end
- }
- if (last and last.bit?)
- yield last, bits
- end
- end
- def all_fields_via_accessors(s)
- s.fields.collect { |f| "get#{}()" }.join(", ")
- end
- def methodbody_extra_defs(s)
- if (s.parent.control?)
- genl "virtual uint8_t type() const { return 0;/*control segment*/ }"
- end
- gen <<EOS
- typedef #{s.result ? : 'void'} ResultType;
- template <class T> ResultType invoke(T& invocable) const {
- return invocable.#{s.cppname}(#{all_fields_via_accessors(s)});
- }
- using AMQMethodBody::accept;
- void accept(MethodBodyConstVisitor& v) const { v.visit(*this); }
- ClassId amqpClassId() const { return CLASS_ID; }
- MethodId amqpMethodId() const { return METHOD_ID; }
- bool isContentBearing() const { return #{s.content ? "true" : "false" }; }
- bool resultExpected() const { return #{s.result ? "true" : "false"}; }
- bool responseExpected() const { return #{s.responses().empty? ? "false" : "true"}; }
- end
- def define_constructor(name, s)
- if (s.fields.size > 0)
- genl "#{name}("
- if (s.kind_of? AmqpMethod)
- indent {gen "ProtocolVersion, "}
- end
- indent { gen s.fields.collect { |f| "#{f.cpptype.param} _#{f.cppname}" }.join(",\n") }
- genl ") : "
- if (is_packed(s))
- initialisers = { |f| f.type_ != "bit"}.collect { |f| "#{f.cppname}(_#{f.cppname})"}
- initialisers << "flags(0)"
- indent { gen initialisers.join(",\n") }
- genl "{"
- indent {
- process_packed_fields(s) { |f, i| genl "set#{}(_#{f.cppname});" if f.type_ == "bit"}
- process_packed_fields(s) { |f, i| genl "flags |= #{flag_mask(s, i)};" unless f.type_ == "bit"}
- }
- genl "}"
- else
- indent { gen s.fields.collect { |f| " #{f.cppname}(_#{f.cppname})" }.join(",\n") }
- genl "{}"
- end
- end
- #default constructors:
- if (s.kind_of? AmqpMethod)
- genl "#{name}(ProtocolVersion=ProtocolVersion()) #{default_initialisation(s)} {}"
- end
- if (s.kind_of? AmqpStruct)
- genl "#{name}() #{default_initialisation(s)} {}"
- end
- end
- def define_packed_field_accessors(s, f, i)
- if (s.kind_of? AmqpMethod)
- define_packed_field_accessors_for_method(s, f, i)
- else
- define_packed_field_accessors_for_struct(s, f, i)
- end
- end
- def define_packed_field_accessors_for_struct(s, f, i)
- if (f.type_ == "bit")
- genl "void #{s.cppname}::set#{}(#{f.cpptype.param} _#{f.cppname}) {"
- indent {
- genl "if (_#{f.cppname}) flags |= #{flag_mask(s, i)};"
- genl "else flags &= ~#{flag_mask(s, i)};"
- }
- genl "}"
- genl "#{f.cpptype.ret} #{s.cppname}::get#{}() const { return flags & #{flag_mask(s, i)}; }"
- else
- genl "void #{s.cppname}::set#{}(#{f.cpptype.param} _#{f.cppname}) {"
- indent {
- genl "#{f.cppname} = _#{f.cppname};"
- genl "flags |= #{flag_mask(s, i)};"
- }
- genl "}"
- genl "#{f.cpptype.ret} #{s.cppname}::get#{}() const { return #{f.cppname}; }"
- if ( == "FieldTable")
- genl "#{}& #{s.cppname}::get#{}() {"
- indent {
- genl "flags |= #{flag_mask(s, i)};"#treat the field table as having been 'set'
- genl "return #{f.cppname};"
- }
- genl "}"
- end
- genl "bool #{s.cppname}::has#{}() const { return flags & #{flag_mask(s, i)}; }"
- genl "void #{s.cppname}::clear#{}Flag() { flags &= ~#{flag_mask(s, i)}; }"
- end
- genl ""
- end
- def define_packed_field_accessors_for_method(s, f, i)
- if (f.type_ == "bit")
- genl "void #{s.body_name}::set#{}(#{f.cpptype.param} _#{f.cppname}) {"
- indent {
- genl "if (_#{f.cppname}) flags |= #{flag_mask(s, i)};"
- genl "else flags &= ~#{flag_mask(s, i)};"
- }
- genl "}"
- genl "#{f.cpptype.ret} #{s.body_name}::get#{}() const { return flags & #{flag_mask(s, i)}; }"
- else
- genl "void #{s.body_name}::set#{}(#{f.cpptype.param} _#{f.cppname}) {"
- indent {
- genl "#{f.cppname} = _#{f.cppname};"
- genl "flags |= #{flag_mask(s, i)};"
- }
- genl "}"
- genl "#{f.cpptype.ret} #{s.body_name}::get#{}() const { return #{f.cppname}; }"
- if ( == "FieldTable")
- genl "#{}& #{s.body_name}::get#{}() {"
- indent {
- genl "flags |= #{flag_mask(s, i)};"#treat the field table as having been 'set'
- genl "return #{f.cppname};"
- }
- genl "}"
- end
- genl "bool #{s.body_name}::has#{}() const { return flags & #{flag_mask(s, i)}; }"
- genl "void #{s.body_name}::clear#{}Flag() { flags &= ~#{flag_mask(s, i)}; }"
- end
- genl ""
- end
- def define_packed_accessors(s)
- process_packed_fields(s) { |f, i| define_packed_field_accessors(s, f, i) }
- end
- def declare_packed_accessors(f)
- genl "void set#{}(#{f.cpptype.param} _#{f.cppname});";
- genl "#{f.cpptype.ret} get#{}() const;"
- if ( == "FieldTable")
- genl "#{}& get#{}();"
- end
- if (f.type_ != "bit")
- #extra 'accessors' for packed fields:
- genl "bool has#{}() const;"
- genl "void clear#{}Flag();"
- end
- end
- def define_accessors(f)
- genl "void set#{}(#{f.cpptype.param} _#{f.cppname}) { #{f.cppname} = _#{f.cppname}; }"
- genl "#{f.cpptype.ret} get#{}() const { return #{f.cppname}; }"
- if ( == "FieldTable")
- genl "#{}& get#{}() { return #{f.cppname}; }"
- end
- end
- def define_struct(s)
- classname = s.cppname
- inheritance = ""
- if (s.kind_of? AmqpMethod)
- classname = s.body_name
- if (execution_header?(s))
- inheritance = ": public ModelMethod"
- else
- inheritance = ": public AMQMethodBody"
- end
- end
- h_file("qpid/framing/#{classname}.h") {
- if (s.kind_of? AmqpMethod)
- gen <<EOS
-#include "qpid/framing/AMQMethodBody.h"
-#include "qpid/framing/AMQP_ServerOperations.h"
-#include "qpid/framing/MethodBodyConstVisitor.h"
- end
- include "qpid/framing/ModelMethod.h" if (execution_header?(s))
- s.fields.each { |f| include "qpid/framing/#{}" if f.struct?}
- gen <<EOS
-#include <ostream>
-#include "qpid/framing/amqp_types_full.h"
-namespace qpid {
-namespace framing {
-class #{classname} #{inheritance} {
- if (is_packed(s))
- indent { s.fields.each { |f| genl "#{} #{f.cppname};" unless f.type_ == "bit"} }
- indent {
- genl "#{} flags;"
- }
- else
- indent { s.fields.each { |f| genl "#{} #{f.cppname};" } }
- end
- genl "public:"
- if (s.kind_of? AmqpMethod)
- indent { genl "static const ClassId CLASS_ID = #{s.parent.code};" }
- indent { genl "static const MethodId METHOD_ID = #{s.code};" }
- end
- if (s.kind_of? AmqpStruct)
- if (s.code)
- indent { genl "static const uint16_t TYPE = #{s.full_code};" }
- end
- end
- indent {
- define_constructor(classname, s)
- genl ""
- if (is_packed(s))
- s.fields.each { |f| declare_packed_accessors(f) }
- else
- s.fields.each { |f| define_accessors(f) }
- end
- }
- if (s.kind_of? AmqpMethod)
- methodbody_extra_defs(s)
- end
- if (s.kind_of? AmqpStruct)
- indent {genl "friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const #{classname}&);" }
- end
- gen <<EOS
- void encode(Buffer&) const;
- void decode(Buffer&, uint32_t=0);
- void encodeStructBody(Buffer&) const;
- void decodeStructBody(Buffer&, uint32_t=0);
- uint32_t size() const;
- uint32_t bodySize() const;
- void print(std::ostream& out) const;
-}; /* class #{classname} */
- }
- cpp_file("qpid/framing/#{classname}.cpp") {
- if (is_packed(s) || s.fields.size > 0 || execution_header?(s))
- buffer = "buffer"
- else
- buffer = "/*buffer*/"
- end
- gen <<EOS
-#include "#{classname}.h"
-#include "reply_exceptions.h"
-using namespace qpid::framing;
- if (is_packed(s))
- define_packed_accessors(s)
- end
- gen <<EOS
-void #{classname}::encodeStructBody(Buffer& #{buffer}) const
- if (execution_header?(s))
- genl "encodeHeader(buffer);"
- end
- if (is_packed(s))
- indent {encode_packed_struct(s)}
- else
- indent { process_fields(s) { |f, combined| generate_encode(f, combined) } }
- end
- gen <<EOS
-void #{classname}::encode(Buffer& buffer) const
- indent {
- if (s.kind_of? AmqpStruct)
- if (s.code)
- genl "buffer.put#{SizeType[s.size.to_i]}(bodySize() + 2/*typecode*/);" if s.size and s.size.to_i != 0
- genl "buffer.putShort(TYPE);"
- else
- genl "buffer.put#{SizeType[s.size.to_i]}(bodySize());" if s.size and s.size.to_i != 0
- end
- end
- genl "encodeStructBody(buffer);"
- }
- gen <<EOS
-void #{classname}::decodeStructBody(Buffer& #{buffer}, uint32_t /*size*/)
- if (execution_header?(s))
- genl "decodeHeader(buffer);"
- end
- if (is_packed(s))
- indent {decode_packed_struct(s)}
- else
- indent { process_fields(s) { |f, combined| generate_decode(f, combined) } }
- end
- gen <<EOS
-void #{classname}::decode(Buffer& buffer, uint32_t /*size*/)
- indent {
- if (s.kind_of? AmqpStruct)
- genl "buffer.get#{SizeType[s.size.to_i]}();" if s.size and s.size.to_i != 0
- genl "if (TYPE != buffer.getShort()) throw FramingErrorException(\"Bad type code for struct\");" if s.code
- end
- genl "decodeStructBody(buffer);"
- }
- gen <<EOS
-uint32_t #{classname}::bodySize() const
- uint32_t total = 0;
- if (execution_header?(s))
- genl "total += headerSize();"
- end
- if (is_packed(s))
- indent {size_packed_struct(s)}
- else
- indent { process_fields(s) { |f, combined| generate_size(f, combined) } }
- end
- gen <<EOS
- return total;
-uint32_t #{classname}::size() const
- uint32_t total = bodySize();
- if (s.kind_of? AmqpStruct)
- genl "total += #{s.size}/*size field*/;" if s.size
- genl "total += 2/*typecode*/;" if s.code
- end
- gen <<EOS
- return total;
-void #{classname}::print(std::ostream& out) const
- out << "{#{classname}: ";
- if (is_packed(s))
- indent {print_packed_struct(s)}
- else
- copy =
- f = copy.shift
- indent {
- genl "out << \"#{}=\" << #{printable_form(f)};" if f
- copy.each { |f| genl "out << \"; #{}=\" << #{printable_form(f)};" }
- }
- end
- gen <<EOS
- out << "}";
- if (s.kind_of? AmqpStruct)
- gen <<EOS
-namespace qpid{
-namespace framing{
- std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const #{classname}& s)
- {
- s.print(out);
- return out;
- }
- end
- end
- def generate()
- structs = @amqp.collect_all(AmqpStruct).select { |s| not ["command-fragment"].include?( }
- structs.each { |s| define_struct(s) }
- @amqp.methods_.each { |m| define_struct(m) }
- #generate a single include file containing the list of structs for convenience
- h_file("qpid/framing/amqp_structs.h") { structs.each { |s| genl "#include \"#{s.cppname}.h\"" } }
- end
-[0], $amqp).generate()