path: root/trunk/qpid/java/junit-toolkit/src/main/org/apache/qpid/junit/extensions/listeners/
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Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/qpid/java/junit-toolkit/src/main/org/apache/qpid/junit/extensions/listeners/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 400 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/qpid/java/junit-toolkit/src/main/org/apache/qpid/junit/extensions/listeners/ b/trunk/qpid/java/junit-toolkit/src/main/org/apache/qpid/junit/extensions/listeners/
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- *
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
- */
-package org.apache.qpid.junit.extensions.listeners;
-import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;
-import junit.framework.Test;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
-import org.apache.qpid.junit.extensions.ShutdownHookable;
-import java.util.*;
- * Listens for test results for a named test and outputs these in the standard JUnit XML format to the specified
- * writer.
- *
- * <p/>The API for this listener accepts notifications about different aspects of a tests results through different
- * methods, so some assumption needs to be made as to which test result a notification refers to. For example
- * {@link #startTest} will be called, then possibly {@link #timing} will be called, even though the test instance is
- * passed in both cases, it is not enough to distinguish a particular run of the test, as the test case instance may
- * be being shared between multiple threads, or being run a repeated number of times, and can therfore be re-used
- * between calls. The listeners make the assumption that, for every test, a unique thread will call {@link #startTest}
- * and {@link #endTest} to delimit each test. All calls to set test parameters, timings, state and so on, will occur
- * between the start and end and will be given with the same thread id as the start and end, so the thread id provides
- * a unqiue value to identify a particular test run against.
- *
- * <p><table id="crc"><caption>CRC Card</caption>
- * <tr><th> Responsibilities <th> Collaborations
- * <tr><td> Listen to test lifecycle notifications.
- * <tr><td> Listen to test errors and failures.
- * <tr><td> Listen to test timings.
- * <tr><td> Listen to test memory usages.
- * <tr><td> Listen to parameterized test parameters.
- * <tr><th> Responsibilities
- * </table>
- *
- * @todo Merge this class with CSV test listener, making the collection of results common to both, and only factoring
- * out the results printing code into sub-classes. Provide a simple XML results formatter with the same format as
- * the ant XML formatter, and a more structured one for outputing results with timings and summaries from
- * performance tests.
- *
- * @author Rupert Smith
- */
-public class XMLTestListener implements TKTestListener, ShutdownHookable
- /** Used for debugging. */
- private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(XMLTestListener.class);
- /** The results file writer. */
- protected Writer writer;
- /** Holds the results for individual tests. */
- // protected Map<Result, Result> results = new LinkedHashMap<Result, Result>();
- // protected List<Result> results = new ArrayList<Result>();
- /**
- * Map for holding results on a per thread basis as they come in. A ThreadLocal is not used as sometimes an
- * explicit thread id must be used, where notifications come from different threads than the ones that called
- * the test method.
- */
- Map<Long, Result> threadLocalResults = Collections.synchronizedMap(new LinkedHashMap<Long, Result>());
- /**
- * Holds results for tests that have ended. Transferring these results here from the per-thread results map, means
- * that the thread id is freed for the thread to generate more results.
- */
- List<Result> results = new ArrayList<Result>();
- /** Holds the overall error count. */
- protected int errors = 0;
- /** Holds the overall failure count. */
- protected int failures = 0;
- /** Holds the overall tests run count. */
- protected int runs = 0;
- /** Holds the name of the class that tests are being run for. */
- String testClassName;
- /**
- * Creates a new XML results output listener that writes to the specified location.
- *
- * @param writer The location to write results to.
- * @param testClassName The name of the test class to include in the test results.
- */
- public XMLTestListener(Writer writer, String testClassName)
- {
- log.debug("public XMLTestListener(Writer writer, String testClassName = " + testClassName + "): called");
- this.writer = writer;
- this.testClassName = testClassName;
- }
- /**
- * Resets the test results to the default state of time zero, memory usage zero, parameter zero, test passed.
- *
- * @param test The test to resest any results for.
- * @param threadId Optional thread id if not calling from thread that started the test method. May be null.
- */
- public void reset(Test test, Long threadId)
- {
- log.debug("public void reset(Test test = " + test + ", Long threadId = " + threadId + "): called");
- XMLTestListener.Result r =
- (threadId == null) ? threadLocalResults.get(Thread.currentThread().getId()) : threadLocalResults.get(threadId);
- r.error = null;
- r.failure = null;
- }
- /**
- * Notification that a test started.
- *
- * @param test The test that started.
- */
- public void startTest(Test test)
- {
- log.debug("public void startTest(Test test = " + test + "): called");
- Result newResult = new Result(test.getClass().getName(), ((TestCase) test).getName());
- // Initialize the thread local test results.
- threadLocalResults.put(Thread.currentThread().getId(), newResult);
- runs++;
- }
- /**
- * Should be called every time a test completes with the run time of that test.
- *
- * @param test The name of the test.
- * @param nanos The run time of the test in nanoseconds.
- * @param threadId Optional thread id if not calling from thread that started the test method. May be null.
- */
- public void timing(Test test, long nanos, Long threadId)
- { }
- /**
- * Should be called every time a test completed with the amount of memory used before and after the test was run.
- *
- * @param test The test which memory was measured for.
- * @param memStart The total JVM memory used before the test was run.
- * @param memEnd The total JVM memory used after the test was run.
- * @param threadId Optional thread id if not calling from thread that started the test method. May be null.
- */
- public void memoryUsed(Test test, long memStart, long memEnd, Long threadId)
- { }
- /**
- * Should be called every time a parameterized test completed with the int value of its test parameter.
- *
- * @param test The test which memory was measured for.
- * @param parameter The int parameter value.
- * @param threadId Optional thread id if not calling from thread that started the test method. May be null.
- */
- public void parameterValue(Test test, int parameter, Long threadId)
- { }
- /**
- * Should be called every time a test completes with the current number of test threads running.
- *
- * @param test The test for which the measurement is being generated.
- * @param threads The number of tests being run concurrently.
- * @param threadId Optional thread id if not calling from thread that started the test method. May be null.
- */
- public void concurrencyLevel(Test test, int threads, Long threadId)
- { }
- /**
- * Notifies listeners of the tests read/set properties.
- *
- * @param properties The tests read/set properties.
- */
- public void properties(Properties properties)
- { }
- /**
- * Notification that a test ended.
- *
- * @param test The test that ended.
- */
- public void endTest(Test test)
- {
- log.debug("public void endTest(Test test = " + test + "): called");
- // Move complete test results into the completed tests list.
- Result r = threadLocalResults.get(Thread.currentThread().getId());
- results.add(r);
- // Clear all the test results for the thread.
- threadLocalResults.remove(Thread.currentThread().getId());
- }
- /**
- * Called when a test completes. Success, failure and errors. This method should be used when registering an
- * end test from a different thread than the one that started the test.
- *
- * @param test The test which completed.
- * @param threadId Optional thread id if not calling from thread that started the test method. May be null.
- */
- public void endTest(Test test, Long threadId)
- {
- log.debug("public void endTest(Test test = " + test + ", Long threadId = " + threadId + "): called");
- // Move complete test results into the completed tests list.
- Result r =
- (threadId == null) ? threadLocalResults.get(Thread.currentThread().getId()) : threadLocalResults.get(threadId);
- results.add(r);
- // Clear all the test results for the thread.
- threadLocalResults.remove(Thread.currentThread().getId());
- }
- /**
- * An error occurred.
- *
- * @param test The test in which the error occurred.
- * @param t The throwable that resulted from the error.
- */
- public void addError(Test test, Throwable t)
- {
- log.debug("public void addError(Test test = " + test + ", Throwable t = " + t + "): called");
- Result r = threadLocalResults.get(Thread.currentThread().getId());
- r.error = t;
- errors++;
- }
- /**
- * A failure occurred.
- *
- * @param test The test in which the failure occurred.
- * @param t The JUnit assertions that led to the failure.
- */
- public void addFailure(Test test, AssertionFailedError t)
- {
- log.debug("public void addFailure(Test test = " + test + ", AssertionFailedError t = " + t + "): called");
- Result r = threadLocalResults.get(Thread.currentThread().getId());
- r.failure = t;
- failures++;
- }
- /**
- * Called when a test completes to mark it as a test fail. This method should be used when registering a
- * failure from a different thread than the one that started the test.
- *
- * @param test The test which failed.
- * @param e The assertion that failed the test.
- * @param threadId Optional thread id if not calling from thread that started the test method. May be null.
- */
- public void addFailure(Test test, AssertionFailedError e, Long threadId)
- {
- log.debug("public void addFailure(Test test, AssertionFailedError e, Long threadId): called");
- Result r =
- (threadId == null) ? threadLocalResults.get(Thread.currentThread().getId()) : threadLocalResults.get(threadId);
- r.failure = e;
- failures++;
- }
- /**
- * Notifies listeners of the start of a complete run of tests.
- */
- public void startBatch()
- {
- log.debug("public void startBatch(): called");
- // Reset all results counts.
- threadLocalResults = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<Long, Result>());
- errors = 0;
- failures = 0;
- runs = 0;
- // Write out the file header.
- try
- {
- writer.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n");
- }
- catch (IOException e)
- {
- throw new RuntimeException("Unable to write the test results.", e);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Notifies listeners of the end of a complete run of tests.
- *
- * @param parameters The optional test parameters to log out with the batch results.
- */
- public void endBatch(Properties parameters)
- {
- log.debug("public void endBatch(Properties parameters = " + parameters + "): called");
- // Write out the results.
- try
- {
- // writer.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n");
- writer.write("<testsuite errors=\"" + errors + "\" failures=\"" + failures + "\" tests=\"" + runs + "\" name=\""
- + testClassName + "\">\n");
- for (Result result : results)
- {
- writer.write(" <testcase classname=\"" + result.testClass + "\" name=\"" + result.testName + "\">\n");
- if (result.error != null)
- {
- writer.write(" <error type=\"" + result.error.getClass() + "\">");
- result.error.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(writer));
- writer.write(" </error>");
- }
- else if (result.failure != null)
- {
- writer.write(" <failure type=\"" + result.failure.getClass() + "\">");
- result.failure.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(writer));
- writer.write(" </failure>");
- }
- writer.write(" </testcase>\n");
- }
- writer.write("</testsuite>\n");
- writer.flush();
- }
- catch (IOException e)
- {
- throw new RuntimeException("Unable to write the test results.", e);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Supplies the shutdown hook.
- *
- * @return The shut down hook.
- */
- public Thread getShutdownHook()
- {
- return new Thread(new Runnable()
- {
- public void run()
- {
- log.debug("XMLTestListener::ShutdownHook: called");
- }
- });
- }
- /**
- * Used to capture the results of a particular test run.
- */
- protected static class Result
- {
- /** Holds the name of the test class. */
- public String testClass;
- /** Holds the name of the test method. */
- public String testName;
- /** Holds the exception that caused error in this test. */
- public Throwable error;
- /** Holds the assertion exception that caused failure in this test. */
- public AssertionFailedError failure;
- /**
- * Creates a placeholder for the results of a test.
- *
- * @param testClass The test class.
- * @param testName The name of the test that was run.
- */
- public Result(String testClass, String testName)
- {
- this.testClass = testClass;
- this.testName = testName;
- }
- }