path: root/trunk/qpid/java/management/client/src/example/org/apache/qpid/management/example/
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Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/qpid/java/management/client/src/example/org/apache/qpid/management/example/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 293 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/qpid/java/management/client/src/example/org/apache/qpid/management/example/ b/trunk/qpid/java/management/client/src/example/org/apache/qpid/management/example/
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+++ /dev/null
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- *
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
- */
-import java.util.Date;
-import org.apache.muse.util.xml.XPathUtils;
- * This example is demonstrating a WS-Notification scenario
- * when (for simplicity) QMan is at the same time consumer
- * and producer.
- *
- * Basically we have (on producer side) two topics : one for
- * lifecycle events of object instance (objects created & removed)
- * and another one for lifecycle of event (events created).
- *
- * On consumer side there are many options that you can use in
- * order to made a sunscription :
- *
- * <ul>
- * <li>you could be an observer of all messages (all topics);</li>
- * <li>you could be an observer of one specific topic;</li>
- * <li>
- * you could be an observer of all messages that match
- * a condition expressed in XPath;
- * </li>
- * </ul>
- *
- * All those options are provided with or withour a termination time.
- * A subscription with a termination time will have a predefined expiry
- * date while if there's no termination the subscription will never expire.
- *
- * @author Andrea Gazzarini
- *
- */
-public class ConsumerAndProducerExample extends AbstractQManExample
- @Override
- void executeExample(String host, int port) throws Exception
- {
- // This is QMan...
- URI producerURI = URI.create("http://"+host+":"+port+"/qman/services/adapter");
- // ...and this is QMan too! Note that it has an hidden consumer capability that is used in
- // order to run successfully this example...
- URI consumerURI = URI.create("http://"+host+":"+port+"/qman/services/consumer");
- EndpointReference producerEPR = new EndpointReference(producerURI);
- EndpointReference consumerEPR = new EndpointReference(consumerURI);
- // Example 1 : all messages on all topics without termination time.
- subscribeAllMessagesWithoutTerminationTime(producerEPR,consumerEPR);
- // Example 2 : all messages on all topics with termination time.
- subscribeAllMessagesWithTerminationTime(producerEPR,consumerEPR);
- // Example 3: Topic filter without termination time.
- topicSubscriptionWithoutTerminationTime(producerEPR,consumerEPR);
- // Example 4: Topic filter with termination time.
- topicSubscriptionWithTerminationTime(producerEPR,consumerEPR);
- // Example 5: a MessageFilter is installed in order to listen only for connection events
- // (connections created or removed). The subscription never expire.
- allMessagesWithMessageFilterWithoutTerminationTime(producerEPR,consumerEPR);
- // Example 6: a MessageFilter is installed in order to listen only for connection events
- // (connections created or removed). The subscription will expire in 10 seconds.
- allMessagesWithMessageFilterAndTerminationTime(producerEPR,consumerEPR);
- // Example 7 : a subscription with more than one filter.
- complexSubscription(producerEPR, consumerEPR);
- }
- /**
- * Makes a subscription on all topics / all messages without an expiry date.
- *
- * @param producer the producer endpoint reference.
- * @param consumer the consumer endpoint reference .
- * @throws SoapFault when the subscription cannot be made.
- */
- private void subscribeAllMessagesWithoutTerminationTime(EndpointReference producer, EndpointReference consumer) throws SoapFault
- {
- NotificationProducerClient producerClient = new NotificationProducerClient(producer);
- producerClient.setTrace(true);
- producerClient.subscribe(
- consumer, // Consumer Endpoint reference
- null, // Filter, if null that means "all messages"
- null); // Termination Time : if null the subscription will never expire.
- }
- /**
- * Makes a subscription on all topics / all messages with 10 seconds as termination time.
- * The subscription will expire after 10 seconds.
- *
- * @param producer the producer endpoint reference.
- * @param consumer the consumer endpoint reference .
- * @throws SoapFault when the subscription cannot be made.
- */
- private void subscribeAllMessagesWithTerminationTime(EndpointReference producer, EndpointReference consumer) throws SoapFault
- {
- NotificationProducerClient producerClient = new NotificationProducerClient(producer);
- producerClient.setTrace(true);
- producerClient.subscribe(
- consumer, // Consumer Endpoint reference
- null, // Filter, if null that means "all messages"
- new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 10000)); // Termination Time
- }
- /**
- * Makes a subscription on a specifc topic without an expiry date.
- * Only messages published on the given topic will be delivered to the given consumer.
- *
- * @param producer the producer endpoint reference.
- * @param consumer the consumer endpoint reference .
- * @throws SoapFault when the subscription cannot be made.
- */
- private void topicSubscriptionWithoutTerminationTime(EndpointReference producer, EndpointReference consumer) throws SoapFault
- {
- NotificationProducerClient producerClient = new NotificationProducerClient(producer);
- producerClient.setTrace(true);
- TopicFilter filter = new TopicFilter(Names.EVENTS_LIFECYLE_TOPIC_NAME);
- producerClient.subscribe(
- consumer, // Consumer Endpoint reference
- filter, // Topic Filter
- null); // Termination Time : if null the subscription will never expire.
- }
- /**
- * Makes a subscription on a specifc topic with an expiry date.
- * Only messages published on the given topic will be delivered to the given consumer.
- * The subscription will end after 10 seconds
- *
- * @param producer the producer endpoint reference.
- * @param consumer the consumer endpoint reference .
- * @throws SoapFault when the subscription cannot be made.
- */
- private void topicSubscriptionWithTerminationTime(EndpointReference producer, EndpointReference consumer) throws SoapFault
- {
- NotificationProducerClient producerClient = new NotificationProducerClient(producer);
- producerClient.setTrace(true);
- TopicFilter filter = new TopicFilter(Names.EVENTS_LIFECYLE_TOPIC_NAME);
- producerClient.subscribe(
- consumer, // Consumer Endpoint reference
- filter, // Topic Filter
- new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 10000)); // Termination Time
- }
- /**
- * Makes a subscription on all topics with a message filter without an expiry date.
- *
- * @param producer the producer endpoint reference.
- * @param consumer the consumer endpoint reference .
- * @throws SoapFault when the subscription cannot be made.
- */
- private void allMessagesWithMessageFilterWithoutTerminationTime(EndpointReference producer, EndpointReference consumer) throws SoapFault
- {
- NotificationProducerClient producerClient = new NotificationProducerClient(producer);
- producerClient.setTrace(true);
- // Applying this filter will result in a subscription that wll be notified only when a "connection"
- // object is created or removed
- MessagePatternFilter filter= new MessagePatternFilter(
- "/wsnt:NotificationMessage/wsnt:Message/qman:LifeCycleEvent/qman:Resource/qman:Name/text()='connection'", // expression (XPath)
- XPathUtils.NAMESPACE_URI); // Dialect : the only supported dialect is XPath 1.0
- producerClient.subscribe(
- consumer, // Consumer Endpoint reference
- filter, // Message Filter
- null); // Termination Time : if null the subscription will never expire.
- }
- /**
- * Makes a subscription on all topics with a message filter and an expiry date.
- *
- * @param producer the producer endpoint reference.
- * @param consumer the consumer endpoint reference .
- * @throws SoapFault when the subscription cannot be made.
- */
- private void allMessagesWithMessageFilterAndTerminationTime(EndpointReference producer, EndpointReference consumer) throws SoapFault
- {
- NotificationProducerClient producerClient = new NotificationProducerClient(producer);
- producerClient.setTrace(true);
- // Applying this filter will result in a subscription that wll be notified only when a "connection"
- // object is created or removed
- MessagePatternFilter filter= new MessagePatternFilter(
- "/wsnt:NotificationMessage/wsnt:Message/qman:LifeCycleEvent/qman:Resource/qman:Name/text()='connection'", // expression (XPath)
- XPathUtils.NAMESPACE_URI); // Dialect : the only supported dialect is XPath 1.0
- producerClient.subscribe(
- consumer, // Consumer Endpoint reference
- filter, // Message Filter
- new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 10000)); // Termination Time
- }
- /**
- * Makes a subscription on a specifc topic with an expiry date.
- * Only messages published on the given topic will be delivered to the given consumer.
- * The subscription will end after 10 seconds
- *
- * @param producer the producer endpoint reference.
- * @param consumer the consumer endpoint reference .
- * @throws SoapFault when the subscription cannot be made.
- */
- private void complexSubscription(EndpointReference producer, EndpointReference consumer) throws SoapFault
- {
- NotificationProducerClient producerClient = new NotificationProducerClient(producer);
- producerClient.setTrace(true);
- FilterCollection filter = new FilterCollection();
- TopicFilter topicFilter = new TopicFilter(Names.EVENTS_LIFECYLE_TOPIC_NAME);
- MessagePatternFilter messageFilter= new MessagePatternFilter(
- "/wsnt:NotificationMessage/wsnt:Message/qman:LifeCycleEvent/qman:Resource/qman:Name/text()='connection'", // expression (XPath)
- XPathUtils.NAMESPACE_URI); // Dialect : the only supported dialect is XPath 1.0
- ProducerPropertiesFilter producerFilter = new ProducerPropertiesFilter(
- "boolean(/*/MgtPubInterval > 100 and /*/MsgTotalEnqueues > 56272)",
- filter.addFilter(topicFilter);
- filter.addFilter(messageFilter);
- filter.addFilter(producerFilter);
- producerClient.subscribe(
- consumer, // Consumer Endpoint reference
- filter, // Topic Filter
- new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 10000)); // Termination Time
- }
- @Override
- void printOutExampleDescription()
- {
- System.out.println("This example is demonstrating a WS-Notification scenario ");
- System.out.println("when (for simplicity) QMan is at the same time consumer ");
- System.out.println("and producer.");
- System.out.println();
- System.out.println("Basically we have (on producer side) two topics : one for");
- System.out.println("lifecycle events of object instance (objects created & removed) ");
- System.out.println("and another one for lifecycle of event (events created).");
- System.out.println();
- System.out.println("On consumer side there are many options that you can use in");
- System.out.println("order to made a sunscription :");
- System.out.println();
- System.out.println("- you could be an observer of all messages (all topics);");
- System.out.println("- you could be an observer of one specific topic;");
- System.out.println("- you could be an observer of all messages that match a condition expressed in XPath;");
- System.out.println();
- System.out.println("All those options are provided with or withour a termination time.");
- System.out.println("A subscription with a termination time will have a predefined expiry");
- System.out.println("date while if there's no termination the subscription will never expire.");
- }
- public static void main(String[] args)
- {
- new ConsumerAndProducerExample().execute(new String[]{"localhost","8080"});
- }