path: root/trunk/qpid/python/qpid/
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Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/qpid/python/qpid/')
1 files changed, 383 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/qpid/python/qpid/ b/trunk/qpid/python/qpid/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..682743df19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/qpid/python/qpid/
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import datetime
+from packer import Packer
+from datatypes import serial, timestamp, RangedSet, Struct, UUID
+from ops import Compound, PRIMITIVE, COMPOUND
+class CodecException(Exception): pass
+def direct(t):
+ return lambda x: t
+def map_str(s):
+ for c in s:
+ if ord(c) >= 0x80:
+ return "vbin16"
+ return "str16"
+class Codec(Packer):
+ unicode: direct("str16"),
+ str: map_str,
+ buffer: direct("vbin32"),
+ int: direct("int64"),
+ long: direct("int64"),
+ float: direct("double"),
+ None.__class__: direct("void"),
+ list: direct("list"),
+ tuple: direct("list"),
+ dict: direct("map"),
+ timestamp: direct("datetime"),
+ datetime.datetime: direct("datetime"),
+ UUID: direct("uuid"),
+ Compound: direct("struct32")
+ }
+ def encoding(self, obj):
+ enc = self._encoding(obj.__class__, obj)
+ if enc is None:
+ raise CodecException("no encoding for %r" % obj)
+ return PRIMITIVE[enc]
+ def _encoding(self, klass, obj):
+ if self.ENCODINGS.has_key(klass):
+ return self.ENCODINGS[klass](obj)
+ for base in klass.__bases__:
+ result = self._encoding(base, obj)
+ if result != None:
+ return result
+ def read_primitive(self, type):
+ return getattr(self, "read_%s" % type.NAME)()
+ def write_primitive(self, type, v):
+ getattr(self, "write_%s" % type.NAME)(v)
+ def read_void(self):
+ return None
+ def write_void(self, v):
+ assert v == None
+ def read_bit(self):
+ return True
+ def write_bit(self, b):
+ if not b: raise ValueError(b)
+ def read_uint8(self):
+ return self.unpack("!B")
+ def write_uint8(self, n):
+ return self.pack("!B", n)
+ def read_int8(self):
+ return self.unpack("!b")
+ def write_int8(self, n):
+ self.pack("!b", n)
+ def read_char(self):
+ return self.unpack("!c")
+ def write_char(self, c):
+ self.pack("!c", c)
+ def read_boolean(self):
+ return self.read_uint8() != 0
+ def write_boolean(self, b):
+ if b: n = 1
+ else: n = 0
+ self.write_uint8(n)
+ def read_uint16(self):
+ return self.unpack("!H")
+ def write_uint16(self, n):
+ self.pack("!H", n)
+ def read_int16(self):
+ return self.unpack("!h")
+ def write_int16(self, n):
+ self.pack("!h", n)
+ def read_uint32(self):
+ return self.unpack("!L")
+ def write_uint32(self, n):
+ self.pack("!L", n)
+ def read_int32(self):
+ return self.unpack("!l")
+ def write_int32(self, n):
+ self.pack("!l", n)
+ def read_float(self):
+ return self.unpack("!f")
+ def write_float(self, f):
+ self.pack("!f", f)
+ def read_sequence_no(self):
+ return serial(self.read_uint32())
+ def write_sequence_no(self, n):
+ self.write_uint32(n.value)
+ def read_uint64(self):
+ return self.unpack("!Q")
+ def write_uint64(self, n):
+ self.pack("!Q", n)
+ def read_int64(self):
+ return self.unpack("!q")
+ def write_int64(self, n):
+ self.pack("!q", n)
+ def read_datetime(self):
+ return timestamp(self.read_uint64())
+ def write_datetime(self, t):
+ if isinstance(t, datetime.datetime):
+ t = timestamp(t)
+ self.write_uint64(t)
+ def read_double(self):
+ return self.unpack("!d")
+ def write_double(self, d):
+ self.pack("!d", d)
+ def read_vbin8(self):
+ return
+ def write_vbin8(self, b):
+ if isinstance(b, buffer):
+ b = str(b)
+ self.write_uint8(len(b))
+ self.write(b)
+ def read_str8(self):
+ return self.read_vbin8().decode("utf8")
+ def write_str8(self, s):
+ self.write_vbin8(s.encode("utf8"))
+ def read_str16(self):
+ return self.read_vbin16().decode("utf8")
+ def write_str16(self, s):
+ self.write_vbin16(s.encode("utf8"))
+ def read_str16_latin(self):
+ return self.read_vbin16().decode("iso-8859-15")
+ def write_str16_latin(self, s):
+ self.write_vbin16(s.encode("iso-8859-15"))
+ def read_vbin16(self):
+ return
+ def write_vbin16(self, b):
+ if isinstance(b, buffer):
+ b = str(b)
+ self.write_uint16(len(b))
+ self.write(b)
+ def read_sequence_set(self):
+ result = RangedSet()
+ size = self.read_uint16()
+ nranges = size/8
+ while nranges > 0:
+ lower = self.read_sequence_no()
+ upper = self.read_sequence_no()
+ result.add(lower, upper)
+ nranges -= 1
+ return result
+ def write_sequence_set(self, ss):
+ size = 8*len(ss.ranges)
+ self.write_uint16(size)
+ for range in ss.ranges:
+ self.write_sequence_no(range.lower)
+ self.write_sequence_no(range.upper)
+ def read_vbin32(self):
+ return
+ def write_vbin32(self, b):
+ if isinstance(b, buffer):
+ b = str(b)
+ self.write_uint32(len(b))
+ self.write(b)
+ def read_map(self):
+ sc = StringCodec(self.read_vbin32())
+ if not sc.encoded:
+ return None
+ count = sc.read_uint32()
+ result = {}
+ while sc.encoded:
+ k = sc.read_str8()
+ code = sc.read_uint8()
+ type = PRIMITIVE[code]
+ v = sc.read_primitive(type)
+ result[k] = v
+ return result
+ def write_map(self, m):
+ sc = StringCodec()
+ if m is not None:
+ sc.write_uint32(len(m))
+ for k, v in m.items():
+ type = self.encoding(v)
+ sc.write_str8(k)
+ sc.write_uint8(type.CODE)
+ sc.write_primitive(type, v)
+ self.write_vbin32(sc.encoded)
+ def read_array(self):
+ sc = StringCodec(self.read_vbin32())
+ if not sc.encoded:
+ return None
+ type = PRIMITIVE[sc.read_uint8()]
+ count = sc.read_uint32()
+ result = []
+ while count > 0:
+ result.append(sc.read_primitive(type))
+ count -= 1
+ return result
+ def write_array(self, a):
+ sc = StringCodec()
+ if a is not None:
+ if len(a) > 0:
+ type = self.encoding(a[0])
+ else:
+ type = self.encoding(None)
+ sc.write_uint8(type.CODE)
+ sc.write_uint32(len(a))
+ for o in a:
+ sc.write_primitive(type, o)
+ self.write_vbin32(sc.encoded)
+ def read_list(self):
+ sc = StringCodec(self.read_vbin32())
+ if not sc.encoded:
+ return None
+ count = sc.read_uint32()
+ result = []
+ while count > 0:
+ type = PRIMITIVE[sc.read_uint8()]
+ result.append(sc.read_primitive(type))
+ count -= 1
+ return result
+ def write_list(self, l):
+ sc = StringCodec()
+ if l is not None:
+ sc.write_uint32(len(l))
+ for o in l:
+ type = self.encoding(o)
+ sc.write_uint8(type.CODE)
+ sc.write_primitive(type, o)
+ self.write_vbin32(sc.encoded)
+ def read_struct32(self):
+ size = self.read_uint32()
+ code = self.read_uint16()
+ cls = COMPOUND[code]
+ op = cls()
+ self.read_fields(op)
+ return op
+ def write_struct32(self, value):
+ self.write_compound(value)
+ def read_compound(self, cls):
+ size = self.read_size(cls.SIZE)
+ if cls.CODE is not None:
+ code = self.read_uint16()
+ assert code == cls.CODE
+ op = cls()
+ self.read_fields(op)
+ return op
+ def write_compound(self, op):
+ sc = StringCodec()
+ if op.CODE is not None:
+ sc.write_uint16(op.CODE)
+ sc.write_fields(op)
+ self.write_size(op.SIZE, len(sc.encoded))
+ self.write(sc.encoded)
+ def read_fields(self, op):
+ flags = 0
+ for i in range(op.PACK):
+ flags |= (self.read_uint8() << 8*i)
+ for i in range(len(op.FIELDS)):
+ f = op.FIELDS[i]
+ if flags & (0x1 << i):
+ if COMPOUND.has_key(f.type):
+ value = self.read_compound(COMPOUND[f.type])
+ else:
+ value = getattr(self, "read_%s" % f.type)()
+ setattr(op,, value)
+ def write_fields(self, op):
+ flags = 0
+ for i in range(len(op.FIELDS)):
+ f = op.FIELDS[i]
+ value = getattr(op,
+ if f.type == "bit":
+ present = value
+ else:
+ present = value != None
+ if present:
+ flags |= (0x1 << i)
+ for i in range(op.PACK):
+ self.write_uint8((flags >> 8*i) & 0xFF)
+ for i in range(len(op.FIELDS)):
+ f = op.FIELDS[i]
+ if flags & (0x1 << i):
+ if COMPOUND.has_key(f.type):
+ enc = self.write_compound
+ else:
+ enc = getattr(self, "write_%s" % f.type)
+ value = getattr(op,
+ enc(value)
+ def read_size(self, width):
+ if width > 0:
+ attr = "read_uint%d" % (width*8)
+ return getattr(self, attr)()
+ def write_size(self, width, n):
+ if width > 0:
+ attr = "write_uint%d" % (width*8)
+ getattr(self, attr)(n)
+ def read_uuid(self):
+ return UUID(self.unpack("16s"))
+ def write_uuid(self, s):
+ if isinstance(s, UUID):
+ s = s.bytes
+ self.pack("16s", s)
+ def read_bin128(self):
+ return self.unpack("16s")
+ def write_bin128(self, b):
+ self.pack("16s", b)
+class StringCodec(Codec):
+ def __init__(self, encoded = ""):
+ self.encoded = encoded
+ def read(self, n):
+ result = self.encoded[:n]
+ self.encoded = self.encoded[n:]
+ return result
+ def write(self, s):
+ self.encoded += s