/* * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ #include "qpid/SaslFactory.h" #include "qpid/broker/ConnectionHandler.h" #include "qpid/broker/Connection.h" #include "qpid/broker/SecureConnection.h" #include "qpid/Url.h" #include "qpid/framing/AllInvoker.h" #include "qpid/framing/ConnectionStartOkBody.h" #include "qpid/framing/enum.h" #include "qpid/framing/FieldValue.h" #include "qpid/log/Statement.h" #include "qpid/sys/SecurityLayer.h" #include "qpid/broker/AclModule.h" #include "qmf/org/apache/qpid/broker/EventClientConnectFail.h" using namespace qpid; using namespace qpid::broker; using std::string; using namespace qpid::framing; using qpid::sys::SecurityLayer; namespace _qmf = qmf::org::apache::qpid::broker; namespace { const std::string ANONYMOUS = "ANONYMOUS"; const std::string PLAIN = "PLAIN"; const std::string en_US = "en_US"; const std::string QPID_FED_LINK = "qpid.fed_link"; const std::string QPID_FED_TAG = "qpid.federation_tag"; const std::string CLIENT_PROCESS_NAME("qpid.client_process"); const std::string CLIENT_PID("qpid.client_pid"); const std::string CLIENT_PPID("qpid.client_ppid"); const std::string SPACE(" "); } void ConnectionHandler::close(connection::CloseCode code, const string& text) { handler->proxy.close(code, text); } void ConnectionHandler::heartbeat() { handler->proxy.heartbeat(); } bool ConnectionHandler::handle(const framing::AMQMethodBody& method) { //Need special handling for start-ok, in order to distinguish //between null and empty response if (method.isA()) { handler->startOk(dynamic_cast(method)); return true; } else { return invoke(static_cast(*handler), method); } } void ConnectionHandler::handle(framing::AMQFrame& frame) { AMQMethodBody* method=frame.getBody()->getMethod(); Connection::ErrorListener* errorListener = handler->connection.getErrorListener(); try{ if (method && handle(*method)) { // This is a connection control frame, nothing more to do. } else if (isOpen()) { handler->connection.getChannel(frame.getChannel()).in(frame); } else { handler->proxy.close( connection::CLOSE_CODE_FRAMING_ERROR, "Connection not yet open, invalid frame received."); } }catch(ConnectionException& e){ if (errorListener) errorListener->connectionError(e.what()); handler->proxy.close(e.code, e.what()); }catch(std::exception& e){ if (errorListener) errorListener->connectionError(e.what()); handler->proxy.close(541/*internal error*/, e.what()); } } void ConnectionHandler::setSecureConnection(SecureConnection* secured) { handler->secured = secured; } ConnectionHandler::ConnectionHandler(Connection& connection, bool isClient) : handler(new Handler(connection, isClient)) {} ConnectionHandler::Handler::Handler(Connection& c, bool isClient) : proxy(c.getOutput()), connection(c), serverMode(!isClient), secured(0), isOpen(false) { if (serverMode) { FieldTable properties; Array mechanisms(0x95); properties.setString(QPID_FED_TAG, connection.getBroker().getFederationTag()); authenticator = SaslAuthenticator::createAuthenticator(c); authenticator->getMechanisms(mechanisms); Array locales(0x95); boost::shared_ptr l(new Str16Value(en_US)); locales.add(l); proxy.start(properties, mechanisms, locales); } maxFrameSize = (64 * 1024) - 1; } ConnectionHandler::Handler::~Handler() {} void ConnectionHandler::Handler::startOk(const framing::FieldTable& /*clientProperties*/, const string& /*mechanism*/, const string& /*response*/, const string& /*locale*/) { //Need special handling for start-ok, in order to distinguish //between null and empty response -> should never use this method assert(false); } void ConnectionHandler::Handler::startOk(const ConnectionStartOkBody& body) { try { authenticator->start(body.getMechanism(), body.hasResponse() ? &body.getResponse() : 0); } catch (std::exception& /*e*/) { management::ManagementAgent* agent = connection.getAgent(); bool logEnabled; QPID_LOG_TEST_CAT(debug, model, logEnabled); if (logEnabled || agent) { string error; string uid; authenticator->getError(error); authenticator->getUid(uid); if (agent) { agent->raiseEvent(_qmf::EventClientConnectFail(connection.getMgmtId(), uid, error)); } QPID_LOG_CAT(debug, model, "Failed connection. rhost:" << connection.getMgmtId() << " user:" << uid << " reason:" << error ); } throw; } const framing::FieldTable& clientProperties = body.getClientProperties(); connection.setClientProperties(clientProperties); connection.setFederationLink(clientProperties.get(QPID_FED_LINK)); if (clientProperties.isSet(QPID_FED_TAG)) { connection.setFederationPeerTag(clientProperties.getAsString(QPID_FED_TAG)); } if (connection.isFederationLink()) { AclModule* acl = connection.getBroker().getAcl(); FieldTable properties; if (acl && !acl->authorise(connection.getUserId(),acl::ACT_CREATE,acl::OBJ_LINK,"")){ proxy.close(framing::connection::CLOSE_CODE_CONNECTION_FORCED, QPID_MSG("ACL denied " << connection.getUserId() << " creating a federation link")); return; } QPID_LOG(info, "Connection is a federation link"); } if (connection.getMgmtObject() != 0) { string procName = clientProperties.getAsString(CLIENT_PROCESS_NAME); uint32_t pid = clientProperties.getAsInt(CLIENT_PID); uint32_t ppid = clientProperties.getAsInt(CLIENT_PPID); if (!procName.empty()) connection.getMgmtObject()->set_remoteProcessName(procName); if (pid != 0) connection.getMgmtObject()->set_remotePid(pid); if (ppid != 0) connection.getMgmtObject()->set_remoteParentPid(ppid); } } void ConnectionHandler::Handler::secureOk(const string& response) { try { authenticator->step(response); } catch (std::exception& /*e*/) { management::ManagementAgent* agent = connection.getAgent(); bool logEnabled; QPID_LOG_TEST_CAT(debug, model, logEnabled); if (logEnabled || agent) { string error; string uid; authenticator->getError(error); authenticator->getUid(uid); if (agent) { agent->raiseEvent(_qmf::EventClientConnectFail(connection.getMgmtId(), uid, error)); } QPID_LOG_CAT(debug, model, "Failed connection. rhost:" << connection.getMgmtId() << " user:" << uid << " reason:" << error ); } throw; } } void ConnectionHandler::Handler::tuneOk(uint16_t /*channelmax*/, uint16_t framemax, uint16_t heartbeat) { if (framemax) connection.setFrameMax(framemax); connection.setHeartbeatInterval(heartbeat); } void ConnectionHandler::Handler::open(const string& /*virtualHost*/, const framing::Array& /*capabilities*/, bool /*insist*/) { std::vector urls = connection.broker.getKnownBrokers(); framing::Array array(0x95); // str16 array for (std::vector::iterator i = urls.begin(); i < urls.end(); ++i) array.add(boost::shared_ptr(new Str16Value(i->str()))); //install security layer if one has been negotiated: if (secured) { std::auto_ptr sl = authenticator->getSecurityLayer(connection.getFrameMax()); if (sl.get()) secured->activateSecurityLayer(sl); } isOpen = true; proxy.openOk(array); } void ConnectionHandler::Handler::close(uint16_t replyCode, const string& replyText) { if (replyCode != 200) { QPID_LOG(warning, "Client closed connection with " << replyCode << ": " << replyText); } if (replyCode == framing::connection::CLOSE_CODE_CONNECTION_FORCED) connection.notifyConnectionForced(replyText); proxy.closeOk(); connection.getOutput().close(); } void ConnectionHandler::Handler::closeOk(){ connection.getOutput().close(); } void ConnectionHandler::Handler::heartbeat(){ // For general case, do nothing - the purpose of heartbeats is // just to make sure that there is some traffic on the connection // within the heart beat interval, we check for the traffic and // don't need to do anything in response to heartbeats. The // exception is when we are in fact the client to another broker // (i.e. an inter-broker link), in which case we echo the // heartbeat back to the peer if (!serverMode) proxy.heartbeat(); } void ConnectionHandler::Handler::start(const FieldTable& serverProperties, const framing::Array& supportedMechanisms, const framing::Array& /*locales*/) { string requestedMechanism = connection.getAuthMechanism(); std::string username = connection.getUsername(); std::string password = connection.getPassword(); std::string host = connection.getHost(); std::string service("qpidd"); if ( connection.getBroker().isAuthenticating() ) { sasl = SaslFactory::getInstance().create( username, password, service, host, 0, // TODO -- mgoulish Fri Sep 24 2010 256, false ); // disallow interaction } std::string supportedMechanismsList; Array::const_iterator i; /* If no specific mechanism has been requested, just make a list of all of them, and assert that the one the caller requested is there. ( If *any* are supported! ) */ if ( requestedMechanism.empty() ) { for ( i = supportedMechanisms.begin(); i != supportedMechanisms.end(); ++i) { if (i != supportedMechanisms.begin()) supportedMechanismsList += SPACE; supportedMechanismsList += (*i)->get(); } } else { /* The caller has requested a mechanism. If it's available, make sure it ends up at the head of the list. */ for ( i = supportedMechanisms.begin(); i != supportedMechanisms.end(); ++i) { string currentMechanism = (*i)->get(); if ( requestedMechanism == currentMechanism ) { supportedMechanismsList = currentMechanism + SPACE + supportedMechanismsList; } else { if (i != supportedMechanisms.begin()) supportedMechanismsList += SPACE; supportedMechanismsList += currentMechanism; } } } if (serverProperties.isSet(QPID_FED_TAG)) { connection.setFederationPeerTag(serverProperties.getAsString(QPID_FED_TAG)); } FieldTable ft = connection.getBroker().getLinkClientProperties(); ft.setInt(QPID_FED_LINK,1); ft.setString(QPID_FED_TAG, connection.getBroker().getFederationTag()); string response; if (sasl.get()) { const qpid::sys::SecuritySettings& ss = connection.getExternalSecuritySettings(); if (sasl->start ( requestedMechanism.empty() ? supportedMechanismsList : requestedMechanism, response, & ss )) { proxy.startOk ( ft, sasl->getMechanism(), response, en_US ); } else { //response was null ConnectionStartOkBody body; body.setClientProperties(ft); body.setMechanism(sasl->getMechanism()); //Don't set response, as none was given body.setLocale(en_US); proxy.send(body); } } else { response = ((char)0) + username + ((char)0) + password; proxy.startOk ( ft, requestedMechanism, response, en_US ); } } void ConnectionHandler::Handler::secure(const string& challenge ) { if (sasl.get()) { string response = sasl->step(challenge); proxy.secureOk(response); } else { proxy.secureOk(""); } } void ConnectionHandler::Handler::tune(uint16_t channelMax, uint16_t maxFrameSizeProposed, uint16_t /*heartbeatMin*/, uint16_t heartbeatMax) { maxFrameSize = std::min(maxFrameSize, maxFrameSizeProposed); connection.setFrameMax(maxFrameSize); // this method is only ever called when this Connection // is a federation link where this Broker is acting as // a client to another Broker uint16_t hb = std::min(connection.getBroker().getOptions().linkHeartbeatInterval, heartbeatMax); connection.setHeartbeat(hb); connection.startLinkHeartbeatTimeoutTask(); proxy.tuneOk(channelMax, maxFrameSize, hb); proxy.open("/", Array(), true); } void ConnectionHandler::Handler::openOk(const framing::Array& knownHosts) { for (Array::ValueVector::const_iterator i = knownHosts.begin(); i != knownHosts.end(); ++i) { Url url((*i)->get()); connection.getKnownHosts().push_back(url); } if (sasl.get()) { std::auto_ptr securityLayer = sasl->getSecurityLayer(maxFrameSize); if ( securityLayer.get() ) { secured->activateSecurityLayer(securityLayer, true); } saslUserId = sasl->getUserId(); } isOpen = true; } void ConnectionHandler::Handler::redirect(const string& /*host*/, const framing::Array& /*knownHosts*/) { }