/* * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ #include "qpid/broker/AsyncResultHandle.h" #include "qpid/broker/Broker.h" #include "qpid/broker/ConfigAsyncContext.h" #include "qpid/broker/DeliverableMessage.h" #include "qpid/broker/Exchange.h" #include "qpid/broker/ExchangeRegistry.h" #include "qpid/broker/FedOps.h" #include "qpid/broker/Queue.h" #include "qpid/broker/amqp_0_10/MessageTransfer.h" #include "qpid/framing/MessageProperties.h" #include "qpid/framing/reply_exceptions.h" #include "qpid/log/Statement.h" #include "qpid/management/ManagementAgent.h" #include "qpid/sys/ExceptionHolder.h" #include namespace qpid { namespace broker { using std::string; using namespace qpid::framing; using qpid::framing::Buffer; using qpid::framing::FieldTable; using qpid::sys::Mutex; using qpid::management::ManagementAgent; using qpid::management::ManagementObject; using qpid::management::Manageable; using qpid::management::Args; namespace _qmf = qmf::org::apache::qpid::broker; namespace { const std::string qpidMsgSequence("qpid.msg_sequence"); const std::string qpidSequenceCounter("qpid.sequence_counter"); const std::string qpidIVE("qpid.ive"); const std::string QPID_MANAGEMENT("qpid.management"); } Exchange::PreRoute::PreRoute(Deliverable& msg, Exchange* _p):parent(_p) { if (parent){ if (parent->sequence || parent->ive) parent->sequenceLock.lock(); if (parent->sequence){ parent->sequenceNo++; msg.getMessage().addAnnotation(qpidMsgSequence,parent->sequenceNo); } if (parent->ive) { parent->lastMsg = msg.getMessage(); } } } Exchange::PreRoute::~PreRoute(){ if (parent && (parent->sequence || parent->ive)){ parent->sequenceLock.unlock(); } } namespace { /** Store information about an exception to be thrown later. * If multiple exceptions are stored, save the first of the "most severe" * exceptions, SESSION is les sever than CONNECTION etc. */ class ExInfo { public: enum Type { NONE, SESSION, CONNECTION, OTHER }; ExInfo(string exchange) : type(NONE), exchange(exchange) {} void store(Type type_, const qpid::sys::ExceptionHolder& exception_, const boost::shared_ptr& queue) { QPID_LOG(warning, "Exchange " << exchange << " cannot deliver to queue " << queue->getName() << ": " << exception_.what()); if (type < type_) { // Replace less severe exception type = type_; exception = exception_; } } void raise() { exception.raise(); } private: Type type; string exchange; qpid::sys::ExceptionHolder exception; }; } void Exchange::doRoute(Deliverable& msg, ConstBindingList b) { int count = 0; if (b.get()) { ExInfo error(getName()); // Save exception to throw at the end. for(std::vector::const_iterator i = b->begin(); i != b->end(); i++, count++) { try { msg.deliverTo((*i)->queue); if ((*i)->mgmtBinding != 0) (*i)->mgmtBinding->inc_msgMatched(); } catch (const SessionException& e) { error.store(ExInfo::SESSION, framing::createSessionException(e.code, e.what()),(*i)->queue); } catch (const ConnectionException& e) { error.store(ExInfo::CONNECTION, framing::createConnectionException(e.code, e.what()), (*i)->queue); } catch (const std::exception& e) { error.store(ExInfo::OTHER, qpid::sys::ExceptionHolder(new Exception(e.what())), (*i)->queue); } } error.raise(); } if (mgmtExchange != 0) { qmf::org::apache::qpid::broker::Exchange::PerThreadStats *eStats = mgmtExchange->getStatistics(); uint64_t contentSize = msg.contentSize(); eStats->msgReceives += 1; eStats->byteReceives += contentSize; if (count == 0) { //QPID_LOG(warning, "Exchange " << getName() << " could not route message; no matching binding found"); eStats->msgDrops += 1; eStats->byteDrops += contentSize; if (brokerMgmtObject) brokerMgmtObject->inc_discardsNoRoute(); } else { eStats->msgRoutes += count; eStats->byteRoutes += count * contentSize; } } } void Exchange::routeIVE(){ if (ive && lastMsg){ DeliverableMessage dmsg(lastMsg, 0); route(dmsg); } } Exchange::Exchange (const string& _name, Manageable* parent, Broker* b) : name(_name), durable(false), alternateUsers(0), persistenceId(0), sequence(false), sequenceNo(0), ive(false), mgmtExchange(0), brokerMgmtObject(0), broker(b), destroyed(false) { if (parent != 0 && broker != 0) { ManagementAgent* agent = broker->getManagementAgent(); if (agent != 0) { mgmtExchange = new _qmf::Exchange (agent, this, parent, _name); mgmtExchange->set_durable(durable); mgmtExchange->set_autoDelete(false); agent->addObject(mgmtExchange, 0, durable); if (broker) brokerMgmtObject = (qmf::org::apache::qpid::broker::Broker*) broker->GetManagementObject(); } } } Exchange::Exchange(const string& _name, bool _durable, const qpid::framing::FieldTable& _args, Manageable* parent, Broker* b) : name(_name), durable(_durable), alternateUsers(0), persistenceId(0), args(_args), sequence(false), sequenceNo(0), ive(false), mgmtExchange(0), brokerMgmtObject(0), broker(b), destroyed(false) { if (parent != 0 && broker != 0) { ManagementAgent* agent = broker->getManagementAgent(); if (agent != 0) { mgmtExchange = new _qmf::Exchange (agent, this, parent, _name); mgmtExchange->set_durable(durable); mgmtExchange->set_autoDelete(false); mgmtExchange->set_arguments(ManagementAgent::toMap(args)); agent->addObject(mgmtExchange, 0, durable); if (broker) brokerMgmtObject = (qmf::org::apache::qpid::broker::Broker*) broker->GetManagementObject(); } } sequence = _args.get(qpidMsgSequence); if (sequence) { QPID_LOG(debug, "Configured exchange " << _name << " with Msg sequencing"); args.setInt64(std::string(qpidSequenceCounter), sequenceNo); } ive = _args.get(qpidIVE); if (ive) { if (broker && broker->isInCluster()) throw framing::NotImplementedException("Cannot use Initial Value Exchanges in a cluster"); QPID_LOG(debug, "Configured exchange " << _name << " with Initial Value"); } } Exchange::~Exchange () { if (mgmtExchange != 0) mgmtExchange->resourceDestroy (); } void Exchange::setAlternate(Exchange::shared_ptr _alternate) { alternate = _alternate; if (mgmtExchange != 0) { if (alternate.get() != 0) mgmtExchange->set_altExchange(alternate->GetManagementObject()->getObjectId()); else mgmtExchange->clr_altExchange(); } } void Exchange::setPersistenceId(uint64_t id) const { persistenceId = id; } Exchange::shared_ptr Exchange::decode(ExchangeRegistry& exchanges, Buffer& buffer) { string name; string type; string altName; FieldTable args; buffer.getShortString(name); bool durable(buffer.getOctet()); buffer.getShortString(type); buffer.get(args); // For backwards compatibility on restoring exchanges from before the alt-exchange update, perform check if (buffer.available()) buffer.getShortString(altName); try { Exchange::shared_ptr exch = exchanges.declare(name, type, durable, args).first; exch->sequenceNo = args.getAsInt64(qpidSequenceCounter); exch->alternateName.assign(altName); return exch; } catch (const UnknownExchangeTypeException&) { QPID_LOG(warning, "Could not create exchange " << name << "; type " << type << " is not recognised"); return Exchange::shared_ptr(); } } void Exchange::encode(Buffer& buffer) const { buffer.putShortString(name); buffer.putOctet(durable); buffer.putShortString(getType()); if (args.isSet(qpidSequenceCounter)) args.setInt64(std::string(qpidSequenceCounter),sequenceNo); buffer.put(args); buffer.putShortString(alternate.get() ? alternate->getName() : string("")); } uint32_t Exchange::encodedSize() const { return name.size() + 1/*short string size*/ + 1 /*durable*/ + getType().size() + 1/*short string size*/ + (alternate.get() ? alternate->getName().size() : 0) + 1/*short string size*/ + args.encodedSize(); } void Exchange::recoveryComplete(ExchangeRegistry& exchanges) { if (!alternateName.empty()) { Exchange::shared_ptr ae = exchanges.find(alternateName); if (ae) setAlternate(ae); else QPID_LOG(warning, "Could not set alternate exchange \"" << alternateName << "\": does not exist."); } } ManagementObject* Exchange::GetManagementObject (void) const { return (ManagementObject*) mgmtExchange; } void Exchange::registerDynamicBridge(DynamicBridge* db, AsyncStore* const store) { if (!supportsDynamicBinding()) throw Exception("Exchange type does not support dynamic binding"); { Mutex::ScopedLock l(bridgeLock); for (std::vector::iterator iter = bridgeVector.begin(); iter != bridgeVector.end(); iter++) (*iter)->sendReorigin(); bridgeVector.push_back(db); } FieldTable args; args.setString(qpidFedOp, fedOpReorigin); bind(Queue::shared_ptr(), string(), &args, store); } void Exchange::removeDynamicBridge(DynamicBridge* db) { Mutex::ScopedLock l(bridgeLock); for (std::vector::iterator iter = bridgeVector.begin(); iter != bridgeVector.end(); iter++) if (*iter == db) { bridgeVector.erase(iter); break; } } void Exchange::handleHelloRequest() { } void Exchange::propagateFedOp(const string& routingKey, const string& tags, const string& op, const string& origin, qpid::framing::FieldTable* extra_args) { Mutex::ScopedLock l(bridgeLock); string myOp(op.empty() ? fedOpBind : op); for (std::vector::iterator iter = bridgeVector.begin(); iter != bridgeVector.end(); iter++) (*iter)->propagateBinding(routingKey, tags, op, origin, extra_args); } Exchange::Binding::Binding(const string& _key, Queue::shared_ptr _queue, Exchange* _parent, FieldTable _args, const string& _origin, ConfigHandle _cfgHandle) : parent(_parent), queue(_queue), key(_key), args(_args), origin(_origin), cfgHandle(_cfgHandle), mgmtBinding(0) { } Exchange::Binding::~Binding () { if (mgmtBinding != 0) { ManagementObject* mo = queue->GetManagementObject(); if (mo != 0) static_cast<_qmf::Queue*>(mo)->dec_bindingCount(); mgmtBinding->resourceDestroy (); } } void Exchange::Binding::startManagement() { if (parent != 0) { Broker* broker = parent->getBroker(); if (broker != 0) { ManagementAgent* agent = broker->getManagementAgent(); if (agent != 0) { ManagementObject* mo = queue->GetManagementObject(); if (mo != 0) { management::ObjectId queueId = mo->getObjectId(); mgmtBinding = new _qmf::Binding (agent, this, (Manageable*) parent, queueId, key, ManagementAgent::toMap(args)); if (!origin.empty()) mgmtBinding->set_origin(origin); agent->addObject(mgmtBinding); static_cast<_qmf::Queue*>(mo)->inc_bindingCount(); } } } } } ManagementObject* Exchange::Binding::GetManagementObject () const { return (ManagementObject*) mgmtBinding; } uint64_t Exchange::Binding::getSize() { return 0; } // TODO: kpvdr: implement persistence void Exchange::Binding::write(char* /*target*/) {} // TODO: kpvdr: implement persistence void Exchange::persistBind(Binding::shared_ptr b, AsyncStore* const s) { if (s && broker != 0 && b->queue->isDurable() && isDurable()) { b->cfgHandle = s->createConfigHandle(); boost::shared_ptr bc(new ConfigAsyncContext(&configureComplete, &broker->getAsyncResultQueue())); s->submitCreate(b->cfgHandle, b.get(), bc); } } void Exchange::persistUnbind(Binding::shared_ptr b, AsyncStore* const s) { if (s && broker != 0 && b->queue->isDurable() && isDurable()) { boost::shared_ptr bc(new ConfigAsyncContext(&configureComplete, &broker->getAsyncResultQueue())); s->submitDestroy(b->cfgHandle, bc); b->cfgHandle.reset(); } } // static void Exchange::configureComplete(const AsyncResultHandle* const arh) { std::cout << "@@@@ Exchange: Configure complete: err=" << arh->getErrNo() << "; msg=\"" << arh->getErrMsg() << "\"" << std::endl; } Exchange::MatchQueue::MatchQueue(Queue::shared_ptr q) : queue(q) {} bool Exchange::MatchQueue::operator()(Exchange::Binding::shared_ptr b) { return b->queue == queue; } //void Exchange::setProperties(Message& msg) { // qpid::broker::amqp_0_10::MessageTransfer::setExchange(msg, getName()); //} bool Exchange::routeWithAlternate(Deliverable& msg) { route(msg); if (!msg.delivered && alternate) { alternate->route(msg); } return msg.delivered; } }}