/* * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ #include "MessageImpl.h" #include "qpid/messaging/Message.h" namespace qpid { namespace messaging { namespace { const std::string EMPTY_STRING = ""; } using namespace qpid::types; MessageImpl::MessageImpl(const std::string& c) : priority(0), ttl(0), durable(false), redelivered(false), bytes(c), internalId(0) {} MessageImpl::MessageImpl(const char* chars, size_t count) : priority(0), ttl(0), durable (false), redelivered(false), bytes(chars, count), internalId(0) {} void MessageImpl::setReplyTo(const Address& d) { replyTo = d; updated(); } const Address& MessageImpl::getReplyTo() const { if (!replyTo && encoded) encoded->getReplyTo(replyTo); return replyTo; } void MessageImpl::setSubject(const std::string& s) { subject = s; updated(); } const std::string& MessageImpl::getSubject() const { if (!subject.size() && encoded) encoded->getSubject(subject); return subject; } void MessageImpl::setContentType(const std::string& s) { contentType = s; updated(); } const std::string& MessageImpl::getContentType() const { if (!contentType.size() && encoded) encoded->getContentType(contentType); return contentType; } void MessageImpl::setMessageId(const std::string& s) { messageId = s; updated(); } const std::string& MessageImpl::getMessageId() const { if (!messageId.size() && encoded) encoded->getMessageId(messageId); return messageId; } void MessageImpl::setUserId(const std::string& s) { userId = s; updated(); } const std::string& MessageImpl::getUserId() const { if (!userId.size() && encoded) encoded->getUserId(userId); return userId; } void MessageImpl::setCorrelationId(const std::string& s) { correlationId = s; updated(); } const std::string& MessageImpl::getCorrelationId() const { if (!correlationId.size() && encoded) encoded->getCorrelationId(correlationId); return correlationId; } void MessageImpl::setPriority(uint8_t p) { priority = p; } uint8_t MessageImpl::getPriority() const { return priority; } void MessageImpl::setTtl(uint64_t t) { ttl = t; } uint64_t MessageImpl::getTtl() const { return ttl; } void MessageImpl::setDurable(bool d) { durable = d; } bool MessageImpl::isDurable() const { return durable; } void MessageImpl::setRedelivered(bool b) { redelivered = b; } bool MessageImpl::isRedelivered() const { return redelivered; } const Variant::Map& MessageImpl::getHeaders() const { if (!headers.size() && encoded) encoded->populate(headers); return headers; } Variant::Map& MessageImpl::getHeaders() { if (!headers.size() && encoded) encoded->populate(headers); updated(); return headers; } void MessageImpl::setHeader(const std::string& key, const qpid::types::Variant& val) { headers[key] = val; updated(); } //should these methods be on MessageContent? void MessageImpl::setBytes(const std::string& c) { bytes = c; updated(); } void MessageImpl::setBytes(const char* chars, size_t count) { bytes.assign(chars, count); updated(); } void MessageImpl::appendBytes(const char* chars, size_t count) { bytes.append(chars, count); updated(); } const std::string& MessageImpl::getBytes() const { if (!bytes.size() && encoded) encoded->getBody(bytes); return bytes; } std::string& MessageImpl::getBytes() { if (!bytes.size() && encoded) encoded->getBody(bytes); updated();//have to assume body may be edited, invalidating our message return bytes; } void MessageImpl::setInternalId(qpid::framing::SequenceNumber i) { internalId = i; } qpid::framing::SequenceNumber MessageImpl::getInternalId() { return internalId; } void MessageImpl::updated() { if (!replyTo && encoded) encoded->getReplyTo(replyTo); if (!subject.size() && encoded) encoded->getSubject(subject); if (!contentType.size() && encoded) encoded->getContentType(contentType); if (!messageId.size() && encoded) encoded->getMessageId(messageId); if (!userId.size() && encoded) encoded->getUserId(userId); if (!correlationId.size() && encoded) encoded->getCorrelationId(correlationId); if (!headers.size() && encoded) encoded->populate(headers); if (!bytes.size() && encoded) encoded->getBody(bytes); encoded.reset(); } MessageImpl& MessageImplAccess::get(Message& msg) { return *msg.impl; } const MessageImpl& MessageImplAccess::get(const Message& msg) { return *msg.impl; } }} // namespace qpid::messaging