# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # Support library for tests that start multiple brokers, e.g. HA or federation import os, signal, string, tempfile, subprocess, socket, threading, time, imp, re import qpid, traceback, signal from qpid import connection, util from qpid.compat import format_exc from unittest import TestCase from copy import copy from threading import Thread, Lock, Condition from logging import getLogger from qpidtoollibs import BrokerAgent # NOTE: Always import native client qpid.messaging, import swigged client # qpid_messaging if possible. qpid_messaing is set to None if not available. # # qm is set to qpid_messaging if it is available, qpid.messaging if not. # Use qm.X to specify names from the default messaging module. # # Set environment variable QPID_PY_NO_SWIG=1 to prevent qpid_messaging from loading. # # BrokerTest can be configured to determine which protocol is used by default: # # -DPROTOCOL="amqpX": Use protocol "amqpX". Defaults to amqp1.0 if available. # # The configured defaults can be over-ridden on BrokerTest.connect and some # other methods by specifying native=True|False and protocol="amqpX" # import qpid.messaging qm = qpid.messaging qpid_messaging = None def env_has_log_config(): """True if there are qpid log configuratoin settings in the environment.""" return "QPID_LOG_ENABLE" in os.environ or "QPID_TRACE" in os.environ if not os.environ.get("QPID_PY_NO_SWIG"): try: import qpid_messaging from qpid.datatypes import uuid4 qm = qpid_messaging # Silence warnings from swigged messaging library unless enabled in environment. if not env_has_log_config(): qm.Logger.configure(["--log-enable=error"]) except ImportError: print "Cannot load python SWIG bindings, falling back to native qpid.messaging." log = getLogger("brokertest") # Values for expected outcome of process at end of test EXPECT_EXIT_OK=1 # Expect to exit with 0 status before end of test. EXPECT_EXIT_FAIL=2 # Expect to exit with non-0 status before end of test. EXPECT_RUNNING=3 # Expect to still be running at end of test EXPECT_UNKNOWN=4 # No expectation, don't check exit status. def find_exe(program): """Find an executable in the system PATH""" def is_exe(fpath): return os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK) mydir, name = os.path.split(program) if mydir: if is_exe(program): return program else: for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep): exe_file = os.path.join(path, program) if is_exe(exe_file): return exe_file return None def is_running(pid): try: os.kill(pid, 0) return True except: return False class BadProcessStatus(Exception): pass def error_line(filename, n=1): """Get the last n line(s) of filename for error messages""" result = [] try: f = open(filename) try: for l in f: if len(result) == n: result.pop(0) result.append(" "+l) finally: f.close() except: return "" return ":\n" + "".join(result) def retry(function, timeout=10, delay=.001, max_delay=1): """Call function until it returns a true value or timeout expires. Double the delay for each retry up to max_delay. Returns what function returns if true, None if timeout expires.""" deadline = time.time() + timeout ret = None while True: ret = function() if ret: return ret remaining = deadline - time.time() if remaining <= 0: return False delay = min(delay, remaining) time.sleep(delay) delay = min(delay*2, max_delay) class AtomicCounter: def __init__(self): self.count = 0 self.lock = Lock() def next(self): self.lock.acquire(); ret = self.count self.count += 1 self.lock.release(); return ret _popen_id = AtomicCounter() # Popen identifier for use in output file names. # Constants for file descriptor arguments to Popen FILE = "FILE" # Write to file named after process from subprocess import PIPE, STDOUT class Popen(subprocess.Popen): """ Can set and verify expectation of process status at end of test. Dumps command line, stdout, stderr to data dir for debugging. """ def __init__(self, cmd, expect=EXPECT_EXIT_OK, stdin=None, stdout=FILE, stderr=FILE): """Run cmd (should be a list of program and arguments) expect - if set verify expectation at end of test. stdout, stderr - can have the same values as for subprocess.Popen as well as FILE (the default) which means write to a file named after the process. stdin - like subprocess.Popen but defauts to PIPE """ self._clean = False self._clean_lock = Lock() assert find_exe(cmd[0]), "executable not found: "+cmd[0] if type(cmd) is type(""): cmd = [cmd] # Make it a list. self.cmd = [ str(x) for x in cmd ] self.expect = expect self.id = _popen_id.next() self.pname = "%s-%d" % (os.path.split(self.cmd[0])[1], self.id) if stdout == FILE: stdout = open(self.outfile("out"), "w") if stderr == FILE: stderr = open(self.outfile("err"), "w") subprocess.Popen.__init__(self, self.cmd, bufsize=0, executable=None, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr) f = open(self.outfile("cmd"), "w") try: f.write("%s\n%d"%(self.cmd_str(), self.pid)) finally: f.close() log.debug("Started process %s: %s" % (self.pname, " ".join(self.cmd))) def __repr__(self): return "Popen<%s>"%(self.pname) def outfile(self, ext): return "%s.%s" % (self.pname, ext) def unexpected(self,msg): err = error_line(self.outfile("err")) or error_line(self.outfile("out")) raise BadProcessStatus("%s %s%s" % (self.pname, msg, err)) def teardown(self): # Clean up at end of test. if self.expect == EXPECT_UNKNOWN: try: self.kill() # Just make sure its dead except: pass elif self.expect == EXPECT_RUNNING: if self.poll() != None: self.unexpected("expected running, exit code %d" % self.returncode) else: try: self.kill() except Exception,e: self.unexpected("exception from kill: %s" % str(e)) else: retry(lambda: self.poll() is not None) if self.returncode is None: # Still haven't stopped self.kill() self.unexpected("still running") elif self.expect == EXPECT_EXIT_OK and self.returncode != 0: self.unexpected("exit code %d" % self.returncode) elif self.expect == EXPECT_EXIT_FAIL and self.returncode == 0: self.unexpected("expected error") self.wait() def communicate(self, input=None): ret = subprocess.Popen.communicate(self, input) self._cleanup() return ret def is_running(self): return self.poll() is None def assert_running(self): if not self.is_running(): self.unexpected("Exit code %d" % self.returncode) def wait(self): ret = subprocess.Popen.wait(self) self._cleanup() return ret def assert_exit_ok(self): if self.wait() != 0: self.unexpected("Exit code %d" % self.returncode) def terminate(self): try: subprocess.Popen.terminate(self) except AttributeError: # No terminate method try: os.kill( self.pid , signal.SIGTERM) except AttributeError: # no os.kill, using taskkill.. (Windows only) os.popen('TASKKILL /PID ' +str(self.pid) + ' /F') self.wait() def kill(self): # Set to EXPECT_UNKNOWN, EXPECT_EXIT_FAIL creates a race condition # if the process exits normally concurrent with the call to kill. self.expect = EXPECT_UNKNOWN try: subprocess.Popen.kill(self) except AttributeError: # No terminate method try: os.kill( self.pid , signal.SIGKILL) except AttributeError: # no os.kill, using taskkill.. (Windows only) os.popen('TASKKILL /PID ' +str(self.pid) + ' /F') self.wait() def _cleanup(self): """Clean up after a dead process""" self._clean_lock.acquire() if not self._clean: self._clean = True try: self.stdin.close() except: pass try: self.stdout.close() except: pass try: self.stderr.close() except: pass self._clean_lock.release() def cmd_str(self): return " ".join([str(s) for s in self.cmd]) def checkenv(name): value = os.getenv(name) if not value: raise Exception("Environment variable %s is not set" % name) return value def find_in_file(str, filename): if not os.path.exists(filename): return False f = open(filename) try: return str in f.read() finally: f.close() class Broker(Popen): "A broker process. Takes care of start, stop and logging." _broker_count = 0 _log_count = 0 def __repr__(self): return ""%(self.log, self.port()) def get_log(self): return os.path.abspath(self.log) def __init__(self, test, args=[], test_store=False, name=None, expect=EXPECT_RUNNING, port=0, wait=None, show_cmd=False): """Start a broker daemon. name determines the data-dir and log file names.""" self.test = test self._port=port args = copy(args) if BrokerTest.amqp_lib: args += ["--load-module", BrokerTest.amqp_lib] if BrokerTest.store_lib and not test_store: args += ['--load-module', BrokerTest.store_lib] if BrokerTest.sql_store_lib: args += ['--load-module', BrokerTest.sql_store_lib] args += ['--catalog', BrokerTest.sql_catalog] if BrokerTest.sql_clfs_store_lib: args += ['--load-module', BrokerTest.sql_clfs_store_lib] args += ['--catalog', BrokerTest.sql_catalog] cmd = [BrokerTest.qpidd_exec, "--port", port, "--interface", "", "--no-module-dir"] + args if not "--auth" in args: cmd.append("--auth=no") if wait != None: cmd += ["--wait", str(wait)] if name: self.name = name else: self.name = "broker%d" % Broker._broker_count Broker._broker_count += 1 self.log = "%03d:%s.log" % (Broker._log_count, self.name) self.store_log = "%03d:%s.store.log" % (Broker._log_count, self.name) Broker._log_count += 1 cmd += ["--log-to-file", self.log] cmd += ["--log-to-stderr=no"] # Add default --log-enable arguments unless args already has --log arguments. if not env_has_log_config() and not [l for l in args if l.startswith("--log")]: args += ["--log-enable=info+"] if test_store: cmd += ["--load-module", BrokerTest.test_store_lib, "--test-store-events", self.store_log] self.datadir = os.path.abspath(self.name) cmd += ["--data-dir", self.datadir] if show_cmd: print cmd Popen.__init__(self, cmd, expect, stdout=PIPE) test.teardown_add(self) self._host = "" self._agent = None log.debug("Started broker %s" % self) def host(self): return self._host def port(self): # Read port from broker process stdout if not already read. if (self._port == 0): try: self._port = int(self.stdout.readline()) except ValueError, e: raise Exception("Can't get port for broker %s (%s)%s: %s" % (self.name, self.pname, error_line(self.log,5), e)) return self._port def unexpected(self,msg): raise BadProcessStatus("%s: %s (%s)" % (msg, self.name, self.pname)) def connect(self, timeout=5, native=False, **kwargs): """New API connection to the broker. @param native if True force use of the native qpid.messaging client even if swig client is available. """ if native: connection_class = qpid.messaging.Connection else: connection_class = qm.Connection if (self.test.protocol and qm == qpid_messaging): kwargs.setdefault("protocol", self.test.protocol) return connection_class.establish(self.host_port(), timeout=timeout, **kwargs) @property def agent(self, **kwargs): """Return a BrokerAgent for this broker""" if not self._agent: self._agent = BrokerAgent(self.connect(**kwargs)) return self._agent def declare_queue(self, queue): self.agent.addQueue(queue) def _prep_sender(self, queue, durable, xprops): s = queue + "; {create:always, node:{durable:" + str(durable) if xprops != None: s += ", x-declare:{" + xprops + "}" return s + "}}" def send_message(self, queue, message, durable=True, xprops=None, session=None): if session == None: s = self.connect().session() else: s = session s.sender(self._prep_sender(queue, durable, xprops)).send(message) if session == None: s.connection.close() def send_messages(self, queue, messages, durable=True, xprops=None, session=None): if session == None: s = self.connect().session() else: s = session sender = s.sender(self._prep_sender(queue, durable, xprops)) for m in messages: sender.send(m) if session == None: s.connection.close() def get_message(self, queue): s = self.connect().session() m = s.receiver(queue+"; {create:always}", capacity=1).fetch(timeout=1) s.acknowledge() s.connection.close() return m def get_messages(self, queue, n): s = self.connect().session() receiver = s.receiver(queue+"; {create:always}", capacity=n) m = [receiver.fetch(timeout=1) for i in range(n)] s.acknowledge() s.connection.close() return m def host_port(self): return "%s:%s" % (self.host(), self.port()) def ready(self, timeout=10, **kwargs): """Wait till broker is ready to serve clients""" deadline = time.time()+timeout while True: try: c = self.connect(timeout=timeout, **kwargs) try: c.session() return # All good finally: c.close() except Exception,e: # Retry up to timeout if time.time() > deadline: raise RethrownException( "Broker %s not responding: (%s)%s"%( self.name,e,error_line(self.log, 5))) def assert_log_clean(self, ignore=None): log = open(self.get_log()) try: error = re.compile("] error|] critical") if ignore: ignore = re.compile(ignore) else: ignore = re.compile("\000") # Won't match anything for line in log.readlines(): assert not error.search(line) or ignore.search(line), "Errors in log file %s: %s"%(log, line) finally: log.close() def receiver_iter(receiver, timeout=0): """Make an iterator out of a receiver. Returns messages till Empty is raised.""" try: while True: yield receiver.fetch(timeout=timeout) except qm.Empty: pass def browse(session, queue, timeout=0, transform=lambda m: m.content): """Return a list with the contents of each message on queue.""" r = session.receiver("%s;{mode:browse}"%(queue)) r.capacity = 100 try: return [transform(m) for m in receiver_iter(r, timeout)] finally: r.close() def assert_browse(session, queue, expect_contents, timeout=0, transform=lambda m: m.content, msg=None): """Assert that the contents of messages on queue (as retrieved using session and timeout) exactly match the strings in expect_contents""" if msg is None: msg = "browse '%s' failed" % queue actual_contents = browse(session, queue, timeout, transform=transform) if msg: msg = "%s: %r != %r"%(msg, expect_contents, actual_contents) assert expect_contents == actual_contents, msg def assert_browse_retry(session, queue, expect_contents, timeout=1, delay=.001, transform=lambda m:m.content, msg="browse failed"): """Wait up to timeout for contents of queue to match expect_contents""" test = lambda: browse(session, queue, 0, transform=transform) == expect_contents retry(test, timeout, delay) actual_contents = browse(session, queue, 0, transform=transform) if msg: msg = "%s: %r != %r"%(msg, expect_contents, actual_contents) assert expect_contents == actual_contents, msg class BrokerTest(TestCase): """ Tracks processes started by test and kills at end of test. Provides a well-known working directory for each test. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.longMessage = True # Enable long messages for assert*(..., msg=xxx) TestCase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # Environment settings. qpidd_exec = os.path.abspath(checkenv("QPIDD_EXEC")) ha_lib = os.getenv("HA_LIB") xml_lib = os.getenv("XML_LIB") amqp_lib = os.getenv("AMQP_LIB") qpid_config_exec = os.getenv("QPID_CONFIG_EXEC") qpid_route_exec = os.getenv("QPID_ROUTE_EXEC") receiver_exec = os.getenv("RECEIVER_EXEC") sender_exec = os.getenv("SENDER_EXEC") sql_store_lib = os.getenv("STORE_SQL_LIB") sql_clfs_store_lib = os.getenv("STORE_SQL_CLFS_LIB") sql_catalog = os.getenv("STORE_CATALOG") store_lib = os.getenv("STORE_LIB") test_store_lib = os.getenv("TEST_STORE_LIB") rootdir = os.getcwd() try: import proton PN_VERSION = (proton.VERSION_MAJOR, proton.VERSION_MINOR) except ImportError: # proton not on path, can't determine version PN_VERSION = (0, 0) except AttributeError: # prior to 0.8 proton did not expose version info PN_VERSION = (0, 7) PN_TX_VERSION = (0, 9) amqp_tx_supported = PN_VERSION >= PN_TX_VERSION @classmethod def amqp_tx_warning(cls): if not cls.amqp_tx_supported: if cls.PN_VERSION == (0, 0): print "WARNING: Cannot test transactions over AMQP 1.0, proton not on path so version could not be determined" elif cls.PN_VERSION == (0, 7): print "WARNING: Cannot test transactions over AMQP 1.0, proton version is 0.7 or less, %s.%s required" % cls.PN_TX_VERSION else: print "WARNING: Cannot test transactions over AMQP 1.0, proton version %s.%s < %s.%s" % (cls.PN_VERSION + cls.PN_TX_VERSION) return False return True def configure(self, config): self.config=config def setUp(self): defs = self.config.defines outdir = defs.get("OUTDIR") or "brokertest.tmp" self.dir = os.path.join(self.rootdir, outdir, self.id()) os.makedirs(self.dir) os.chdir(self.dir) self.teardown_list = [] # things to tear down at end of test if qpid_messaging and self.amqp_lib: default_protocol="amqp1.0" else: default_protocol="amqp0-10" self.protocol = defs.get("PROTOCOL") or default_protocol self.tx_protocol = self.protocol if not self.amqp_tx_supported: self.tx_protocol = "amqp0-10" def tearDown(self): err = [] self.teardown_list.reverse() # Tear down in reverse order for p in self.teardown_list: log.debug("Tearing down %s", p) try: # Call the first of the methods that is available on p. for m in ["teardown", "close"]: a = getattr(p, m, None) if a: a(); break else: raise Exception("Don't know how to tear down %s", p) except Exception, e: if m != "close": # Ignore connection close errors. err.append("%s: %s"%(e.__class__.__name__, str(e))) self.teardown_list = [] # reset in case more processes start os.chdir(self.rootdir) if err: raise Exception("Unexpected process status:\n "+"\n ".join(err)) def teardown_add(self, thing): """Call thing.teardown() or thing.close() at end of test""" self.teardown_list.append(thing) def popen(self, cmd, expect=EXPECT_EXIT_OK, stdin=None, stdout=FILE, stderr=FILE): """Start a process that will be killed at end of test, in the test dir.""" os.chdir(self.dir) p = Popen(cmd, expect, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr) self.teardown_add(p) return p def broker(self, args=[], name=None, expect=EXPECT_RUNNING, wait=True, port=0, show_cmd=False, **kw): """Create and return a broker ready for use""" b = Broker(self, args=args, name=name, expect=expect, port=port, show_cmd=show_cmd, **kw) if (wait): try: b.ready() except Exception, e: raise RethrownException("Failed to start broker %s(%s): %s" % (b.name, b.log, e)) return b def check_output(self, args, stdin=None): p = self.popen(args, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT) out = p.communicate(stdin) if p.returncode != 0: raise Exception("%s exit code %s, output:\n%s" % (args, p.returncode, out[0])) return out[0] def browse(self, *args, **kwargs): browse(*args, **kwargs) def assert_browse(self, *args, **kwargs): assert_browse(*args, **kwargs) def assert_browse_retry(self, *args, **kwargs): assert_browse_retry(*args, **kwargs) def protocol_option(self, connection_options=""): if "protocol" in connection_options: return connection_options else: return ",".join(filter(None, [connection_options,"protocol:'%s'"%self.protocol])) def join(thread, timeout=30): thread.join(timeout) if thread.isAlive(): raise Exception("Timed out joining thread %s"%thread) class RethrownException(Exception): """Captures the stack trace of the current exception to be thrown later""" def __init__(self, msg=""): Exception.__init__(self, msg+"\n"+format_exc()) class StoppableThread(Thread): """ Base class for threads that do something in a loop and periodically check to see if they have been stopped. """ def __init__(self): self.stopped = False self.error = None Thread.__init__(self) def stop(self): self.stopped = True join(self) if self.error: raise self.error # Options for a client that wants to reconnect automatically. RECONNECT_OPTIONS="reconnect:true,reconnect-timeout:10,reconnect-urls-replace:true" class NumberedSender(Thread): """ Thread to run a sender client and send numbered messages until stopped. """ def __init__(self, broker, max_depth=None, queue="test-queue", connection_options=RECONNECT_OPTIONS, failover_updates=False, url=None, args=[]): """ max_depth: enable flow control, ensure sent - received <= max_depth. Requires self.notify_received(n) to be called each time messages are received. """ Thread.__init__(self) cmd = ["qpid-send", "--broker", url or broker.host_port(), "--address", "%s;{create:always}"%queue, "--connection-options", "{%s}"%(broker.test.protocol_option(connection_options)), "--content-stdin" ] + args if failover_updates: cmd += ["--failover-updates"] self.sender = broker.test.popen( cmd, expect=EXPECT_RUNNING, stdin=PIPE) self.condition = Condition() self.max = max_depth self.received = 0 self.stopped = False self.error = None self.queue = queue def write_message(self, n): self.sender.stdin.write(str(n)+"\n") self.sender.stdin.flush() def run(self): try: self.sent = 0 while not self.stopped: self.sender.assert_running() if self.max: self.condition.acquire() while not self.stopped and self.sent - self.received > self.max: self.condition.wait() self.condition.release() self.write_message(self.sent) self.sent += 1 except Exception, e: self.error = RethrownException( "%s: (%s)%s"%(self.sender.pname,e, error_line(self.sender.outfile("err")))) def notify_received(self, count): """Called by receiver to enable flow control. count = messages received so far.""" self.condition.acquire() self.received = count self.condition.notify() self.condition.release() def stop(self): self.condition.acquire() try: self.stopped = True self.condition.notify() finally: self.condition.release() join(self) self.write_message(-1) # end-of-messages marker. if self.error: raise self.error class NumberedReceiver(Thread): """ Thread to run a receiver client and verify it receives sequentially numbered messages. """ def __init__(self, broker, sender=None, queue="test-queue", connection_options=RECONNECT_OPTIONS, failover_updates=False, url=None, args=[]): """ sender: enable flow control. Call sender.received(n) for each message received. """ Thread.__init__(self) self.test = broker.test cmd = ["qpid-receive", "--broker", url or broker.host_port(), "--address", "%s;{create:always}"%queue, "--connection-options", "{%s}"%(broker.test.protocol_option(connection_options)), "--forever" ] if failover_updates: cmd += [ "--failover-updates" ] cmd += args self.receiver = self.test.popen( cmd, expect=EXPECT_RUNNING, stdout=PIPE) self.lock = Lock() self.error = None self.sender = sender self.received = 0 self.queue = queue def read_message(self): n = int(self.receiver.stdout.readline()) return n def run(self): try: m = self.read_message() while m != -1: self.receiver.assert_running() assert m <= self.received, "%s missing message %s>%s"%(self.queue, m, self.received) if (m == self.received): # Ignore duplicates self.received += 1 if self.sender: self.sender.notify_received(self.received) m = self.read_message() except Exception, e: self.error = RethrownException( "%s: (%s)%s"%(self.receiver.pname,e, error_line(self.receiver.outfile("err")))) def check(self): """Raise an exception if there has been an error""" if self.error: raise self.error def stop(self): """Returns when termination message is received""" join(self) self.check() def import_script(path): """ Import executable script at path as a module. Requires some trickery as scripts are not in standard module format """ f = open(path) try: name=os.path.split(path)[1].replace("-","_") return imp.load_module(name, f, path, ("", "r", imp.PY_SOURCE)) finally: f.close()