/* * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "TestOptions.h" #include "Statistics.h" #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace qpid::messaging; using namespace qpid::types; typedef std::vector string_vector; namespace qpid { namespace tests { struct Options : public qpid::Options { bool help; std::string url; std::string connectionOptions; std::string address; uint messages; std::string id; std::string replyto; uint sendEos; bool durable; uint ttl; uint priority; std::string userid; std::string correlationid; string_vector properties; string_vector entries; std::string contentString; uint contentSize; bool contentStdin; uint tx; uint rollbackFrequency; uint capacity; bool failoverUpdates; qpid::log::Options log; bool reportTotal; uint reportEvery; bool reportHeader; uint sendRate; uint flowControl; bool sequence; bool timestamp; Options(const std::string& argv0=std::string()) : qpid::Options("Options"), help(false), url("amqp:tcp:"), messages(1), sendEos(0), durable(false), ttl(0), priority(0), contentString(), contentSize(0), contentStdin(false), tx(0), rollbackFrequency(0), capacity(1000), failoverUpdates(false), log(argv0), reportTotal(false), reportEvery(0), reportHeader(true), sendRate(0), flowControl(0), sequence(true), timestamp(true) { addOptions() ("broker,b", qpid::optValue(url, "URL"), "url of broker to connect to") ("address,a", qpid::optValue(address, "ADDRESS"), "address to send to") ("connection-options", qpid::optValue(connectionOptions, "OPTIONS"), "options for the connection") ("messages,m", qpid::optValue(messages, "N"), "stop after N messages have been sent, 0 means no limit") ("id,i", qpid::optValue(id, "ID"), "use the supplied id instead of generating one") ("reply-to", qpid::optValue(replyto, "REPLY-TO"), "specify reply-to address") ("send-eos", qpid::optValue(sendEos, "N"), "Send N EOS messages to mark end of input") ("durable", qpid::optValue(durable, "yes|no"), "Mark messages as durable.") ("ttl", qpid::optValue(ttl, "msecs"), "Time-to-live for messages, in milliseconds") ("priority", qpid::optValue(priority, "PRIORITY"), "Priority for messages (higher value implies higher priority)") ("property,P", qpid::optValue(properties, "NAME=VALUE"), "specify message property") ("correlation-id", qpid::optValue(correlationid, "ID"), "correlation-id for message") ("user-id", qpid::optValue(userid, "USERID"), "userid for message") ("content-string", qpid::optValue(contentString, "CONTENT"), "use CONTENT as message content") ("content-size", qpid::optValue(contentSize, "N"), "create an N-byte message content") ("content-map,M", qpid::optValue(entries, "NAME=VALUE"), "specify entry for map content") ("content-stdin", qpid::optValue(contentStdin), "read message content from stdin, one line per message") ("capacity", qpid::optValue(capacity, "N"), "size of the senders outgoing message queue") ("tx", qpid::optValue(tx, "N"), "batch size for transactions (0 implies transaction are not used)") ("rollback-frequency", qpid::optValue(rollbackFrequency, "N"), "rollback frequency (0 implies no transaction will be rolledback)") ("failover-updates", qpid::optValue(failoverUpdates), "Listen for membership updates distributed via amq.failover") ("report-total", qpid::optValue(reportTotal), "Report total throughput statistics") ("report-every", qpid::optValue(reportEvery,"N"), "Report throughput statistics every N messages") ("report-header", qpid::optValue(reportHeader, "yes|no"), "Headers on report.") ("send-rate", qpid::optValue(sendRate,"N"), "Send at rate of N messages/second. 0 means send as fast as possible.") ("flow-control", qpid::optValue(flowControl,"N"), "Do end to end flow control to limit queue depth to 2*N. 0 means no flow control.") ("sequence", qpid::optValue(sequence, "yes|no"), "Add a sequence number messages property (required for duplicate/lost message detection)") ("timestamp", qpid::optValue(timestamp, "yes|no"), "Add a time stamp messages property (required for latency measurement)") ("help", qpid::optValue(help), "print this usage statement"); add(log); } bool parse(int argc, char** argv) { try { qpid::Options::parse(argc, argv); if (address.empty()) throw qpid::Exception("Address must be specified!"); qpid::log::Logger::instance().configure(log); if (help) { std::ostringstream msg; std::cout << msg << *this << std::endl << std::endl << "Drains messages from the specified address" << std::endl; return false; } else { return true; } } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cerr << *this << std::endl << std::endl << e.what() << std::endl; return false; } } static bool nameval(const std::string& in, std::string& name, std::string& value) { std::string::size_type i = in.find("="); if (i == std::string::npos) { name = in; return false; } else { name = in.substr(0, i); if (i+1 < in.size()) { value = in.substr(i+1); return true; } else { return false; } } } static void setProperty(Message& message, const std::string& property) { std::string name; std::string value; if (nameval(property, name, value)) { message.getProperties()[name] = value; } else { message.getProperties()[name] = Variant(); } } void setProperties(Message& message) const { for (string_vector::const_iterator i = properties.begin(); i != properties.end(); ++i) { setProperty(message, *i); } } void setEntries(Variant::Map& content) const { for (string_vector::const_iterator i = entries.begin(); i != entries.end(); ++i) { std::string name; std::string value; if (nameval(*i, name, value)) { content[name] = value; } else { content[name] = Variant(); } } } }; const string EOS("eos"); const string SN("sn"); const string TS("ts"); }} // namespace qpid::tests using namespace qpid::tests; class ContentGenerator { public: virtual ~ContentGenerator() {} virtual bool setContent(Message& msg) = 0; }; class GetlineContentGenerator : public ContentGenerator { public: virtual bool setContent(Message& msg) { string content; bool got = getline(std::cin, content); if (got) msg.setContent(content); return got; } }; class FixedContentGenerator : public ContentGenerator { public: FixedContentGenerator(const string& s) : content(s) {} virtual bool setContent(Message& msg) { msg.setContent(content); return true; } private: std::string content; }; class MapContentGenerator : public ContentGenerator { public: MapContentGenerator(const Options& opt) : opts(opt) {} virtual bool setContent(Message& msg) { Variant::Map map; opts.setEntries(map); encode(map, msg); return true; } private: const Options& opts; }; int main(int argc, char ** argv) { Connection connection; Options opts; try { if (opts.parse(argc, argv)) { connection = Connection(opts.url, opts.connectionOptions); connection.open(); std::auto_ptr updates(opts.failoverUpdates ? new FailoverUpdates(connection) : 0); Session session = opts.tx ? connection.createTransactionalSession() : connection.createSession(); Sender sender = session.createSender(opts.address); if (opts.capacity) sender.setCapacity(opts.capacity); Message msg; msg.setDurable(opts.durable); if (opts.ttl) { msg.setTtl(Duration(opts.ttl)); } if (opts.priority) { msg.setPriority(opts.priority); } if (!opts.replyto.empty()) { if (opts.flowControl) throw Exception("Can't use reply-to and flow-control together"); msg.setReplyTo(Address(opts.replyto)); } if (!opts.userid.empty()) msg.setUserId(opts.userid); if (!opts.correlationid.empty()) msg.setCorrelationId(opts.correlationid); opts.setProperties(msg); uint sent = 0; uint txCount = 0; Reporter reporter(std::cout, opts.reportEvery, opts.reportHeader); std::auto_ptr contentGen; if (opts.contentStdin) { opts.messages = 0; // Don't limit # messages sent. contentGen.reset(new GetlineContentGenerator); } else if (opts.entries.size() > 0) contentGen.reset(new MapContentGenerator(opts)); else if (opts.contentSize > 0) contentGen.reset(new FixedContentGenerator(string(opts.contentSize, 'X'))); else contentGen.reset(new FixedContentGenerator(opts.contentString)); qpid::sys::AbsTime start = qpid::sys::now(); int64_t interval = 0; if (opts.sendRate) interval = qpid::sys::TIME_SEC/opts.sendRate; Receiver flowControlReceiver; Address flowControlAddress("flow-"+Uuid(true).str()+";{create:always,delete:always}"); uint flowSent = 0; if (opts.flowControl) { flowControlReceiver = session.createReceiver(flowControlAddress); flowControlReceiver.setCapacity(2); } while (contentGen->setContent(msg)) { ++sent; if (opts.sequence) msg.getProperties()[SN] = sent; if (opts.timestamp) msg.getProperties()[TS] = int64_t( qpid::sys::Duration(qpid::sys::EPOCH, qpid::sys::now())); if (opts.flowControl) { if ((sent % opts.flowControl) == 0) { msg.setReplyTo(flowControlAddress); ++flowSent; } else msg.setReplyTo(Address()); // Clear the reply address. } sender.send(msg); reporter.message(msg); if (opts.tx && (sent % opts.tx == 0)) { if (opts.rollbackFrequency && (++txCount % opts.rollbackFrequency == 0)) session.rollback(); else session.commit(); } if (opts.messages && sent >= opts.messages) break; if (opts.flowControl && flowSent == 2) { flowControlReceiver.get(Duration::SECOND); --flowSent; } if (opts.sendRate) { qpid::sys::AbsTime waitTill(start, sent*interval); int64_t delay = qpid::sys::Duration(qpid::sys::now(), waitTill); if (delay > 0) qpid::sys::usleep(delay/qpid::sys::TIME_USEC); } } for ( ; flowSent>0; --flowSent) flowControlReceiver.get(Duration::SECOND); if (opts.reportTotal) reporter.report(); for (uint i = opts.sendEos; i > 0; --i) { if (opts.sequence) msg.getProperties()[SN] = ++sent; msg.setContent(EOS); //TODO: add in ability to send digest or similar sender.send(msg); } if (opts.tx) { if (opts.rollbackFrequency && (++txCount % opts.rollbackFrequency == 0)) { session.rollback(); } else { session.commit(); } } session.sync(); session.close(); connection.close(); return 0; } } catch(const std::exception& error) { std::cerr << "qpid-send: " << error.what() << std::endl; connection.close(); return 1; } }