# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # import unittest import time import datetime import logging from threading import Thread, Event import qpid.messaging from qpid.harness import Skipped from qmf2.common import (Notifier, SchemaObjectClass, SchemaClassId, SchemaProperty, qmfTypes, SchemaMethod, QmfQuery, QmfData, SchemaEventClass, QmfEvent) import qmf2.console from qmf2.agent import(QmfAgentData, Agent) class _testNotifier(Notifier): def __init__(self): self._event = Event() def indication(self): # note: called by qmf daemon thread self._event.set() def wait_for_work(self, timeout): # note: called by application thread to wait # for qmf to generate work self._event.wait(timeout) timed_out = self._event.isSet() == False if not timed_out: self._event.clear() return True return False class _agentApp(Thread): def __init__(self, name, broker_url, heartbeat): Thread.__init__(self) self.timeout = 3 self.broker_url = broker_url self.notifier = _testNotifier() self.agent = Agent(name, _notifier=self.notifier, heartbeat_interval=heartbeat) # Dynamically construct a management database _schema = SchemaEventClass(_classId=SchemaClassId("MyPackage", "MyClass", stype=SchemaClassId.TYPE_EVENT), _desc="A test event schema") # add properties _schema.add_property( "prop-1", SchemaProperty(qmfTypes.TYPE_UINT8)) _schema.add_property( "prop-2", SchemaProperty(qmfTypes.TYPE_LSTR)) # Add schema to Agent self.schema = _schema self.agent.register_object_class(_schema) self.running = False self.ready = Event() def start_app(self): self.running = True self.start() self.ready.wait(10) if not self.ready.is_set(): raise Exception("Agent failed to connect to broker.") # time.sleep(1) def stop_app(self): self.running = False # wake main thread self.notifier.indication() # hmmm... collide with daemon??? self.join(self.timeout) if self.isAlive(): raise Exception("AGENT DID NOT TERMINATE AS EXPECTED!!!") def run(self): # broker_url = "user/passwd@hostname:port" conn = qpid.messaging.Connection(self.broker_url) try: conn.open() except qpid.messaging.ConnectError, e: raise Skipped(e) self.agent.set_connection(conn) self.ready.set() counter = 1 while self.running: # post an event every second event = QmfEvent.create(long(time.time() * 1000), QmfEvent.SEV_WARNING, {"prop-1": counter, "prop-2": str(datetime.datetime.utcnow())}, _schema_id=self.schema.get_class_id()) counter += 1 self.agent.raise_event(event) wi = self.agent.get_next_workitem(timeout=0) while wi is not None: logging.error("UNEXPECTED AGENT WORKITEM RECEIVED=%s" % wi.get_type()) self.agent.release_workitem(wi) wi = self.agent.get_next_workitem(timeout=0) self.notifier.wait_for_work(1) self.agent.remove_connection(self.timeout) self.agent.destroy(self.timeout) class BaseTest(unittest.TestCase): def configure(self, config): self.config = config self.broker = config.broker self.defines = self.config.defines def setUp(self): # one second agent indication interval self.agent1 = _agentApp("agent1", self.broker, 1) self.agent1.start_app() self.agent2 = _agentApp("agent2", self.broker, 1) self.agent2.start_app() def tearDown(self): if self.agent1: self.agent1.stop_app() self.agent1 = None if self.agent2: self.agent2.stop_app() self.agent2 = None def test_get_events(self): # create console # find agents self.notifier = _testNotifier() self.console = qmf2.console.Console(notifier=self.notifier, agent_timeout=3) self.conn = qpid.messaging.Connection(self.broker) try: self.conn.open() except qpid.messaging.ConnectError, e: raise Skipped(e) self.console.add_connection(self.conn) # find the agents for aname in ["agent1", "agent2"]: agent = self.console.find_agent(aname, timeout=3) self.assertTrue(agent and agent.get_name() == aname) # now wait for events agent1_events = agent2_events = 0 wi = self.console.get_next_workitem(timeout=4) while wi: if wi.get_type() == wi.EVENT_RECEIVED: event = wi.get_params().get("event") self.assertTrue(isinstance(event, QmfEvent)) self.assertTrue(event.get_severity() == QmfEvent.SEV_WARNING) self.assertTrue(event.get_value("prop-1") > 0) agent = wi.get_params().get("agent") if not agent or not isinstance(agent, qmf2.console.Agent): self.fail("Unexpected workitem from agent") else: if agent.get_name() == "agent1": agent1_events += 1 elif agent.get_name() == "agent2": agent2_events += 1 else: self.fail("Unexpected agent name received: %s" % agent.get_name()) if agent1_events and agent2_events: break; wi = self.console.get_next_workitem(timeout=4) self.assertTrue(agent1_events > 0 and agent2_events > 0) self.console.destroy(10)