# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # # Support library for qpid python tests. # import unittest, traceback, socket import qpid.client, qmf.console import Queue from qpid.content import Content from qpid.message import Message from qpid.harness import Skipped from qpid.exceptions import VersionError import qpid.messaging from qpidtoollibs import BrokerAgent class TestBase(unittest.TestCase): """Base class for Qpid test cases. self.client is automatically connected with channel 1 open before the test methods are run. Deletes queues and exchanges after. Tests call self.queue_declare(channel, ...) and self.exchange_declare(chanel, ...) which are wrappers for the Channel functions that note resources to clean up later. """ def configure(self, config): self.config = config def setUp(self): self.queues = [] self.exchanges = [] self.client = self.connect() self.channel = self.client.channel(1) self.version = (self.client.spec.major, self.client.spec.minor) if self.version == (8, 0) or self.version == (0, 9): self.channel.channel_open() else: self.channel.session_open() def tearDown(self): try: for ch, q in self.queues: ch.queue_delete(queue=q) for ch, ex in self.exchanges: ch.exchange_delete(exchange=ex) except: print "Error on tearDown:" print traceback.print_exc() if not self.client.closed: self.client.channel(0).connection_close(reply_code=200) else: self.client.close() def connect(self, host=None, port=None, user=None, password=None, tune_params=None, client_properties=None): """Create a new connction, return the Client object""" host = host or self.config.broker.host port = port or self.config.broker.port or 5672 user = user or "guest" password = password or "guest" client = qpid.client.Client(host, port) try: if client.spec.major == 8 and client.spec.minor == 0: client.start({"LOGIN": user, "PASSWORD": password}, tune_params=tune_params, client_properties=client_properties) else: client.start("\x00" + user + "\x00" + password, mechanism="PLAIN", tune_params=tune_params, client_properties=client_properties) except qpid.client.Closed, e: if isinstance(e.args[0], VersionError): raise Skipped(e.args[0]) else: raise e except socket.error, e: raise Skipped(e) return client def queue_declare(self, channel=None, *args, **keys): channel = channel or self.channel reply = channel.queue_declare(*args, **keys) self.queues.append((channel, keys["queue"])) return reply def exchange_declare(self, channel=None, ticket=0, exchange='', type='', passive=False, durable=False, auto_delete=False, arguments={}): channel = channel or self.channel reply = channel.exchange_declare(ticket=ticket, exchange=exchange, type=type, passive=passive,durable=durable, auto_delete=auto_delete, arguments=arguments) self.exchanges.append((channel,exchange)) return reply def uniqueString(self): """Generate a unique string, unique for this TestBase instance""" if not "uniqueCounter" in dir(self): self.uniqueCounter = 1; return "Test Message " + str(self.uniqueCounter) def consume(self, queueName): """Consume from named queue returns the Queue object.""" reply = self.channel.basic_consume(queue=queueName, no_ack=True) return self.client.queue(reply.consumer_tag) def subscribe(self, channel=None, **keys): channel = channel or self.channel consumer_tag = keys["destination"] channel.message_subscribe(**keys) channel.message_flow(destination=consumer_tag, unit=0, value=0xFFFFFFFFL) channel.message_flow(destination=consumer_tag, unit=1, value=0xFFFFFFFFL) def assertEmpty(self, queue): """Assert that the queue is empty""" try: queue.get(timeout=1) self.fail("Queue is not empty.") except Queue.Empty: None # Ignore def assertPublishGet(self, queue, exchange="", routing_key="", properties=None): """ Publish to exchange and assert queue.get() returns the same message. """ body = self.uniqueString() self.channel.basic_publish( exchange=exchange, content=Content(body, properties=properties), routing_key=routing_key) msg = queue.get(timeout=1) self.assertEqual(body, msg.content.body) if (properties): self.assertEqual(properties, msg.content.properties) def assertPublishConsume(self, queue="", exchange="", routing_key="", properties=None): """ Publish a message and consume it, assert it comes back intact. Return the Queue object used to consume. """ self.assertPublishGet(self.consume(queue), exchange, routing_key, properties) def assertChannelException(self, expectedCode, message): if self.version == (8, 0) or self.version == (0, 9): if not isinstance(message, Message): self.fail("expected channel_close method, got %s" % (message)) self.assertEqual("channel", message.method.klass.name) self.assertEqual("close", message.method.name) else: if not isinstance(message, Message): self.fail("expected session_closed method, got %s" % (message)) self.assertEqual("session", message.method.klass.name) self.assertEqual("closed", message.method.name) self.assertEqual(expectedCode, message.reply_code) def assertConnectionException(self, expectedCode, message): if not isinstance(message, Message): self.fail("expected connection_close method, got %s" % (message)) self.assertEqual("connection", message.method.klass.name) self.assertEqual("close", message.method.name) self.assertEqual(expectedCode, message.reply_code) #0-10 support from qpid.connection import Connection from qpid.util import connect, ssl, URL class TestBase010(unittest.TestCase): """ Base class for Qpid test cases. using the final 0-10 spec """ def configure(self, config): self.config = config self.broker = config.broker self.defines = self.config.defines def setUp(self): self.conn = self.connect() self.session = self.conn.session("test-session", timeout=10) self.qmf = None self.test_queue_name = self.id() def startQmf(self, handler=None): self.qmf = qmf.console.Session(handler) self.qmf_broker = self.qmf.addBroker(str(self.broker)) def startBrokerAccess(self): """ New-style management access to the broker. Can be used in lieu of startQmf. """ if 'broker_conn' not in self.__dict__: self.broker_conn = qpid.messaging.Connection(str(self.broker)) self.broker_conn.open() self.broker_access = BrokerAgent(self.broker_conn) def connect(self, host=None, port=None): url = self.broker if url.scheme == URL.AMQPS: default_port = 5671 else: default_port = 5672 try: sock = connect(host or url.host, port or url.port or default_port) except socket.error, e: raise Skipped(e) if url.scheme == URL.AMQPS: sock = ssl(sock) conn = Connection(sock, username=url.user or "guest", password=url.password or "guest") try: conn.start(timeout=10) except VersionError, e: raise Skipped(e) return conn def tearDown(self): if not self.session.error(): self.session.close(timeout=10) self.conn.close(timeout=10) if self.qmf: self.qmf.delBroker(self.qmf_broker) def subscribe(self, session=None, **keys): session = session or self.session consumer_tag = keys["destination"] session.message_subscribe(**keys) session.message_flow(destination=consumer_tag, unit=0, value=0xFFFFFFFFL) session.message_flow(destination=consumer_tag, unit=1, value=0xFFFFFFFFL)