/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include "qpid/messaging/Receiver.h" #include "qpid/messaging/Address.h" #include "qpid/messaging/Session.h" #include "qpid/messaging/Message.h" #include "qpid/messaging/Duration.h" namespace qpid { namespace messaging { // Dummy class to satisfy linker class ReceiverImpl {}; }} namespace Org { namespace Apache { namespace Qpid { namespace Messaging { /// /// Receiver is a managed wrapper for a ::qpid::messaging::Receiver /// ref class Address; ref class Session; ref class Message; ref class Duration; public ref class Receiver { private: // The session that created this Receiver Session ^ parentSession; // The kept object in the Messaging C++ DLL ::qpid::messaging::Receiver * nativeObjPtr; // per-instance lock object System::Object ^ privateLock; // Disallow use after object is destroyed void ThrowIfDisposed(); public: // unmanaged clone Receiver(const ::qpid::messaging::Receiver & r, Session ^ sessRef); // copy constructor Receiver(const Receiver ^ receiver); Receiver(const Receiver % receiver); // unmanaged clone // undefined ~Receiver(); !Receiver(); // assignment operator Receiver % operator=(const Receiver % rhs) { msclr::lock lk(privateLock); ThrowIfDisposed(); if (this == %rhs) { // Self assignment, do nothing } else { if (NULL != nativeObjPtr) delete nativeObjPtr; nativeObjPtr = new ::qpid::messaging::Receiver( *(const_cast(rhs).NativeReceiver)); parentSession = rhs.parentSession; } return *this; } // // IsDisposed // property bool IsDisposed { bool get() { return NULL == nativeObjPtr; } } // // NativeReceiver // property ::qpid::messaging::Receiver * NativeReceiver { ::qpid::messaging::Receiver * get () { return nativeObjPtr; } } // Get(message) bool Get(Message ^% mmsgp); bool Get(Message ^% mmsgp, Duration ^ durationp); // message = Get() Message ^ Get(); Message ^ Get(Duration ^ durationp); // Fetch(message) bool Fetch(Message ^% mmsgp); bool Fetch(Message ^% mmsgp, Duration ^ duration); // message = Fetch() Message ^ Fetch(); Message ^ Fetch(Duration ^ durationp); // // Capacity // property System::UInt32 Capacity { void set (System::UInt32 capacity) { msclr::lock lk(privateLock); ThrowIfDisposed(); nativeObjPtr->setCapacity(capacity); } System::UInt32 get () { msclr::lock lk(privateLock); ThrowIfDisposed(); return nativeObjPtr->getCapacity(); } } // // Available // property System::UInt32 Available { System::UInt32 get () { msclr::lock lk(privateLock); ThrowIfDisposed(); return nativeObjPtr->getAvailable(); } } // // Unsettled // property System::UInt32 Unsettled { System::UInt32 get () { msclr::lock lk(privateLock); ThrowIfDisposed(); return nativeObjPtr->getUnsettled(); } } void Close(); // // IsClosed // property System::Boolean IsClosed { System::Boolean get () { msclr::lock lk(privateLock); ThrowIfDisposed(); return nativeObjPtr->isClosed(); } } // // Name // property System::String ^ Name { System::String ^ get () { msclr::lock lk(privateLock); ThrowIfDisposed(); return gcnew System::String(nativeObjPtr->getName().c_str()); } } // // Session // property Org::Apache::Qpid::Messaging::Session ^ Session { Org::Apache::Qpid::Messaging::Session ^ get () { msclr::lock lk(privateLock); ThrowIfDisposed(); return parentSession; } } // // Address // Org::Apache::Qpid::Messaging::Address ^ GetAddress(); }; }}}}