/* * * Copyright (c) 2006 The Apache Software Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ #include "qpid/Url.h" #include "qpid/Exception.h" #include "qpid/Msg.h" #include "qpid/sys/SystemInfo.h" #include "qpid/sys/StrError.h" #include "qpid/client/Connector.h" #include "qpid/sys/Mutex.h" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using boost::lexical_cast; namespace qpid { class ProtocolTags { public: bool find(const string& tag) { sys::Mutex::ScopedLock l(lock); return std::find(tags.begin(), tags.end(), tag) != tags.end(); } void add(const string& tag) { sys::Mutex::ScopedLock l(lock); if (std::find(tags.begin(), tags.end(), tag) == tags.end()) tags.push_back(tag); } static ProtocolTags& instance() { /** First call must be made while program is still single threaded. * This will be the case since tags are registered in static initializers. */ static ProtocolTags tags; return tags; } private: sys::Mutex lock; vector tags; }; Url::Invalid::Invalid(const string& s) : Exception(s) {} string Url::str() const { if (cache.empty() && !this->empty()) { ostringstream os; os << *this; cache = os.str(); } return cache; } ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Url& url) { os << "amqp:"; if (!url.getUser().empty()) os << url.getUser(); if (!url.getPass().empty()) os << "/" << url.getPass(); if (!(url.getUser().empty() && url.getPass().empty())) os << "@"; Url::const_iterator i = url.begin(); if (i!=url.end()) { os << *i++; while (i != url.end()) os << "," << *i++; } return os; } static const std::string TCP = "tcp"; /** Simple recursive-descent parser for this grammar: url = ["amqp:"][ user ["/" password] "@" ] protocol_addr *("," protocol_addr) protocol_addr = tcp_addr / rmda_addr / ssl_addr / .. others plug-in tcp_addr = ["tcp:"] host [":" port] rdma_addr = "rdma:" host [":" port] ssl_addr = "ssl:" host [":" port] */ class UrlParser { public: UrlParser(Url& u, const char* s, const std::string& defaultProtocol_=Address::TCP) : url(u), text(s), end(s+strlen(s)), i(s), defaultProtocol(defaultProtocol_) {} bool parse() { literal("amqp:"); // Optional userPass(); // Optional return list(&UrlParser::protocolAddr, &UrlParser::comma) && i == end; } private: typedef bool (UrlParser::*Rule)(); bool userPass() { const char* at = std::find(i, end, '@'); if (at == end) return false; const char* slash = std::find(i, at, '/'); const char* colon = std::find(i, at, ':'); const char* sep = std::min(slash, colon); url.setUser(string(i, sep)); const char* pass = (sep == at) ? sep : sep+1; url.setPass(string(pass, at)); i = at+1; return true; } bool comma() { return literal(","); } bool protocolAddr() { Address addr(defaultProtocol, "", Address::AMQP_PORT); // Set up defaults protocolTag(addr.protocol); // Optional bool ok = (host(addr.host) && (literal(":") ? port(addr.port) : true)); if (ok) url.push_back(addr); return ok; } bool protocolTag(string& result) { const char* j = std::find(i,end,':'); if (j != end) { string tag(i,j); if (ProtocolTags::instance().find(tag)) { i = j+1; result = tag; return true; } } return false; } // A liberal interpretation of http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt. // Works for DNS names and and ipv4 and ipv6 literals // bool host(string& h) { if (ip6literal(h)) return true; const char* start=i; while (unreserved() || pctEncoded()) ; if (start == i) return false;//host is required else h.assign(start, i); return true; } // This is a bit too liberal for IPv6 literal addresses, but probably good enough bool ip6literal(string& h) { if (literal("[")) { const char* start = i; while (hexDigit() || literal(":") || literal(".")) ; const char* end = i; if ( end-start < 2 ) return false; // Smallest valid address is "::" if (literal("]")) { h.assign(start, end); return true; } } return false; } bool unreserved() { return (::isalnum(*i) || ::strchr("-._~", *i)) && advance(); } bool pctEncoded() { return literal("%") && hexDigit() && hexDigit(); } bool hexDigit() { return i < end && ::strchr("01234567890abcdefABCDEF", *i) && advance(); } bool port(uint16_t& p) { return decimalInt(p); } template bool decimalInt(IntType& n) { const char* start = i; while (decDigit()) ; try { n = lexical_cast(string(start, i)); return true; } catch(...) { return false; } } bool decDigit() { return i < end && ::isdigit(*i) && advance(); } bool literal(const char* s) { int n = ::strlen(s); if (n <= end-i && equal(s, s+n, i)) return advance(n); return false; }; bool noop() { return true; } /** List of item, separated by separator, with min & max bounds. */ bool list(Rule item, Rule separator, size_t min=0, size_t max=UNLIMITED) { assert(max > 0); assert(max >= min); if (!(this->*item)()) return min == 0; // Empty list. size_t n = 1; while (n < max && i < end) { if (!(this->*separator)()) break; if (i == end || !(this->*item)()) return false; // Separator with no item. ++n; } return n >= min; } /** List of items with no separator */ bool list(Rule item, size_t min=0, size_t max=UNLIMITED) { return list(item, &UrlParser::noop, min, max); } bool advance(size_t n=1) { if (i+n > end) return false; i += n; return true; } static const size_t UNLIMITED = size_t(~1); static const std::string LOCALHOST; Url& url; const char* text; const char* end; const char* i; const std::string defaultProtocol; }; const string UrlParser::LOCALHOST(""); void Url::parse(const char* url) { parse(url, Address::TCP); } void Url::parse(const char* url, const std::string& defaultProtocol) { parseNoThrow(url, defaultProtocol); if (empty()) throw Url::Invalid(QPID_MSG("Invalid URL: " << url)); } void Url::parseNoThrow(const char* url) { parseNoThrow(url, Address::TCP); } void Url::parseNoThrow(const char* url, const std::string& defaultProtocol) { clear(); cache.clear(); if (!UrlParser(*this, url, defaultProtocol).parse()) clear(); } void Url::throwIfEmpty() const { if (empty()) throw Url::Invalid("URL contains no addresses"); } std::string Url::getUser() const { return user; } std::string Url::getPass() const { return pass; } void Url::setUser(const std::string& s) { user = s; } void Url::setPass(const std::string& s) { pass = s; } std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, Url& url) { std::string s; is >> s; url.parse(s); return is; } void Url::addProtocol(const std::string& tag) { ProtocolTags::instance().add(tag); } } // namespace qpid