/* * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ #include "qpid/broker/Connection.h" #include "qpid/broker/SessionOutputException.h" #include "qpid/broker/SessionState.h" #include "qpid/broker/Bridge.h" #include "qpid/broker/Broker.h" #include "qpid/broker/Queue.h" #include "qpid/sys/SecuritySettings.h" #include "qpid/sys/ClusterSafe.h" #include "qpid/log/Statement.h" #include "qpid/ptr_map.h" #include "qpid/framing/AMQP_ClientProxy.h" #include "qpid/framing/enum.h" #include "qpid/framing/MessageTransferBody.h" #include "qmf/org/apache/qpid/broker/EventClientConnect.h" #include "qmf/org/apache/qpid/broker/EventClientDisconnect.h" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace qpid::sys; using namespace qpid::framing; using qpid::ptr_map_ptr; using qpid::management::ManagementAgent; using qpid::management::ManagementObject; using qpid::management::Manageable; using qpid::management::Args; namespace _qmf = qmf::org::apache::qpid::broker; namespace qpid { namespace broker { struct ConnectionTimeoutTask : public sys::TimerTask { sys::Timer& timer; Connection& connection; ConnectionTimeoutTask(uint16_t hb, sys::Timer& t, Connection& c) : TimerTask(Duration(hb*2*TIME_SEC),"ConnectionTimeout"), timer(t), connection(c) {} void touch() { restart(); } void fire() { // If we get here then we've not received any traffic in the timeout period // Schedule closing the connection for the io thread QPID_LOG(error, "Connection " << connection.getMgmtId() << " timed out: closing"); connection.abort(); } }; Connection::Connection(ConnectionOutputHandler* out_, Broker& broker_, const std::string& mgmtId_, const qpid::sys::SecuritySettings& external, bool isLink_, uint64_t objectId_, bool shadow_, bool delayManagement) : ConnectionState(out_, broker_), securitySettings(external), adapter(*this, isLink_, shadow_), isLink(isLink_), mgmtClosing(false), mgmtId(mgmtId_), mgmtObject(0), links(broker_.getLinks()), agent(0), timer(broker_.getTimer()), errorListener(0), objectId(objectId_), shadow(shadow_), outboundTracker(*this) { outboundTracker.wrap(out); if (isLink) links.notifyConnection(mgmtId, this); // In a cluster, allow adding the management object to be delayed. if (!delayManagement) addManagementObject(); if (!isShadow()) broker.getConnectionCounter().inc_connectionCount(); } void Connection::addManagementObject() { assert(agent == 0); assert(mgmtObject == 0); Manageable* parent = broker.GetVhostObject(); if (parent != 0) { agent = broker.getManagementAgent(); if (agent != 0) { // TODO set last bool true if system connection mgmtObject = new _qmf::Connection(agent, this, parent, mgmtId, !isLink, false); mgmtObject->set_shadow(shadow); agent->addObject(mgmtObject, objectId); } ConnectionState::setUrl(mgmtId); } } void Connection::requestIOProcessing(boost::function0 callback) { ScopedLock l(ioCallbackLock); ioCallbacks.push(callback); out.activateOutput(); } Connection::~Connection() { if (mgmtObject != 0) { mgmtObject->resourceDestroy(); // In a cluster, Connections destroyed during shutdown are in // a cluster-unsafe context. Don't raise an event in that case. if (!isLink && isClusterSafe()) agent->raiseEvent(_qmf::EventClientDisconnect(mgmtId, ConnectionState::getUserId())); } if (isLink) links.notifyClosed(mgmtId); if (heartbeatTimer) heartbeatTimer->cancel(); if (timeoutTimer) timeoutTimer->cancel(); if (!isShadow()) broker.getConnectionCounter().dec_connectionCount(); } void Connection::received(framing::AMQFrame& frame) { // Received frame on connection so delay timeout restartTimeout(); if (frame.getChannel() == 0 && frame.getMethod()) { adapter.handle(frame); } else { if (adapter.isOpen()) getChannel(frame.getChannel()).in(frame); else close(connection::CLOSE_CODE_FRAMING_ERROR, "Connection not yet open, invalid frame received."); } if (isLink) //i.e. we are acting as the client to another broker recordFromServer(frame); else recordFromClient(frame); } void Connection::sent(const framing::AMQFrame& frame) { if (isLink) //i.e. we are acting as the client to another broker recordFromClient(frame); else recordFromServer(frame); } bool isMessage(const AMQMethodBody* method) { return method && method->isA(); } void Connection::recordFromServer(const framing::AMQFrame& frame) { // Don't record management stats in cluster-unsafe contexts if (mgmtObject != 0 && isClusterSafe()) { mgmtObject->inc_framesToClient(); mgmtObject->inc_bytesToClient(frame.encodedSize()); if (isMessage(frame.getMethod())) { mgmtObject->inc_msgsToClient(); } } } void Connection::recordFromClient(const framing::AMQFrame& frame) { // Don't record management stats in cluster-unsafe contexts if (mgmtObject != 0 && isClusterSafe()) { mgmtObject->inc_framesFromClient(); mgmtObject->inc_bytesFromClient(frame.encodedSize()); if (isMessage(frame.getMethod())) { mgmtObject->inc_msgsFromClient(); } } } string Connection::getAuthMechanism() { if (!isLink) return string("ANONYMOUS"); return links.getAuthMechanism(mgmtId); } string Connection::getUsername ( ) { if (!isLink) return string("anonymous"); return links.getUsername(mgmtId); } string Connection::getPassword ( ) { if (!isLink) return string(""); return links.getPassword(mgmtId); } string Connection::getHost ( ) { if (!isLink) return string(""); return links.getHost(mgmtId); } uint16_t Connection::getPort ( ) { if (!isLink) return 0; return links.getPort(mgmtId); } string Connection::getAuthCredentials() { if (!isLink) return string(); if (mgmtObject != 0) { if (links.getAuthMechanism(mgmtId) == "ANONYMOUS") mgmtObject->set_authIdentity("anonymous"); else mgmtObject->set_authIdentity(links.getAuthIdentity(mgmtId)); } return links.getAuthCredentials(mgmtId); } void Connection::notifyConnectionForced(const string& text) { if (isLink) links.notifyConnectionForced(mgmtId, text); } void Connection::setUserId(const string& userId) { ConnectionState::setUserId(userId); // In a cluster, the cluster code will raise the connect event // when the connection is replicated to the cluster. if (!broker.isInCluster()) raiseConnectEvent(); } void Connection::raiseConnectEvent() { if (mgmtObject != 0) { mgmtObject->set_authIdentity(userId); agent->raiseEvent(_qmf::EventClientConnect(mgmtId, userId)); } } void Connection::setFederationLink(bool b) { ConnectionState::setFederationLink(b); if (mgmtObject != 0) mgmtObject->set_federationLink(b); } void Connection::close(connection::CloseCode code, const string& text) { QPID_LOG_IF(error, code != connection::CLOSE_CODE_NORMAL, "Connection " << mgmtId << " closed by error: " << text << "(" << code << ")"); if (heartbeatTimer) heartbeatTimer->cancel(); if (timeoutTimer) timeoutTimer->cancel(); adapter.close(code, text); //make sure we delete dangling pointers from outputTasks before deleting sessions outputTasks.removeAll(); channels.clear(); getOutput().close(); } // Send a close to the client but keep the channels. Used by cluster. void Connection::sendClose() { if (heartbeatTimer) heartbeatTimer->cancel(); if (timeoutTimer) timeoutTimer->cancel(); adapter.close(connection::CLOSE_CODE_NORMAL, "OK"); getOutput().close(); } void Connection::idleOut(){} void Connection::idleIn(){} void Connection::closed(){ // Physically closed, suspend open sessions. if (heartbeatTimer) heartbeatTimer->cancel(); if (timeoutTimer) timeoutTimer->cancel(); try { while (!channels.empty()) ptr_map_ptr(channels.begin())->handleDetach(); } catch(std::exception& e) { QPID_LOG(error, QPID_MSG("While closing connection: " << e.what())); assert(0); } } void Connection::doIoCallbacks() { { ScopedLock l(ioCallbackLock); // Although IO callbacks execute in the connection thread context, they are // not cluster safe because they are queued for execution in non-IO threads. ClusterUnsafeScope cus; while (!ioCallbacks.empty()) { boost::function0 cb = ioCallbacks.front(); ioCallbacks.pop(); ScopedUnlock ul(ioCallbackLock); cb(); // Lend the IO thread for management processing } } } bool Connection::doOutput() { try { doIoCallbacks(); if (mgmtClosing) { closed(); close(connection::CLOSE_CODE_CONNECTION_FORCED, "Closed by Management Request"); } else { //then do other output as needed: return outputTasks.doOutput(); } }catch(const SessionOutputException& e){ getChannel(e.channel).handleException(e); return true; }catch(ConnectionException& e){ close(e.code, e.getMessage()); }catch(std::exception& e){ close(connection::CLOSE_CODE_CONNECTION_FORCED, e.what()); } return false; } void Connection::sendHeartbeat() { adapter.heartbeat(); } void Connection::closeChannel(uint16_t id) { ChannelMap::iterator i = channels.find(id); if (i != channels.end()) channels.erase(i); } SessionHandler& Connection::getChannel(ChannelId id) { ChannelMap::iterator i=channels.find(id); if (i == channels.end()) { i = channels.insert(id, new SessionHandler(*this, id)).first; } return *ptr_map_ptr(i); } ManagementObject* Connection::GetManagementObject(void) const { return (ManagementObject*) mgmtObject; } Manageable::status_t Connection::ManagementMethod(uint32_t methodId, Args&, string&) { Manageable::status_t status = Manageable::STATUS_UNKNOWN_METHOD; QPID_LOG(debug, "Connection::ManagementMethod [id=" << methodId << "]"); switch (methodId) { case _qmf::Connection::METHOD_CLOSE : mgmtClosing = true; if (mgmtObject != 0) mgmtObject->set_closing(1); out.activateOutput(); status = Manageable::STATUS_OK; break; } return status; } void Connection::setSecureConnection(SecureConnection* s) { adapter.setSecureConnection(s); } struct ConnectionHeartbeatTask : public sys::TimerTask { sys::Timer& timer; Connection& connection; ConnectionHeartbeatTask(uint16_t hb, sys::Timer& t, Connection& c) : TimerTask(Duration(hb*TIME_SEC), "ConnectionHeartbeat"), timer(t), connection(c) {} void fire() { // Setup next firing setupNextFire(); timer.add(this); // Send Heartbeat connection.sendHeartbeat(); } }; void Connection::abort() { // Make sure that we don't try to send a heartbeat as we're // aborting the connection if (heartbeatTimer) heartbeatTimer->cancel(); out.abort(); } void Connection::setHeartbeatInterval(uint16_t heartbeat) { setHeartbeat(heartbeat); if (heartbeat > 0 && !isShadow()) { heartbeatTimer = new ConnectionHeartbeatTask(heartbeat, timer, *this); timer.add(heartbeatTimer); timeoutTimer = new ConnectionTimeoutTask(heartbeat, timer, *this); timer.add(timeoutTimer); } } void Connection::restartTimeout() { if (timeoutTimer) timeoutTimer->touch(); } bool Connection::isOpen() { return adapter.isOpen(); } Connection::OutboundFrameTracker::OutboundFrameTracker(Connection& _con) : con(_con), next(0) {} void Connection::OutboundFrameTracker::close() { next->close(); } size_t Connection::OutboundFrameTracker::getBuffered() const { return next->getBuffered(); } void Connection::OutboundFrameTracker::abort() { next->abort(); } void Connection::OutboundFrameTracker::activateOutput() { next->activateOutput(); } void Connection::OutboundFrameTracker::giveReadCredit(int32_t credit) { next->giveReadCredit(credit); } void Connection::OutboundFrameTracker::send(framing::AMQFrame& f) { next->send(f); con.sent(f); } void Connection::OutboundFrameTracker::wrap(sys::ConnectionOutputHandlerPtr& p) { next = p.get(); p.set(this); } }}