/* * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ #include "qpid/broker/QueueFlowLimit.h" #include "qpid/broker/Broker.h" #include "qpid/broker/Message.h" #include "qpid/broker/Queue.h" #include "qpid/broker/QueueSettings.h" #include "qpid/Exception.h" #include "qpid/framing/FieldValue.h" #include "qpid/framing/reply_exceptions.h" #include "qpid/log/Statement.h" #include "qpid/sys/Mutex.h" #include "qpid/broker/SessionState.h" #include "qmf/org/apache/qpid/broker/Queue.h" #include #include using namespace qpid::broker; using namespace qpid::framing; namespace { /** ensure that the configured flow control stop and resume values are * valid with respect to the maximum queue capacity, and each other */ template void validateFlowConfig(T max, T& stop, T& resume, const std::string& type, const std::string& queue) { if (stop) { if (resume > stop) { throw InvalidArgumentException(QPID_MSG("Queue \"" << queue << "\": qpid.flow_resume_" << type << "=" << resume << " must be less or equal to qpid.flow_stop_" << type << "=" << stop)); } if (resume == 0) resume = stop; if (max != 0 && (max < stop)) { throw InvalidArgumentException(QPID_MSG("Queue \"" << queue << "\": qpid.flow_stop_" << type << "=" << stop << " must be less than qpid.max_" << type << "=" << max)); } } } } QueueFlowLimit::QueueFlowLimit(const std::string& _queueName, uint32_t _flowStopCount, uint32_t _flowResumeCount, uint64_t _flowStopSize, uint64_t _flowResumeSize) : queue(0), queueName(_queueName), flowStopCount(_flowStopCount), flowResumeCount(_flowResumeCount), flowStopSize(_flowStopSize), flowResumeSize(_flowResumeSize), flowStopped(false), count(0), size(0), broker(0) { QPID_LOG(debug, "Queue \"" << queueName << "\": Flow limit created: flowStopCount=" << flowStopCount << ", flowResumeCount=" << flowResumeCount << ", flowStopSize=" << flowStopSize << ", flowResumeSize=" << flowResumeSize ); } QueueFlowLimit::~QueueFlowLimit() { sys::Mutex::ScopedLock l(indexLock); if (!index.empty()) { // we're gone - release all pending msgs for (std::map::iterator itr = index.begin(); itr != index.end(); ++itr) if (itr->second) try { itr->second.getPersistentContext()->getIngressCompletion().finishCompleter(); } catch (...) {} // ignore - not safe for a destructor to throw. index.clear(); } } void QueueFlowLimit::enqueued(const Message& msg) { sys::Mutex::ScopedLock l(indexLock); ++count; size += msg.getMessageSize(); if (!flowStopped) { if (flowStopCount && count > flowStopCount) { flowStopped = true; QPID_LOG(info, "Queue \"" << queueName << "\": has reached " << flowStopCount << " enqueued messages. Producer flow control activated." ); } else if (flowStopSize && size > flowStopSize) { flowStopped = true; QPID_LOG(info, "Queue \"" << queueName << "\": has reached " << flowStopSize << " enqueued bytes. Producer flow control activated." ); } if (flowStopped && queueMgmtObj) { queueMgmtObj->set_flowStopped(true); queueMgmtObj->inc_flowStoppedCount(); } } if (flowStopped || !index.empty()) { QPID_LOG(trace, "Queue \"" << queueName << "\": setting flow control for msg pos=" << msg.getSequence()); msg.getPersistentContext()->getIngressCompletion().startCompleter(); // don't complete until flow resumes bool unique; unique = index.insert(std::pair(msg.getSequence(), msg)).second; // Like this to avoid tripping up unused variable warning when NDEBUG set if (!unique) assert(unique); } } void QueueFlowLimit::dequeued(const Message& msg) { sys::Mutex::ScopedLock l(indexLock); if (count > 0) { --count; } else { throw Exception(QPID_MSG("Flow limit count underflow on dequeue. Queue=" << queueName)); } uint64_t _size = msg.getMessageSize(); if (_size <= size) { size -= _size; } else { throw Exception(QPID_MSG("Flow limit size underflow on dequeue. Queue=" << queueName)); } if (flowStopped && (flowResumeSize == 0 || size < flowResumeSize) && (flowResumeCount == 0 || count < flowResumeCount)) { flowStopped = false; if (queueMgmtObj) queueMgmtObj->set_flowStopped(false); QPID_LOG(info, "Queue \"" << queueName << "\": has drained below the flow control resume level. Producer flow control deactivated." ); } if (!index.empty()) { if (!flowStopped) { // flow enabled - release all pending msgs for (std::map::iterator itr = index.begin(); itr != index.end(); ++itr) if (itr->second) itr->second.getPersistentContext()->getIngressCompletion().finishCompleter(); index.clear(); } else { // even if flow controlled, we must release this msg as it is being dequeued std::map::iterator itr = index.find(msg.getSequence()); if (itr != index.end()) { // this msg is flow controlled, release it: msg.getPersistentContext()->getIngressCompletion().finishCompleter(); index.erase(itr); } } } } void QueueFlowLimit::encode(Buffer& buffer) const { buffer.putLong(flowStopCount); buffer.putLong(flowResumeCount); buffer.putLongLong(flowStopSize); buffer.putLongLong(flowResumeSize); buffer.putLong(count); buffer.putLongLong(size); } void QueueFlowLimit::decode ( Buffer& buffer ) { flowStopCount = buffer.getLong(); flowResumeCount = buffer.getLong(); flowStopSize = buffer.getLongLong(); flowResumeSize = buffer.getLongLong(); count = buffer.getLong(); size = buffer.getLongLong(); } uint32_t QueueFlowLimit::encodedSize() const { return sizeof(uint32_t) + // flowStopCount sizeof(uint32_t) + // flowResumecount sizeof(uint64_t) + // flowStopSize sizeof(uint64_t) + // flowResumeSize sizeof(uint32_t) + // count sizeof(uint64_t); // size } const std::string QueueFlowLimit::flowStopCountKey("qpid.flow_stop_count"); const std::string QueueFlowLimit::flowResumeCountKey("qpid.flow_resume_count"); const std::string QueueFlowLimit::flowStopSizeKey("qpid.flow_stop_size"); const std::string QueueFlowLimit::flowResumeSizeKey("qpid.flow_resume_size"); uint64_t QueueFlowLimit::defaultMaxSize; uint QueueFlowLimit::defaultFlowStopRatio; uint QueueFlowLimit::defaultFlowResumeRatio; void QueueFlowLimit::setDefaults(uint64_t maxQueueSize, uint flowStopRatio, uint flowResumeRatio) { defaultMaxSize = maxQueueSize; defaultFlowStopRatio = flowStopRatio; defaultFlowResumeRatio = flowResumeRatio; /** @todo KAG: Verify valid range on Broker::Options instead of here */ if (flowStopRatio > 100 || flowResumeRatio > 100) throw InvalidArgumentException(QPID_MSG("Default queue flow ratios must be between 0 and 100, inclusive:" << " flowStopRatio=" << flowStopRatio << " flowResumeRatio=" << flowResumeRatio)); if (flowResumeRatio > flowStopRatio) throw InvalidArgumentException(QPID_MSG("Default queue flow stop ratio must be >= flow resume ratio:" << " flowStopRatio=" << flowStopRatio << " flowResumeRatio=" << flowResumeRatio)); } void QueueFlowLimit::observe(Queue& queue) { /* set up management stuff */ broker = queue.getBroker(); queueMgmtObj = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<_qmfBroker::Queue> (queue.GetManagementObject()); if (queueMgmtObj) { queueMgmtObj->set_flowStopped(isFlowControlActive()); } /* set up the observer */ queue.getObservers().add(shared_from_this()); } /** returns ptr to a QueueFlowLimit, else 0 if no limit */ boost::shared_ptr QueueFlowLimit::createLimit(const std::string& queueName, const QueueSettings& settings) { if (settings.dropMessagesAtLimit) { // The size of a RING queue is limited by design - no need for flow control. return boost::shared_ptr(); } if ((!settings.flowStop.hasCount()) && (!settings.flowStop.hasSize()) && (settings.flowResume.hasCount() || settings.flowResume.hasSize())) QPID_LOG(warning, "queue " << queueName << ": user-configured flow limits are ignored as no stop limits provided"); uint32_t flowStopCount(0), flowResumeCount(0), maxMsgCount(settings.maxDepth.hasCount() ? settings.maxDepth.getCount() : 0); uint64_t flowStopSize(0), flowResumeSize(0), maxByteCount(settings.maxDepth.hasSize() ? settings.maxDepth.getSize() : defaultMaxSize); // pre-fill by defaults, if exist if (defaultFlowStopRatio) { // broker has a default ratio setup... flowStopSize = (uint64_t)(maxByteCount * (defaultFlowStopRatio/100.0) + 0.5); flowStopCount = (uint32_t)(maxMsgCount * (defaultFlowStopRatio/100.0) + 0.5); } if (defaultFlowResumeRatio) { // broker has a default ratio setup... flowResumeSize = (uint64_t)(maxByteCount * (defaultFlowResumeRatio/100.0)); flowResumeCount = (uint32_t)(maxMsgCount * (defaultFlowResumeRatio/100.0)); } // update by user-specified thresholds if (settings.flowStop.hasCount()) flowStopCount = settings.flowStop.getCount(); if (settings.flowStop.hasSize()) flowStopSize = settings.flowStop.getSize(); if (settings.flowResume.hasCount()) flowResumeCount = settings.flowResume.getCount(); if (settings.flowResume.hasSize()) flowResumeSize = settings.flowResume.getSize(); if (flowStopCount || flowStopSize) { validateFlowConfig(maxMsgCount, flowStopCount, flowResumeCount, "count", queueName ); validateFlowConfig(maxByteCount, flowStopSize, flowResumeSize, "size", queueName ); return boost::shared_ptr(new QueueFlowLimit(queueName, flowStopCount, flowResumeCount, flowStopSize, flowResumeSize)); } else //don't have a non-zero value for either the count or the //size to stop at, so no flow limit applicable return boost::shared_ptr(); } namespace qpid { namespace broker { std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const QueueFlowLimit& f) { out << "; flowStopCount=" << f.flowStopCount << ", flowResumeCount=" << f.flowResumeCount; out << "; flowStopSize=" << f.flowStopSize << ", flowResumeSize=" << f.flowResumeSize; return out; } } }