/* * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include "qpid/broker/Connection.h" #include "qpid/log/Statement.h" #include "qpid/framing/reply_exceptions.h" #include "qpid/sys/SecuritySettings.h" #include #if HAVE_SASL #include #include #include "qpid/sys/cyrus/CyrusSecurityLayer.h" using qpid::sys::cyrus::CyrusSecurityLayer; #endif using namespace qpid::framing; using qpid::sys::SecurityLayer; using qpid::sys::SecuritySettings; using boost::format; using boost::str; namespace qpid { namespace broker { class NullAuthenticator : public SaslAuthenticator { Connection& connection; framing::AMQP_ClientProxy::Connection client; std::string realm; const bool encrypt; public: NullAuthenticator(Connection& connection, bool encrypt); ~NullAuthenticator(); void getMechanisms(framing::Array& mechanisms); void start(const std::string& mechanism, const std::string* response); void step(const std::string&) {} std::auto_ptr getSecurityLayer(uint16_t maxFrameSize); }; #if HAVE_SASL class CyrusAuthenticator : public SaslAuthenticator { sasl_conn_t *sasl_conn; Connection& connection; framing::AMQP_ClientProxy::Connection client; const bool encrypt; void processAuthenticationStep(int code, const char *challenge, unsigned int challenge_len); bool getUsername(std::string& uid); public: CyrusAuthenticator(Connection& connection, bool encrypt); ~CyrusAuthenticator(); void init(); void getMechanisms(framing::Array& mechanisms); void start(const std::string& mechanism, const std::string* response); void step(const std::string& response); void getError(std::string& error); void getUid(std::string& uid) { getUsername(uid); } std::auto_ptr getSecurityLayer(uint16_t maxFrameSize); }; bool SaslAuthenticator::available(void) { return true; } // Initialize the SASL mechanism; throw if it fails. void SaslAuthenticator::init(const std::string& saslName, std::string const & saslConfigPath ) { // Check if we have a version of SASL that supports sasl_set_path() #if (SASL_VERSION_FULL >= ((2<<16)|(1<<8)|22)) // If we are not given a sasl path, do nothing and allow the default to be used. if ( saslConfigPath.empty() ) { QPID_LOG ( info, "SASL: no config path set - using default." ); } else { struct stat st; // Make sure the directory exists and we can read up to it. if ( ::stat ( saslConfigPath.c_str(), & st) ) { // Note: not using strerror() here because I think its messages are a little too hazy. if ( errno == ENOENT ) throw Exception ( QPID_MSG ( "SASL: sasl_set_path failed: no such directory: " << saslConfigPath ) ); if ( errno == EACCES ) throw Exception ( QPID_MSG ( "SASL: sasl_set_path failed: cannot read parent of: " << saslConfigPath ) ); // catch-all stat failure throw Exception ( QPID_MSG ( "SASL: sasl_set_path failed: cannot stat: " << saslConfigPath ) ); } // Make sure the directory is readable. if ( ::access ( saslConfigPath.c_str(), R_OK ) ) { throw Exception ( QPID_MSG ( "SASL: sasl_set_path failed: directory not readable:" << saslConfigPath ) ); } // This shouldn't fail now, but check anyway. int code = sasl_set_path(SASL_PATH_TYPE_CONFIG, const_cast(saslConfigPath.c_str())); if(SASL_OK != code) throw Exception(QPID_MSG("SASL: sasl_set_path failed [" << code << "] " )); QPID_LOG(info, "SASL: config path set to " << saslConfigPath ); } #endif int code = sasl_server_init(NULL, saslName.c_str()); if (code != SASL_OK) { // TODO: Figure out who owns the char* returned by // sasl_errstring, though it probably does not matter much throw Exception(sasl_errstring(code, NULL, NULL)); } } void SaslAuthenticator::fini(void) { sasl_done(); } #else typedef NullAuthenticator CyrusAuthenticator; bool SaslAuthenticator::available(void) { return false; } void SaslAuthenticator::init(const std::string& /*saslName*/, std::string const & /*saslConfigPath*/ ) { throw Exception("Requested authentication but SASL unavailable"); } void SaslAuthenticator::fini(void) { return; } #endif std::auto_ptr SaslAuthenticator::createAuthenticator(Connection& c, bool isShadow ) { if (c.getBroker().getOptions().auth) { if ( isShadow ) return std::auto_ptr(new NullAuthenticator(c, c.getBroker().getOptions().requireEncrypted)); else return std::auto_ptr(new CyrusAuthenticator(c, c.getBroker().getOptions().requireEncrypted)); } else { QPID_LOG(debug, "SASL: No Authentication Performed"); return std::auto_ptr(new NullAuthenticator(c, c.getBroker().getOptions().requireEncrypted)); } } NullAuthenticator::NullAuthenticator(Connection& c, bool e) : connection(c), client(c.getOutput()), realm(c.getBroker().getOptions().realm), encrypt(e) {} NullAuthenticator::~NullAuthenticator() {} void NullAuthenticator::getMechanisms(Array& mechanisms) { mechanisms.add(boost::shared_ptr(new Str16Value("ANONYMOUS"))); mechanisms.add(boost::shared_ptr(new Str16Value("PLAIN")));//useful for testing } void NullAuthenticator::start(const string& mechanism, const string* response) { if (encrypt) { #if HAVE_SASL // encryption required - check to see if we are running over an // encrypted SSL connection. SecuritySettings external = connection.getExternalSecuritySettings(); sasl_ssf_t external_ssf = (sasl_ssf_t) external.ssf; if (external_ssf < 1) // < 1 == unencrypted #endif { QPID_LOG(error, "Rejected un-encrypted connection."); throw ConnectionForcedException("Connection must be encrypted."); } } if (mechanism == "PLAIN") { // Old behavior if (response && response->size() > 0) { string uid; string::size_type i = response->find((char)0); if (i == 0 && response->size() > 1) { //no authorization id; use authentication id i = response->find((char)0, 1); if (i != string::npos) uid = response->substr(1, i-1); } else if (i != string::npos) { //authorization id is first null delimited field uid = response->substr(0, i); }//else not a valid SASL PLAIN response, throw error? if (!uid.empty()) { //append realm if it has not already been added i = uid.find(realm); if (i == string::npos || realm.size() + i < uid.size()) { uid = str(format("%1%@%2%") % uid % realm); } connection.setUserId(uid); } } } else { connection.setUserId("anonymous"); } client.tune(framing::CHANNEL_MAX, connection.getFrameMax(), 0, connection.getHeartbeatMax()); } std::auto_ptr NullAuthenticator::getSecurityLayer(uint16_t) { std::auto_ptr securityLayer; return securityLayer; } #if HAVE_SASL CyrusAuthenticator::CyrusAuthenticator(Connection& c, bool _encrypt) : sasl_conn(0), connection(c), client(c.getOutput()), encrypt(_encrypt) { init(); } void CyrusAuthenticator::init() { /* Next to the service name, which specifies the * /etc/sasl2/.conf file to read, the realm is * currently the most important argument below. When * performing authentication the user that is authenticating * will be looked up in a specific realm. If none is given * then the realm defaults to the hostname, which can cause * confusion when the daemon is run on different hosts that * may be logically sharing a realm (aka a user domain). This * is especially important for SASL PLAIN authentication, * which cannot specify a realm for the user that is * authenticating. */ int code; const char *realm = connection.getBroker().getOptions().realm.c_str(); code = sasl_server_new(BROKER_SASL_NAME, /* Service name */ NULL, /* Server FQDN, gethostname() */ realm, /* Authentication realm */ NULL, /* Local IP, needed for some mechanism */ NULL, /* Remote IP, needed for some mechanism */ NULL, /* Callbacks */ 0, /* Connection flags */ &sasl_conn); if (SASL_OK != code) { QPID_LOG(error, "SASL: Connection creation failed: [" << code << "] " << sasl_errdetail(sasl_conn)); // TODO: Change this to an exception signaling // server error, when one is available throw ConnectionForcedException("Unable to perform authentication"); } sasl_security_properties_t secprops; //TODO: should the actual SSF values be configurable here? secprops.min_ssf = encrypt ? 10: 0; secprops.max_ssf = 256; // If the transport provides encryption, notify the SASL library of // the key length and set the ssf range to prevent double encryption. SecuritySettings external = connection.getExternalSecuritySettings(); QPID_LOG(debug, "External ssf=" << external.ssf << " and auth=" << external.authid); sasl_ssf_t external_ssf = (sasl_ssf_t) external.ssf; if (external_ssf) { int result = sasl_setprop(sasl_conn, SASL_SSF_EXTERNAL, &external_ssf); if (result != SASL_OK) { throw framing::InternalErrorException(QPID_MSG("SASL error: unable to set external SSF: " << result)); } secprops.max_ssf = secprops.min_ssf = 0; } QPID_LOG(debug, "min_ssf: " << secprops.min_ssf << ", max_ssf: " << secprops.max_ssf << ", external_ssf: " << external_ssf ); if (!external.authid.empty()) { const char* external_authid = external.authid.c_str(); int result = sasl_setprop(sasl_conn, SASL_AUTH_EXTERNAL, external_authid); if (result != SASL_OK) { throw framing::InternalErrorException(QPID_MSG("SASL error: unable to set external auth: " << result)); } QPID_LOG(debug, "external auth detected and set to " << external_authid); } secprops.maxbufsize = 65535; secprops.property_names = 0; secprops.property_values = 0; secprops.security_flags = 0; /* or SASL_SEC_NOANONYMOUS etc as appropriate */ /* * The nodict flag restricts SASL authentication mechanisms * to those that are not susceptible to dictionary attacks. * They are: * SRP * PASSDSS-3DES-1 * EXTERNAL */ if (external.nodict) secprops.security_flags |= SASL_SEC_NODICTIONARY; int result = sasl_setprop(sasl_conn, SASL_SEC_PROPS, &secprops); if (result != SASL_OK) { throw framing::InternalErrorException(QPID_MSG("SASL error: " << result)); } } CyrusAuthenticator::~CyrusAuthenticator() { if (sasl_conn) { sasl_dispose(&sasl_conn); sasl_conn = 0; } } void CyrusAuthenticator::getError(string& error) { error = string(sasl_errdetail(sasl_conn)); } bool CyrusAuthenticator::getUsername(string& uid) { const void* ptr; int code = sasl_getprop(sasl_conn, SASL_USERNAME, &ptr); if (SASL_OK == code) { uid = string(const_cast(static_cast(ptr))); return true; } else { QPID_LOG(warning, "Failed to retrieve sasl username"); return false; } } void CyrusAuthenticator::getMechanisms(Array& mechanisms) { const char *separator = " "; const char *list; unsigned int list_len; int count; int code = sasl_listmech(sasl_conn, NULL, "", separator, "", &list, &list_len, &count); if (SASL_OK != code) { QPID_LOG(info, "SASL: Mechanism listing failed: " << sasl_errdetail(sasl_conn)); // TODO: Change this to an exception signaling // server error, when one is available throw ConnectionForcedException("Mechanism listing failed"); } else { string mechanism; unsigned int start; unsigned int end; QPID_LOG(info, "SASL: Mechanism list: " << list); end = 0; do { start = end; // Seek to end of next mechanism while (end < list_len && separator[0] != list[end]) end++; // Record the mechanism mechanisms.add(boost::shared_ptr(new Str16Value(string(list, start, end - start)))); end++; } while (end < list_len); } } void CyrusAuthenticator::start(const string& mechanism, const string* response) { const char *challenge; unsigned int challenge_len; // This should be at same debug level as mech list in getMechanisms(). QPID_LOG(info, "SASL: Starting authentication with mechanism: " << mechanism); int code = sasl_server_start(sasl_conn, mechanism.c_str(), (response ? response->c_str() : 0), (response ? response->size() : 0), &challenge, &challenge_len); processAuthenticationStep(code, challenge, challenge_len); qmf::org::apache::qpid::broker::Connection* cnxMgmt = connection.getMgmtObject(); if ( cnxMgmt ) cnxMgmt->set_saslMechanism(mechanism); } void CyrusAuthenticator::step(const string& response) { const char *challenge; unsigned int challenge_len; int code = sasl_server_step(sasl_conn, response.c_str(), response.length(), &challenge, &challenge_len); processAuthenticationStep(code, challenge, challenge_len); } void CyrusAuthenticator::processAuthenticationStep(int code, const char *challenge, unsigned int challenge_len) { if (SASL_OK == code) { std::string uid; if (!getUsername(uid)) { // TODO: Change this to an exception signaling // authentication failure, when one is available throw ConnectionForcedException("Authenticated username unavailable"); } QPID_LOG(info, connection.getMgmtId() << " SASL: Authentication succeeded for: " << uid); connection.setUserId(uid); client.tune(framing::CHANNEL_MAX, connection.getFrameMax(), 0, connection.getHeartbeatMax()); } else if (SASL_CONTINUE == code) { string challenge_str(challenge, challenge_len); QPID_LOG(debug, "SASL: sending challenge to client"); client.secure(challenge_str); } else { std::string uid; //save error detail before trying to retrieve username as error in doing so will overwrite it std::string errordetail = sasl_errdetail(sasl_conn); if (!getUsername(uid)) { QPID_LOG(info, "SASL: Authentication failed (no username available yet):" << errordetail); } else { QPID_LOG(info, "SASL: Authentication failed for " << uid << ":" << errordetail); } // TODO: Change to more specific exceptions, when they are // available switch (code) { case SASL_NOMECH: throw ConnectionForcedException("Unsupported mechanism"); break; case SASL_TRYAGAIN: throw ConnectionForcedException("Transient failure, try again"); break; default: throw ConnectionForcedException("Authentication failed"); break; } } } std::auto_ptr CyrusAuthenticator::getSecurityLayer(uint16_t maxFrameSize) { const void* value(0); int result = sasl_getprop(sasl_conn, SASL_SSF, &value); if (result != SASL_OK) { throw framing::InternalErrorException(QPID_MSG("SASL error: " << sasl_errdetail(sasl_conn))); } uint ssf = *(reinterpret_cast(value)); std::auto_ptr securityLayer; if (ssf) { securityLayer = std::auto_ptr(new CyrusSecurityLayer(sasl_conn, maxFrameSize)); } qmf::org::apache::qpid::broker::Connection* cnxMgmt = connection.getMgmtObject(); if ( cnxMgmt ) cnxMgmt->set_saslSsf(ssf); return securityLayer; } #endif }}