/* * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ #include "PnData.h" #include "qpid/messaging/amqp/AddressHelper.h" #include "qpid/messaging/Address.h" #include "qpid/messaging/AddressImpl.h" #include "qpid/amqp/descriptors.h" #include "qpid/types/encodings.h" #include "qpid/log/Statement.h" #include #include #include #include #include extern "C" { #include } namespace qpid { namespace messaging { namespace amqp { using qpid::types::Variant; namespace { //policy types const std::string CREATE("create"); const std::string ASSERT("assert"); const std::string DELETE("delete"); //policy values const std::string ALWAYS("always"); const std::string NEVER("never"); const std::string RECEIVER("receiver"); const std::string SENDER("sender"); const std::string NODE("node"); const std::string LINK("link"); const std::string CAPABILITIES("capabilities"); const std::string PROPERTIES("properties"); const std::string MODE("mode"); const std::string BROWSE("browse"); const std::string CONSUME("consume"); const std::string TIMEOUT("timeout"); const std::string TYPE("type"); const std::string TOPIC("topic"); const std::string QUEUE("queue"); const std::string DURABLE("durable"); const std::string NAME("name"); const std::string RELIABILITY("reliability"); const std::string SELECTOR("selector"); const std::string FILTER("filter"); const std::string DESCRIPTOR("descriptor"); const std::string VALUE("value"); const std::string SUBJECT_FILTER("subject-filter"); const std::string SOURCE("sender-source"); const std::string TARGET("receiver-target"); //reliability options: const std::string UNRELIABLE("unreliable"); const std::string AT_MOST_ONCE("at-most-once"); const std::string AT_LEAST_ONCE("at-least-once"); const std::string EXACTLY_ONCE("exactly-once"); //distribution modes: const std::string MOVE("move"); const std::string COPY("copy"); const std::string SUPPORTED_DIST_MODES("supported-dist-modes"); const std::string AUTO_DELETE("auto-delete"); const std::string LIFETIME_POLICY("lifetime-policy"); const std::string DELETE_ON_CLOSE("delete-on-close"); const std::string DELETE_IF_UNUSED("delete-if-unused"); const std::string DELETE_IF_EMPTY("delete-if-empty"); const std::string DELETE_IF_UNUSED_AND_EMPTY("delete-if-unused-and-empty"); const std::string CREATE_ON_DEMAND("create-on-demand"); const std::string X_DECLARE("x-declare"); const std::string X_BINDINGS("x-bindings"); const std::string X_SUBSCRIBE("x-subscribe"); const std::string ARGUMENTS("arguments"); const std::string EXCHANGE_TYPE("exchange-type"); const std::string NULL_ADDRESS(""); const std::vector RECEIVER_MODES = boost::assign::list_of(ALWAYS) (RECEIVER); const std::vector SENDER_MODES = boost::assign::list_of(ALWAYS) (SENDER); class Verifier { public: Verifier(); void verify(const Address& address) const; private: Variant::Map defined; void verify(const Variant::Map& allowed, const Variant::Map& actual) const; }; const Verifier verifier; pn_bytes_t convert(const std::string& s) { pn_bytes_t result; result.start = const_cast(s.data()); result.size = s.size(); return result; } std::string convert(pn_bytes_t in) { return std::string(in.start, in.size); } bool hasWildcards(const std::string& key) { return key.find('*') != std::string::npos || key.find('#') != std::string::npos; } uint64_t getFilterDescriptor(const std::string& key) { return hasWildcards(key) ? qpid::amqp::filters::LEGACY_TOPIC_FILTER_CODE : qpid::amqp::filters::LEGACY_DIRECT_FILTER_CODE; } bool test(const Variant::Map& options, const std::string& name) { Variant::Map::const_iterator j = options.find(name); if (j == options.end()) { return false; } else { return j->second; } } template T get(const Variant::Map& options, const std::string& name, T defaultValue) { Variant::Map::const_iterator j = options.find(name); if (j == options.end()) { return defaultValue; } else { return j->second; } } bool getOption(const Variant::Map& options, const std::string& name, std::string& variable) { Variant::Map::const_iterator j = options.find(name); if (j == options.end()) { return false; } else { variable = j->second.asString(); return true; } } bool getOption(const Variant::Map& options, const std::string& name, Variant::Map& variable) { Variant::Map::const_iterator j = options.find(name); if (j == options.end()) { return false; } else { variable = j->second.asMap(); return true; } } bool getOption(const Variant::Map& options, const std::string& name, Variant::List& variable) { Variant::Map::const_iterator j = options.find(name); if (j == options.end()) { return false; } else { variable = j->second.asList(); return true; } } bool getAddressOption(const Address& address, const std::string& name, std::string& variable) { return getOption(address.getOptions(), name, variable); } bool getAddressOption(const Address& address, const std::string& name, Variant::Map& variable) { return getOption(address.getOptions(), name, variable); } bool in(const std::string& value, const std::vector& choices) { for (std::vector::const_iterator i = choices.begin(); i != choices.end(); ++i) { if (value == *i) return true; } return false; } void add(Variant::Map& target, const Variant::Map& source) { for (Variant::Map::const_iterator i = source.begin(); i != source.end(); ++i) { target[i->first] = i->second; } } void flatten(Variant::Map& base, const std::string& nested) { Variant::Map::iterator i = base.find(nested); if (i != base.end()) { add(base, i->second.asMap()); base.erase(i); } } bool replace(Variant::Map& map, const std::string& original, const std::string& desired) { Variant::Map::iterator i = map.find(original); if (i != map.end()) { map[desired] = i->second; map.erase(original); return true; } else { return false; } } const uint32_t DEFAULT_DURABLE_TIMEOUT(2*60);//2 minutes const uint32_t DEFAULT_TIMEOUT(0); } AddressHelper::AddressHelper(const Address& address) : isTemporary(AddressImpl::isTemporary(address)), name(address.getName()), type(address.getType()), durableNode(false), durableLink(false), timeout(0), browse(false) { verifier.verify(address); getAddressOption(address, CREATE, createPolicy); getAddressOption(address, DELETE, deletePolicy); getAddressOption(address, ASSERT, assertPolicy); getAddressOption(address, NODE, node); getAddressOption(address, LINK, link); getOption(node, PROPERTIES, properties); getOption(node, CAPABILITIES, capabilities); getOption(link, RELIABILITY, reliability); durableNode = test(node, DURABLE); durableLink = test(link, DURABLE); timeout = get(link, TIMEOUT, durableLink && reliability != AT_LEAST_ONCE ? DEFAULT_DURABLE_TIMEOUT : DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); std::string mode; if (getAddressOption(address, MODE, mode)) { if (mode == BROWSE) { browse = true; } else if (mode != CONSUME) { throw qpid::messaging::AddressError("Invalid value for mode; must be 'browse' or 'consume'."); } } if (!deletePolicy.empty()) { throw qpid::messaging::AddressError("Delete policies not supported over AMQP 1.0."); } if (node.find(X_BINDINGS) != node.end()) { throw qpid::messaging::AddressError("Node scoped x-bindings element not supported over AMQP 1.0."); } if (link.find(X_BINDINGS) != link.end()) { throw qpid::messaging::AddressError("Link scoped x-bindings element not supported over AMQP 1.0."); } if (link.find(X_SUBSCRIBE) != link.end()) { throw qpid::messaging::AddressError("Link scoped x-subscribe element not supported over AMQP 1.0."); } if (link.find(X_DECLARE) != link.end()) { throw qpid::messaging::AddressError("Link scoped x-declare element not supported over AMQP 1.0."); } //massage x-declare into properties Variant::Map::iterator i = node.find(X_DECLARE); if (i != node.end()) { Variant::Map x_declare = i->second.asMap(); replace(x_declare, TYPE, EXCHANGE_TYPE); flatten(x_declare, ARGUMENTS); add(properties, x_declare); node.erase(i); } //for temp queues, if neither lifetime-policy nor autodelete are specified, assume delete-on-close if (isTemporary && properties.find(LIFETIME_POLICY) == properties.end() && properties.find(AUTO_DELETE) == properties.end()) { properties[LIFETIME_POLICY] = DELETE_ON_CLOSE; } if (properties.size() && !(isTemporary || !createPolicy.empty() || !assertPolicy.empty())) { QPID_LOG(warning, "Properties will be ignored! " << address); } qpid::types::Variant::Map::const_iterator selector = link.find(SELECTOR); if (selector != link.end()) { addFilter(SELECTOR, qpid::amqp::filters::SELECTOR_FILTER_CODE, selector->second); } if (!address.getSubject().empty()) { addFilter(SUBJECT_FILTER, getFilterDescriptor(address.getSubject()), address.getSubject()); } qpid::types::Variant::Map::const_iterator filter = link.find(FILTER); if (filter != link.end()) { if (filter->second.getType() == qpid::types::VAR_MAP) { addFilter(filter->second.asMap()); } else if (filter->second.getType() == qpid::types::VAR_LIST) { addFilters(filter->second.asList()); } else { throw qpid::messaging::AddressError("Filter must be a map or a list of maps, each containing name, descriptor and value."); } } } void AddressHelper::addFilters(const qpid::types::Variant::List& f) { for (qpid::types::Variant::List::const_iterator i = f.begin(); i != f.end(); ++i) { addFilter(i->asMap()); } } void AddressHelper::addFilter(const qpid::types::Variant::Map& f) { qpid::types::Variant::Map::const_iterator name = f.find(NAME); qpid::types::Variant::Map::const_iterator descriptor = f.find(DESCRIPTOR); qpid::types::Variant::Map::const_iterator value = f.find(VALUE); //all fields are required at present (may relax this at a later stage): if (name == f.end()) { throw qpid::messaging::AddressError("Filter entry must specify name"); } if (descriptor == f.end()) { throw qpid::messaging::AddressError("Filter entry must specify descriptor"); } if (value == f.end()) { throw qpid::messaging::AddressError("Filter entry must specify value"); } try { addFilter(name->second.asString(), descriptor->second.asUint64(), value->second); } catch (const qpid::types::InvalidConversion&) { addFilter(name->second.asString(), descriptor->second.asString(), value->second); } } AddressHelper::Filter::Filter() : descriptorCode(0), confirmed(false) {} AddressHelper::Filter::Filter(const std::string& n, uint64_t d, const qpid::types::Variant& v) : name(n), descriptorCode(d), value(v), confirmed(false) {} AddressHelper::Filter::Filter(const std::string& n, const std::string& d, const qpid::types::Variant& v) : name(n), descriptorSymbol(d), descriptorCode(0), value(v), confirmed(false) {} void AddressHelper::addFilter(const std::string& name, uint64_t descriptor, const qpid::types::Variant& value) { filters.push_back(Filter(name, descriptor, value)); } void AddressHelper::addFilter(const std::string& name, const std::string& descriptor, const qpid::types::Variant& value) { filters.push_back(Filter(name, descriptor, value)); } namespace { bool checkLifetimePolicy(const std::string& requested, const std::string& actual) { if (actual == qpid::amqp::lifetime_policy::DELETE_ON_CLOSE_SYMBOL && requested == DELETE_ON_CLOSE) return true; else if (actual == qpid::amqp::lifetime_policy::DELETE_ON_NO_LINKS_SYMBOL && requested == DELETE_IF_UNUSED) return true; else if (actual == qpid::amqp::lifetime_policy::DELETE_ON_NO_MESSAGES_SYMBOL && requested == DELETE_IF_EMPTY) return true; else if (actual == qpid::amqp::lifetime_policy::DELETE_ON_NO_LINKS_OR_MESSAGES_SYMBOL && requested == DELETE_IF_UNUSED_AND_EMPTY) return true; else return actual == requested; } bool checkLifetimePolicy(const std::string& requested, uint64_t actual) { if (actual == qpid::amqp::lifetime_policy::DELETE_ON_CLOSE_CODE) return checkLifetimePolicy(requested, qpid::amqp::lifetime_policy::DELETE_ON_CLOSE_SYMBOL); else if (actual == qpid::amqp::lifetime_policy::DELETE_ON_NO_LINKS_CODE) return checkLifetimePolicy(requested, qpid::amqp::lifetime_policy::DELETE_ON_NO_LINKS_SYMBOL); else if (actual == qpid::amqp::lifetime_policy::DELETE_ON_NO_MESSAGES_CODE) return checkLifetimePolicy(requested, qpid::amqp::lifetime_policy::DELETE_ON_NO_MESSAGES_SYMBOL); else if (actual == qpid::amqp::lifetime_policy::DELETE_ON_NO_LINKS_OR_MESSAGES_CODE) return checkLifetimePolicy(requested, qpid::amqp::lifetime_policy::DELETE_ON_NO_LINKS_OR_MESSAGES_SYMBOL); else return false; } bool checkLifetimePolicy(const std::string& requested, pn_data_t* actual) { bool result(false); if (pn_data_is_described(actual)) { pn_data_enter(actual); pn_data_next(actual); if (pn_data_type(actual) == PN_ULONG) { result = checkLifetimePolicy(requested, pn_data_get_ulong(actual)); } else if (pn_data_type(actual) == PN_SYMBOL) { result = checkLifetimePolicy(requested, convert(pn_data_get_symbol(actual))); } pn_data_exit(actual); } return result; } } void AddressHelper::checkAssertion(pn_terminus_t* terminus, CheckMode mode) { if (assertEnabled(mode)) { QPID_LOG(debug, "checking capabilities: " << capabilities); //ensure all desired capabilities have been offered std::set desired; for (Variant::List::const_iterator i = capabilities.begin(); i != capabilities.end(); ++i) { if (*i != CREATE_ON_DEMAND) desired.insert(i->asString()); } pn_data_t* data = pn_terminus_capabilities(terminus); if (pn_data_next(data)) { pn_type_t type = pn_data_type(data); if (type == PN_ARRAY) { pn_data_enter(data); while (pn_data_next(data)) { desired.erase(convert(pn_data_get_symbol(data))); } pn_data_exit(data); } else if (type == PN_SYMBOL) { desired.erase(convert(pn_data_get_symbol(data))); } else { QPID_LOG(error, "Skipping capabilities field of type " << pn_type_name(type)); } } if (desired.size()) { std::stringstream missing; missing << "Desired capabilities not met: "; bool first(true); for (std::set::const_iterator i = desired.begin(); i != desired.end(); ++i) { if (first) first = false; else missing << ", "; missing << *i; } throw qpid::messaging::AssertionFailed(missing.str()); } //ensure all desired filters are in use data = pn_terminus_filter(terminus); if (pn_data_next(data)) { size_t count = pn_data_get_map(data); pn_data_enter(data); for (size_t i = 0; i < count && pn_data_next(data); ++i) { //skip key: if (!pn_data_next(data)) break; //expecting described value: if (pn_data_is_described(data)) { pn_data_enter(data); pn_data_next(data); if (pn_data_type(data) == PN_ULONG) { confirmFilter(pn_data_get_ulong(data)); } else if (pn_data_type(data) == PN_SYMBOL) { confirmFilter(convert(pn_data_get_symbol(data))); } pn_data_exit(data); } } pn_data_exit(data); } std::stringstream missing; missing << "Desired filters not in use: "; bool first(true); for (std::vector::iterator i = filters.begin(); i != filters.end(); ++i) { if (!i->confirmed) { if (first) first = false; else missing << ", "; missing << i->name << "("; if (i->descriptorSymbol.empty()) missing << "0x" << std::hex << i->descriptorCode; else missing << i->descriptorSymbol; missing << ")"; } } if (!first) throw qpid::messaging::AssertionFailed(missing.str()); //assert on properties (Note: this violates the AMQP 1.0 //specification - as does the create option - by sending //node-properties even if the dynamic option is not //set. However this can be avoided by not specifying any node //properties when asserting) if (!type.empty() || durableNode || !properties.empty()) { bool isAutoDeleted = false; qpid::types::Variant::Map requested = properties; if (!type.empty()) requested[SUPPORTED_DIST_MODES] = type == TOPIC ? COPY : MOVE; if (durableNode) requested[DURABLE] = true; data = pn_terminus_properties(terminus); if (pn_data_next(data)) { size_t count = pn_data_get_map(data); pn_data_enter(data); for (size_t i = 0; i < count && pn_data_next(data); ++i) { std::string key = convert(pn_data_get_symbol(data)); pn_data_next(data); qpid::types::Variant::Map::const_iterator j = requested.find(key); qpid::types::Variant v; if (key == LIFETIME_POLICY) { isAutoDeleted = true; if (j != requested.end() && checkLifetimePolicy(j->second.asString(), data)) { requested.erase(j->first); } } else if (key == AUTO_DELETE) { PnData(data).get(v); isAutoDeleted = v.asBool(); } else if (j != requested.end() && (PnData(data).get(v) && v.asString() == j->second.asString())) { requested.erase(j->first); } } pn_data_exit(data); qpid::types::Variant::Map::iterator i = requested.find(AUTO_DELETE); if (i != requested.end() && i->second.asBool() == isAutoDeleted) { requested.erase(i); } if (!requested.empty()) { std::stringstream missing; missing << "Requested node properties not met: " << requested; throw qpid::messaging::AssertionFailed(missing.str()); } } } } } void AddressHelper::confirmFilter(const std::string& descriptor) { for (std::vector::iterator i = filters.begin(); i != filters.end(); ++i) { if (descriptor == i->descriptorSymbol) i->confirmed = true; } } void AddressHelper::confirmFilter(uint64_t descriptor) { for (std::vector::iterator i = filters.begin(); i != filters.end(); ++i) { if (descriptor == i->descriptorCode) i->confirmed = true; } } bool AddressHelper::createEnabled(CheckMode mode) const { return enabled(createPolicy, mode); } bool AddressHelper::assertEnabled(CheckMode mode) const { return enabled(assertPolicy, mode); } bool AddressHelper::enabled(const std::string& policy, CheckMode mode) const { bool result = false; switch (mode) { case FOR_RECEIVER: result = in(policy, RECEIVER_MODES); break; case FOR_SENDER: result = in(policy, SENDER_MODES); break; } return result; } bool AddressHelper::isNameNull() const { return name == NULL_ADDRESS; } bool AddressHelper::isUnreliable() const { return reliability == AT_MOST_ONCE || reliability == UNRELIABLE || (reliability.empty() && browse); // A browser defaults to unreliable. } const qpid::types::Variant::Map& AddressHelper::getNodeProperties() const { return node; } const qpid::types::Variant::Map& AddressHelper::getLinkProperties() const { return link; } bool AddressHelper::getLinkSource(std::string& out) const { return getLinkOption(SOURCE, out); } bool AddressHelper::getLinkTarget(std::string& out) const { return getLinkOption(TARGET, out); } bool AddressHelper::getLinkOption(const std::string& name, std::string& out) const { qpid::types::Variant::Map::const_iterator i = link.find(name); if (i != link.end()) { out = i->second.asString(); return true; } else { return false; } } void AddressHelper::configure(pn_link_t* link, pn_terminus_t* terminus, CheckMode mode) { bool createOnDemand(false); if (isTemporary) { //application expects a name to be generated pn_terminus_set_dynamic(terminus, true); setNodeProperties(terminus); } else if (name != NULL_ADDRESS) { pn_terminus_set_address(terminus, name.c_str()); if (createEnabled(mode)) { //application expects name of node to be as specified setNodeProperties(terminus); createOnDemand = true; } else if (assertEnabled(mode)) { setNodeProperties(terminus); } } setCapabilities(terminus, createOnDemand); if (durableLink) { pn_terminus_set_durability(terminus, PN_DELIVERIES); } if (mode == FOR_RECEIVER) { if (timeout) pn_terminus_set_timeout(terminus, timeout); if (browse) { pn_terminus_set_distribution_mode(terminus, PN_DIST_MODE_COPY); } //set filter(s): if (!filters.empty()) { pn_data_t* filter = pn_terminus_filter(terminus); pn_data_put_map(filter); pn_data_enter(filter); for (std::vector::const_iterator i = filters.begin(); i != filters.end(); ++i) { pn_data_put_symbol(filter, convert(i->name)); pn_data_put_described(filter); pn_data_enter(filter); if (i->descriptorSymbol.size()) { pn_data_put_symbol(filter, convert(i->descriptorSymbol)); } else { pn_data_put_ulong(filter, i->descriptorCode); } PnData(filter).put(i->value); pn_data_exit(filter); } pn_data_exit(filter); } } if (isUnreliable()) { pn_link_set_snd_settle_mode(link, PN_SND_SETTLED); } else if (!reliability.empty()) { if (reliability == EXACTLY_ONCE ) { QPID_LOG(warning, "Unsupported reliability mode: " << reliability); } else if (reliability != AT_LEAST_ONCE ) { QPID_LOG(warning, "Unrecognised reliability mode: " << reliability); } pn_link_set_snd_settle_mode(link, PN_SND_UNSETTLED); } } void AddressHelper::setCapabilities(pn_terminus_t* terminus, bool create) { if (create) capabilities.push_back(CREATE_ON_DEMAND); if (!type.empty()) capabilities.push_back(type); if (durableNode) capabilities.push_back(DURABLE); pn_data_t* data = pn_terminus_capabilities(terminus); if (capabilities.size() == 1) { pn_data_put_symbol(data, convert(capabilities.front().asString())); } else if (capabilities.size() > 1) { pn_data_put_array(data, false, PN_SYMBOL); pn_data_enter(data); for (qpid::types::Variant::List::const_iterator i = capabilities.begin(); i != capabilities.end(); ++i) { pn_data_put_symbol(data, convert(i->asString())); } pn_data_exit(data); } } std::string AddressHelper::getLinkName(const Address& address) { AddressHelper helper(address); const qpid::types::Variant::Map& linkProps = helper.getLinkProperties(); qpid::types::Variant::Map::const_iterator i = linkProps.find(NAME); if (i != linkProps.end()) { return i->second.asString(); } else { std::stringstream name; name << address.getName() << "_" << qpid::types::Uuid(true); return name.str(); } } namespace { std::string toLifetimePolicy(const std::string& value) { if (value == DELETE_ON_CLOSE) return qpid::amqp::lifetime_policy::DELETE_ON_CLOSE_SYMBOL; else if (value == DELETE_IF_UNUSED) return qpid::amqp::lifetime_policy::DELETE_ON_NO_LINKS_SYMBOL; else if (value == DELETE_IF_EMPTY) return qpid::amqp::lifetime_policy::DELETE_ON_NO_MESSAGES_SYMBOL; else if (value == DELETE_IF_UNUSED_AND_EMPTY) return qpid::amqp::lifetime_policy::DELETE_ON_NO_LINKS_OR_MESSAGES_SYMBOL; else return value;//asume value is itself the symbolic descriptor } void putLifetimePolicy(pn_data_t* data, const std::string& value) { pn_data_put_described(data); pn_data_enter(data); pn_data_put_symbol(data, convert(value)); pn_data_put_list(data); pn_data_exit(data); } } void AddressHelper::setNodeProperties(pn_terminus_t* terminus) { if (properties.size() || type.size() || durableNode) { pn_data_t* data = pn_terminus_properties(terminus); pn_data_put_map(data); pn_data_enter(data); if (type.size()) { pn_data_put_symbol(data, convert(SUPPORTED_DIST_MODES)); pn_data_put_string(data, convert(type == TOPIC ? COPY : MOVE)); } if (durableNode) { pn_data_put_symbol(data, convert(DURABLE)); pn_data_put_bool(data, true); } for (qpid::types::Variant::Map::const_iterator i = properties.begin(); i != properties.end(); ++i) { if (i->first == LIFETIME_POLICY) { pn_data_put_symbol(data, convert(i->first)); putLifetimePolicy(data, toLifetimePolicy(i->second.asString())); } else { pn_data_put_symbol(data, convert(i->first)); PnData(data).put(i->second); } } pn_data_exit(data); } } Verifier::Verifier() { defined[CREATE] = true; defined[ASSERT] = true; defined[DELETE] = true; defined[MODE] = true; Variant::Map node; node[TYPE] = true; node[DURABLE] = true; node[PROPERTIES] = true; node[CAPABILITIES] = true; node[X_DECLARE] = true; node[X_BINDINGS] = true; defined[NODE] = node; Variant::Map link; link[NAME] = true; link[DURABLE] = true; link[RELIABILITY] = true; link[TIMEOUT] = true; link[SOURCE] = true; link[TARGET] = true; link[X_SUBSCRIBE] = true; link[X_DECLARE] = true; link[X_BINDINGS] = true; link[SELECTOR] = true; link[FILTER] = true; defined[LINK] = link; } void Verifier::verify(const Address& address) const { verify(defined, address.getOptions()); } void Verifier::verify(const Variant::Map& allowed, const Variant::Map& actual) const { for (Variant::Map::const_iterator i = actual.begin(); i != actual.end(); ++i) { Variant::Map::const_iterator option = allowed.find(i->first); if (option == allowed.end()) { throw AddressError((boost::format("Unrecognised option: %1%") % i->first).str()); } else if (option->second.getType() == qpid::types::VAR_MAP) { verify(option->second.asMap(), i->second.asMap()); } } } }}} // namespace qpid::messaging::amqp