/* * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "qpid/framing/Uuid.h" #include #include using namespace std; using boost::assign::list_of; using namespace qpid::framing; using namespace qpid::client; namespace qpid { namespace tests { vector pids; typedef vector brokerVector; typedef enum { NO_STATUS, RUNNING, COMPLETED } childStatus; typedef enum { NO_TYPE, DECLARING_CLIENT, SENDING_CLIENT, RECEIVING_CLIENT } childType; ostream& operator<< ( ostream& os, const childType& ct ) { switch ( ct ) { case DECLARING_CLIENT: os << "Declaring Client"; break; case SENDING_CLIENT: os << "Sending Client"; break; case RECEIVING_CLIENT: os << "Receiving Client"; break; default: os << "No Client"; break; } return os; } struct child { child ( string & name, pid_t pid, childType type ) : name(name), pid(pid), retval(-999), status(RUNNING), type(type) { gettimeofday ( & startTime, 0 ); } void done ( int _retval ) { retval = _retval; status = COMPLETED; gettimeofday ( & stopTime, 0 ); } void setType ( childType t ) { type = t; } string name; pid_t pid; int retval; childStatus status; childType type; struct timeval startTime, stopTime; }; struct children : public vector { void add ( string & name, pid_t pid, childType type ) { push_back ( new child ( name, pid, type ) ); } child * get ( pid_t pid ) { vector::iterator i; for ( i = begin(); i != end(); ++ i ) if ( pid == (*i)->pid ) return *i; return 0; } void exited ( pid_t pid, int retval ) { child * kid = get ( pid ); if(! kid) { if ( verbosity > 1 ) { cerr << "children::exited warning: Can't find child with pid " << pid << endl; } return; } kid->done ( retval ); } int unfinished ( ) { int count = 0; vector::iterator i; for ( i = begin(); i != end(); ++ i ) if ( COMPLETED != (*i)->status ) ++ count; return count; } int checkChildren ( ) { for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < pids.size(); ++ i ) { int pid = pids[i]; int returned_pid; int status; child * kid = get ( pid ); if ( kid->status != COMPLETED ) { returned_pid = waitpid ( pid, &status, WNOHANG ); if ( returned_pid == pid ) { int exit_status = WEXITSTATUS(status); exited ( pid, exit_status ); if ( exit_status ) // this is a child error. return exit_status; } } } return 0; } void killEverybody ( ) { vector::iterator i; for ( i = begin(); i != end(); ++ i ) kill ( (*i)->pid, 9 ); } void print ( ) { cout << "--- status of all children --------------\n"; vector::iterator i; for ( i = begin(); i != end(); ++ i ) cout << "child: " << (*i)->name << " status: " << (*i)->status << endl; cout << "\n\n\n\n"; } int verbosity; }; children allMyChildren; void childExit ( int ) { int childReturnCode; pid_t pid = waitpid ( 0, & childReturnCode, WNOHANG); if ( pid > 0 ) allMyChildren.exited ( pid, childReturnCode ); } int mrand ( int maxDesiredVal ) { double zeroToOne = (double) rand() / (double) RAND_MAX; return (int) (zeroToOne * (double) maxDesiredVal); } int mrand ( int minDesiredVal, int maxDesiredVal ) { int interval = maxDesiredVal - minDesiredVal; return minDesiredVal + mrand ( interval ); } void makeClusterName ( string & s ) { stringstream ss; ss << "soakTestCluster_" << Uuid(true).str(); s = ss.str(); } void printBrokers ( brokerVector & brokers ) { cout << "Broker List ------------ size: " << brokers.size() << "\n"; for ( brokerVector::iterator i = brokers.begin(); i != brokers.end(); ++ i) { cout << "pid: " << (*i)->getPID() << " port: " << (*i)->getPort() << endl; } cout << "end Broker List ------------\n"; } ForkedBroker * newbie = 0; int newbie_port = 0; bool wait_for_newbie ( ) { if ( ! newbie ) return true; try { Connection connection; connection.open ( "", newbie_port ); connection.close(); newbie = 0; // He's no newbie anymore! return true; } catch ( const std::exception& error ) { std::cerr << "wait_for_newbie error: " << error.what() << endl; return false; } } bool endsWith(const char* str, const char* suffix) { return (strlen(suffix) < strlen(str) && 0 == strcmp(str+strlen(str)-strlen(suffix), suffix)); } void startNewBroker ( brokerVector & brokers, char const * moduleOrDir, string const clusterName, int verbosity, int durable ) { // ("--log-enable=notice+") static int brokerId = 0; stringstream path, prefix; prefix << "soak-" << brokerId; std::vector argv = list_of ("qpidd") ("--cluster-name")(clusterName) ("--auth=no") ("--mgmt-enable=no") ("--log-prefix")(prefix.str()) ("--log-to-file")(prefix.str()+".log") ("--log-enable=notice+") ("TMP_DATA_DIR"); if (endsWith(moduleOrDir, "cluster.so")) { // Module path specified, load only that module. argv.push_back(string("--load-module=")+moduleOrDir); argv.push_back("--no-module-dir"); if ( durable ) { std::cerr << "failover_soak warning: durable arg hass no effect. Use \"dir\" option of \"moduleOrDir\".\n"; } } else { // Module directory specified, load all modules in dir. argv.push_back(string("--module-dir=")+moduleOrDir); } newbie = new ForkedBroker (argv); newbie_port = newbie->getPort(); ForkedBroker * broker = newbie; if ( verbosity > 0 ) std::cerr << "new broker created: pid == " << broker->getPID() << " log-prefix == " << "soak-" << brokerId << endl; brokers.push_back ( broker ); ++ brokerId; } bool killFrontBroker ( brokerVector & brokers, int verbosity ) { cerr << "killFrontBroker: waiting for newbie sync...\n"; if ( ! wait_for_newbie() ) return false; cerr << "killFrontBroker: newbie synced.\n"; if ( verbosity > 0 ) cout << "killFrontBroker pid: " << brokers[0]->getPID() << " on port " << brokers[0]->getPort() << endl; try { brokers[0]->kill(9); } catch ( const exception& error ) { if ( verbosity > 0 ) { cout << "error killing broker: " << error.what() << endl; } return false; } delete brokers[0]; brokers.erase ( brokers.begin() ); return true; } /* * The optional delay is to avoid killing newbie brokers that have just * been added and are still in the process of updating. This causes * spurious, test-generated errors that scare everybody. */ void killAllBrokers ( brokerVector & brokers, int delay ) { if ( delay > 0 ) { std::cerr << "Killing all brokers after delay of " << delay << endl; sleep ( delay ); } for ( uint i = 0; i < brokers.size(); ++ i ) try { brokers[i]->kill(9); } catch ( const exception& error ) { std::cerr << "killAllBrokers Warning: exception during kill on broker " << i << " " << error.what() << endl; } } pid_t runDeclareQueuesClient ( brokerVector brokers, char const * host, char const * path, int verbosity, int durable, char const * queue_prefix, int n_queues ) { string name("declareQueues"); int port = brokers[0]->getPort ( ); if ( verbosity > 1 ) cout << "startDeclareQueuesClient: host: " << host << " port: " << port << endl; stringstream portSs; portSs << port; vector argv; argv.push_back ( "declareQueues" ); argv.push_back ( host ); argv.push_back ( portSs.str().c_str() ); if ( durable ) argv.push_back ( "1" ); else argv.push_back ( "0" ); argv.push_back ( queue_prefix ); char n_queues_str[20]; sprintf ( n_queues_str, "%d", n_queues ); argv.push_back ( n_queues_str ); argv.push_back ( 0 ); pid_t pid = fork(); if ( ! pid ) { execv ( path, const_cast(&argv[0]) ); perror ( "error executing declareQueues: " ); return 0; } allMyChildren.add ( name, pid, DECLARING_CLIENT ); return pid; } pid_t startReceivingClient ( brokerVector brokers, char const * host, char const * receiverPath, char const * reportFrequency, int verbosity, char const * queue_name ) { string name("receiver"); int port = brokers[0]->getPort ( ); if ( verbosity > 1 ) cout << "startReceivingClient: port " << port << endl; // verbosity has to be > 1 to let clients talk. int client_verbosity = (verbosity > 1 ) ? 1 : 0; char portStr[100]; char verbosityStr[100]; sprintf(portStr, "%d", port); sprintf(verbosityStr, "%d", client_verbosity); vector argv; argv.push_back ( "resumingReceiver" ); argv.push_back ( host ); argv.push_back ( portStr ); argv.push_back ( reportFrequency ); argv.push_back ( verbosityStr ); argv.push_back ( queue_name ); argv.push_back ( 0 ); pid_t pid = fork(); pids.push_back ( pid ); if ( ! pid ) { execv ( receiverPath, const_cast(&argv[0]) ); perror ( "error executing receiver: " ); return 0; } allMyChildren.add ( name, pid, RECEIVING_CLIENT ); return pid; } pid_t startSendingClient ( brokerVector brokers, char const * host, char const * senderPath, char const * nMessages, char const * reportFrequency, int verbosity, int durability, char const * queue_name ) { string name("sender"); int port = brokers[0]->getPort ( ); if ( verbosity > 1) cout << "startSenderClient: port " << port << endl; char portStr[100]; char verbosityStr[100]; // // verbosity has to be > 1 to let clients talk. int client_verbosity = (verbosity > 1 ) ? 1 : 0; sprintf ( portStr, "%d", port); sprintf ( verbosityStr, "%d", client_verbosity); vector argv; argv.push_back ( "replayingSender" ); argv.push_back ( host ); argv.push_back ( portStr ); argv.push_back ( nMessages ); argv.push_back ( reportFrequency ); argv.push_back ( verbosityStr ); if ( durability ) argv.push_back ( "1" ); else argv.push_back ( "0" ); argv.push_back ( queue_name ); argv.push_back ( 0 ); pid_t pid = fork(); pids.push_back ( pid ); if ( ! pid ) { execv ( senderPath, const_cast(&argv[0]) ); perror ( "error executing sender: " ); return 0; } allMyChildren.add ( name, pid, SENDING_CLIENT ); return pid; } #define HUNKY_DORY 0 #define BAD_ARGS 1 #define CANT_FORK_DQ 2 #define CANT_FORK_RECEIVER 3 #define CANT_FORK_SENDER 4 #define DQ_FAILED 5 #define ERROR_ON_CHILD 6 #define HANGING 7 #define ERROR_KILLING_BROKER 8 }} // namespace qpid::tests using namespace qpid::tests; // If you want durability, use the "dir" option of "moduleOrDir" . int main ( int argc, char const ** argv ) { int brokerKills = 0; if ( argc != 11 ) { cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << "moduleOrDir declareQueuesPath senderPath receiverPath nMessages reportFrequency verbosity durable n_queues n_brokers" << endl; cerr << "\tverbosity is an integer, durable is 0 or 1\n"; return BAD_ARGS; } signal ( SIGCHLD, childExit ); int i = 1; char const * moduleOrDir = argv[i++]; char const * declareQueuesPath = argv[i++]; char const * senderPath = argv[i++]; char const * receiverPath = argv[i++]; char const * nMessages = argv[i++]; char const * reportFrequency = argv[i++]; int verbosity = atoi(argv[i++]); int durable = atoi(argv[i++]); int n_queues = atoi(argv[i++]); int n_brokers = atoi(argv[i++]); char const * host = ""; allMyChildren.verbosity = verbosity; string clusterName; srand ( getpid() ); makeClusterName ( clusterName ); brokerVector brokers; if ( verbosity > 1 ) cout << "Starting initial cluster...\n"; for ( int i = 0; i < n_brokers; ++ i ) { startNewBroker ( brokers, moduleOrDir, clusterName, verbosity, durable ); } if ( verbosity > 0 ) printBrokers ( brokers ); // Get prefix for each queue name. stringstream queue_prefix; queue_prefix << "failover_soak_" << getpid(); // Run the declareQueues child. int childStatus; pid_t dqClientPid = runDeclareQueuesClient ( brokers, host, declareQueuesPath, verbosity, durable, queue_prefix.str().c_str(), n_queues ); if ( -1 == dqClientPid ) { cerr << "END_OF_TEST ERROR_START_DECLARE_1\n"; return CANT_FORK_DQ; } // Don't continue until declareQueues is finished. pid_t retval = waitpid ( dqClientPid, & childStatus, 0); if ( retval != dqClientPid) { cerr << "END_OF_TEST ERROR_START_DECLARE_2\n"; return DQ_FAILED; } allMyChildren.exited ( dqClientPid, childStatus ); /* Start one receiving and one sending client for each queue. */ for ( int i = 0; i < n_queues; ++ i ) { stringstream queue_name; queue_name << queue_prefix.str() << '_' << i; // Receiving client --------------------------- pid_t receivingClientPid = startReceivingClient ( brokers, host, receiverPath, reportFrequency, verbosity, queue_name.str().c_str() ); if ( -1 == receivingClientPid ) { cerr << "END_OF_TEST ERROR_START_RECEIVER\n"; return CANT_FORK_RECEIVER; } // Sending client --------------------------- pid_t sendingClientPid = startSendingClient ( brokers, host, senderPath, nMessages, reportFrequency, verbosity, durable, queue_name.str().c_str() ); if ( -1 == sendingClientPid ) { cerr << "END_OF_TEST ERROR_START_SENDER\n"; return CANT_FORK_SENDER; } } int minSleep = 2, maxSleep = 6; int totalBrokers = n_brokers; int loop = 0; while ( 1 ) { ++ loop; /* if ( verbosity > 1 ) std::cerr << "------- loop " << loop << " --------\n"; if ( verbosity > 0 ) cout << totalBrokers << " brokers have been added to the cluster.\n\n\n"; */ // Sleep for a while. ------------------------- int sleepyTime = mrand ( minSleep, maxSleep ); sleep ( sleepyTime ); int bullet = mrand ( 100 ); if ( bullet >= 95 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "Killing oldest broker...\n" ); // Kill the oldest broker. -------------------------- if ( ! killFrontBroker ( brokers, verbosity ) ) { allMyChildren.killEverybody(); killAllBrokers ( brokers, 5 ); std::cerr << "END_OF_TEST ERROR_BROKER\n"; return ERROR_KILLING_BROKER; } ++ brokerKills; // Start a new broker. -------------------------- if ( verbosity > 0 ) cout << "Starting new broker.\n\n"; startNewBroker ( brokers, moduleOrDir, clusterName, verbosity, durable ); ++ totalBrokers; printBrokers ( brokers ); cerr << brokerKills << " brokers have been killed.\n\n\n"; } int retval = allMyChildren.checkChildren(); if ( retval ) { std::cerr << "END_OF_TEST ERROR_CLIENT\n"; allMyChildren.killEverybody(); killAllBrokers ( brokers, 5 ); return ERROR_ON_CHILD; } // If all children have exited, quit. int unfinished = allMyChildren.unfinished(); if ( unfinished == 0 ) { killAllBrokers ( brokers, 5 ); if ( verbosity > 1 ) cout << "failoverSoak: all children have exited.\n"; std::cerr << "END_OF_TEST SUCCESSFUL\n"; return HUNKY_DORY; } } allMyChildren.killEverybody(); killAllBrokers ( brokers, 5 ); std::cerr << "END_OF_TEST SUCCESSFUL\n"; return HUNKY_DORY; }