# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # from qpid.tests.messaging.implementation import * from qpid.tests.messaging import VersionTest class Mgmt: """ Simple QMF management utility (qpidtoollibs uses qpid.messaging.Message rather than swigged version) """ def __init__(self, conn): self.conn = conn self.sess = self.conn.session() self.reply_to = "qmf.default.topic/direct.%s;{node:{type:topic}, link:{x-declare:{auto-delete:True,exclusive:True}}}" % \ str(uuid4()) self.reply_rx = self.sess.receiver(self.reply_to) self.reply_rx.capacity = 10 self.tx = self.sess.sender("qmf.default.direct/broker") self.next_correlator = 1 def list(self, class_name): props = {'method' : 'request', 'qmf.opcode' : '_query_request', 'x-amqp-0-10.app-id' : 'qmf2'} correlator = str(self.next_correlator) self.next_correlator += 1 content = {'_what' : 'OBJECT', '_schema_id' : {'_class_name' : class_name.lower()}} message = Message(content, reply_to=self.reply_to, correlation_id=correlator, properties=props, subject="broker") self.tx.send(message) response = self.reply_rx.fetch(10) if response.properties['qmf.opcode'] != '_query_response': raise Exception("bad response") items = [] done = False while not done: for item in response.content: items.append(item['_values']) if 'partial' in response.properties: response = self.reply_rx.fetch(10) else: done = True self.sess.acknowledge() return items def do_qmf_method(self, method, arguments, addr="org.apache.qpid.broker:broker:amqp-broker", timeout=10): props = {'method' : 'request', 'qmf.opcode' : '_method_request', 'x-amqp-0-10.app-id' : 'qmf2'} correlator = str(self.next_correlator) self.next_correlator += 1 content = {'_object_id' : {'_object_name' : addr}, '_method_name' : method, '_arguments' : arguments} message = Message(content, reply_to=self.reply_to, correlation_id=correlator, properties=props, subject="broker") self.tx.send(message) response = self.reply_rx.fetch(timeout) self.sess.acknowledge() if response.properties['qmf.opcode'] == '_exception': raise Exception("Exception from Agent: %r" % response.content['_values']) if response.properties['qmf.opcode'] != '_method_response': raise Exception("bad response: %r" % response.properties) return response.content['_arguments'] def create(self, _type, name, properties={}): return self.do_qmf_method('create', {'type': _type, 'name': name, 'properties': properties}) def delete(self, _type, name): return self.do_qmf_method('delete', {'type': _type, 'name': name}) class PoliciesTests (VersionTest): """ Tests for node policies with qpidd """ def do_simple_queue_test(self, pattern, name, properties={}, autodeleted=True): mgmt = self.create_connection("amqp0-10", True) agent = Mgmt(mgmt) agent.create('QueuePolicy', pattern, properties) try: snd = self.ssn.sender(name) msgs = [Message(content=s, subject = s) for s in ['a','b','c','d']] for m in msgs: snd.send(m) snd.close() for expected in msgs: rcv = self.ssn.receiver(name) msg = rcv.fetch(0) assert msg.content == expected.content, (msg.content, expected.content) self.ssn.acknowledge() rcv.close() #close after each message to ensure queue isn't deleted with messages in it self.ssn.close() self.conn.close() matched = [q for q in agent.list("Queue") if q['name'] == name] if autodeleted: # ensure that queue is no longer there (as empty and unused) assert len(matched) == 0, (matched) else: # ensure that queue is still there though empty and unused assert len(matched) == 1, (matched) finally: agent.delete('QueuePolicy', pattern) mgmt.close() def test_queue(self): self.do_simple_queue_test("queue-*", "queue-1") def test_queue_not_autodeleted(self): self.do_simple_queue_test("permanent-queue-*", "permanent-queue-1", {'auto-delete':False}, False) def test_queue_manual_delete(self): self.do_simple_queue_test("permanent-queue-*", "permanent-queue-1", {'qpid.lifetime-policy':'manual'}, False) def test_queue_delete_if_unused_and_empty(self): self.do_simple_queue_test("queue-*", "queue-1", {'qpid.lifetime-policy':'delete-if-unused-and-empty'}, True) def do_simple_topic_test(self, pattern, name, properties={}, autodeleted=True): mgmt = self.create_connection("amqp0-10", True) agent = Mgmt(mgmt) agent.create('TopicPolicy', pattern, properties) try: snd = self.ssn.sender(name) rcv1 = self.ssn.receiver(name) rcv2 = self.ssn.receiver(name) msgs = [Message(content=s, subject = s) for s in ['a','b','c','d']] for m in msgs: snd.send(m) for rcv in [rcv1, rcv2]: for expected in msgs: msg = rcv.fetch(0) assert msg.content == expected.content, (msg.content, expected.content) self.ssn.acknowledge() rcv1.close() rcv2.close() snd.close() matched = [e for e in agent.list("Exchange") if e['name'] == name] if autodeleted: # ensure that exchange is no longer there (as it is now unused) assert len(matched) == 0, (matched) else: # ensure that exchange has not been autodeleted in spite of being unused assert len(matched) == 1, (matched) finally: agent.delete('TopicPolicy', pattern) mgmt.close() def test_topic(self): self.do_simple_topic_test('fanout-*', 'fanout-1', {'exchange-type':'fanout'}) def test_topic_not_autodelete(self): self.do_simple_topic_test('permanent-fanout-*', 'permanent-fanout-1', {'exchange-type':'fanout', 'auto-delete':False}, False) def test_topic_manual_delete(self): self.do_simple_topic_test('permanent-fanout-*', 'permanent-fanout-1', {'exchange-type':'fanout', 'qpid.lifetime-policy':'manual'}, False) def test_topic_delete_if_unused(self): self.do_simple_topic_test('fanout-*', 'fanout-1', {'exchange-type':'fanout', 'qpid.lifetime-policy':'delete-if-unused'}, True) def test_mgmt(self): mgmt = self.create_connection("amqp0-10", True) agent = Mgmt(mgmt) agent.create('QueuePolicy', 'queue-*') agent.create('QueuePolicy', 'alt.queue.*') agent.create('TopicPolicy', 'topic-*') try: queues = [q['name'] for q in agent.list("QueuePolicy")] topics = [t['name'] for t in agent.list("TopicPolicy")] assert 'queue-*' in queues, (queues) assert 'alt.queue.*' in queues, (queues) try: agent.delete('TopicPolicy', 'queue-*') assert False, ('Deletion of policy using wrong type should fail') except: None finally: agent.delete('QueuePolicy', 'queue-*') agent.delete('QueuePolicy', 'alt.queue.*') agent.delete('TopicPolicy', 'topic-*') mgmt.close()