wrote using Apache.Qpid.Buffer; using System.Text; namespace Apache.Qpid.Framing { /// /// This class is autogenerated /// Do not modify. /// /// @author Code Generator Script by robert.j.greig@jpmorgan.com public class : AMQMethodBody , IEncodableAMQDataBlock { public const int CLASS_ID = ; public const int METHOD_ID = ; public ; protected override ushort Clazz { get { return ; } } protected override ushort Method { get { return ; } } protected override uint BodySize { get { return (uint) + ; return 0; } } protected override void WriteMethodPayload(ByteBuffer buffer) { ; EncodingUtils.WriteBooleans(buffer, new bool[]{ }); } protected override void PopulateMethodBodyFromBuffer(ByteBuffer buffer) { ; } public override string ToString() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(base.ToString()); buf.Append(" : ").Append(); return buf.ToString(); } public static AMQFrame CreateAMQFrame(ushort channelId, ) { body = new (); ; AMQFrame frame = new AMQFrame(); frame.Channel = channelId; frame.BodyFrame = body; return frame; } } } Matching root for registry mode! Wrote MethodBodyDecoderRegistry.cs using System; using System.Collections; using log4net; namespace Apache.Qpid.Framing { /// /// This class is autogenerated /// Do not modify. /// /// @author Code Generator Script by robert.j.greig@jpmorgan.com public class MethodBodyDecoderRegistry { private static readonly ILog _log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(MethodBodyDecoderRegistry)); private static readonly Hashtable _classMethodProductToMethodBodyMap = new Hashtable(); static MethodBodyDecoderRegistry() { ; } public static AMQMethodBody Get(int clazz, int method) { Type bodyClass = (Type) _classMethodProductToMethodBodyMap[clazz * 1000 + method]; if (bodyClass != null) { try { return (AMQMethodBody) Activator.CreateInstance(bodyClass); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AMQFrameDecodingException(_log, "Unable to instantiate body class for class " + clazz + " and method " + method + ": " + e, e); } } else { throw new AMQFrameDecodingException(_log, "Unable to find a suitable decoder for class " + clazz + " and method " + method); } } } } wrote using System.Collections; namespace Apache.Qpid.Framing { /** * This class is autogenerated, do not modify. [From ] */ class { internal static void Register(Hashtable map) { map[ * 1000 + ] = typeof( ); } } }