# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # """ This module loads protocol metadata into python objects. It provides access to spec metadata via a python object model, and can also dynamically creating python methods, classes, and modules based on the spec metadata. All the generated methods have proper signatures and doc strings based on the spec metadata so the python help system can be used to browse the spec documentation. The generated methods all dispatch to the self.invoke(meth, args) callback of the containing class so that the generated code can be reused in a variety of situations. """ import re, new, mllib, qpid from util import fill class SpecContainer: def __init__(self): self.items = [] self.byname = {} self.byid = {} self.indexes = {} def add(self, item): if self.byname.has_key(item.name): raise ValueError("duplicate name: %s" % item) if item.id == None: item.id = len(self) elif self.byid.has_key(item.id): raise ValueError("duplicate id: %s" % item) self.indexes[item] = len(self.items) self.items.append(item) self.byname[item.name] = item self.byid[item.id] = item def index(self, item): try: return self.indexes[item] except KeyError: raise ValueError(item) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.items) def __len__(self): return len(self.items) class Metadata: PRINT = [] def __init__(self): pass def __str__(self): args = map(lambda f: "%s=%s" % (f, getattr(self, f)), self.PRINT) return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(args)) def __repr__(self): return str(self) class Spec(Metadata): PRINT=["major", "minor", "file"] def __init__(self, major, minor, file): Metadata.__init__(self) self.major = major self.minor = minor self.file = file self.constants = SpecContainer() self.domains = SpecContainer() self.classes = SpecContainer() # methods indexed by classname_methname self.methods = {} # structs by type code self.structs = {} def post_load(self): self.module = self.define_module("amqp%s%s" % (self.major, self.minor)) self.klass = self.define_class("Amqp%s%s" % (self.major, self.minor)) def method(self, name): if not self.methods.has_key(name): for cls in self.classes: clen = len(cls.name) if name.startswith(cls.name) and name[clen] == "_": end = name[clen + 1:] if cls.methods.byname.has_key(end): self.methods[name] = cls.methods.byname[end] return self.methods.get(name) def parse_method(self, name): parts = re.split(r"\s*\.\s*", name) if len(parts) != 2: raise ValueError(name) klass, meth = parts return self.classes.byname[klass].methods.byname[meth] def struct(self, name, *args, **kwargs): type = self.domains.byname[name].type return qpid.Struct(type, *args, **kwargs) def define_module(self, name, doc = None): module = new.module(name, doc) module.__file__ = self.file for c in self.classes: cls = c.define_class(c.name) cls.__module__ = module.__name__ setattr(module, c.name, cls) return module def define_class(self, name): methods = {} for c in self.classes: for m in c.methods: meth = m.klass.name + "_" + m.name methods[meth] = m.define_method(meth) return type(name, (), methods) class Constant(Metadata): PRINT=["name", "id"] def __init__(self, spec, name, id, klass, docs): Metadata.__init__(self) self.spec = spec self.name = name self.id = id self.klass = klass self.docs = docs class Domain(Metadata): PRINT=["name", "type"] def __init__(self, spec, name, type, description, docs): Metadata.__init__(self) self.spec = spec self.id = None self.name = name self.type = type self.description = description self.docs = docs class Struct(Metadata): PRINT=["size", "type", "pack"] def __init__(self, size, type, pack): Metadata.__init__(self) self.size = size self.type = type self.pack = pack self.fields = SpecContainer() class Class(Metadata): PRINT=["name", "id"] def __init__(self, spec, name, id, handler, docs): Metadata.__init__(self) self.spec = spec self.name = name self.id = id self.handler = handler self.fields = SpecContainer() self.methods = SpecContainer() self.docs = docs def define_class(self, name): methods = {} for m in self.methods: methods[m.name] = m.define_method(m.name) return type(name, (), methods) class Method(Metadata): PRINT=["name", "id"] def __init__(self, klass, name, id, content, responses, result, synchronous, description, docs): Metadata.__init__(self) self.klass = klass self.name = name self.id = id self.content = content self.responses = responses self.result = result self.synchronous = synchronous self.fields = SpecContainer() self.description = description self.docs = docs self.response = False def is_l4_command(self): return self.klass.name not in ["execution", "channel", "connection", "session"] def arguments(self, *args, **kwargs): nargs = len(args) + len(kwargs) maxargs = len(self.fields) if nargs > maxargs: self._type_error("takes at most %s arguments (%s) given", maxargs, nargs) result = [] for f in self.fields: idx = self.fields.index(f) if idx < len(args): result.append(args[idx]) elif kwargs.has_key(f.name): result.append(kwargs.pop(f.name)) else: result.append(Method.DEFAULTS[f.type]) for key, value in kwargs.items(): if self.fields.byname.has_key(key): self._type_error("got multiple values for keyword argument '%s'", key) else: self._type_error("got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'", key) return tuple(result) def _type_error(self, msg, *args): raise TypeError("%s %s" % (self.name, msg % args)) def docstring(self): s = "\n\n".join([fill(d, 2) for d in [self.description] + self.docs]) for f in self.fields: if f.docs: s += "\n\n" + "\n\n".join([fill(f.docs[0], 4, f.name)] + [fill(d, 4) for d in f.docs[1:]]) if self.responses: s += "\n\nValid responses: " for r in self.responses: s += r.name + " " return s METHOD = "__method__" DEFAULTS = {"bit": False, "shortstr": "", "longstr": "", "table": {}, "array": [], "octet": 0, "short": 0, "long": 0, "longlong": 0, "timestamp": 0, "content": None, "uuid": "", "rfc1982_long": 0, "rfc1982_long_set": [], "long_struct": None} def define_method(self, name): g = {Method.METHOD: self} l = {} args = [(f.name, Method.DEFAULTS[f.type]) for f in self.fields] methargs = args[:] if self.content: args += [("content", None)] code = "def %s(self, %s):\n" % \ (name, ", ".join(["%s = %r" % a for a in args])) code += " %r\n" % self.docstring() argnames = ", ".join([a[0] for a in methargs]) code += " return self.invoke(%s" % Method.METHOD if argnames: code += ", (%s,)" % argnames else: code += ", ()" if self.content: code += ", content" code += ")" exec code in g, l return l[name] class Field(Metadata): PRINT=["name", "id", "type"] def __init__(self, name, id, type, domain, description, docs): Metadata.__init__(self) self.name = name self.id = id self.type = type self.domain = domain self.description = description self.docs = docs def default(self): if isinstance(self.type, Struct): return None else: return Method.DEFAULTS[self.type] WIDTHS = { "octet": 1, "short": 2, "long": 4 } def width(st, default=None): if st in (None, "none", ""): return default else: return WIDTHS[st] def get_result(nd, spec): result = nd["result"] if not result: return None name = result["@domain"] if name != None: return spec.domains.byname[name] st_nd = result["struct"] st = Struct(width(st_nd["@size"]), int(result.parent.parent["@index"])*256 + int(st_nd["@type"]), width(st_nd["@pack"], 2)) spec.structs[st.type] = st load_fields(st_nd, st.fields, spec.domains.byname) return st def get_desc(nd): label = nd["@label"] if not label: label = nd.text() if label: label = label.strip() return label def get_docs(nd): return [n.text() for n in nd.query["doc"]] def load_fields(nd, l, domains): for f_nd in nd.query["field"]: type = f_nd["@domain"] if type == None: type = f_nd["@type"] type = pythonize(type) domain = None while domains.has_key(type) and domains[type].type != type: domain = domains[type] type = domain.type l.add(Field(pythonize(f_nd["@name"]), f_nd.index(), type, domain, get_desc(f_nd), get_docs(f_nd))) def load(specfile, *errata): doc = mllib.xml_parse(specfile) spec_root = doc["amqp"] spec = Spec(int(spec_root["@major"]), int(spec_root["@minor"]), specfile) for root in [spec_root] + map(lambda x: mllib.xml_parse(x)["amqp"], errata): # constants for nd in root.query["constant"]: val = nd["@value"] if val.startswith("0x"): val = int(val, 16) else: val = int(val) const = Constant(spec, pythonize(nd["@name"]), val, nd["@class"], get_docs(nd)) try: spec.constants.add(const) except ValueError, e: pass #print "Warning:", e # domains are typedefs structs = [] for nd in root.query["domain"]: type = nd["@type"] if type == None: st_nd = nd["struct"] code = st_nd["@type"] if code not in (None, "", "none"): code = int(code) type = Struct(width(st_nd["@size"]), code, width(st_nd["@pack"], 2)) if type.type != None: spec.structs[type.type] = type structs.append((type, st_nd)) else: type = pythonize(type) domain = Domain(spec, pythonize(nd["@name"]), type, get_desc(nd), get_docs(nd)) spec.domains.add(domain) # structs for st, st_nd in structs: load_fields(st_nd, st.fields, spec.domains.byname) # classes for c_nd in root.query["class"]: cname = pythonize(c_nd["@name"]) if spec.classes.byname.has_key(cname): klass = spec.classes.byname[cname] else: klass = Class(spec, cname, int(c_nd["@index"]), c_nd["@handler"], get_docs(c_nd)) spec.classes.add(klass) added_methods = [] load_fields(c_nd, klass.fields, spec.domains.byname) for m_nd in c_nd.query["method"]: mname = pythonize(m_nd["@name"]) if klass.methods.byname.has_key(mname): meth = klass.methods.byname[mname] else: meth = Method(klass, mname, int(m_nd["@index"]), m_nd["@content"] == "1", [pythonize(nd["@name"]) for nd in m_nd.query["response"]], get_result(m_nd, spec), m_nd["@synchronous"] == "1", get_desc(m_nd), get_docs(m_nd)) klass.methods.add(meth) added_methods.append(meth) load_fields(m_nd, meth.fields, spec.domains.byname) # resolve the responses for m in added_methods: m.responses = [klass.methods.byname[r] for r in m.responses] for resp in m.responses: resp.response = True spec.post_load() return spec REPLACE = {" ": "_", "-": "_"} KEYWORDS = {"global": "global_", "return": "return_"} def pythonize(name): name = str(name) for key, val in REPLACE.items(): name = name.replace(key, val) try: name = KEYWORDS[name] except KeyError: pass return name class Rule(Metadata): PRINT = ["text", "implement", "tests"] def __init__(self, text, implement, tests, path): self.text = text self.implement = implement self.tests = tests self.path = path def find_rules(node, rules): if node.name == "rule": rules.append(Rule(node.text, node.get("@implement"), [ch.text for ch in node if ch.name == "test"], node.path())) if node.name == "doc" and node.get("@name") == "rule": tests = [] if node.has("@test"): tests.append(node["@test"]) rules.append(Rule(node.text, None, tests, node.path())) for child in node: find_rules(child, rules) def load_rules(specfile): rules = [] find_rules(xmlutil.parse(specfile), rules) return rules def test_summary(): template = """ AMQP Tests %s
""" rows = [] for rule in load_rules("amqp.org/specs/amqp7.xml"): if rule.tests: tests = ", ".join(rule.tests) else: tests = " " rows.append('Path: %s' 'Implement: %s' 'Tests: %s' % (rule.path[len("/root/amqp"):], rule.implement, tests)) rows.append('%s' % rule.text) rows.append(' ') print template % "\n".join(rows)