# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # """ Module: qlslibs.efp Contains empty file pool (EFP) classes. """ import os import os.path import qlslibs.err import shutil import uuid class EfpManager(object): """ Top level class to analyze the Qpid Linear Store (QLS) directory for the partitions that make up the Empty File Pool (EFP). """ def __init__(self, directory, disk_space_required_kb): if not os.path.exists(directory): raise qlslibs.err.InvalidQlsDirectoryNameError(directory) self.directory = directory self.disk_space_required_kb = disk_space_required_kb self.efp_partitions = [] self.efp_pools = {} self.total_num_files = 0 self.total_cum_file_size_kb = 0 self.current_efp_partition = None def add_file_pool(self, file_size_kb, num_files): """ Add an EFP in the specified partition of the specified size containing the specified number of files """ dir_name = EmptyFilePool.get_directory_name(file_size_kb) print 'Adding pool \'%s\' to partition %s' % (dir_name, self.current_efp_partition.partition_number) self.total_cum_file_size_kb += self.current_efp_partition.create_new_efp(file_size_kb, num_files) self.total_num_files += num_files def freshen_file_pool(self, file_size_kb, num_files): """ Freshen an EFP in the specified partition and of the specified size to the specified number of files """ if self.current_efp_partition is None: partition_list = self.efp_partitions partition_str = 'all partitions' else: partition_list = [self.current_efp_partition] partition_str = 'partition %d' % self.current_efp_partition.partition_number if file_size_kb is None: pool_str = 'all pools' else: pool_str = 'pool \'%s\'' % EmptyFilePool.get_directory_name(int(file_size_kb)) print 'Freshening %s in %s to %d files' % (pool_str, partition_str, num_files) for self.current_efp_partition in partition_list: # Partition objects if file_size_kb is None: file_size_list = self.current_efp_partition.efp_pools.keys() else: file_size_list = ['%sk' % file_size_kb] for file_size in file_size_list: efp = self.current_efp_partition.efp_pools[file_size] num_files_needed = num_files - efp.get_tot_file_count() if num_files_needed > 0: self.current_efp_partition.create_new_efp_files(qlslibs.utils.efp_directory_size(file_size), num_files_needed) else: print ' WARNING: Pool %s in partition %s already contains %d files: no action taken' % \ (self.current_efp_partition.efp_pools[file_size].size_str, self.current_efp_partition.partition_number, efp.get_num_files()) def remove_file_pool(self, file_size_kb): """ Remove an existing EFP from the specified partition and of the specified size """ dir_name = EmptyFilePool.get_directory_name(file_size_kb) print 'Removing pool \'%s\' from partition %s' % (dir_name, self.current_efp_partition.partition_number) self.efp_partitions.remove(self.current_efp_partition) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(self.current_efp_partition.efp_directory, dir_name)) def report(self): print 'Empty File Pool (EFP) report' print '============================' print 'Found', len(self.efp_partitions), 'partition(s)' if (len(self.efp_partitions)) > 0: sorted_efp_partitions = sorted(self.efp_partitions, key=lambda x: x.partition_number) EfpPartition.print_report_table_header() for ptn in sorted_efp_partitions: ptn.print_report_table_line() print for ptn in sorted_efp_partitions: ptn.report() def run(self, arg_tup): self._analyze_efp() if arg_tup is not None: _, arg_file_size, arg_num_files, arg_add, arg_remove, arg_freshen, arg_list = arg_tup self._check_args(arg_tup) if arg_add: self.add_file_pool(int(arg_file_size), int(arg_num_files)) if arg_remove: self.remove_file_pool(int(arg_file_size)) if arg_freshen: self.freshen_file_pool(arg_file_size, int(arg_num_files)) if arg_list: self.report() def _analyze_efp(self): for dir_entry in os.listdir(self.directory): try: efp_partition = EfpPartition(os.path.join(self.directory, dir_entry), self.disk_space_required_kb) efp_partition.scan() self.efp_partitions.append(efp_partition) for efpl in efp_partition.efp_pools.iterkeys(): if efpl not in self.efp_pools: self.efp_pools[efpl] = [] self.efp_pools[efpl].append(efp_partition.efp_pools[efpl]) self.total_num_files += efp_partition.tot_file_count self.total_cum_file_size_kb += efp_partition.tot_file_size_kb except qlslibs.err.InvalidPartitionDirectoryNameError: pass def _check_args(self, arg_tup): """ Value check of args. The names of partitions and pools are validated against the discovered instances """ arg_partition, arg_file_size, _, arg_add, arg_remove, arg_freshen, _ = arg_tup if arg_partition is not None: try: if arg_partition[0] == 'p': # string partition name, eg 'p001' partition_num = int(arg_partition[1:]) else: # numeric partition, eg '1' partition_num = int(arg_partition) found = False for partition in self.efp_partitions: if partition.partition_number == partition_num: self.current_efp_partition = partition found = True break if not found: raise qlslibs.err.PartitionDoesNotExistError(arg_partition) except ValueError: raise qlslibs.err.InvalidPartitionDirectoryNameError(arg_partition) if self.current_efp_partition is not None: pool_list = self.current_efp_partition.efp_pools.keys() efp_directory_name = EmptyFilePool.get_directory_name(int(arg_file_size)) if arg_add and efp_directory_name in pool_list: raise qlslibs.err.PoolDirectoryAlreadyExistsError(efp_directory_name) if (arg_remove or arg_freshen) and efp_directory_name not in pool_list: raise qlslibs.err.PoolDirectoryDoesNotExistError(efp_directory_name) class EfpPartition(object): """ Class that represents a EFP partition. Each partition contains one or more Empty File Pools (EFPs). """ PTN_DIR_PREFIX = 'p' EFP_DIR_NAME = 'efp' def __init__(self, directory, disk_space_required_kb): self.directory = directory self.partition_number = None self.efp_pools = {} self.tot_file_count = 0 self.tot_file_size_kb = 0 self._validate_partition_directory(disk_space_required_kb) def create_new_efp_files(self, file_size_kb, num_files): """ Create new EFP files in this partition """ dir_name = EmptyFilePool.get_directory_name(file_size_kb) if dir_name in self.efp_pools.keys(): efp = self.efp_pools[dir_name] else: efp = EmptyFilePool(os.path.join(self.directory, EfpPartition.EFP_DIR_NAME), dir_name) this_tot_file_size_kb = efp.create_new_efp_files(num_files) self.tot_file_size_kb += this_tot_file_size_kb self.tot_file_count += num_files return this_tot_file_size_kb @staticmethod def print_report_table_header(): print 'p_no no_efp tot_files tot_size_kb directory' print '---- ------ --------- ----------- ---------' def print_report_table_line(self): print '%4d %6d %9d %11d %s' % (self.partition_number, len(self.efp_pools), self.tot_file_count, self.tot_file_size_kb, self.directory) def report(self): print 'Partition %s:' % os.path.basename(self.directory) if len(self.efp_pools) > 0: EmptyFilePool.print_report_table_header() for dir_name in self.efp_pools.keys(): self.efp_pools[dir_name].print_report_table_line() else: print '' print def scan(self): if os.path.exists(self.directory): efp_dir = os.path.join(self.directory, EfpPartition.EFP_DIR_NAME) for dir_entry in os.listdir(efp_dir): efp = EmptyFilePool(os.path.join(efp_dir, dir_entry), self.partition_number) efp.scan() self.tot_file_count += efp.get_tot_file_count() self.tot_file_size_kb += efp.get_tot_file_size_kb() self.efp_pools[dir_entry] = efp def _validate_partition_directory(self, disk_space_required_kb): if os.path.basename(self.directory)[0] is not EfpPartition.PTN_DIR_PREFIX: raise qlslibs.err.InvalidPartitionDirectoryNameError(self.directory) try: self.partition_number = int(os.path.basename(self.directory)[1:]) except ValueError: raise qlslibs.err.InvalidPartitionDirectoryNameError(self.directory) if not qlslibs.utils.has_write_permission(self.directory): raise qlslibs.err.WritePermissionError(self.directory) if disk_space_required_kb is not None: space_avail = qlslibs.utils.get_avail_disk_space(self.directory) if space_avail < (disk_space_required_kb * 1024): raise qlslibs.err.InsufficientSpaceOnDiskError(self.directory, space_avail, disk_space_required_kb * 1024) class EmptyFilePool(object): """ Class that represents a single Empty File Pool within a partition. Each EFP contains pre-formatted linear store journal files (but it may also be empty). """ EFP_DIR_SUFFIX = 'k' EFP_JRNL_EXTENTION = '.jrnl' EFP_INUSE_DIRNAME = 'in_use' EFP_RETURNED_DIRNAME = 'returned' def __init__(self, directory, partition_number): self.base_dir_name = os.path.basename(directory) self.directory = directory self.partition_number = partition_number self.data_size_kb = None self.efp_files = [] self.in_use_files = [] self.returned_files = [] self._validate_efp_directory() def create_new_efp_files(self, num_files): """ Create one or more new empty journal files of the prescribed size for this EFP """ this_total_file_size = 0 for _ in range(num_files): this_total_file_size += self._create_new_efp_file() return this_total_file_size def get_directory(self): return self.directory @staticmethod def get_directory_name(file_size_kb): """ Static function to create an EFP directory name from the size of the files it contains """ return '%dk' % file_size_kb def get_tot_file_count(self): return len(self.efp_files) def get_tot_file_size_kb(self): return self.data_size_kb * len(self.efp_files) @staticmethod def print_report_table_header(): print ' ---------- efp ------------ --------- in_use ---------- -------- returned ---------' print 'data_size_kb file_count tot_file_size_kb file_count tot_file_size_kb file_count tot_file_size_kb efp_directory' print '------------ ---------- ---------------- ---------- ---------------- ---------- ---------------- -------------' def print_report_table_line(self): print '%12d %10d %16d %10d %16d %10d %16d %s' % (self.data_size_kb, len(self.efp_files), self.data_size_kb * len(self.efp_files), len(self.in_use_files), self.data_size_kb * len(self.in_use_files), len(self.returned_files), self.data_size_kb * len(self.returned_files), self.get_directory()) def scan(self): for efp_file in os.listdir(self.directory): if efp_file == self.EFP_INUSE_DIRNAME: for in_use_file in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.directory, self.EFP_INUSE_DIRNAME)): self.in_use_files.append(in_use_file) continue if efp_file == self.EFP_RETURNED_DIRNAME: for returned_file in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.directory, self.EFP_RETURNED_DIRNAME)): self.returned_files.append(returned_file) continue if self._validate_efp_file(os.path.join(self.directory, efp_file)): self.efp_files.append(efp_file) def _add_efp_file(self, efp_file_name): """ Add a single journal file of the appropriate size to this EFP. No file size check is made here. """ self.efp_files.append(efp_file_name) def _create_new_efp_file(self): """ Create a single new empty journal file of the prescribed size for this EFP """ file_name = str(uuid.uuid4()) + EmptyFilePool.EFP_JRNL_EXTENTION file_header = qlslibs.jrnl.FileHeader(0, qlslibs.jrnl.FileHeader.MAGIC, qlslibs.utils.DEFAULT_RECORD_VERSION, 0, 0, 0) file_header.init(None, None, qlslibs.utils.DEFAULT_HEADER_SIZE_SBLKS, self.partition_number, self.data_size_kb, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) efh = file_header.encode() efh_bytes = len(efh) file_handle = open(os.path.join(self.directory, file_name), 'wb') file_handle.write(efh) file_handle.write('\xff' * (qlslibs.utils.DEFAULT_SBLK_SIZE - efh_bytes)) file_handle.write('\x00' * (int(self.data_size_kb) * 1024)) file_handle.close() fqfn = os.path.join(self.directory, file_name) self._add_efp_file(fqfn) return os.path.getsize(fqfn) def _validate_efp_directory(self): if self.base_dir_name[-1] is not EmptyFilePool.EFP_DIR_SUFFIX: raise qlslibs.err.InvalidEfpDirectoryNameError(self.directory) try: self.data_size_kb = int(os.path.basename(self.base_dir_name)[:-1]) except ValueError: raise qlslibs.err.InvalidEfpDirectoryNameError(self.directory) def _validate_efp_file(self, efp_file): file_size = os.path.getsize(efp_file) expected_file_size = (self.data_size_kb * 1024) + qlslibs.utils.DEFAULT_SBLK_SIZE if file_size != expected_file_size: print 'WARNING: File %s not of correct size (size=%d, expected=%d): Ignoring' % (efp_file, file_size, expected_file_size) return False file_handle = open(efp_file) args = qlslibs.utils.load_args(file_handle, qlslibs.jrnl.RecordHeader) file_hdr = qlslibs.jrnl.FileHeader(*args) file_hdr.init(file_handle, *qlslibs.utils.load_args(file_handle, qlslibs.jrnl.FileHeader)) if not file_hdr.is_header_valid(file_hdr): file_handle.close() return False file_hdr.load(file_handle) file_handle.close() if not file_hdr.is_valid(True): return False return True # ============================================================================= if __name__ == "__main__": print "This is a library, and cannot be executed."