# rabbitmq-c and Windows rabbitmq-c can now be built on Windows using the MinGW/MSYS ports of the GNU toolchain and miscellaneous utilities. This includes the example programs and tools. The results are native Windows DLLs and EXEs, and can be used without having MinGW installed. But the librabbitmq header files currently use GCC extensions, and for this reason it is still not possible to use Microsoft's C/C++ to build applications against the librabbitmq DLL. Hopefully this will get fixed before long. # Building rabbitmq-c rabbitmq-c is built on Windows using MinGW and MSYS. In brief, MinGW is a native port of the GNU toolchain to Windows; MSYS is a set of ports of common GNU utilities to run under Windows, so that typical autotools-based builds will work there. MinGW/MSYS can be used to build native Windows applications and DLLs, which do not depend on MinGW/MSYS to run. So to build rabbitmq-c on Windows, you need to download and install the relevant parts of MinGW/MSYS. This can be a fairly time consuming process - there are about 20 files to be downloaded and unpacked. To make it easier, we provide a bash script that automates this process, in rabbitmq-c/etc/install-mingw.sh. You can run this cygwin, or under Linux and copy the results over or put them on a shared drive. Some MinGW packages are .tar.lzma files, so it requires a system with xz and a tar that supports the -J option, which probably rules out OSX. Run install-mingw.sh specifying the destination directory, e.g. $ etc/install-mingw.sh mingw Python is needed for the rabbitmq-c build, so you will also need to install python under Windows. The Windows installer from python.org will do fine. You will need to copy the source code for rabbitmq-c and rabbitmq-codegen somewhere under your mingw directory. Open a cmd window, and ensure that both the MinGW bin directory and the python install directory are in the path, e.g. C:\>set PATH=%PATH%;C:\mingw\bin;C:\Python26 Then start bash, and run the following mount command (substituting the Windows path of your MinGW install): C:\>bash bash-3.1$ mount 'C:\mingw' /mingw Then go to the rabbitmq-c directory. If you got the rabbitmq-c directory from Mercurial (which is the only way to get it at the moment), you will need to run autoreconf to produce the configuration scripts: bash-3.1$ autoreconf -i This will produce a few lines of informational output while it runs, but as long as it doesn't mention any errors, you are ok. Finally, configure and make: bash-3.1$ ./configure && make [...] # Running the tools without mingw You can run the resulting tools EXEs without the rest of MinGW. To do this, copy the following files into a directory: - rabbitmq-c/tools/.libs/*.exe - rabbitmq-c/librabbitmq/.libs/librabbitmq-0.dll - /bin/libpopt-0.dll - /bin/libiconv-2.dll - /bin/libintl-8.dll