# Using rabbitmq-c on Windows There are two approaches to building rabbitmq-c under Windows: - Build using the MinGW/MSYS (MinGW/MSYS is a port of the GNU toolchain and utilities to Windows, including the gcc compiler). The results of building in this way are native Windows DLLs and EXEs, and can be used without having MinGW installed. The drawback to this approach is that you cannot safely call the resulting librabbitmq DLL from code compiled with Microsoft's C compiler. The advantage is that the whole of rabbitmq-c can be built under Windows, including the tools. - Build using Microsoft's C compiler. You will still need to install MinGW/MSYS in order to run the rabbitmq-c build scripts, but Microsoft's compiler is used to compile the code. The resulting librabbitmq DLL can be used from code compiled with Microsoft's C compiler (i.e. code developed in Visual Studio). The downside to this approach is that the rabbitmq-c tools cannot be built, due to dependencies on other libraries. ## Common steps With either of the approaches, the initial steps are the same: You should download and install MinGW/MSYS and Python. Installing installing the relevant parts of MinGW/MSYS can be fairly time consuming - there are dozens of files to be downloaded and unpacked. To make it easier, we provide a bash script that automates this process, in `rabbitmq-c/etc/install-mingw.sh`. You can run this script under cygwin or Linux (obviously if you use Linux you'll need to transfer the resulting files over to the Windows machine). Note that some MinGW packages are .tar.lzma files, so it requires a system with the xz compression utility and a tar that supports the -J option. Recent cygwin and Linux distros should be fine here. Run the install-mingw.sh script specifying the destination directory, e.g. $ etc/install-mingw.sh mingw This will download all the required MinGW/MSYS packages, and unpack them into the `mingw` directory. The other prerequisite for the rabbitmq-c build is Python. The Windows installer from python.org for the latest 2.x version of Python will do fine. You will also need to copy the source code for rabbitmq-c and rabbitmq-codegen somewhere under your `mingw` directory. Then to start the MSYS bash shell, open a `cmd` window, and ensure that both the MinGW bin directory and the python install directory are in the path, e.g. C:\>set PATH=%PATH%;C:\mingw\bin;C:\Python27 Then start bash, and run the following mount command (substituting the Windows path of your MinGW install if it isn't `C:\mingw`): C:\>bash bash-3.1$ mount 'C:\mingw' /mingw Finally, go to wherever you copied the rabbitmq-c source. bash-3.1$ cd /rabbitmq-c ## Building rabbitmq-c with Microsoft's C compiler The Microsoft C/C++ compiler is part of MS Visual Studio, including the gratis Visual Studio Express. Visual Studio 2005 and higher are known to work. Start by following the steps in the previous section. The GNU build tools have limited support for Microsoft toolchain, but the install-mingw.sh script will install versions of the packages that are known to be suitable. In particular, only libtool version 2.2.7a is known to work; later versions have been reported to introduce problems. Once you are at the bash prompt, build rabbitmq-c by running the script in `rabbitmq-c/etc/build-ms.sh`: bash-3.1$ etc/build-ms.sh You should end up with a directory `build` containing the librabbitmq DLL, the corresponding .lib file, and header files. These are sufficient to create applications using librabbitmq within Visual Studio. ## Building rabbitmq-c with gcc There is no script to build rabbitmq-c with gcc, but it is as documented in the README file: bash-3.1$ autoreconf -i && ./configure && make You can run the resulting tool EXEs without needing the rest of MinGW. To do this, copy the following files into a single directory: - rabbitmq-c/tools/.libs/*.exe - rabbitmq-c/librabbitmq/.libs/librabbitmq-0.dll - /bin/libpopt-0.dll - /bin/libiconv-2.dll - /bin/libintl-8.dll