# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** # Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0 # # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License # Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in # compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License # at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" # basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See # the License for the specific language governing rights and # limitations under the License. # # The Original Code is librabbitmq. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is VMware, Inc. # Portions created by VMware are Copyright (c) 2007-2012 VMware, Inc. # # Portions created by Tony Garnock-Jones are Copyright (c) 2009-2010 # VMware, Inc. and Tony Garnock-Jones. # # All rights reserved. # # Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms # of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), in # which case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of those # above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only # under the terms of the GPL, and not to allow others to use your # version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your # decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the # notice and other provisions required by the GPL. If you do not # delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of # this file under the terms of any one of the MPL or the GPL. # # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** from __future__ import nested_scopes from amqp_codegen import * import string import re class Emitter(object): """An object the trivially emits generated code lines. This largely exists to be wrapped by more sophisticated emitter classes. """ def __init__(self, prefix): self.prefix = prefix def emit(self, line): """Emit a line of generated code.""" print self.prefix + line class BitDecoder(object): """An emitter object that keeps track of the state involved in decoding the AMQP bit type.""" def __init__(self, emitter): self.emitter = emitter self.bit = 0 def emit(self, line): self.bit = 0 self.emitter.emit(line) def decode_bit(self, lvalue): """Generate code to decode a value of the AMQP bit type into the given lvalue.""" if self.bit == 0: self.emitter.emit("if (!amqp_decode_8(encoded, &offset, &bit_buffer)) return -ERROR_BAD_AMQP_DATA;") self.emitter.emit("%s = (bit_buffer & (1 << %d)) ? 1 : 0;" % (lvalue, self.bit)) self.bit += 1 if self.bit == 8: self.bit = 0 class BitEncoder(object): """An emitter object that keeps track of the state involved in encoding the AMQP bit type.""" def __init__(self, emitter): self.emitter = emitter self.bit = 0 def flush(self): """Flush the state associated with AMQP bit types.""" if self.bit: self.emitter.emit("if (!amqp_encode_8(encoded, &offset, bit_buffer)) return -ERROR_BAD_AMQP_DATA;") self.bit = 0 def emit(self, line): self.flush() self.emitter.emit(line) def encode_bit(self, value): """Generate code to encode a value of the AMQP bit type from the given value.""" if self.bit == 0: self.emitter.emit("bit_buffer = 0;") self.emitter.emit("if (%s) bit_buffer |= (1 << %d);" % (value, self.bit)) self.bit += 1 if self.bit == 8: self.flush() class SimpleType(object): """A AMQP type that corresponds to a simple scalar C value of a certain width.""" def __init__(self, bits): self.bits = bits self.ctype = "uint%d_t" % (bits,) def decode(self, emitter, lvalue): emitter.emit("if (!amqp_decode_%d(encoded, &offset, &%s)) return -ERROR_BAD_AMQP_DATA;" % (self.bits, lvalue)) def encode(self, emitter, value): emitter.emit("if (!amqp_encode_%d(encoded, &offset, %s)) return -ERROR_BAD_AMQP_DATA;" % (self.bits, value)) def literal(self, value): return value class StrType(object): """The AMQP shortstr or longstr types.""" def __init__(self, lenbits): self.lenbits = lenbits self.ctype = "amqp_bytes_t" def decode(self, emitter, lvalue): emitter.emit("{") emitter.emit(" uint%d_t len;" % (self.lenbits,)) emitter.emit(" if (!amqp_decode_%d(encoded, &offset, &len)" % (self.lenbits,)) emitter.emit(" || !amqp_decode_bytes(encoded, &offset, &%s, len))" % (lvalue,)) emitter.emit(" return -ERROR_BAD_AMQP_DATA;") emitter.emit("}") def encode(self, emitter, value): emitter.emit("if (!amqp_encode_%d(encoded, &offset, %s.len)" % (self.lenbits, value)) emitter.emit(" || !amqp_encode_bytes(encoded, &offset, %s))" % (value,)) emitter.emit(" return -ERROR_BAD_AMQP_DATA;") def literal(self, value): if value != '': raise NotImplementedError() return "amqp_empty_bytes" class BitType(object): """The AMQP bit type.""" def __init__(self): self.ctype = "amqp_boolean_t" def decode(self, emitter, lvalue): emitter.decode_bit(lvalue) def encode(self, emitter, value): emitter.encode_bit(value) def literal(self, value): return {True: 1, False: 0}[value] class TableType(object): """The AMQP table type.""" def __init__(self): self.ctype = "amqp_table_t" def decode(self, emitter, lvalue): emitter.emit("{") emitter.emit(" int res = amqp_decode_table(encoded, pool, &(%s), &offset);" % (lvalue,)) emitter.emit(" if (res < 0) return res;") emitter.emit("}") def encode(self, emitter, value): emitter.emit("{") emitter.emit(" int res = amqp_encode_table(encoded, &(%s), &offset);" % (value,)) emitter.emit(" if (res < 0) return res;") emitter.emit("}") def literal(self, value): raise NotImplementedError() types = { 'octet': SimpleType(8), 'short': SimpleType(16), 'long': SimpleType(32), 'longlong': SimpleType(64), 'shortstr': StrType(8), 'longstr': StrType(32), 'bit': BitType(), 'table': TableType(), 'timestamp': SimpleType(64), } def typeFor(spec, f): """Get a representation of the AMQP type of a field.""" return types[spec.resolveDomain(f.domain)] def c_ize(s): s = s.replace('-', '_') s = s.replace(' ', '_') return s # When generating API functions corresponding to synchronous methods, # we need some information that isn't in the protocol def: Some # methods should not be exposed, indicated here by a False value. # Some methods should be exposed but certain fields should not be # exposed as parameters. apiMethodInfo = { "amqp_connection_start": False, # application code should not use this "amqp_connection_secure": False, # application code should not use this "amqp_connection_tune": False, # application code should not use this "amqp_connection_open": False, # application code should not use this "amqp_connection_close": False, # needs special handling "amqp_channel_open": ["out_of_band"], "amqp_channel_close": False, # needs special handling "amqp_access_request": False, # huh? "amqp_exchange_declare": ["auto_delete", "internal"], "amqp_basic_get": False, # get-ok has content } # When generating API functions corresponding to synchronous methods, # some fields should be suppressed everywhere. This dict names those # fields, and the fixed values to use for them. apiMethodsSuppressArgs = {"ticket": 0, "nowait": False} AmqpMethod.defName = lambda m: cConstantName(c_ize(m.klass.name) + '_' + c_ize(m.name) + "_method") AmqpMethod.fullName = lambda m: "amqp_%s_%s" % (c_ize(m.klass.name), c_ize(m.name)) AmqpMethod.structName = lambda m: m.fullName() + "_t" AmqpClass.structName = lambda c: "amqp_" + c_ize(c.name) + "_properties_t" def methodApiPrototype(m): fn = m.fullName() info = apiMethodInfo.get(fn, []) args = [] for f in m.arguments: n = c_ize(f.name) if n in apiMethodsSuppressArgs or n in info: continue args.append(", ") args.append(typeFor(m.klass.spec, f).ctype) args.append(" ") args.append(n) return "%s_ok_t *%s(amqp_connection_state_t state, amqp_channel_t channel%s)" % (fn, fn, ''.join(args)) AmqpMethod.apiPrototype = methodApiPrototype def cConstantName(s): return 'AMQP_' + '_'.join(re.split('[- ]', s.upper())) def cFlagName(c, f): return cConstantName(c.name + '_' + f.name) + '_FLAG' def genErl(spec): def fieldTempList(fields): return '[' + ', '.join(['F' + str(f.index) for f in fields]) + ']' def fieldMapList(fields): return ', '.join([c_ize(f.name) + " = F" + str(f.index) for f in fields]) def genLookupMethodName(m): print ' case %s: return "%s";' % (m.defName(), m.defName()) def genDecodeMethodFields(m): print " case %s: {" % (m.defName(),) if m.arguments: print " %s *m = (%s *) amqp_pool_alloc(pool, sizeof(%s));" % \ (m.structName(), m.structName(), m.structName()) print " if (m == NULL) { return -ERROR_NO_MEMORY; }" else: print " %s *m = NULL; /* no fields */" % (m.structName(),) emitter = BitDecoder(Emitter(" ")) for f in m.arguments: typeFor(spec, f).decode(emitter, "m->"+c_ize(f.name)) print " *decoded = m;" print " return 0;" print " }" def genDecodeProperties(c): print " case %d: {" % (c.index,) print " %s *p = (%s *) amqp_pool_alloc(pool, sizeof(%s));" % \ (c.structName(), c.structName(), c.structName()) print " if (p == NULL) { return -ERROR_NO_MEMORY; }" print " p->_flags = flags;" emitter = Emitter(" ") for f in c.fields: emitter.emit("if (flags & %s) {" % (cFlagName(c, f),)) typeFor(spec, f).decode(emitter, "p->"+c_ize(f.name)) emitter.emit("}") print " *decoded = p;" print " return 0;" print " }" def genEncodeMethodFields(m): print " case %s: {" % (m.defName(),) if m.arguments: print " %s *m = (%s *) decoded;" % (m.structName(), m.structName()) emitter = BitEncoder(Emitter(" ")) for f in m.arguments: typeFor(spec, f).encode(emitter, "m->"+c_ize(f.name)) emitter.flush() print " return offset;" print " }" def genEncodeProperties(c): print " case %d: {" % (c.index,) if c.fields: print " %s *p = (%s *) decoded;" % (c.structName(), c.structName()) emitter = Emitter(" ") for f in c.fields: emitter.emit(" if (flags & %s) {" % (cFlagName(c, f),)) typeFor(spec, f).encode(emitter, "p->"+c_ize(f.name)) emitter.emit("}") print " return offset;" print " }" methods = spec.allMethods() print """/* Autogenerated code. Do not edit. * * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License * at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See * the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is librabbitmq. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is VMware, Inc. * Portions created by VMware are Copyright (c) 2007-2012 VMware, Inc. * * Portions created by Tony Garnock-Jones are Copyright (c) 2009-2010 * VMware, Inc. and Tony Garnock-Jones. * * All rights reserved. * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms * of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), in * which case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of those * above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of the GPL, and not to allow others to use your * version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the * notice and other provisions required by the GPL. If you do not * delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of * this file under the terms of any one of the MPL or the GPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #include #include #include #include #include "amqp.h" #include "amqp_framing.h" #include "amqp_private.h" #include "socket.h" """ print """ char const *amqp_constant_name(int constantNumber) { switch (constantNumber) {""" for (c,v,cls) in spec.constants: print " case %s: return \"%s\";" % (cConstantName(c), cConstantName(c)) print """ default: return "(unknown)"; } }""" print """ amqp_boolean_t amqp_constant_is_hard_error(int constantNumber) { switch (constantNumber) {""" for (c,v,cls) in spec.constants: if cls == 'hard-error': print " case %s: return 1;" % (cConstantName(c),) print """ default: return 0; } }""" print """ char const *amqp_method_name(amqp_method_number_t methodNumber) { switch (methodNumber) {""" for m in methods: genLookupMethodName(m) print """ default: return NULL; } }""" print """ amqp_boolean_t amqp_method_has_content(amqp_method_number_t methodNumber) { switch (methodNumber) {""" for m in methods: if m.hasContent: print ' case %s: return 1;' % (m.defName()) print """ default: return 0; } }""" print """ int amqp_decode_method(amqp_method_number_t methodNumber, amqp_pool_t *pool, amqp_bytes_t encoded, void **decoded) { size_t offset = 0; uint8_t bit_buffer; switch (methodNumber) {""" for m in methods: genDecodeMethodFields(m) print """ default: return -ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD; } }""" print """ int amqp_decode_properties(uint16_t class_id, amqp_pool_t *pool, amqp_bytes_t encoded, void **decoded) { size_t offset = 0; amqp_flags_t flags = 0; int flagword_index = 0; uint16_t partial_flags; do { if (!amqp_decode_16(encoded, &offset, &partial_flags)) return -ERROR_BAD_AMQP_DATA; flags |= (partial_flags << (flagword_index * 16)); flagword_index++; } while (partial_flags & 1); switch (class_id) {""" for c in spec.allClasses(): genDecodeProperties(c) print """ default: return -ERROR_UNKNOWN_CLASS; } }""" print """ int amqp_encode_method(amqp_method_number_t methodNumber, void *decoded, amqp_bytes_t encoded) { size_t offset = 0; uint8_t bit_buffer; switch (methodNumber) {""" for m in methods: genEncodeMethodFields(m) print """ default: return -ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD; } }""" print """ int amqp_encode_properties(uint16_t class_id, void *decoded, amqp_bytes_t encoded) { size_t offset = 0; /* Cheat, and get the flags out generically, relying on the similarity of structure between classes */ amqp_flags_t flags = * (amqp_flags_t *) decoded; /* cheating! */ { /* We take a copy of flags to avoid destroying it, as it is used in the autogenerated code below. */ amqp_flags_t remaining_flags = flags; do { amqp_flags_t remainder = remaining_flags >> 16; uint16_t partial_flags = remaining_flags & 0xFFFE; if (remainder != 0) { partial_flags |= 1; } if (!amqp_encode_16(encoded, &offset, partial_flags)) return -ERROR_BAD_AMQP_DATA; remaining_flags = remainder; } while (remaining_flags != 0); } switch (class_id) {""" for c in spec.allClasses(): genEncodeProperties(c) print """ default: return -ERROR_UNKNOWN_CLASS; } }""" for m in methods: if not m.isSynchronous: continue info = apiMethodInfo.get(m.fullName(), []) if info is False: continue print print m.apiPrototype() print "{" print " %s req;" % (m.structName(),) for f in m.arguments: n = c_ize(f.name) val = apiMethodsSuppressArgs.get(n) if val is None and n in info: val = f.defaultvalue if val is None: val = n else: val = typeFor(spec, f).literal(val) print " req.%s = %s;" % (n, val) reply = cConstantName(c_ize(m.klass.name) + '_' + c_ize(m.name) + "_ok_method") print """ return amqp_simple_rpc_decoded(state, channel, %s, %s, &req); } """ % (m.defName(), reply) def genHrl(spec): def fieldDeclList(fields): if fields: return ''.join([" %s %s;\n" % (typeFor(spec, f).ctype, c_ize(f.name)) for f in fields]) else: return " char dummy; /* Dummy field to avoid empty struct */\n" def propDeclList(fields): return ''.join([" %s %s;\n" % (typeFor(spec, f).ctype, c_ize(f.name)) for f in fields if spec.resolveDomain(f.domain) != 'bit']) methods = spec.allMethods() print """/* Autogenerated code. Do not edit. */ #ifndef librabbitmq_amqp_framing_h #define librabbitmq_amqp_framing_h #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif """ print "#define AMQP_PROTOCOL_VERSION_MAJOR %d" % (spec.major) print "#define AMQP_PROTOCOL_VERSION_MINOR %d" % (spec.minor) print "#define AMQP_PROTOCOL_VERSION_REVISION %d" % (spec.revision) print "#define AMQP_PROTOCOL_PORT %d" % (spec.port) for (c,v,cls) in spec.constants: print "#define %s %s" % (cConstantName(c), v) print print """/* Function prototypes. */ extern char const *amqp_constant_name(int constantNumber); extern amqp_boolean_t amqp_constant_is_hard_error(int constantNumber); RABBITMQ_EXPORT char const *amqp_method_name(amqp_method_number_t methodNumber); extern amqp_boolean_t amqp_method_has_content(amqp_method_number_t methodNumber); extern int amqp_decode_method(amqp_method_number_t methodNumber, amqp_pool_t *pool, amqp_bytes_t encoded, void **decoded); extern int amqp_decode_properties(uint16_t class_id, amqp_pool_t *pool, amqp_bytes_t encoded, void **decoded); extern int amqp_encode_method(amqp_method_number_t methodNumber, void *decoded, amqp_bytes_t encoded); extern int amqp_encode_properties(uint16_t class_id, void *decoded, amqp_bytes_t encoded); """ print "/* Method field records. */\n" for m in methods: methodid = m.klass.index << 16 | m.index print "#define %s ((amqp_method_number_t) 0x%.08X) /* %d, %d; %d */" % \ (m.defName(), methodid, m.klass.index, m.index, methodid) print "typedef struct %s_ {\n%s} %s;\n" % \ (m.structName(), fieldDeclList(m.arguments), m.structName()) print "/* Class property records. */" for c in spec.allClasses(): print "#define %s (0x%.04X) /* %d */" % \ (cConstantName(c.name + "_class"), c.index, c.index) index = 0 for f in c.fields: if index % 16 == 15: index = index + 1 shortnum = index / 16 partialindex = 15 - (index % 16) bitindex = shortnum * 16 + partialindex print '#define %s (1 << %d)' % (cFlagName(c, f), bitindex) index = index + 1 print "typedef struct %s_ {\n amqp_flags_t _flags;\n%s} %s;\n" % \ (c.structName(), fieldDeclList(c.fields), c.structName()) print "/* API functions for methods */\n" for m in methods: if m.isSynchronous and apiMethodInfo.get(m.fullName()) is not False: print "RABBITMQ_EXPORT %s;" % (m.apiPrototype(),) print """ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif""" def generateErl(specPath): genErl(AmqpSpec(specPath)) def generateHrl(specPath): genHrl(AmqpSpec(specPath)) if __name__ == "__main__": do_main(generateHrl, generateErl)