// Copyright 2007 - 2021, Alan Antonuk and the rabbitmq-c contributors. // SPDX-License-Identifier: mit #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "amqp_private.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include char const *amqp_version(void) { return AMQP_VERSION_STRING; } uint32_t amqp_version_number(void) { return AMQP_VERSION; } void init_amqp_pool(amqp_pool_t *pool, size_t pagesize) { pool->pagesize = pagesize ? pagesize : 4096; pool->pages.num_blocks = 0; pool->pages.blocklist = NULL; pool->large_blocks.num_blocks = 0; pool->large_blocks.blocklist = NULL; pool->next_page = 0; pool->alloc_block = NULL; pool->alloc_used = 0; } static void empty_blocklist(amqp_pool_blocklist_t *x) { int i; if (x->blocklist != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < x->num_blocks; i++) { free(x->blocklist[i]); } free(x->blocklist); } x->num_blocks = 0; x->blocklist = NULL; } void recycle_amqp_pool(amqp_pool_t *pool) { empty_blocklist(&pool->large_blocks); pool->next_page = 0; pool->alloc_block = NULL; pool->alloc_used = 0; } void empty_amqp_pool(amqp_pool_t *pool) { recycle_amqp_pool(pool); empty_blocklist(&pool->pages); } /* Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure */ static int record_pool_block(amqp_pool_blocklist_t *x, void *block) { size_t blocklistlength = sizeof(void *) * (x->num_blocks + 1); if (x->blocklist == NULL) { x->blocklist = malloc(blocklistlength); if (x->blocklist == NULL) { return 0; } } else { void *newbl = realloc(x->blocklist, blocklistlength); if (newbl == NULL) { return 0; } x->blocklist = newbl; } x->blocklist[x->num_blocks] = block; x->num_blocks++; return 1; } void *amqp_pool_alloc(amqp_pool_t *pool, size_t amount) { if (amount == 0) { return NULL; } amount = (amount + 7) & (~7); /* round up to nearest 8-byte boundary */ if (amount > pool->pagesize) { void *result = calloc(1, amount); if (result == NULL) { return NULL; } if (!record_pool_block(&pool->large_blocks, result)) { free(result); return NULL; } return result; } if (pool->alloc_block != NULL) { assert(pool->alloc_used <= pool->pagesize); if (pool->alloc_used + amount <= pool->pagesize) { void *result = pool->alloc_block + pool->alloc_used; pool->alloc_used += amount; return result; } } if (pool->next_page >= pool->pages.num_blocks) { pool->alloc_block = calloc(1, pool->pagesize); if (pool->alloc_block == NULL) { return NULL; } if (!record_pool_block(&pool->pages, pool->alloc_block)) { return NULL; } pool->next_page = pool->pages.num_blocks; } else { pool->alloc_block = pool->pages.blocklist[pool->next_page]; pool->next_page++; } pool->alloc_used = amount; return pool->alloc_block; } void amqp_pool_alloc_bytes(amqp_pool_t *pool, size_t amount, amqp_bytes_t *output) { output->len = amount; output->bytes = amqp_pool_alloc(pool, amount); } amqp_bytes_t amqp_cstring_bytes(char const *cstr) { amqp_bytes_t result; result.len = strlen(cstr); result.bytes = (void *)cstr; return result; } amqp_bytes_t amqp_bytes_malloc_dup(amqp_bytes_t src) { amqp_bytes_t result; result.len = src.len; result.bytes = malloc(src.len); if (result.bytes != NULL) { memcpy(result.bytes, src.bytes, src.len); } return result; } amqp_bytes_t amqp_bytes_malloc(size_t amount) { amqp_bytes_t result; result.len = amount; result.bytes = malloc(amount); /* will return NULL if it fails */ return result; } void amqp_bytes_free(amqp_bytes_t bytes) { free(bytes.bytes); } amqp_pool_t *amqp_get_or_create_channel_pool(amqp_connection_state_t state, amqp_channel_t channel) { amqp_pool_table_entry_t *entry; size_t index = channel % POOL_TABLE_SIZE; entry = state->pool_table[index]; for (; NULL != entry; entry = entry->next) { if (channel == entry->channel) { return &entry->pool; } } entry = malloc(sizeof(amqp_pool_table_entry_t)); if (NULL == entry) { return NULL; } entry->channel = channel; entry->next = state->pool_table[index]; state->pool_table[index] = entry; init_amqp_pool(&entry->pool, state->frame_max); return &entry->pool; } amqp_pool_t *amqp_get_channel_pool(amqp_connection_state_t state, amqp_channel_t channel) { amqp_pool_table_entry_t *entry; size_t index = channel % POOL_TABLE_SIZE; entry = state->pool_table[index]; for (; NULL != entry; entry = entry->next) { if (channel == entry->channel) { return &entry->pool; } } return NULL; } int amqp_bytes_equal(amqp_bytes_t r, amqp_bytes_t l) { if (r.len == l.len && (r.bytes == l.bytes || 0 == memcmp(r.bytes, l.bytes, r.len))) { return 1; } return 0; }