path: root/docs/integrations/django.rst
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Diffstat (limited to 'docs/integrations/django.rst')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 398 deletions
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-.. default-domain:: py
-`Django <>`_ version 1.4 and newer are supported.
-If you haven't already, start by downloading Raven. The easiest way is
-with *pip*::
- pip install raven --upgrade
-Using the Django integration is as simple as adding
-:mod:`raven.contrib.django.raven_compat` to your installed apps::
- 'raven.contrib.django.raven_compat',
- )
-.. note:: This causes Raven to install a hook in Django that will
- automatically report uncaught exceptions.
-Additional settings for the client are configured using the
-``RAVEN_CONFIG`` dictionary::
- import os
- import raven
- 'dsn': '___DSN___',
- # If you are using git, you can also automatically configure the
- # release based on the git info.
- 'release': raven.fetch_git_sha(os.path.abspath(os.pardir)),
- }
-Once you've configured the client, you can test it using the standard Django
-management interface::
- python raven test
-You'll be referencing the client slightly differently in Django as well::
- from raven.contrib.django.raven_compat.models import client
- client.captureException()
-Using with Raven.js
-A Django template tag is provided to render a proper public DSN inside
-your templates, you must first load ``raven``:
-.. sourcecode:: django
- {% load raven %}
-Inside your template, you can now use:
-.. sourcecode:: html+django
- <script>Raven.config('{% sentry_public_dsn %}').install()</script>
-By default, the DSN is generated in a protocol relative fashion, e.g.
-``//``. If you need a specific protocol, you can
-.. sourcecode:: html+django
- {% sentry_public_dsn 'https' %}
-.. sentry:edition:: hosted, on-premise
- See the :doc:`Raven.js documentation <../../../clients/javascript/index>`
- for more information.
-Integration with :mod:`logging`
-To integrate with the standard library's :mod:`logging` module, and send all
-ERROR and above messages to sentry, the following config can be used::
- 'version': 1,
- 'disable_existing_loggers': True,
- 'root': {
- 'level': 'WARNING',
- 'handlers': ['sentry'],
- },
- 'formatters': {
- 'verbose': {
- 'format': '%(levelname)s %(asctime)s %(module)s '
- '%(process)d %(thread)d %(message)s'
- },
- },
- 'handlers': {
- 'sentry': {
- 'level': 'ERROR', # To capture more than ERROR, change to WARNING, INFO, etc.
- 'class': 'raven.contrib.django.raven_compat.handlers.SentryHandler',
- 'tags': {'custom-tag': 'x'},
- },
- 'console': {
- 'level': 'DEBUG',
- 'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
- 'formatter': 'verbose'
- }
- },
- 'loggers': {
- 'django.db.backends': {
- 'level': 'ERROR',
- 'handlers': ['console'],
- 'propagate': False,
- },
- 'raven': {
- 'level': 'DEBUG',
- 'handlers': ['console'],
- 'propagate': False,
- },
- 'sentry.errors': {
- 'level': 'DEBUG',
- 'handlers': ['console'],
- 'propagate': False,
- },
- },
- }
-Logging usage works the same way as it does outside of Django, with the
-addition of an optional ``request`` key in the extra data::
- logger.error('There was some crazy error', exc_info=True, extra={
- # Optionally pass a request and we'll grab any information we can
- 'request': request,
- })
-404 Logging
-In certain conditions you may wish to log 404 events to the Sentry server. To
-do this, you simply need to enable a Django middleware:
-.. sourcecode:: python
- # Use ``MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES`` prior to Django 1.10
- 'raven.contrib.django.raven_compat.middleware.Sentry404CatchMiddleware',
- ...,
-It is recommended to put the middleware at the top, so that only 404s
-that bubbled all the way up get logged. Certain middlewares (e.g. flatpages)
-capture 404s and replace the response.
-It is also possible to configure this middleware to ignore 404s on particular
-pages by defining the ``IGNORABLE_404_URLS`` setting as an iterable of regular
-expression patterns. If any pattern produces a match against the full requested
-URL (as defined by the regular expression's ``search`` method), then the 404
-will not be reported to Sentry.
-.. sourcecode:: python
- import re
- re.compile('/foo'),
- )
-Message References
-Sentry supports sending a message ID to your clients so that they can be
-tracked easily by your development team. There are two ways to access this
-information, the first is via the ``X-Sentry-ID`` HTTP response header.
-Adding this is as simple as appending a middleware to your stack:
-.. sourcecode:: python
- # Use ``MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES`` prior to Django 1.10
- # We recommend putting this as high in the chain as possible
- 'raven.contrib.django.raven_compat.middleware.SentryResponseErrorIdMiddleware',
- ...,
- )
-Another alternative method is rendering it within a template. By default,
-Sentry will attach :attr:`request.sentry` when it catches a Django
-exception. In our example, we will use this information to modify the
-default :file:`500.html` which is rendered, and show the user a case
-reference ID. The first step in doing this is creating a custom
-:func:`handler500` in your :file:`` file:
-.. sourcecode:: python
- from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
- from django.views.defaults import page_not_found, server_error
- from django.template.response import TemplateResponse
- def handler500(request):
- """500 error handler which includes ``request`` in the context.
- Templates: `500.html`
- Context: None
- """
- context = {'request': request}
- template_name = '500.html' # You need to create a 500.html template.
- return TemplateResponse(request, template_name, context, status=500)
-Once we've successfully added the :data:`request` context variable, adding the
-Sentry reference ID to our :file:`500.html` is simple:
-.. sourcecode:: html+django
- <p>You've encountered an error, oh noes!</p>
- {% if %}
- <p>If you need assistance, you may reference this error as
- <strong>{{ }}</strong>.</p>
- {% endif %}
-WSGI Middleware
-If you are using a WSGI interface to serve your app, you can also apply a
-middleware which will ensure that you catch errors even at the fundamental
-level of your Django application::
- from raven.contrib.django.raven_compat.middleware.wsgi import Sentry
- from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application
- application = Sentry(get_wsgi_application())
-.. _python-django-user-feedback:
-User Feedback
-To enable user feedback for crash reports, start with ensuring the ``request``
-value is available in your context processors:
-.. sourcecode:: python
- # ...
- 'django.core.context_processors.request',
- )
-By default Django will render ``500.html``, so simply drop the following snippet
-into your template:
-.. sourcecode:: html+django
- <!-- Sentry JS SDK 2.1.+ required -->
- <script src=""></script>
- {% if %}
- <script>
- Raven.showReportDialog({
- eventId: '{{ }}',
- // use the public DSN (dont include your secret!)
- dsn: '___PUBLIC_DSN___'
- });
- </script>
- {% endif %}
-That's it!
-For more details on this feature, see the :doc:`User Feedback guide <../../../learn/user-feedback>`.
-Additional Settings
-.. describe:: SENTRY_CLIENT
- In some situations you may wish for a slightly different behavior to
- how Sentry communicates with your server. For this, Raven allows you
- to specify a custom client::
- SENTRY_CLIENT = 'raven.contrib.django.raven_compat.DjangoClient'
- If you are also using Celery, there is a handler being automatically
- registered for you that captures the errors from workers. The default
- logging level for that handler is ``logging.ERROR`` and can be
- customized using this setting::
- Alternatively you can use a similarly named key in ``RAVEN_CONFIG``::
- }
- If you are also using Celery, then you can ignore expected exceptions by
- setting this to ``True``. This will cause exception classes in
- ``Task.throws`` to be ignored.
-The following things you should keep in mind when using Raven with Django.
-Error Handling Middleware
-If you already have middleware in place that handles :func:`process_exception`
-you will need to take extra care when using Sentry.
-For example, the following middleware would suppress Sentry logging due to it
-returning a response:
-.. sourcecode:: python
- class MyMiddleware(object):
- def process_exception(self, request, exception):
- return HttpResponse('foo')
-To work around this, you can either disable your error handling middleware, or
-add something like the following:
-.. sourcecode:: python
- from django.core.signals import got_request_exception
- class MyMiddleware(object):
- def process_exception(self, request, exception):
- # Make sure the exception signal is fired for Sentry
- got_request_exception.send(sender=self, request=request)
- return HttpResponse('foo')
-Note that this technique may break unit tests using the Django test client
-(:class:`django.test.client.Client`) if a view under test generates a
-:exc:`Http404 <django.http.Http404>` or :exc:`PermissionDenied` exception,
-because the exceptions won't be translated into the expected 404 or 403
-response codes.
-Or, alternatively, you can just enable Sentry responses:
-.. sourcecode:: python
- from raven.contrib.django.raven_compat.models import sentry_exception_handler
- class MyMiddleware(object):
- def process_exception(self, request, exception):
- # Make sure the exception signal is fired for Sentry
- sentry_exception_handler(request=request)
- return HttpResponse('foo')
-If you are running Django with `circus <>`_ and
-`chaussette <>`_ you will also need
-to add a hook to circus to activate Raven:
-.. sourcecode:: python
- from django.conf import settings
- from import call_command
- def run_raven(*args, **kwargs):
- """Set up raven for django by running a django command.
- It is necessary because chaussette doesn't run a django command.
- """
- if not settings.configured:
- settings.configure()
- call_command('validate')
- return True
-And in your circus configuration:
-.. sourcecode:: ini
- [socket:dwebapp]
- host =
- port = 8080
- [watcher:dwebworker]
- cmd = chaussette --fd $(circus.sockets.dwebapp) dproject.wsgi.application
- use_sockets = True
- numprocesses = 2
- hooks.after_start = dproject.hooks.run_raven