path: root/docs/integrations/logging.rst
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 165 deletions
diff --git a/docs/integrations/logging.rst b/docs/integrations/logging.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 106a17b..0000000
--- a/docs/integrations/logging.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-.. default-domain:: py
-If you haven't already, start by downloading Raven. The easiest way is
-with *pip*::
- pip install raven --upgrade
-Sentry supports the ability to directly tie into the :mod:`logging`
-module. To use it simply add :class:`SentryHandler` to your logger.
-First you'll need to configure a handler::
- from raven.handlers.logging import SentryHandler
- # Manually specify a client
- client = Client(...)
- handler = SentryHandler(client)
-You can also automatically configure the default client with a DSN::
- # Configure the default client
- handler = SentryHandler('___DSN___')
-You may want to specify the logging level at this point so you don't send INFO or DEBUG messages to Sentry::
- handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR)
-Finally, call the :func:`setup_logging` helper function::
- from raven.conf import setup_logging
- setup_logging(handler)
-Another option is to use :mod:`logging.config.dictConfig`::
- 'version': 1,
- 'disable_existing_loggers': True,
- 'formatters': {
- 'console': {
- 'format': '[%(asctime)s][%(levelname)s] %(name)s '
- '%(filename)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d | %(message)s',
- 'datefmt': '%H:%M:%S',
- },
- },
- 'handlers': {
- 'console': {
- 'level': 'DEBUG',
- 'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
- 'formatter': 'console'
- },
- 'sentry': {
- 'level': 'ERROR',
- 'class': 'raven.handlers.logging.SentryHandler',
- 'dsn': '___DSN___',
- },
- },
- 'loggers': {
- '': {
- 'handlers': ['console', 'sentry'],
- 'level': 'DEBUG',
- 'propagate': False,
- },
- 'your_app': {
- 'level': 'DEBUG',
- 'propagate': True,
- },
- }
- }
-A recommended pattern in logging is to simply reference the modules name for
-each logger, so for example, you might at the top of your module define the
- import logging
- logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-You can also use the ``exc_info`` and ``extra={'stack': True}`` arguments on
-your ``log`` methods. This will store the appropriate information and allow
-Sentry to render it based on that information::
- # If you're actually catching an exception, use `exc_info=True`
- logger.error('There was an error, with a stacktrace!', exc_info=True)
- # If you don't have an exception, but still want to capture a
- # stacktrace, use the `stack` arg
- logger.error('There was an error, with a stacktrace!', extra={
- 'stack': True,
- })
-.. note:: Depending on the version of Python you're using, ``extra`` might
- not be an acceptable keyword argument for a logger's ``.exception()``
- method (``.debug()``, ``.info()``, ``.warning()``, ``.error()`` and
- ``.critical()`` should work fine regardless of Python version). This
- should be fixed as of Python 2.7.4 and 3.2. Official issue here:
-While we don't recommend this, you can also enable implicit stack
-capturing for all messages::
- client = Client(..., auto_log_stacks=True)
- handler = SentryHandler(client)
- logger.error('There was an error, with a stacktrace!')
-Passing tags and user context is also available through extra::
- logger.error('There was an error, with user context and tags'), extra={
- 'user': {'email': ''},
- 'tags': {'database': '1.0'},
- })
-You may also pass additional information to be stored as meta information with
-the event. As long as the key name is not reserved and not private (_foo) it
-will be displayed on the Sentry dashboard. To do this, pass it as ``data``
-within your ``extra`` clause::
- logger.error('There was some crazy error', exc_info=True, extra={
- # Optionally you can pass additional arguments to specify request info
- 'culprit': '',
- 'fingerprint': [...],
- 'data': {
- # You may specify any values here and Sentry will log and output them
- 'username': request.user.username,
- }
- })
-.. note:: The ``url`` and ``view`` keys are used internally by Sentry
- within the extra data.
-.. note:: Any key (in ``data``) prefixed with ``_`` will not automatically
- output on the Sentry details view.
-Sentry will intelligently group messages if you use proper string
-formatting. For example, the following messages would be seen as the same
-message within Sentry::
- logger.error('There was some %s error', 'crazy')
- logger.error('There was some %s error', 'fun')
- logger.error('There was some %s error', 1)
-You can also configure some logging exclusions during setup. These loggers
-will not propagate their logs to the Sentry handler::
- from raven.conf import setup_logging
- setup_logging(handler, exclude=("logger1", "logger2", ...))