diff options
authorIwan Aucamp <>2022-07-18 14:36:25 +0200
committerGitHub <>2022-07-18 14:36:25 +0200
commit63ff76c9fa76c6b1a1178c80431f39e1e1102700 (patch)
parent8d5a14ffb39a811add09c41ea2c6a9da3d08325a (diff)
docs: updated (#2031)
Removed the "Other changes" section as there is really no good reason to include details about changes that don't impact users. Other changes: - Added instructions for updating the CHANGELOG in a comment. - Fixed the commands for generating a list of merged PRs.
1 files changed, 16 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index ab0a8262..b70d1e10 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -6,6 +6,17 @@ This section lists changes that have a potential impact on users of RDFLib,
changes with no user impact are not included in this section.
+Please add an entry for user facing changes in this section.
+New changes should go at the bottom of the list but the placeholder should
+Non user-facing changes does not have to be recorded in the changelog. This
+includes changes to CI, testing, etc. These changes will show up in the "PRs
+merged since last release" section but they are somewhat irrelevant to users.
CHANGE BARRIER is intended to reduce the potential for merge conflicts
and will be removed for release.
@@ -47,7 +58,8 @@ and will be removed for release.
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
-- Description of changes.
+ Description of changes.
Closed [issue #....](
[PR #....](
@@ -57,21 +69,13 @@ and will be removed for release.
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
-## Other changes
-This section lists changes that have no impact on the users of RDFLib.
-- ...
- Closed [issue #....](
- [PR #....](
## PRs merged since last release
-<!-- This will be auto generated with
+<!-- This will be auto generated with:
-gh search prs --repo RDFLib/rdflib --merged --base master --json assignees,author,authorAssociation,body,closedAt,commentsCount,createdAt,id,isLocked,isPullRequest,labels,number,repository,state,title,updatedAt,url --limit 1000 --jq '[.[] | select(.closedAt >= "2022-07-17T00:00:00Z")]' | jq '(. |= sort_by(.closedAt)) | reverse' > /var/tmp/merged-prs.json
+gh search prs --repo RDFLib/rdflib --merged --base master --json assignees,author,authorAssociation,body,closedAt,commentsCount,createdAt,id,isLocked,isPullRequest,labels,number,repository,state,title,updatedAt,url --limit 1000 --jq '[.[] | select(.closedAt >= "2022-07-17T00:00:00Z")]' | jq '(. |= sort_by(.closedAt)) | reverse' | tee /var/tmp/merged-prs.json
-jq -r '.[] | [ .url, .title ] | @tsv' /var/tmp/merged-prs.json | head -n -3 | sort -r | awk -F$'\t' '(match($1, "^.*/([^/]+)$", matches)){printf("* %s\n [PR #%s](%s)\n", $2, matches[1], $1)}'
+jq -r '.[] | [ .url, .title ] | @tsv' /var/tmp/merged-prs.json | sort -r | awk -F$'\t' '(match($1, "^.*/([^/]+)$", matches)){printf("* %s\n [PR #%s](%s)\n", $2, matches[1], $1)}'