--- # https://docs.readthedocs.io/en/stable/config-file/v2.html version: 2 # NOTE: not builing epub because epub does not know how to handle .ico files # which results in a warning which causes the build to fail due to # `sphinx.fail_on_warning` # https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/issues/10350 formats: - htmlzip - pdf build: os: ubuntu-20.04 tools: # Using 3.9 as earlier versions have trouble generating documentation for # `@typing.overload`` with type aliases. python: "3.9" jobs: post_create_environment: # Using requirements-poetry.in as requirements-poetry.txt has conflicts with # the readthedocs environment. - pip install -r devtools/requirements-poetry.in post_install: - poetry config virtualenvs.create false - poetry install --only=main --only=docs --extras=html - poetry env info # This will patch Sphinx to a later version than is in poetry.lock so that # we build with a more up to date Sphinx. This should be eliminated when # possible in favor of having a more up to date Sphinx in poetry.lock. - pip install -r devtools/requirements-rtd.txt sphinx: fail_on_warning: true