from __future__ import annotations """ Converting the 'parse-tree' output of pyparsing to a SPARQL Algebra expression """ import collections import functools import operator import typing from functools import reduce from typing import ( Any, Callable, DefaultDict, Dict, Iterable, List, Mapping, Optional, Set, Tuple, overload, ) from pyparsing import ParseResults from rdflib.paths import ( AlternativePath, InvPath, MulPath, NegatedPath, Path, SequencePath, ) from rdflib.plugins.sparql.operators import TrueFilter, and_ from rdflib.plugins.sparql.operators import simplify as simplifyFilters from rdflib.plugins.sparql.parserutils import CompValue, Expr from rdflib.plugins.sparql.sparql import Prologue, Query, Update # --------------------------- # Some convenience methods from rdflib.term import BNode, Identifier, Literal, URIRef, Variable def OrderBy(p: CompValue, expr: List[CompValue]) -> CompValue: return CompValue("OrderBy", p=p, expr=expr) def ToMultiSet(p: typing.Union[List[Dict[Variable, str]], CompValue]) -> CompValue: return CompValue("ToMultiSet", p=p) def Union(p1: CompValue, p2: CompValue) -> CompValue: return CompValue("Union", p1=p1, p2=p2) def Join(p1: CompValue, p2: Optional[CompValue]) -> CompValue: return CompValue("Join", p1=p1, p2=p2) def Minus(p1: CompValue, p2: CompValue) -> CompValue: return CompValue("Minus", p1=p1, p2=p2) def Graph(term: Identifier, graph: CompValue) -> CompValue: return CompValue("Graph", term=term, p=graph) def BGP( triples: Optional[List[Tuple[Identifier, Identifier, Identifier]]] = None ) -> CompValue: return CompValue("BGP", triples=triples or []) def LeftJoin(p1: CompValue, p2: CompValue, expr) -> CompValue: return CompValue("LeftJoin", p1=p1, p2=p2, expr=expr) def Filter(expr: Expr, p: CompValue) -> CompValue: return CompValue("Filter", expr=expr, p=p) def Extend( p: CompValue, expr: typing.Union[Identifier, Expr], var: Variable ) -> CompValue: return CompValue("Extend", p=p, expr=expr, var=var) def Values(res: List[Dict[Variable, str]]) -> CompValue: return CompValue("values", res=res) def Project(p: CompValue, PV: List[Variable]) -> CompValue: return CompValue("Project", p=p, PV=PV) def Group(p: CompValue, expr: Optional[List[Variable]] = None) -> CompValue: return CompValue("Group", p=p, expr=expr) def _knownTerms( triple: Tuple[Identifier, Identifier, Identifier], varsknown: Set[typing.Union[BNode, Variable]], varscount: Dict[Identifier, int], ) -> Tuple[int, int, bool]: return ( len( [ x for x in triple if x not in varsknown and isinstance(x, (Variable, BNode)) ] ), -sum(varscount.get(x, 0) for x in triple), not isinstance(triple[2], Literal), ) def reorderTriples( l_: Iterable[Tuple[Identifier, Identifier, Identifier]] ) -> List[Tuple[Identifier, Identifier, Identifier]]: """ Reorder triple patterns so that we execute the ones with most bindings first """ def _addvar(term: str, varsknown: Set[typing.Union[Variable, BNode]]): if isinstance(term, (Variable, BNode)): varsknown.add(term) # NOTE on type errors: most of these are because the same variable is used # for different types. # type error: List comprehension has incompatible type List[Tuple[None, Tuple[Identifier, Identifier, Identifier]]]; expected List[Tuple[Identifier, Identifier, Identifier]] l_ = [(None, x) for x in l_] # type: ignore[misc] varsknown: Set[typing.Union[BNode, Variable]] = set() varscount: Dict[Identifier, int] = collections.defaultdict(int) for t in l_: for c in t[1]: if isinstance(c, (Variable, BNode)): varscount[c] += 1 i = 0 # Done in steps, sort by number of bound terms # the top block of patterns with the most bound terms is kept # the rest is resorted based on the vars bound after the first # block is evaluated # we sort by decorate/undecorate, since we need the value of the sort keys while i < len(l_): # type error: Generator has incompatible item type "Tuple[Any, Identifier]"; expected "Tuple[Identifier, Identifier, Identifier]" # type error: Argument 1 to "_knownTerms" has incompatible type "Identifier"; expected "Tuple[Identifier, Identifier, Identifier]" l_[i:] = sorted((_knownTerms(x[1], varsknown, varscount), x[1]) for x in l_[i:]) # type: ignore[misc,arg-type] # type error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "str", variable has type "Tuple[Identifier, Identifier, Identifier]") t = l_[i][0][0] # type: ignore[assignment] # top block has this many terms bound j = 0 while i + j < len(l_) and l_[i + j][0][0] == t: for c in l_[i + j][1]: _addvar(c, varsknown) j += 1 i += 1 # type error: List comprehension has incompatible type List[Identifier]; expected List[Tuple[Identifier, Identifier, Identifier]] return [x[1] for x in l_] # type: ignore[misc] def triples( l: typing.Union[ # noqa: E741 List[List[Identifier]], List[Tuple[Identifier, Identifier, Identifier]] ] ) -> List[Tuple[Identifier, Identifier, Identifier]]: # NOTE on type errors: errors are a result of the variable being reused for # a different type. # type error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "Sequence[Identifier]", variable has type "Union[List[List[Identifier]], List[Tuple[Identifier, Identifier, Identifier]]]") l = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, l) # type: ignore[assignment] # noqa: E741 if (len(l) % 3) != 0: raise Exception("these aint triples") # type error: Generator has incompatible item type "Tuple[Union[List[Identifier], Tuple[Identifier, Identifier, Identifier]], Union[List[Identifier], Tuple[Identifier, Identifier, Identifier]], Union[List[Identifier], Tuple[Identifier, Identifier, Identifier]]]"; expected "Tuple[Identifier, Identifier, Identifier]" return reorderTriples((l[x], l[x + 1], l[x + 2]) for x in range(0, len(l), 3)) # type: ignore[misc] # type error: Missing return statement def translatePName( # type: ignore[return] p: typing.Union[CompValue, str], prologue: Prologue ) -> Optional[Identifier]: """ Expand prefixed/relative URIs """ if isinstance(p, CompValue): if == "pname": # type error: Incompatible return value type (got "Union[CompValue, str, None]", expected "Optional[Identifier]") return prologue.absolutize(p) # type: ignore[return-value] if == "literal": # type error: Argument "datatype" to "Literal" has incompatible type "Union[CompValue, str, None]"; expected "Optional[str]" return Literal( p.string, lang=p.lang, datatype=prologue.absolutize(p.datatype) # type: ignore[arg-type] ) elif isinstance(p, URIRef): # type error: Incompatible return value type (got "Union[CompValue, str, None]", expected "Optional[Identifier]") return prologue.absolutize(p) # type: ignore[return-value] @overload def translatePath(p: URIRef) -> None: ... @overload def translatePath(p: CompValue) -> "Path": ... # type error: Missing return statement def translatePath(p: typing.Union[CompValue, URIRef]) -> Optional["Path"]: # type: ignore[return] """ Translate PropertyPath expressions """ if isinstance(p, CompValue): if == "PathAlternative": if len(p.part) == 1: return p.part[0] else: return AlternativePath(*p.part) elif == "PathSequence": if len(p.part) == 1: return p.part[0] else: return SequencePath(*p.part) elif == "PathElt": if not p.mod: return p.part else: if isinstance(p.part, list): if len(p.part) != 1: raise Exception("Denkfehler!") return MulPath(p.part[0], p.mod) else: return MulPath(p.part, p.mod) elif == "PathEltOrInverse": if isinstance(p.part, list): if len(p.part) != 1: raise Exception("Denkfehler!") return InvPath(p.part[0]) else: return InvPath(p.part) elif == "PathNegatedPropertySet": if isinstance(p.part, list): return NegatedPath(AlternativePath(*p.part)) else: return NegatedPath(p.part) def translateExists( e: typing.Union[Expr, Literal, Variable, URIRef] ) -> typing.Union[Expr, Literal, Variable, URIRef]: """ Translate the graph pattern used by EXISTS and NOT EXISTS """ def _c(n): if isinstance(n, CompValue): if in ("Builtin_EXISTS", "Builtin_NOTEXISTS"): n.graph = translateGroupGraphPattern(n.graph) if == "Filter": # filters inside (NOT) EXISTS can see vars bound outside n.graph.no_isolated_scope = True e = traverse(e, visitPost=_c) return e def collectAndRemoveFilters(parts: List[CompValue]) -> Optional[Expr]: """ FILTER expressions apply to the whole group graph pattern in which they appear. """ filters = [] i = 0 while i < len(parts): p = parts[i] if == "Filter": filters.append(translateExists(p.expr)) parts.pop(i) else: i += 1 if filters: # type error: Argument 1 to "and_" has incompatible type "*List[Union[Expr, Literal, Variable]]"; expected "Expr" return and_(*filters) # type: ignore[arg-type] return None def translateGroupOrUnionGraphPattern(graphPattern: CompValue) -> Optional[CompValue]: A: Optional[CompValue] = None for g in graphPattern.graph: g = translateGroupGraphPattern(g) if not A: A = g else: A = Union(A, g) return A def translateGraphGraphPattern(graphPattern: CompValue) -> CompValue: return Graph(graphPattern.term, translateGroupGraphPattern(graphPattern.graph)) def translateInlineData(graphPattern: CompValue) -> CompValue: return ToMultiSet(translateValues(graphPattern)) def translateGroupGraphPattern(graphPattern: CompValue) -> CompValue: """ """ if == "SubSelect": # The first output from translate cannot be None for a subselect query # as it can only be None for certain DESCRIBE queries. # type error: Argument 1 to "ToMultiSet" has incompatible type "Optional[CompValue]"; # expected "Union[List[Dict[Variable, str]], CompValue]" return ToMultiSet(translate(graphPattern)[0]) # type: ignore[arg-type] if not graphPattern.part: graphPattern.part = [] # empty { } filters = collectAndRemoveFilters(graphPattern.part) g: List[CompValue] = [] for p in graphPattern.part: if == "TriplesBlock": # merge adjacent TripleBlocks if not (g and g[-1].name == "BGP"): g.append(BGP()) g[-1]["triples"] += triples(p.triples) else: g.append(p) G = BGP() for p in g: if == "OptionalGraphPattern": A = translateGroupGraphPattern(p.graph) if == "Filter": G = LeftJoin(G, A.p, A.expr) else: G = LeftJoin(G, A, TrueFilter) elif == "MinusGraphPattern": G = Minus(p1=G, p2=translateGroupGraphPattern(p.graph)) elif == "GroupOrUnionGraphPattern": G = Join(p1=G, p2=translateGroupOrUnionGraphPattern(p)) elif == "GraphGraphPattern": G = Join(p1=G, p2=translateGraphGraphPattern(p)) elif == "InlineData": G = Join(p1=G, p2=translateInlineData(p)) elif == "ServiceGraphPattern": G = Join(p1=G, p2=p) elif in ("BGP", "Extend"): G = Join(p1=G, p2=p) elif == "Bind": # translateExists will translate the expression if it is EXISTS, and otherwise return # the expression as is. This is needed because EXISTS has a graph pattern # which must be translated to work properly during evaluation. G = Extend(G, translateExists(p.expr), p.var) else: raise Exception( "Unknown part in GroupGraphPattern: %s - %s" % (type(p), ) if filters: G = Filter(expr=filters, p=G) return G class StopTraversal(Exception): # noqa: N818 def __init__(self, rv: bool): self.rv = rv def _traverse( e: Any, visitPre: Callable[[Any], Any] = lambda n: None, visitPost: Callable[[Any], Any] = lambda n: None, ): """ Traverse a parse-tree, visit each node if visit functions return a value, replace current node """ _e = visitPre(e) if _e is not None: return _e if e is None: return None if isinstance(e, (list, ParseResults)): return [_traverse(x, visitPre, visitPost) for x in e] # type error: Statement is unreachable elif isinstance(e, tuple): # type: ignore[unreachable] return tuple([_traverse(x, visitPre, visitPost) for x in e]) elif isinstance(e, CompValue): for k, val in e.items(): e[k] = _traverse(val, visitPre, visitPost) # type error: Statement is unreachable _e = visitPost(e) # type: ignore[unreachable] if _e is not None: return _e return e def _traverseAgg(e, visitor: Callable[[Any, Any], Any] = lambda n, v: None): """ Traverse a parse-tree, visit each node if visit functions return a value, replace current node """ res = [] if isinstance(e, (list, ParseResults, tuple)): res = [_traverseAgg(x, visitor) for x in e] # type error: Statement is unreachable elif isinstance(e, CompValue): # type: ignore[unreachable] for k, val in e.items(): if val is not None: res.append(_traverseAgg(val, visitor)) return visitor(e, res) def traverse( tree, visitPre: Callable[[Any], Any] = lambda n: None, visitPost: Callable[[Any], Any] = lambda n: None, complete: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Any: """ Traverse tree, visit each node with visit function visit function may raise StopTraversal to stop traversal if complete!=None, it is returned on complete traversal, otherwise the transformed tree is returned """ try: r = _traverse(tree, visitPre, visitPost) if complete is not None: return complete return r except StopTraversal as st: return st.rv def _hasAggregate(x) -> None: """ Traverse parse(sub)Tree return true if any aggregates are used """ if isinstance(x, CompValue): if"Aggregate_"): raise StopTraversal(True) # type error: Missing return statement def _aggs(e, A) -> Optional[Variable]: # type: ignore[return] """ Collect Aggregates in A replaces aggregates with variable references """ # TODO: nested Aggregates? if isinstance(e, CompValue) and"Aggregate_"): A.append(e) aggvar = Variable("__agg_%d__" % len(A)) e["res"] = aggvar return aggvar # type error: Missing return statement def _findVars(x, res: Set[Variable]) -> Optional[CompValue]: # type: ignore[return] """ Find all variables in a tree """ if isinstance(x, Variable): res.add(x) if isinstance(x, CompValue): if == "Bind": res.add(x.var) return x # stop recursion and finding vars in the expr elif == "SubSelect": if x.projection: res.update(v.var or v.evar for v in x.projection) return x def _addVars(x, children: List[Set[Variable]]) -> Set[Variable]: """ find which variables may be bound by this part of the query """ if isinstance(x, Variable): return set([x]) elif isinstance(x, CompValue): if == "RelationalExpression": x["_vars"] = set() elif == "Extend": # vars only used in the expr for a bind should not be included x["_vars"] = reduce( operator.or_, [child for child, part in zip(children, x) if part != "expr"], set(), ) else: x["_vars"] = set(reduce(operator.or_, children, set())) if == "SubSelect": if x.projection: s = set(v.var or v.evar for v in x.projection) else: s = set() return s return x["_vars"] return reduce(operator.or_, children, set()) # type error: Missing return statement def _sample(e: typing.Union[CompValue, List[Expr], Expr, List[str], Variable], v: Optional[Variable] = None) -> Optional[CompValue]: # type: ignore[return] """ For each unaggregated variable V in expr Replace V with Sample(V) """ if isinstance(e, CompValue) and"Aggregate_"): return e # do not replace vars in aggregates if isinstance(e, Variable) and v != e: return CompValue("Aggregate_Sample", vars=e) def _simplifyFilters(e: Any) -> Any: if isinstance(e, Expr): return simplifyFilters(e) def translateAggregates( q: CompValue, M: CompValue ) -> Tuple[CompValue, List[Tuple[Variable, Variable]]]: E: List[Tuple[Variable, Variable]] = [] A: List[CompValue] = [] # collect/replace aggs in : # select expr as ?var if q.projection: for v in q.projection: if v.evar: v.expr = traverse(v.expr, functools.partial(_sample, v=v.evar)) v.expr = traverse(v.expr, functools.partial(_aggs, A=A)) # having clause if traverse(q.having, _hasAggregate, complete=True): q.having = traverse(q.having, _sample) traverse(q.having, functools.partial(_aggs, A=A)) # order by if traverse(q.orderby, _hasAggregate, complete=False): q.orderby = traverse(q.orderby, _sample) traverse(q.orderby, functools.partial(_aggs, A=A)) # sample all other select vars # TODO: only allowed for vars in group-by? if q.projection: for v in q.projection: if v.var: rv = Variable("__agg_%d__" % (len(A) + 1)) A.append(CompValue("Aggregate_Sample", vars=v.var, res=rv)) E.append((rv, v.var)) return CompValue("AggregateJoin", A=A, p=M), E def translateValues( v: CompValue, ) -> typing.Union[List[Dict[Variable, str]], CompValue]: # if len(v.var)!=len(v.value): # raise Exception("Unmatched vars and values in ValueClause: "+str(v)) res: List[Dict[Variable, str]] = [] if not v.var: return res if not v.value: return res if not isinstance(v.value[0], list): for val in v.value: res.append({v.var[0]: val}) else: for vals in v.value: res.append(dict(zip(v.var, vals))) return Values(res) def translate(q: CompValue) -> Tuple[Optional[CompValue], List[Variable]]: """ """ _traverse(q, _simplifyFilters) q.where = traverse(q.where, visitPost=translatePath) # TODO: Var scope test VS: Set[Variable] = set() # All query types have a WHERE clause EXCEPT some DESCRIBE queries # where only explicit IRIs are provided. if == "DescribeQuery": # For DESCRIBE queries, use the vars provided in q.var. # If there is no WHERE clause, vars should be explicit IRIs to describe. # If there is a WHERE clause, vars can be any combination of explicit IRIs # and variables. VS = set(q.var) # If there is no WHERE clause, just return the vars projected if q.where is None: return None, list(VS) # Otherwise, evaluate the WHERE clause like SELECT DISTINCT else: q.modifier = "DISTINCT" else: traverse(q.where, functools.partial(_findVars, res=VS)) # depth-first recursive generation of mapped query tree M = translateGroupGraphPattern(q.where) aggregate = False if q.groupby: conditions = [] # convert "GROUP BY (?expr as ?var)" to an Extend for c in q.groupby.condition: if isinstance(c, CompValue) and == "GroupAs": M = Extend(M, c.expr, c.var) c = c.var conditions.append(c) M = Group(p=M, expr=conditions) aggregate = True elif ( traverse(q.having, _hasAggregate, complete=False) or traverse(q.orderby, _hasAggregate, complete=False) or any( traverse(x.expr, _hasAggregate, complete=False) for x in q.projection or [] if x.evar ) ): # if any aggregate is used, implicit group by M = Group(p=M) aggregate = True if aggregate: M, aggregateAliases = translateAggregates(q, M) else: aggregateAliases = [] # Need to remove the aggregate var aliases before joining to VALUES; # else the variable names won't match up correctly when aggregating. for alias, var in aggregateAliases: M = Extend(M, alias, var) # HAVING if q.having: M = Filter(expr=and_(*q.having.condition), p=M) # VALUES if q.valuesClause: M = Join(p1=M, p2=ToMultiSet(translateValues(q.valuesClause))) if not q.projection: # select * # Find the first child projection in each branch of the mapped query tree, # then include the variables it projects out in our projected variables. for child_projection in _find_first_child_projections(M): VS |= set(child_projection.PV) PV = list(VS) else: E = list() PV = list() for v in q.projection: if v.var: if v not in PV: PV.append(v.var) elif v.evar: if v not in PV: PV.append(v.evar) E.append((v.expr, v.evar)) else: raise Exception("I expected a var or evar here!") for e, v in E: M = Extend(M, e, v) # ORDER BY if q.orderby: M = OrderBy( M, [ CompValue("OrderCondition", expr=c.expr, order=c.order) for c in q.orderby.condition ], ) # PROJECT M = Project(M, PV) if q.modifier: if q.modifier == "DISTINCT": M = CompValue("Distinct", p=M) elif q.modifier == "REDUCED": M = CompValue("Reduced", p=M) if q.limitoffset: offset = 0 if q.limitoffset.offset is not None: offset = q.limitoffset.offset.toPython() if q.limitoffset.limit is not None: M = CompValue( "Slice", p=M, start=offset, length=q.limitoffset.limit.toPython() ) else: M = CompValue("Slice", p=M, start=offset) return M, PV def _find_first_child_projections(M: CompValue) -> Iterable[CompValue]: """ Recursively find the first child instance of a Projection operation in each of the branches of the query execution plan/tree. """ for child_op in M.values(): if isinstance(child_op, CompValue): if == "Project": yield child_op else: for child_projection in _find_first_child_projections(child_op): yield child_projection # type error: Missing return statement def simplify(n: Any) -> Optional[CompValue]: # type: ignore[return] """Remove joins to empty BGPs""" if isinstance(n, CompValue): if == "Join": if == "BGP" and len(n.p1.triples) == 0: return n.p2 if == "BGP" and len(n.p2.triples) == 0: return n.p1 elif == "BGP": n["triples"] = reorderTriples(n.triples) return n def analyse(n: Any, children: Any) -> bool: """ Some things can be lazily joined. This propegates whether they can up the tree and sets lazy flags for all joins """ if isinstance(n, CompValue): if == "Join": n["lazy"] = all(children) return False elif in ("Slice", "Distinct"): return False else: return all(children) else: return True def translatePrologue( p: ParseResults, base: Optional[str], initNs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, prologue: Optional[Prologue] = None, ) -> Prologue: if prologue is None: prologue = Prologue() prologue.base = "" if base: prologue.base = base if initNs: for k, v in initNs.items(): prologue.bind(k, v) x: CompValue for x in p: if == "Base": prologue.base = x.iri elif == "PrefixDecl": prologue.bind(x.prefix, prologue.absolutize(x.iri)) return prologue def translateQuads( quads: CompValue, ) -> Tuple[ List[Tuple[Identifier, Identifier, Identifier]], DefaultDict[str, List[Tuple[Identifier, Identifier, Identifier]]], ]: if quads.triples: alltriples = triples(quads.triples) else: alltriples = [] allquads: DefaultDict[ str, List[Tuple[Identifier, Identifier, Identifier]] ] = collections.defaultdict(list) if quads.quadsNotTriples: for q in quads.quadsNotTriples: if q.triples: allquads[q.term] += triples(q.triples) return alltriples, allquads def translateUpdate1(u: CompValue, prologue: Prologue) -> CompValue: if in ("Load", "Clear", "Drop", "Create"): pass # no translation needed elif in ("Add", "Move", "Copy"): pass elif in ("InsertData", "DeleteData", "DeleteWhere"): t, q = translateQuads(u.quads) u["quads"] = q u["triples"] = t if in ("DeleteWhere", "DeleteData"): pass # TODO: check for bnodes in triples elif == "Modify": if u.delete: u.delete["triples"], u.delete["quads"] = translateQuads(u.delete.quads) if u.insert: u.insert["triples"], u.insert["quads"] = translateQuads(u.insert.quads) u["where"] = translateGroupGraphPattern(u.where) else: raise Exception("Unknown type of update operation: %s" % u) u.prologue = prologue return u def translateUpdate( q: CompValue, base: Optional[str] = None, initNs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, ) -> Update: """ Returns a list of SPARQL Update Algebra expressions """ res: List[CompValue] = [] prologue = None if not q.request: # type error: Incompatible return value type (got "List[CompValue]", expected "Update") return res # type: ignore[return-value] for p, u in zip(q.prologue, q.request): prologue = translatePrologue(p, base, initNs, prologue) # absolutize/resolve prefixes u = traverse(u, visitPost=functools.partial(translatePName, prologue=prologue)) u = _traverse(u, _simplifyFilters) u = traverse(u, visitPost=translatePath) res.append(translateUpdate1(u, prologue)) # type error: Argument 1 to "Update" has incompatible type "Optional[Any]"; expected "Prologue" return Update(prologue, res) # type: ignore[arg-type] def translateQuery( q: ParseResults, base: Optional[str] = None, initNs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, ) -> Query: """ Translate a query-parsetree to a SPARQL Algebra Expression Return a rdflib.plugins.sparql.sparql.Query object """ # We get in: (prologue, query) prologue = translatePrologue(q[0], base, initNs) # absolutize/resolve prefixes q[1] = traverse( q[1], visitPost=functools.partial(translatePName, prologue=prologue) ) P, PV = translate(q[1]) datasetClause = q[1].datasetClause if q[1].name == "ConstructQuery": template = triples(q[1].template) if q[1].template else None res = CompValue(q[1].name, p=P, template=template, datasetClause=datasetClause) else: res = CompValue(q[1].name, p=P, datasetClause=datasetClause, PV=PV) res = traverse(res, visitPost=simplify) _traverseAgg(res, visitor=analyse) _traverseAgg(res, _addVars) return Query(prologue, res) class ExpressionNotCoveredException(Exception): # noqa: N818 pass class _AlgebraTranslator: """ Translator of a Query's algebra to its equivalent SPARQL (string). Coded as a class to support storage of state during the translation process, without use of a file. Anticipated Usage: .. code-block:: python translated_query = _AlgebraTranslator(query).translateAlgebra() An external convenience function which wraps the above call, `translateAlgebra`, is supplied, so this class does not need to be referenced by client code at all in normal use. """ def __init__(self, query_algebra: Query): self.query_algebra = query_algebra self.aggr_vars: DefaultDict[ Identifier, List[Identifier] ] = collections.defaultdict(list) self._alg_translation: str = "" def _replace( self, old: str, new: str, search_from_match: str = None, search_from_match_occurrence: int = None, count: int = 1, ): def find_nth(haystack, needle, n): start = haystack.lower().find(needle) while start >= 0 and n > 1: start = haystack.lower().find(needle, start + len(needle)) n -= 1 return start if search_from_match and search_from_match_occurrence: position = find_nth( self._alg_translation, search_from_match, search_from_match_occurrence ) filedata_pre = self._alg_translation[:position] filedata_post = self._alg_translation[position:].replace(old, new, count) self._alg_translation = filedata_pre + filedata_post else: self._alg_translation = self._alg_translation.replace(old, new, count) def convert_node_arg( self, node_arg: typing.Union[Identifier, CompValue, Expr, str] ) -> str: if isinstance(node_arg, Identifier): if node_arg in self.aggr_vars.keys(): # type error: "Identifier" has no attribute "n3" grp_var = self.aggr_vars[node_arg].pop(0).n3() # type: ignore[attr-defined] return grp_var else: # type error: "Identifier" has no attribute "n3" return node_arg.n3() # type: ignore[attr-defined] elif isinstance(node_arg, CompValue): return "{" + + "}" elif isinstance(node_arg, Expr): return "{" + + "}" elif isinstance(node_arg, str): return node_arg else: raise ExpressionNotCoveredException( "The expression {0} might not be covered yet.".format(node_arg) ) def sparql_query_text(self, node): """ :param node: :return: """ if isinstance(node, CompValue): # 18.2 Query Forms if == "SelectQuery": self._alg_translation = "-*-SELECT-*- " + "{" + + "}" # 18.2 Graph Patterns elif == "BGP": # Identifiers or Paths # Negated path throws a type error. Probably n3() method of negated paths should be fixed triples = "".join( triple[0].n3() + " " + triple[1].n3() + " " + triple[2].n3() + "." for triple in node.triples ) self._replace("{BGP}", triples) # The dummy -*-SELECT-*- is placed during a SelectQuery or Multiset pattern in order to be able # to match extended variables in a specific Select-clause (see "Extend" below) self._replace("-*-SELECT-*-", "SELECT", count=-1) # If there is no "Group By" clause the placeholder will simply be deleted. Otherwise there will be # no matching {GroupBy} placeholder because it has already been replaced by "group by variables" self._replace("{GroupBy}", "", count=-1) self._replace("{Having}", "", count=-1) elif == "Join": self._replace( "{Join}", "{" + + "}{" + + "}" ) # elif == "LeftJoin": self._replace( "{LeftJoin}", "{" + + "}OPTIONAL{{" + + "}}", ) elif == "Filter": if isinstance(node.expr, CompValue): expr = else: raise ExpressionNotCoveredException( "This expression might not be covered yet." ) if node.p: # Filter with p=AggregateJoin = Having if == "AggregateJoin": self._replace("{Filter}", "{" + + "}") self._replace("{Having}", "HAVING({" + expr + "})") else: self._replace( "{Filter}", "FILTER({" + expr + "}) {" + + "}" ) else: self._replace("{Filter}", "FILTER({" + expr + "})") elif == "Union": self._replace( "{Union}", "{{" + + "}}UNION{{" + + "}}" ) elif == "Graph": expr = "GRAPH " + node.term.n3() + " {{" + + "}}" self._replace("{Graph}", expr) elif == "Extend": query_string = self._alg_translation.lower() select_occurrences = query_string.count("-*-select-*-") self._replace( node.var.n3(), "(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.expr) + " as " + node.var.n3() + ")", search_from_match="-*-select-*-", search_from_match_occurrence=select_occurrences, ) self._replace("{Extend}", "{" + + "}") elif == "Minus": expr = "{" + + "}MINUS{{" + + "}}" self._replace("{Minus}", expr) elif == "Group": group_by_vars = [] if node.expr: for var in node.expr: if isinstance(var, Identifier): group_by_vars.append(var.n3()) else: raise ExpressionNotCoveredException( "This expression might not be covered yet." ) self._replace("{Group}", "{" + + "}") self._replace( "{GroupBy}", "GROUP BY " + " ".join(group_by_vars) + " " ) else: self._replace("{Group}", "{" + + "}") elif == "AggregateJoin": self._replace("{AggregateJoin}", "{" + + "}") for agg_func in node.A: if isinstance(agg_func.res, Identifier): identifier = agg_func.res.n3() else: raise ExpressionNotCoveredException( "This expression might not be covered yet." ) self.aggr_vars[agg_func.res].append(agg_func.vars) agg_func_name ="_")[1] distinct = "" if agg_func.distinct: distinct = agg_func.distinct + " " if agg_func_name == "GroupConcat": self._replace( identifier, "GROUP_CONCAT" + "(" + distinct + agg_func.vars.n3() + ";SEPARATOR=" + agg_func.separator.n3() + ")", ) else: self._replace( identifier, agg_func_name.upper() + "(" + distinct + self.convert_node_arg(agg_func.vars) + ")", ) # For non-aggregated variables the aggregation function "sample" is automatically assigned. # However, we do not want to have "sample" wrapped around non-aggregated variables. That is # why we replace it. If "sample" is used on purpose it will not be replaced as the alias # must be different from the variable in this case. self._replace( "(SAMPLE({0}) as {0})".format( self.convert_node_arg(agg_func.vars) ), self.convert_node_arg(agg_func.vars), ) elif == "GroupGraphPatternSub": self._replace( "GroupGraphPatternSub", " ".join([self.convert_node_arg(pattern) for pattern in node.part]), ) elif == "TriplesBlock": print("triplesblock") self._replace( "{TriplesBlock}", "".join( triple[0].n3() + " " + triple[1].n3() + " " + triple[2].n3() + "." for triple in node.triples ), ) # 18.2 Solution modifiers elif == "ToList": raise ExpressionNotCoveredException( "This expression might not be covered yet." ) elif == "OrderBy": order_conditions = [] for c in node.expr: if isinstance(c.expr, Identifier): var = c.expr.n3() if c.order is not None: cond = c.order + "(" + var + ")" else: cond = var order_conditions.append(cond) else: raise ExpressionNotCoveredException( "This expression might not be covered yet." ) self._replace("{OrderBy}", "{" + + "}") self._replace("{OrderConditions}", " ".join(order_conditions) + " ") elif == "Project": project_variables = [] for var in node.PV: if isinstance(var, Identifier): project_variables.append(var.n3()) else: raise ExpressionNotCoveredException( "This expression might not be covered yet." ) order_by_pattern = "" if == "OrderBy": order_by_pattern = "ORDER BY {OrderConditions}" self._replace( "{Project}", " ".join(project_variables) + "{{" + + "}}" + "{GroupBy}" + order_by_pattern + "{Having}", ) elif == "Distinct": self._replace("{Distinct}", "DISTINCT {" + + "}") elif == "Reduced": self._replace("{Reduced}", "REDUCED {" + + "}") elif == "Slice": slice = "OFFSET " + str(node.start) + " LIMIT " + str(node.length) self._replace("{Slice}", "{" + + "}" + slice) elif == "ToMultiSet": if == "values": self._replace("{ToMultiSet}", "{{" + + "}}") else: self._replace( "{ToMultiSet}", "{-*-SELECT-*- " + "{" + + "}" + "}" ) # 18.2 Property Path # 17 Expressions and Testing Values # # 17.3 Operator Mapping elif == "RelationalExpression": expr = self.convert_node_arg(node.expr) op = node.op if isinstance(list, type(node.other)): other = ( "(" + ", ".join(self.convert_node_arg(expr) for expr in node.other) + ")" ) else: other = self.convert_node_arg(node.other) condition = "{left} {operator} {right}".format( left=expr, operator=op, right=other ) self._replace("{RelationalExpression}", condition) elif == "ConditionalAndExpression": inner_nodes = " && ".join( [self.convert_node_arg(expr) for expr in node.other] ) self._replace( "{ConditionalAndExpression}", self.convert_node_arg(node.expr) + " && " + inner_nodes, ) elif == "ConditionalOrExpression": inner_nodes = " || ".join( [self.convert_node_arg(expr) for expr in node.other] ) self._replace( "{ConditionalOrExpression}", "(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.expr) + " || " + inner_nodes + ")", ) elif == "MultiplicativeExpression": left_side = self.convert_node_arg(node.expr) multiplication = left_side for i, operator in enumerate(node.op): # noqa: F402 multiplication += ( operator + " " + self.convert_node_arg(node.other[i]) + " " ) self._replace("{MultiplicativeExpression}", multiplication) elif == "AdditiveExpression": left_side = self.convert_node_arg(node.expr) addition = left_side for i, operator in enumerate(node.op): addition += ( operator + " " + self.convert_node_arg(node.other[i]) + " " ) self._replace("{AdditiveExpression}", addition) elif == "UnaryNot": self._replace("{UnaryNot}", "!" + self.convert_node_arg(node.expr)) # # 17.4 Function Definitions # # # 17.4.1 Functional Forms elif"BOUND"): bound_var = self.convert_node_arg(node.arg) self._replace("{Builtin_BOUND}", "bound(" + bound_var + ")") elif"IF"): arg2 = self.convert_node_arg(node.arg2) arg3 = self.convert_node_arg(node.arg3) if_expression = ( "IF(" + "{" + + "}, " + arg2 + ", " + arg3 + ")" ) self._replace("{Builtin_IF}", if_expression) elif"COALESCE"): self._replace( "{Builtin_COALESCE}", "COALESCE(" + ", ".join(self.convert_node_arg(arg) for arg in node.arg) + ")", ) elif"Builtin_EXISTS"): # The node's name which we get with returns "Join" instead of GroupGraphPatternSub # According to # ExistsFunc can only have a GroupGraphPattern as parameter. However, when we print the query algebra # we get a GroupGraphPatternSub self._replace( "{Builtin_EXISTS}", "EXISTS " + "{{" + + "}}" ) traverse(node.graph, visitPre=self.sparql_query_text) return node.graph elif"Builtin_NOTEXISTS"): # The node's name which we get with returns "Join" instead of GroupGraphPatternSub # According to # NotExistsFunc can only have a GroupGraphPattern as parameter. However, when we print the query algebra # we get a GroupGraphPatternSub print( self._replace( "{Builtin_NOTEXISTS}", "NOT EXISTS " + "{{" + + "}}" ) traverse(node.graph, visitPre=self.sparql_query_text) return node.graph # # # # logical-or: Covered in "RelationalExpression" # # # # logical-and: Covered in "RelationalExpression" # # # # RDFterm-equal: Covered in "RelationalExpression" elif"sameTerm"): self._replace( "{Builtin_sameTerm}", "SAMETERM(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg1) + ", " + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg2) + ")", ) # # # # IN: Covered in "RelationalExpression" # # # # NOT IN: Covered in "RelationalExpression" # # # 17.4.2 Functions on RDF Terms elif"Builtin_isIRI"): self._replace( "{Builtin_isIRI}", "isIRI(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg) + ")" ) elif"Builtin_isBLANK"): self._replace( "{Builtin_isBLANK}", "isBLANK(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg) + ")", ) elif"Builtin_isLITERAL"): self._replace( "{Builtin_isLITERAL}", "isLITERAL(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg) + ")", ) elif"Builtin_isNUMERIC"): self._replace( "{Builtin_isNUMERIC}", "isNUMERIC(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg) + ")", ) elif"Builtin_STR"): self._replace( "{Builtin_STR}", "STR(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg) + ")" ) elif"Builtin_LANG"): self._replace( "{Builtin_LANG}", "LANG(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg) + ")" ) elif"Builtin_DATATYPE"): self._replace( "{Builtin_DATATYPE}", "DATATYPE(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg) + ")", ) elif"Builtin_IRI"): self._replace( "{Builtin_IRI}", "IRI(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg) + ")" ) elif"Builtin_BNODE"): self._replace( "{Builtin_BNODE}", "BNODE(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg) + ")" ) elif"STRDT"): self._replace( "{Builtin_STRDT}", "STRDT(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg1) + ", " + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg2) + ")", ) elif"Builtin_STRLANG"): self._replace( "{Builtin_STRLANG}", "STRLANG(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg1) + ", " + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg2) + ")", ) elif"Builtin_UUID"): self._replace("{Builtin_UUID}", "UUID()") elif"Builtin_STRUUID"): self._replace("{Builtin_STRUUID}", "STRUUID()") # # # 17.4.3 Functions on Strings elif"Builtin_STRLEN"): self._replace( "{Builtin_STRLEN}", "STRLEN(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg) + ")", ) elif"Builtin_SUBSTR"): args = [self.convert_node_arg(node.arg), node.start] if node.length: args.append(node.length) expr = "SUBSTR(" + ", ".join(args) + ")" self._replace("{Builtin_SUBSTR}", expr) elif"Builtin_UCASE"): self._replace( "{Builtin_UCASE}", "UCASE(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg) + ")" ) elif"Builtin_LCASE"): self._replace( "{Builtin_LCASE}", "LCASE(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg) + ")" ) elif"Builtin_STRSTARTS"): self._replace( "{Builtin_STRSTARTS}", "STRSTARTS(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg1) + ", " + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg2) + ")", ) elif"Builtin_STRENDS"): self._replace( "{Builtin_STRENDS}", "STRENDS(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg1) + ", " + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg2) + ")", ) elif"Builtin_CONTAINS"): self._replace( "{Builtin_CONTAINS}", "CONTAINS(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg1) + ", " + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg2) + ")", ) elif"Builtin_STRBEFORE"): self._replace( "{Builtin_STRBEFORE}", "STRBEFORE(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg1) + ", " + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg2) + ")", ) elif"Builtin_STRAFTER"): self._replace( "{Builtin_STRAFTER}", "STRAFTER(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg1) + ", " + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg2) + ")", ) elif"Builtin_ENCODE_FOR_URI"): self._replace( "{Builtin_ENCODE_FOR_URI}", "ENCODE_FOR_URI(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg) + ")", ) elif"Builtin_CONCAT"): expr = "CONCAT({vars})".format( vars=", ".join(self.convert_node_arg(elem) for elem in node.arg) ) self._replace("{Builtin_CONCAT}", expr) elif"Builtin_LANGMATCHES"): self._replace( "{Builtin_LANGMATCHES}", "LANGMATCHES(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg1) + ", " + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg2) + ")", ) elif"REGEX"): args = [ self.convert_node_arg(node.text), self.convert_node_arg(node.pattern), ] expr = "REGEX(" + ", ".join(args) + ")" self._replace("{Builtin_REGEX}", expr) elif"REPLACE"): self._replace( "{Builtin_REPLACE}", "REPLACE(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg) + ", " + self.convert_node_arg(node.pattern) + ", " + self.convert_node_arg(node.replacement) + ")", ) # # # 17.4.4 Functions on Numerics elif == "Builtin_ABS": self._replace( "{Builtin_ABS}", "ABS(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg) + ")" ) elif == "Builtin_ROUND": self._replace( "{Builtin_ROUND}", "ROUND(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg) + ")" ) elif == "Builtin_CEIL": self._replace( "{Builtin_CEIL}", "CEIL(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg) + ")" ) elif == "Builtin_FLOOR": self._replace( "{Builtin_FLOOR}", "FLOOR(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg) + ")" ) elif == "Builtin_RAND": self._replace("{Builtin_RAND}", "RAND()") # # # 17.4.5 Functions on Dates and Times elif == "Builtin_NOW": self._replace("{Builtin_NOW}", "NOW()") elif == "Builtin_YEAR": self._replace( "{Builtin_YEAR}", "YEAR(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg) + ")" ) elif == "Builtin_MONTH": self._replace( "{Builtin_MONTH}", "MONTH(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg) + ")" ) elif == "Builtin_DAY": self._replace( "{Builtin_DAY}", "DAY(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg) + ")" ) elif == "Builtin_HOURS": self._replace( "{Builtin_HOURS}", "HOURS(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg) + ")" ) elif == "Builtin_MINUTES": self._replace( "{Builtin_MINUTES}", "MINUTES(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg) + ")", ) elif == "Builtin_SECONDS": self._replace( "{Builtin_SECONDS}", "SECONDS(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg) + ")", ) elif == "Builtin_TIMEZONE": self._replace( "{Builtin_TIMEZONE}", "TIMEZONE(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg) + ")", ) elif == "Builtin_TZ": self._replace( "{Builtin_TZ}", "TZ(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg) + ")" ) # # # 17.4.6 Hash functions elif == "Builtin_MD5": self._replace( "{Builtin_MD5}", "MD5(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg) + ")" ) elif == "Builtin_SHA1": self._replace( "{Builtin_SHA1}", "SHA1(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg) + ")" ) elif == "Builtin_SHA256": self._replace( "{Builtin_SHA256}", "SHA256(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg) + ")", ) elif == "Builtin_SHA384": self._replace( "{Builtin_SHA384}", "SHA384(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg) + ")", ) elif == "Builtin_SHA512": self._replace( "{Builtin_SHA512}", "SHA512(" + self.convert_node_arg(node.arg) + ")", ) # Other elif == "values": columns = [] for key in node.res[0].keys(): if isinstance(key, Identifier): columns.append(key.n3()) else: raise ExpressionNotCoveredException( "The expression {0} might not be covered yet.".format(key) ) values = "VALUES (" + " ".join(columns) + ")" rows = "" for elem in node.res: row = [] for term in elem.values(): if isinstance(term, Identifier): row.append( term.n3() ) # n3() is not part of Identifier class but every subclass has it elif isinstance(term, str): row.append(term) else: raise ExpressionNotCoveredException( "The expression {0} might not be covered yet.".format( term ) ) rows += "(" + " ".join(row) + ")" self._replace("values", values + "{" + rows + "}") elif == "ServiceGraphPattern": self._replace( "{ServiceGraphPattern}", "SERVICE " + self.convert_node_arg(node.term) + "{" + + "}", ) traverse(node.graph, visitPre=self.sparql_query_text) return node.graph # else: # raise ExpressionNotCoveredException("The expression {0} might not be covered yet.".format( def translateAlgebra(self) -> str: traverse(self.query_algebra.algebra, visitPre=self.sparql_query_text) return self._alg_translation def translateAlgebra(query_algebra: Query) -> str: """ Translates a SPARQL 1.1 algebra tree into the corresponding query string. :param query_algebra: An algebra returned by `translateQuery`. :return: The query form generated from the SPARQL 1.1 algebra tree for SELECT queries. """ query_from_algebra = _AlgebraTranslator( query_algebra=query_algebra ).translateAlgebra() return query_from_algebra def pprintAlgebra(q) -> None: def pp(p, ind=" "): # if isinstance(p, list): # print "[ " # for x in p: pp(x,ind) # print "%s ]"%ind # return if not isinstance(p, CompValue): print(p) return print("%s(" % (,)) for k in p: print( "%s%s =" % ( ind, k, ), end=" ", ) pp(p[k], ind + " ") print("%s)" % ind) try: pp(q.algebra) except AttributeError: # it's update, just a list for x in q: pp(x)