import json from contextlib import ExitStack from test.utils import helper from test.utils.httpservermock import ( MethodName, MockHTTPResponse, ServedBaseHTTPServerMock, ) from typing import ( Dict, FrozenSet, List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, Union, ) import pytest from rdflib import Graph, Literal, URIRef, Variable from rdflib.namespace import XSD from rdflib.term import BNode, Identifier def test_service(): g = Graph() q = """select ?sameAs ?dbpComment where { service { select ?dbpHypernym ?dbpComment where { ?sameAs ; ?dbpComment . } } } limit 2""" results = helper.query_with_retry(g, q) print(results.vars) print(results.bindings) assert len(results) == 2 for r in results: assert len(r) == 2 def test_service_with_bind(): g = Graph() q = """select ?sameAs ?dbpComment ?subject where { bind ( as ?subject) service { select ?sameAs ?dbpComment ?subject where { ?sameAs ; ?dbpComment ; ?subject . } } } limit 2""" results = helper.query_with_retry(g, q) assert len(results) == 2 for r in results: assert len(r) == 3 def test_service_with_bound_solutions(): g = Graph() g.update( """ INSERT DATA { [] ; . } """ ) q = """ SELECT ?sameAs ?dbpComment ?subject WHERE { [] ?sameAs ; ?subject . SERVICE { SELECT ?sameAs ?dbpComment ?subject WHERE { ?sameAs ; ?dbpComment ; ?subject . } } } LIMIT 2 """ results = helper.query_with_retry(g, q) assert len(results) == 2 for r in results: assert len(r) == 3 def test_service_with_values(): g = Graph() q = """select ?sameAs ?dbpComment ?subject where { values (?sameAs ?subject) {( ) ( )} service { select ?sameAs ?dbpComment ?subject where { ?sameAs ; ?dbpComment ; ?subject . } } } limit 2""" results = helper.query_with_retry(g, q) assert len(results) == 2 for r in results: assert len(r) == 3 def test_service_with_implicit_select(): g = Graph() q = """select ?s ?p ?o where { service { values (?s ?p ?o) {( 1) ( 2)} }} limit 2""" results = helper.query_with_retry(g, q) assert len(results) == 2 for r in results: assert len(r) == 3 def test_service_with_implicit_select_and_prefix(): g = Graph() q = """prefix ex: select ?s ?p ?o where { service { values (?s ?p ?o) {(ex:a ex:b 1) ( 2)} }} limit 2""" results = helper.query_with_retry(g, q) assert len(results) == 2 for r in results: assert len(r) == 3 def test_service_with_implicit_select_and_base(): g = Graph() q = """base select ?s ?p ?o where { service { values (?s ?p ?o) {( 1) ( 2)} }} limit 2""" results = helper.query_with_retry(g, q) assert len(results) == 2 for r in results: assert len(r) == 3 def test_service_with_implicit_select_and_allcaps(): g = Graph() q = """SELECT ?s WHERE { SERVICE { ?s ?sameAs . } } LIMIT 3""" results = helper.query_with_retry(g, q) assert len(results) == 3 def freeze_bindings( bindings: Sequence[Mapping[Variable, Identifier]] ) -> FrozenSet[FrozenSet[Tuple[Variable, Identifier]]]: result = [] for binding in bindings: result.append(frozenset(((key, value)) for key, value in binding.items())) return frozenset(result) def test_simple_not_null(): """Test service returns simple literals not as NULL. Issue: """ g = Graph() q = """SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { SERVICE { VALUES (?s ?p ?o) {( "c")} } }""" results = helper.query_with_retry(g, q) assert results.bindings[0].get(Variable("o")) == Literal("c") def test_service_node_types(): """Test if SERVICE properly returns different types of nodes: - URI; - Simple Literal; - Literal with datatype ; - Literal with language tag . """ g = Graph() q = """ SELECT ?o WHERE { SERVICE { VALUES (?s ?p ?o) { ( ) ( "Simple Literal") ( "String Literal"^^xsd:string) ( "String Language"@en) ( "String Language"@en) } } FILTER( ?o IN (, "Simple Literal", "String Literal"^^xsd:string, "String Language"@en) ) }""" results = helper.query_with_retry(g, q) expected = freeze_bindings( [ {Variable("o"): URIRef("")}, {Variable("o"): Literal("Simple Literal")}, { Variable("o"): Literal( "String Literal", datatype=URIRef(""), ) }, {Variable("o"): Literal("String Language", lang="en")}, ] ) assert expected == freeze_bindings(results.bindings) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("response_bindings", "expected_result"), [ ( [ {"type": "uri", "value": ""}, {"type": "literal", "value": "literal without type or lang"}, {"type": "literal", "value": "literal with lang", "xml:lang": "en"}, { "type": "typed-literal", "value": "typed-literal with datatype", "datatype": f"{XSD.string}", }, { "type": "literal", "value": "literal with datatype", "datatype": f"{XSD.string}", }, {"type": "bnode", "value": "ohci6Te6aidooNgo"}, ], [ URIRef(""), Literal("literal without type or lang"), Literal("literal with lang", lang="en"), Literal( "typed-literal with datatype", datatype=URIRef(""), ), Literal("literal with datatype", datatype=XSD.string), BNode("ohci6Te6aidooNgo"), ], ), ( [ {"type": "invalid-type"}, ], ValueError, ), ], ) def test_with_mock( function_httpmock: ServedBaseHTTPServerMock, response_bindings: List[Dict[str, str]], expected_result: Union[List[Identifier], Type[Exception]], ) -> None: """ This tests that bindings for a variable named var """ graph = Graph() query = """ PREFIX ex: SELECT ?var WHERE { SERVICE { ex:s ex:p ?var } } """ query = query.replace("REMOTE_URL", function_httpmock.url) response = { "head": {"vars": ["var"]}, "results": {"bindings": [{"var": item} for item in response_bindings]}, } function_httpmock.responses[MethodName.GET].append( MockHTTPResponse( 200, "OK", json.dumps(response).encode("utf-8"), {"Content-Type": ["application/sparql-results+json"]}, ) ) catcher: Optional[pytest.ExceptionInfo[Exception]] = None with ExitStack() as xstack: if isinstance(expected_result, type) and issubclass(expected_result, Exception): catcher = xstack.enter_context(pytest.raises(expected_result)) else: expected_bindings = [{Variable("var"): item} for item in expected_result] bindings = graph.query(query).bindings if catcher is not None: assert catcher is not None assert catcher.value is not None else: assert expected_bindings == bindings if __name__ == "__main__": test_service() test_service_with_bind() test_service_with_bound_solutions() test_service_with_values() test_service_with_implicit_select() test_service_with_implicit_select_and_prefix() test_service_with_implicit_select_and_base() test_service_node_types()