diff options
authorbescoto <bescoto@2b77aa54-bcbc-44c9-a7ec-4f6cf2b41109>2003-11-06 21:33:17 +0000
committerbescoto <bescoto@2b77aa54-bcbc-44c9-a7ec-4f6cf2b41109>2003-11-06 21:33:17 +0000
commit93f8819a2d1c49e1441f89bccfa3d861b4f3a3a1 (patch)
parent4a78e4c9c64b9568a7995e3f5187f4a3f5993478 (diff)
Simple script that mimicks rdiff, can help check rdiff-backup's librsync
git-svn-id: 2b77aa54-bcbc-44c9-a7ec-4f6cf2b41109
1 files changed, 69 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rdiff-backup/python-rdiff b/rdiff-backup/python-rdiff
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..14896b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rdiff-backup/python-rdiff
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys
+from rdiff_backup import librsync
+blocksize = 64*1024 # just used in copying
+librsync_blocksize = None # If not set, use defaults in _librsync module
+def usage():
+ """Print usage and then exit"""
+ print """
+Usage: %(cmd)s "signature" basis_file signature_file
+ %(cmd)s "delta" signature_file new_file delta_file
+ %(cmd)s "patch" basis_file delta_file new_file
+""" % {'cmd': sys.argv[0]}
+ sys.exit(1)
+def copy_and_close(infp, outfp):
+ """Copy file streams infp to outfp in blocks, closing when done"""
+ while 1:
+ buf =
+ if not buf: break
+ outfp.write(buf)
+ assert not infp.close() and not outfp.close()
+def write_sig(input_path, output_path):
+ """Open file at input_path, write signature to output_path"""
+ infp = open(input_path, "rb")
+ if librsync_blocksize: sigfp = librsync.SigFile(infp, librsync_blocksize)
+ else: sigfp = librsync.SigFile(infp)
+ copy_and_close(sigfp, open(output_path, "wb"))
+def write_delta(sig_path, new_path, output_path):
+ """Read signature and new file, write to delta to delta_path"""
+ deltafp = librsync.DeltaFile(open(sig_path, "rb"), open(new_path, "rb"))
+ copy_and_close(deltafp, open(output_path, "wb"))
+def write_patch(basis_path, delta_path, out_path):
+ """Patch file at basis_path with delta at delta_path, write to out_path"""
+ patchfp = librsync.PatchedFile(open(basis_path, "rb"),
+ open(delta_path, "rb"))
+ copy_and_close(patchfp, open(out_path, "wb"))
+def check_different(filelist):
+ """Make sure no files the same"""
+ d = {}
+ for file in filelist: d[file] = file
+ assert len(d) == len(filelist), "Error, must use all different filenames"
+def Main():
+ """Run program"""
+ if len(sys.argv) < 4: usage()
+ mode = sys.argv[1]
+ file_args = sys.argv[2:]
+ check_different(file_args)
+ if mode == "signature":
+ if len(file_args) != 2: usage()
+ write_sig(*file_args)
+ elif mode == "delta":
+ if len(file_args) != 3: usage()
+ write_delta(*file_args)
+ elif mode == "patch":
+ if len(file_args) != 3: usage()
+ write_patch(*file_args)
+ else: usage()
+if __name__ == "__main__": Main()