path: root/rdiff-backup/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rdiff-backup/src/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 219 deletions
diff --git a/rdiff-backup/src/ b/rdiff-backup/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index a32c68e..0000000
--- a/rdiff-backup/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-# setconnections - Parse initial arguments and establish connections
-class SetConnectionsException(Exception): pass
-class SetConnections:
- """Parse args and setup connections
- The methods in this class are used once by Main to parse file
- descriptions like and to
- set up the related connections.
- """
- # This is the schema that determines how rdiff-backup will open a
- # pipe to the remote system. If the file is given as A::B, %s will
- # be substituted with A in the schema.
- __cmd_schema = 'ssh -C %s rdiff-backup --server'
- __cmd_schema_no_compress = 'ssh %s rdiff-backup --server'
- # This is a list of remote commands used to start the connections.
- # The first is None because it is the local connection.
- __conn_remote_cmds = [None]
- def InitRPs(cls, arglist, remote_schema = None, remote_cmd = None):
- """Map the given file descriptions into rpaths and return list"""
- if remote_schema: cls.__cmd_schema = remote_schema
- elif not Globals.ssh_compression:
- cls.__cmd_schema = cls.__cmd_schema_no_compress
- if not arglist: return []
- desc_pairs = map(cls.parse_file_desc, arglist)
- if filter(lambda x: x[0], desc_pairs): # True if any host_info found
- if remote_cmd:
- Log.FatalError("The --remote-cmd flag is not compatible "
- "with remote file descriptions.")
- elif remote_schema:
- Log("Remote schema option ignored - no remote file "
- "descriptions.", 2)
- cmd_pairs = map(cls.desc2cmd_pairs, desc_pairs)
- if remote_cmd: # last file description gets remote_cmd
- cmd_pairs[-1] = (remote_cmd, cmd_pairs[-1][1])
- return map(cls.cmdpair2rp, cmd_pairs)
- def cmdpair2rp(cls, cmd_pair):
- """Return RPath from cmd_pair (remote_cmd, filename)"""
- cmd, filename = cmd_pair
- if cmd: conn = cls.init_connection(cmd)
- else: conn = Globals.local_connection
- return RPath(conn, filename)
- def desc2cmd_pairs(cls, desc_pair):
- """Return pair (remote_cmd, filename) from desc_pair"""
- host_info, filename = desc_pair
- if not host_info: return (None, filename)
- else: return (cls.fill_schema(host_info), filename)
- def parse_file_desc(cls, file_desc):
- """Parse file description returning pair (host_info, filename)
- In other words, =>
- ("", "/usr/bin/ls"). The
- complication is to allow for quoting of : by a \. If the
- string is not separated by :, then the host_info is None.
- """
- def check_len(i):
- if i >= len(file_desc):
- raise SetConnectionsException(
- "Unexpected end to file description %s" % file_desc)
- host_info_list, i, last_was_quoted = [], 0, None
- while 1:
- if i == len(file_desc):
- return (None, file_desc)
- if file_desc[i] == '\\':
- i = i+1
- check_len(i)
- last_was_quoted = 1
- elif (file_desc[i] == ":" and i > 0 and file_desc[i-1] == ":"
- and not last_was_quoted):
- host_info_list.pop() # Remove last colon from name
- break
- else: last_was_quoted = None
- host_info_list.append(file_desc[i])
- i = i+1
- check_len(i+1)
- return ("".join(host_info_list), file_desc[i+1:])
- def fill_schema(cls, host_info):
- """Fills host_info into the schema and returns remote command"""
- return cls.__cmd_schema % host_info
- def init_connection(cls, remote_cmd):
- """Run remote_cmd, register connection, and then return it
- If remote_cmd is None, then the local connection will be
- returned. This also updates some settings on the remote side,
- like global settings, its connection number, and verbosity.
- """
- if not remote_cmd: return Globals.local_connection
- Log("Executing " + remote_cmd, 4)
- stdin, stdout = os.popen2(remote_cmd)
- conn_number = len(Globals.connections)
- conn = PipeConnection(stdout, stdin, conn_number)
- cls.check_connection_version(conn, remote_cmd)
- Log("Registering connection %d" % conn_number, 7)
- cls.init_connection_routing(conn, conn_number, remote_cmd)
- cls.init_connection_settings(conn)
- return conn
- def check_connection_version(cls, conn, remote_cmd):
- """Log warning if connection has different version"""
- try: remote_version = conn.Globals.get('version')
- except ConnectionReadError, exception:
- Log.FatalError("""%s
-Couldn't start up the remote connection by executing
- %s
-Remember that, under the default settings, rdiff-backup must be
-installed in the PATH on the remote system. See the man page for more
-information.""" % (exception, remote_cmd))
- if remote_version != Globals.version:
- Log("Warning: Local version %s does not match remote version %s."
- % (Globals.version, remote_version), 2)
- def init_connection_routing(cls, conn, conn_number, remote_cmd):
- """Called by init_connection, establish routing, conn dict"""
- Globals.connection_dict[conn_number] = conn
- conn.SetConnections.init_connection_remote(conn_number)
- for other_remote_conn in Globals.connections[1:]:
- conn.SetConnections.add_redirected_conn(
- other_remote_conn.conn_number)
- other_remote_conn.SetConnections.add_redirected_conn(conn_number)
- Globals.connections.append(conn)
- cls.__conn_remote_cmds.append(remote_cmd)
- def init_connection_settings(cls, conn):
- """Tell new conn about log settings and updated globals"""
- conn.Log.setverbosity(Log.verbosity)
- conn.Log.setterm_verbosity(Log.term_verbosity)
- for setting_name in Globals.changed_settings:
- conn.Globals.set(setting_name, Globals.get(setting_name))
- def init_connection_remote(cls, conn_number):
- """Run on server side to tell self that have given conn_number"""
- Globals.connection_number = conn_number
- Globals.local_connection.conn_number = conn_number
- Globals.connection_dict[0] = Globals.connections[1]
- Globals.connection_dict[conn_number] = Globals.local_connection
- def add_redirected_conn(cls, conn_number):
- """Run on server side - tell about redirected connection"""
- Globals.connection_dict[conn_number] = \
- RedirectedConnection(conn_number)
- def UpdateGlobal(cls, setting_name, val):
- """Update value of global variable across all connections"""
- for conn in Globals.connections:
- conn.Globals.set(setting_name, val)
- def BackupInitConnections(cls, reading_conn, writing_conn):
- """Backup specific connection initialization"""
- reading_conn.Globals.set("isbackup_reader", 1)
- writing_conn.Globals.set("isbackup_writer", 1)
- cls.UpdateGlobal("backup_reader", reading_conn)
- cls.UpdateGlobal("backup_writer", writing_conn)
- def CloseConnections(cls):
- """Close all connections. Run by client"""
- assert not Globals.server
- for conn in Globals.connections: conn.quit()
- del Globals.connections[1:] # Only leave local connection
- Globals.connection_dict = {0: Globals.local_connection}
- Globals.backup_reader = Globals.isbackup_reader = \
- Globals.backup_writer = Globals.isbackup_writer = None
- def TestConnections(cls):
- """Test connections, printing results"""
- if len(Globals.connections) == 1:
- print "No remote connections specified"
- else:
- for i in range(1, len(Globals.connections)):
- cls.test_connection(i)
- def test_connection(cls, conn_number):
- """Test connection. conn_number 0 is the local connection"""
- print "Testing server started by: ", \
- cls.__conn_remote_cmds[conn_number]
- conn = Globals.connections[conn_number]
- try:
- assert conn.pow(2,3) == 8
- assert conn.os.path.join("a", "b") == "a/b"
- version = conn.reval("lambda: Globals.version")
- except:
- sys.stderr.write("Server tests failed\n")
- raise
- if not version == Globals.version:
- print """Server may work, but there is a version mismatch:
-Local version: %s
-Remote version: %s""" % (Globals.version, version)
- else: print "Server OK"