path: root/rdiff-backup
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rdiff-backup')
1 files changed, 208 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rdiff-backup/rdiff-backup-statistics b/rdiff-backup/rdiff-backup-statistics
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..761b0c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rdiff-backup/rdiff-backup-statistics
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+# Copyright 2005 Dean Gaudet, Ben Escoto
+# This file is part of rdiff-backup.
+# rdiff-backup is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+# option) any later version.
+# rdiff-backup is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with rdiff-backup; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
+# USA
+import os, sys, re
+import rdiff_backup.connection, rdiff_backup.regress
+import rdiff_backup.rpath as rpath
+import rdiff_backup.Globals as Globals
+import rdiff_backup.restore as restore
+tag = None # Set to an rdiff-backup session time
+def check_args():
+ global tag
+ def error(msg):
+ sys.stderr.write("Command line error: %s\n" % (msg,))
+ sys.exit(2)
+ if not (2 <= len(sys.argv) <= 3):
+ error("usage: %s mirror-directory [date_tag]" % (sys.argv[0],))
+ Globals.rbdir = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection,
+ os.path.join(sys.argv[1], 'rdiff-backup-data'))
+ if not Globals.rbdir.isdir():
+ error("Directory %s not found" % (Globals.rbdir.path,))
+ if len(sys.argv) == 3: tag = sys.argv[2]
+def system(cmd):
+ if os.system(cmd): sys.exit("Error running command '%s'\n" % (cmd,))
+def get_rbdir_inc_rpath(prefix):
+ """Get rp in rdiff-backup-data given prefix (either newest or with tag)"""
+ if tag:
+ rp1 = Globals.rbdir.append('' % (prefix, tag))
+ if rp1.isreg(): return rp1
+ rp2 = Globals.rbdir.append('' % (prefix, tag))
+ if rp2.isreg(): return rp2
+ sys.exit(rp.path + " is not a regular file. Bad tag specified?")
+ else:
+ rp_base = Globals.rbdir.append(prefix)
+ inclist = restore.get_inclist(rp_base)
+ if not inclist: sys.exit("No data files in rdiff-backup-data dir "
+ "starting with %s were found!" % (prefix,))
+ inclist.sort(key = lambda i: i.getinctime())
+ return inclist[-1]
+def print_statistics():
+ print "\nSession statistics:"
+ print get_rbdir_inc_rpath('session_statistics').get_data()
+ print "\nAverage statistics:"
+ system("rdiff-backup --calculate-average %s/session_statistics.*" %
+ (Globals.rbdir.path,))
+def get_open_filestats():
+ """Return open file object based on file_statistics"""
+ file_stats_rp = get_rbdir_inc_rpath('file_statistics')
+ assert file_stats_rp.isincfile()
+ fileobj ='r', file_stats_rp.isinccompressed())
+ fileobj.readline()
+ if fileobj.readline() != ("# Filename Changed SourceSize "
+ "MirrorSize IncrementSize\n"):
+ sys.stderr.write("Format of %s may be unfamiliar\n"
+ % (file_stats_rp.path))
+ return fileobj
+class FileStat:
+ """Hold the information in one line of file_statistics
+ However, unlike file_statistics, a File can have subdirectories
+ under it. In that case, the information should be cumulative.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, nametuple, changed, sourcesize, incsize):
+ self.nametuple = nametuple
+ self.changed = changed
+ self.sourcesize, self.incsize = sourcesize, incsize
+ self.children = []
+ def add_child(self, child):
+ self.children.append(child)
+ self.changed += child.changed
+ self.sourcesize += child.sourcesize
+ self.incsize += child.incsize
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "%s %s %s %s" % (self.nametuple, self.changed,
+ self.sourcesize, self.incsize)
+def yield_fs_objs(filestatsobj):
+ """Iterate FileStats from open file_statistics fileobj"""
+ r = re.compile("^(.*) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+|NA) ([0-9]+|NA) ([0-9]+|NA)\n?$")
+ while 1:
+ line = filestatsobj.readline()
+ if not line: break
+ if line.startswith('#'): continue
+ match = r.match(line)
+ if not match:
+ print "Error parsing line: ", line
+ continue
+ filename =
+ if filename == '.': nametuple = ()
+ else: nametuple = tuple(filename.split('/'))
+ if == 'NA': sourcesize = 0
+ else: sourcesize = int(
+ if == 'NA': incsize = 0
+ else: incsize = int(
+ yield FileStat(nametuple, int(, sourcesize, incsize)
+def make_tree(fs_iter, root_fs):
+ """Populate a tree of FileStat objects from fs_iter
+ We require that the nametuple of every FileStat put into the tree
+ starts with the same nametuple as root_fs. Return value will be a
+ tuple (root fs object, overflow), where overflow is the next
+ FileStat object in the iterator, or None.
+ """
+ try: fs =
+ except StopIteration: return (root_fs, None)
+ while 1:
+ if fs.nametuple[:len(root_fs.nametuple)] != root_fs.nametuple:
+ return (root_fs, fs)
+ subtree, fs = make_tree(fs_iter, fs)
+ root_fs.add_child(subtree)
+ if not fs: return (root_fs, None)
+def make_root_tree(fs_iter):
+ """Like make_tree, but assume fs_iter starts at the root"""
+ try: root_fs =
+ except StopIteration: sys.exit("No files in iterator")
+ assert root_fs.nametuple == (), root_fs
+ tree, overflow = make_tree(fs_iter, root_fs)
+ assert overflow is None, overflow
+ return tree
+def get_top_fs(fs_tree, cutoff = .05, fs_func = lambda fs: fs.incsize):
+ """Process the FileStat tree and find everything above the cutoff
+ cutoff is a fraction of the root. Of course the root will be
+ above the cutoff, but we try to find the most specific directories
+ still above the cutoff. The value of any directories that make
+ the cutoff will be excluded from the value of parent directories.
+ """
+ abs_cutoff = cutoff*fs_func(fs_tree)
+ def helper(subtree):
+ """Returns ([list of (top fs, value)], total excluded amount)"""
+ subtree_val = fs_func(subtree)
+ if subtree_val <= abs_cutoff: return ([], 0)
+ top_children, total_excluded = [], 0
+ for child in subtree.children:
+ top_sublist, excluded = helper(child)
+ top_children.extend(top_sublist)
+ total_excluded += excluded
+ current_value = subtree_val - total_excluded
+ if current_value >= abs_cutoff:
+ return ([(subtree, current_value)] + top_children, subtree_val)
+ else: return (top_children, total_excluded)
+ return helper(fs_tree)[0]
+def print_top_dirs(fs_tree, label, fs_func):
+ """Print the top directories in sorted order"""
+ def print_line(fs, val):
+ percentage = float(val)/fs_func(fs_tree) * 100
+ path = fs.nametuple and '/'.join(fs.nametuple) or '.'
+ print '%s (%02.1f%%)' % (path, percentage)
+ s = "Top directories by %s (percent of total)" % (label,)
+ print s + '\n' + ('-'*len(s))
+ top_fs_pair_list = get_top_fs(fs_tree, .05, fs_func)
+ top_fs_pair_list.sort(key = lambda pair: pair[1], reverse = 1)
+ for fs, val in top_fs_pair_list: print_line(fs, val)
+def Main():
+ check_args()
+ print_statistics()
+ fs_tree = make_root_tree(yield_fs_objs(get_open_filestats()))
+ print_top_dirs(fs_tree, "source size", lambda fs: fs.sourcesize)
+ print
+ print_top_dirs(fs_tree, "increment size", lambda fs: fs.incsize)
+ print
+ print_top_dirs(fs_tree, "number of files changed",
+ lambda fs: fs.changed)
+if __name__ == '__main__': Main()