Table of contents

  1. When I try to run rdiff-backup it says "ImportError: No module named __future__" or "SyntaxError: invalid syntax". What's happening?
  2. What do the different verbosity levels mean?
  3. Does rdiff-backup run under Windows?
  4. Does rdiff-backup run under Mac OS X?
  5. My backup set contains some files that I just realized I don't want/need backed up. How do I remove them from the backup volume to save space?
  6. How do I install the RPMs on Redhat linux system?
  7. Does rdiff-backup work under Solaris?
  8. How fast is rdiff-backup? Can it be run on large data sets?
  9. What do the various fields mean in the session statistics and directory statistics files?
  10. Is there some way to limit rdiff-backup's bandwidth usage, as in rsync's --bwlimit option?
  11. How much memory should rdiff-backup use? Is there a memory leak?

Questions and Answers

  1. When I try to run rdiff-backup it says "ImportError: No module named __future__" or "SyntaxError: invalid syntax". What's happening?

    rdiff-backup versions 0.2.x require Python version 2.1 or later, and versions 0.3.x and later require Python version 2.2 or later. If you don't know what version of python you are running, type in "python -V" from the shell. I'm sorry if this is inconvenient, but rdiff-backup uses generators, iterators, nested scoping, and static/class methods extensively, and these were only added in version 2.2.

    If you have two versions of python installed, and running "python" defaults to an early version, you'll probably have to change the first line of the rdiff-backup script. For instance, you could set it to:

    #!/usr/bin/env python2.2
  2. What do the different verbosity levels mean?

    There is no formal specification, but here is a rough description (settings are always cumulative, so 5 displays everything 4 does):

    0No information given
    1Fatal Errors displayed
    3Important messages, and maybe later some global statistics (default)
    4Some global settings, miscellaneous messages
    5Mentions which files were changed
    6More information on each file processed
    7More information on various things
    8All logging is dated
    9Details on which objects are moving across the connection

  3. Does rdiff-backup run under Windows?

    Yes, apparently it is possible. First, follow Jason Piterak's instructions:

    Subject: Cygwin rdiff-backup
    From: Jason  Piterak <>
    Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2002 16:54:24 -0500 (13:54 PST)
    To: rdiff-backup@keywest.Stanford.EDU
    Hello all,
      On a lark, I thought I would attempt to get rdiff-backup to work under
    Windows98 under Cygwin. We have a number of NT/Win2K servers in the field
    that I'd love to be backing up via rdiff-backup, and this was the start of
    getting that working. 
      o You can get all the pieces for rdiff-backup working under Cygwin.
      o The backup process works up to the point of writing any files with
          ... This is because the ':' character is reserved for Alternate Data
    Stream (ADS) file designations under NTFS.
    HOW TO GET IT WORKING (to a point, anyway):
      o Install Cygwin
      o Download the Python 2.2 update through the Cygwin installer and install.
      o Download the librsync libraries from the usual place, but before
      o Cygwin does not use/provide glibc. Because of this, you have to repoint
    some header files in the Makefile:
       -- Make sure that you have /usr/include/inttypes.h
          redirected to /usr/include/sys/types.h. Do this by:
          create a file /usr/include/inttypes.h with the contents:
          #include <sys/types.h>
      o Put rdiff-backup in your PATH, as you normally would.
    Then, whenever you use rdiff-backup to back up from a unix system to Windows, use the --windows-mode switch. This compensates for some windows file systems' inability to store hard links, symlinks, device files, sockets, fifos, case sensitive filenames, and filenames with colons (":") in them. (Note: device files, symlinks, fifos, and sockets will simply be skipped, and hard link information will not be recorded.)

    If you are backing up one windows system to another, full --windows-mode is not necessary, but you'll still need --windows-time-format, which stops rdiff-backup from trying to make increment files with colons in them. Whichever --windows* option you use, remember to use the same one when restoring or listing that backup directory.

  4. Does rdiff-backup run under Mac OS X?

    Yes, but there may be some issues installing librsync. See this message from Gerd Knops:

    From: Gerd Knops 
    Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2002 03:56:47 -0500 (01:56 PDT)
    [parts of original message deleted]
    these instructions build it fine with all tests running OK
    (librsync- on OS X 10.2.1):
    	automake --foreign --add-missing
    	CFLAGS=-no-cpp-precomp ./configure
    	make install
    Also, if you are backing up to a file system that is not case sensitive you may need to use "--chars-to-quote A-Z". If you do use --chars-to-quote, remember to use it with the same arguments when restoring or listing incrementes.
  5. My backup set contains some files that I just realized I don't want/need backed up. How do I remove them from the backup volume to save space?

    Let's take an example. Suppose you ran

    rdiff-backup /usr /backup
    and now realize that you don't want /usr/local backed up on /backup. Next time you back up, you run
    rdiff-backup --exclude /usr/local /usr /backup
    so that /usr/local is no longer copied to /backup/usr/local. However, old information about /usr/local is still present in /backup/rdiff-backup-data/increments/usr/local. You could wait for this information to expire and then run rdiff-backup with the --remove-older-than option, or you could remove the increments manually by typing:
    rm -rf /backup/rdiff-backup-data/increments/usr/local
    rm /backup/rdiff-backup-data/increments/usr/local.*.dir
  6. How do I install the RPMs on a Redhat linux system?

    The problem is that the default version of python for Redhat 7.x is 1.5.x, and rdiff-backup requires python >= 2.2. Redhat/rawhide provides python 2.2 RPMs, but they are packaged under the "python2" name.

    So, if you are running Redhat 7.x:

    1. Make sure the python2 >= 2.2 package is installed, leaving python 1.5 the way it is
    2. Install the rdiff-backup RPM, using --nodeps if it only complains about python 2.2 missing.
    3. Edit the first line of /usr/bin/rdiff-backup so it says
      #!/usr/bin/env python2
      so "python2" gets run instead of "python".

    You can also upgrade using a non-Redhat python 2.2 RPM and avoid the above steps (this is what I did). Because of all the dependencies it is usually easier to use source RPMs for this.

  7. Does rdiff-backup work under Solaris?

    There may be a problem with rdiff-backup and Solaris' libthread. Adding "ulimit -n unlimited" may fix the problem though. Here is a post by Kevin Spicer on the subject:

    Subject: RE: Crash report....still not^H^H^H working
    From: "Spicer, Kevin" 
    Date: Sat, 11 May 2002 23:36:42 +0100
    To: rdiff-backup@keywest.Stanford.EDU
    Quick mail to follow up on this.. 
    My rdiff backup (on Solaris 2.6 if you remember) has now worked
    reliably for nearly two weeks after I added...
        ulimit -n unlimited 
    to the start of my cron job and created a wrapper script on the remote
    machine which looked like this...
        ulimit -n unlimited 
        rdiff-backup --server 
    And changed the remote schema on the command line of rdiff-backup to
    call the wrapper script rather than rdiff-backup itself on the remote
    machine.  As for the /dev/zero thing I've done a bit of Googleing and
    it seems that /dev/zero is used internally by libthread on Solaris
    (which doesn't really explain why its opening more than 64 files - but
    at least I think I've now got round it).
  8. How fast is rdiff-backup? Can it be run on large data sets?

    rdiff-backup can be limited by the CPU, disk IO, or available bandwidth, and the length of a session can be affected by the amount of data, how much the data changed, and how many files are present. That said, in the typical case the number/size of changed files is relatively small compared to that of unchanged files, and rdiff-backup is often either CPU or bandwidth bound, and takes time proportional to the total number of files. Initial mirrorings will usually be bandwidth or disk bound, and will take much longer than subsequent updates.

    To give two arbitrary data points, when I back up my personal HD locally (about 9GB, 600000 files, maybe 50 MB turnover, 1.1Ghz athlon) rdiff-backup takes about 35 minutes and is usually CPU bound. Another user reports an rdiff-backup session takes about 3 hours (80GB, ~1mil files, 2GB turnover) to back up remotely Tru64 -> linux.

  9. What do the various fields mean in the session statistics and directory statistics files?

    Let's examine an example session statistics file:

    StartTime 1028200920.44 (Thu Aug  1 04:22:00 2002)
    EndTime 1028203082.77 (Thu Aug  1 04:58:02 2002)
    ElapsedTime 2162.33 (36 minutes 2.33 seconds)
    SourceFiles 494619
    SourceFileSize 8535991560 (7.95 GB)
    MirrorFiles 493797
    MirrorFileSize 8521756994 (7.94 GB)
    NewFiles 1053
    NewFileSize 23601632 (22.5 MB)
    DeletedFiles 231
    DeletedFileSize 10346238 (9.87 MB)
    ChangedFiles 572
    ChangedSourceSize 86207321 (82.2 MB)
    ChangedMirrorSize 85228149 (81.3 MB)
    IncrementFiles 1857
    IncrementFileSize 13799799 (13.2 MB)
    TotalDestinationSizeChange 28034365 (26.7 MB)
    Errors 0

    StartTime and EndTime are measured in seconds since the epoch. ElapsedTime is just EndTime - StartTime, the length of the rdiff-backup session.

    SourceFiles are the number of files found in the source directory, and SourceFileSize is the total size of those files. MirrorFiles are the number of files found in the mirror directory (not including the rdiff-backup-data directory) and MirrorFileSize is the total size of those files. All sizes are in bytes. If the source directory hasn't changed since the last backup, MirrorFiles == SourceFiles and SourceFileSize == MirrorFileSize.

    NewFiles and NewFileSize are the total number and size of the files found in the source directory but not in the mirror directory. They are new as of the last backup.

    DeletedFiles and DeletedFileSize are the total number and size of the files found in the mirror directory but not the source directory. They have been deleted since the last backup.

    ChangedFiles are the number of files that exist both on the mirror and on the source directories and have changed since the previous backup. ChangedSourceSize is their total size on the source directory, and ChangedMirrorSize is their total size on the mirror directory.

    IncrementFiles is the number of increment files written to the rdiff-backup-data directory, and IncrementFileSize is their total size. Generally one increment file will be written for every new, deleted, and changed file.

    TotalDestinationSizeChange is the number of bytes the destination directory as a whole (mirror portion and rdiff-backup-data directory) has grown during the given rdiff-backup session. This is usually close to IncrementFileSize + NewFileSize - DeletedFileSize + ChangedSourceSize - ChangedMirrorSize, but it also includes the space taken up by the hardlink_data file to record hard links.

  10. Is there some way to limit rdiff-backup's bandwidth usage, as in rsync's --bwlimit option?

    There is no internal rdiff-backup option to do this. However, the --sleep-ratio option can limit overall resource usage, including bandwidth. Also, external utilities such as cstream can be used to monitor bandwidth explicitly. writes:

    rdiff-backup --remote-schema
      'cstream -v 1 -t 10000 | ssh %s '\''rdiff-backup --server'\'' | cstream -t 20000'
      '' localbakdir
    (must run from a bsh-type shell, not a csh type)
    That would apply a limit in both directions [10000 bytes/sec outgoing,
    20000 bytes/sec incoming].  I don't think you'd ever really want to do
    this though as really you just want to limit it in one direction.
    Also, note how I only -v 1 in one direction.  You probably don't want
    to output stats for both directions as it will confuse whatever script
    you have parsing the output.  I guess it wouldn't hurt for manual runs
    To only limit bandwidth in one directory, simply remove one of the cstream commands. Two cstream caveats may be worth mentioning:
    1. Because cstream is limiting the uncompressed data heading into or out of ssh, if ssh compression is turned on, cstream may be overly restrictive.
    2. cstream may be "bursty", limiting average bandwidth but allowing rdiff-backup to exceed it for significant periods.

    Another option is to limit bandwidth at a lower (and perhaps more appropriate) level. Adam Lazur mentions The Wonder Shaper.

  11. How much memory should rdiff-backup use? Is there a memory leak?

    The amount of memory rdiff-backup uses should not depend much on the size of directories being processed. Keeping track of hard links may use up memory, so if you have, say, hundreds of thousands of files hard linked together, rdiff-backup may need tens of MB.

    If rdiff-backup seems to be leaking memory, it is probably because it is using an early version of librsync. librsync 0.9.5 leaks lots of memory. Version should not leak and is available from the rdiff-backup homepage.