.TH RDIFF-BACKUP 1 "AUGUST 2001" "Version 0.2.1" "User Manuals" \" -*- nroff -*- .SH NAME rdiff-backup \- local/remote mirror and incremental backup .SH SYNOPSIS .B rdiff-backup .BI [ options ] .BI [[[ user@ ] host1.foo ]:: source_directory ] .BI [[[ user@ ] host2.foo ]:: destination_directory ] .B rdiff-backup .B {{ -l | --list-increments } .BI "| --remove-older-than " time_interval } .BI [[[ user@ ] host2.foo ]:: destination_directory ] .SH DESCRIPTION .B rdiff-backup is a script, written in .BR python (1) , that uses the .BR rdiff (1) program to back up one directory to another. The target directory ends up a copy of the source directory, but extra reverse diffs are stored in the target directory, so you can still recover files lost some time ago. The idea is to combine the best features of a mirror and an incremental backup. rdiff-backup also preserves symlinks, special files, hardlinks, permissions, uid/gid ownership (if it is running as root), and modification times. .B rdiff-backup can also operate in a bandwidth efficient manner over a pipe, like .BR rsync (1). Thus you can use ssh and rdiff-backup to securely back a hard drive up to a remote location, and only the differences will be transmitted. Using the default settings, rdiff-backup requires that the remote system accept ssh connections, and that .B rdiff-backup is installed in the user's PATH on the remote system. For information on other options, see the section on .B REMOTE OPERATION. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B -b, --backup-mode Force backup mode even if first argument appears to be an increment file. .TP .B --change-source-perms If this option is set, rdiff-backup will try to change the mode of any unreadable files or unreadable/unexecutable directories in the source directory so it can back them up. It will then restore their original permissions and mtimes afterwards. .TP .BI "--checkpoint-interval " seconds This option controls every how many seconds rdiff-backup checkpoints its current status. The default is 20. .TP .BI "--current-time " seconds This option is useful mainly for testing. If set, rdiff-backup will it for the current time instead of consulting the clock. The argument is the number of seconds since the epoch. .TP .BI "--exclude " shell_pattern Exclude the file or files matched by .IR shell_pattern . If a directory is matched, then files under that directory will also be matched. See the .B FILE SELECTION section for more information. .TP .B "--exclude-device-files" Exclude all device files. This can be useful for security/permissions reasons or if rdiff-backup is not handling device files correctly. .TP .BI "--exclude-filelist " filename Excludes the files listed in .I filename See the .B FILE SELECTION section for more information. .TP .B --exclude-filelist-stdin Like .B --exclude-filelist, but the list of files will be read from standard input. See the .B FILE SELECTION section for more information. .TP .BI "--exclude-mirror " regexp Exclude files in the mirror area matching regexp. This argument can be used multiple times. The rdiff-backup-data directory is automatically excluded, so this option rarely needs to be used. .TP .BI "--exclude-regexp " regexp Exclude files matching the given regexp. Unlike the .B --exclude option, this option does not match files in a directory it matches. See the .B FILE SELECTION section for more information. .TP .B --force Authorize overwriting of a destination directory. rdiff-backup will generally tell you if it needs this. .TP .BI "--include " shell_pattern Similar to .B --exclude but include matched files instead. Unlike .BR --exclude , this option will also match parent directories of matched files (although not necessarily their contents). See the .B FILE SELECTION section for more information. .TP .BI "--include-filelist " filename Like .BR --exclude-filelist , but include the listed files instead. See the .B FILE SELECTION section for more information. .TP .B --include-filelist-stdin Like .BR --include-filelist , but read the list of included files from standard input. .TP .BI "--include-regexp " regexp Include files matching the regular expression .IR regexp . Only files explicitly matched by .I regexp will be included by this option. See the .B FILE SELECTION section for more information. .TP .B "-l, --list-increments" List the number and date of partial incremental backups contained in the specified destination directory. This option is incompatible with backing up or restoring and must be run in a separate instance of rdiff-backup. .TP .B "-m, --mirror-only" Do not create an rdiff-backup-data directory or make any increments. In this mode rdiff-backup is similar to rsync (but usually slower). .TP .B --no-compression Disable the default gzip compression of most of the .snapshot and .diff increment files stored in the rdiff-backup-data directory. A backup volume can contain compressed and uncompressed increments, so using this option inconsistently is fine. .TP .B "--no-compression-regexp " regexp Do not compress increments based on files whose filenames match regexp. The default is "(?i).*\\.(gz|z|bz|bz2|tgz|zip|rpm|deb|jpg|gif|png|jp2|mp3|ogg|avi|wmv|mpeg|mpg|rm|mov)$" .TP .BI --no-hard-links Don't preserve hard links from source to mirror directories. Otherwise, no increment files will themselves be hard linked, but a hard link database will be written so that hard links from any dataset will be recreated if originally present. If many hard linked files are present, this option can drastically decrease memory usage. .TP .B --no-resume Do not resume last aborted backup even if it falls within the resume window. .TP .BI "--remote-cmd " command This command has been depreciated as of version 0.4.1. Use --remote-schema instead. .TP .BI "--remote-schema " schema Specify an alternate method of connecting to a remote computer. This is necessary to get rdiff-backup not to use ssh for remote backups, or if, for instance, rdiff-backup is not in the PATH on the remote side. See the .B REMOTE OPERATION section for more information. .TP .BI "--remove-older-than " time_interval Remove the incremental backup information in the destination directory that has been around longer than time_interval. The time interval is an integer followed by the character s, m, h, D, W, M, or Y, indicating seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years respectively, or a number of these concatenated. For example, 32m means 32 minutes, and 3W2D10h7s means 3 weeks, 2 days, 10 hours, and 7 seconds. In this context, a month means 30 days, a year is 365 days, and a day is always 86400 seconds. Note that this option is incompatible with backing up or restoring and must be run in a separate instance of rdiff-backup. Remember also that snapshots of deleted files are covered by this operation, so if you deleted a file and backed up two weeks ago, and then run --remove-older-than 10D today, no trace of that file will remain. .TP .B --resume Resume the last aborted backup. If no aborted backups are found, exit with error. .TP .BI "--resume-window " seconds Resume the last aborted backup if it started less than the specified number of seconds ago. Otherwise start a new backup. The default is 7200 (2 hours). .TP .B --server Enter server mode (not to be invoked directly, but instead used by another rdiff-backup process on a remote computer). .TP .BI "--terminal-verbosity " [0-9] Select which messages will be displayed to the terminal. If missing the level defaults to the verbosity level. .TP .B --test-server Test for the presence of a compatible rdiff-backup server as specified in the following host::filename argument(s). The filename section will be ignored. .TP .BI -v [0-9] ", --verbosity " [0-9] Specify verbosity level (0 is totally silent, 3 is the default, and 9 is noisiest). This determines how much is written to the log file. .TP .B "-V, --version" Print the current version and exit .TP .B --windows-time-format If this option is present, use underscores instead of colons in increment files, so 2001-07-15T04:09:38-07:00 becomes 2001-07-15T04_09_38-07_00. This option may be useful under MS windows NT, which prohibits colons in filenames. .SH EXAMPLES Simplest case---backup directory foo to directory bar, with increments in bar/rdiff-backup-data: .PP .RS rdiff-backup foo bar .PP .RE This is exactly the same as previous example because trailing slashes are ignored: .PP .RS rdiff-backup foo/ bar/ .PP .RE Back files up from /home/bob to /mnt/backup, leaving increments in /mnt/backup/rdiff-backup-data. Do not back up directory /home/bob/tmp or any files in it. .PP .RS rdiff-backup --exclude /home/bob/tmp /home/bob /mnt/backup .PP .RE The file selection options can be combined in various ways. The following command backs up the whole file system to /usr/local/backup. However, the entire /usr directory is skipped, with the exception of /usr/local, which is included, except for /usr/local/backup, which is excluded to prevent a circularity: .PP .RS rdiff-backup --exclude /usr/local/backup --include /usr/local --exclude /usr / /usr/local/backup .PP .RE You can also use regular expressions in the --exclude statements. This will skip any files whose full pathnames contain the word "cache", or any files whose name is "tmp", "temp", "TMP", "tEmP", etc. .PP .RS rdiff-backup --exclude-regexp cache --exclude-regexp '(?i)/te?mp$' /home/bob /mnt/backup .PP .RE After the previous command was completed, this command will list the backups present on the destination disk: .PP .RS rdiff-backup --list-increments /mnt/backup .PP .RE If space is running out on the /mnt/backup directory, older incremental backups can be erased. The following command erases backup information older than a week: .PP .RS rdiff-backup --remove-older-than 7D /mnt/backup .PP .RE The following reads the file important-data.2001-07-15T04:09:38-07:00.dir and restores the resulting directory important-data as it was on Februrary 14, 2001, calling the new directory "temp". Note that rdiff-backup goes into restore mode because it recognizes the suffix of the file. The -v9 means keep lots of logging information. .PP .RS rdiff-backup -v9 important-data.2001-07-15T04:09:38-07:00.dir temp .PP .RE This command causes rdiff-backup to backup the directory /some/local-dir to the directory /whatever/remote-dir on the machine hostname.net. It uses ssh to open the necessary pipe to the remote copy of rdiff-backup. Here the username on the local machine and on hostname.net are the same. .PP .RS rdiff-backup /some/local-dir hostname.net::/whatever/remote-dir .PP .RE This command logs into hostname.net as smith and restores the remote increment old-file on a remote computer to the current directory on the local computer: .PP .RS rdiff-backup smith@hostname.net::/foo/rdiff-backup-data/increments/bar/old-file.2001-11-09T12:43:53-04:00.diff .PP .RE Backup foo on one remote machine to bar on another. This will probably be slower than running rdiff-backup from either machine. .PP .RS rdiff-backup smith@host1::foo jones@host2::bar .PP .RE Test to see if the specified ssh command really opens up a working rdiff-backup server on the remote side. .RS rdiff-backup --test-server hostname.net::/this/is/ignored .SH REMOTE OPERATION In order to access remote files, rdiff-backup opens up a pipe to a copy of rdiff-backup running on the remote machine. Thus rdiff-backup must be installed on both ends. To open this pipe, rdiff-backup first splits the filename into host_info::pathname. It then substitutes host_info into the remote schema, and runs the resulting command, reading its input and output. .PP The default remote schema is 'ssh %s rdiff-backup --server' meaning if the host_info is user@host.net, then rdiff-backup runs 'ssh user@host.net rdiff-backup --server'. The '%s' keyword is substituted with the host_info. Using --remote-schema, rdiff-backup can invoke an arbitrary command in order to open up a remote pipe. For instance, .RS rdiff-backup --remote-schema 'cd /usr; %s' foo 'rdiff-backup --server'::bar .RE is basically equivalent to (but slower than) .RS rdiff-backup foo /usr/bar .RE .PP Concerning quoting, if for some reason you need to put two consecutive colons in the host_info section of a host_info::pathname argument, or in the pathname of a local file, you can quote one of them by prepending a backslash. So in 'a\\::b::c', host_info is 'a::b' and the pathname is 'c'. Similarly, if you want to refer to a local file whose filename contains two consecutive colons, like 'strange::file', you'll have to quote one of the colons as in 'strange\\::file'. Because the backslash is a quote character in these circumstances, it too must be quoted to get a literal backslash, so 'foo\\::\\\\bar' evaluates to 'foo::\\bar'. To make things more complicated, because the backslash is also a common shell quoting character, you may need to type in '\\\\\\\\' at the shell prompt to get a literal backslash (if it makes you feel better, I had to type in 8 backslashes to get that in this man page...). And finally, to include a literal % in the string specified by --remote-schema, quote it with another %, as in %%. .SH FILE SELECTION .B rdiff-backup supports file selection options similar to (but different from) .BR rsync (1). The system may appear complicated, but it is supposed to be flexible and easy-to-use. When rdiff-backup is run, it searches through the given source directory and backs up all the files specified by the file selection system. The file selection system comprises a number of file selection conditions, which are set using one of the following command line options: .BR --exclude , .BR --exclude-device-files , .BR --exclude-filelist , .BR --exclude-filelist-stdin , .BR --exclude-regexp , .BR --include , .BR --include-filelist , .BR --include-filelist-stdin , and .BR --include-regexp . Each file selection condition either matches or doesn't match a given file. A given file is excluded by the file selection system exactly when the first matching file selection condition specifies that the file be excluded; otherwise the file is included. For instance, .PP .RS rdiff-backup --include /usr --exclude /usr /usr /backup .PP .RE is exactly the same as .PP .RS rdiff-backup /usr /backup .PP .RE because the include and exclude directives match exactly the same files, and the .B --include comes first, giving it precedence. Similarly, .PP .RS rdiff-backup --include /usr/local/bin --exclude /usr/local /usr /backup .PP .RE would backup the /usr/local/bin directory (and its contents), but not /usr/local/doc. The .B include and .B exclude options accept .IR "extended shell globbing patterns" . These patterns can contain the special patterns .BR * , .BR ** , .BR ? , and .BR [...] . As in a normal shell, .B * can be expanded to any string of characters not containing "/", .B ? expands to any character except "/", and .B [...] expands to a single character of those characters specified (ranges are acceptable). The new special pattern, .BR ** , expands to any string of characters whether or not it contains "/". Furthermore, if the pattern starts with "ignorecase:" (case insensitive), then this prefix will be removed and any character in the string can be replaced with an upper- or lowercase version of itself. The .BI "--exclude " pattern option matches a file iff: .TP .B 1. .I pattern can be expanded into the file's filename, or .TP .B 2. the file is inside a directory matched by the option. .PP .RE Conversely, .BI "--include " pattern matches a file iff: .TP .B 1. .I pattern can be expanded into the file's filename, .TP .B 2. the file is inside a directory matched by the option, or .TP .B 3. the file is a directory which contains a file matched by the option. .PP .RE For example, .PP .RS .B --exclude /usr/local .PP .RE matches /usr/local, /usr/local/lib, and /usr/local/lib/netscape. It is the same as --exclude /usr/local --exclude /usr/local/**. .PP .RS .B --include /usr/local .PP .RE specifies that /usr, /usr/local, /usr/local/lib, and /usr/local/lib/netscape (but not /usr/doc) all be backed up. Thus you don't have to worry about including parent directories to make sure that included subdirectories have somewhere to go. Finally, .PP .RS .B --include ignorecase:/usr/[a-z0-9]foo/*/**.py .PP .RE would match a file like /usR/5fOO/hello/there/world.py. If it did match anything, it would also match /usr. If there is no existing file that the given pattern can be expanded into, the option will not match /usr. The .BR --include-filelist , .BR --exclude-filelist , .BR --include-filelist-stdin , and .B --exclude-filelist-stdin options also introduce file selection conditions. They direct rdiff-backup to read in a file, each line of which is a file specification, and to include or exclude the matching files. The lines in a filelist are interpreted similarly to the way .I extended shell patterns are, with a few exceptions: .TP .B 1. Globbing patterns like .BR * , .BR ** , .BR ? , and .B [...] are not expanded. .TP .B 2. Include patterns do not match files in a directory that is included. So /usr/local in an include file will not match /usr/local/doc. .TP .B 3. Lines starting with "+ " are interpreted as include directives, even if found in a filelist referenced by .BR --exclude-filelist . Similarly, lines starting with "- " exclude files even if they are found within an include filelist. .RE For example, if file "list.txt" contains the lines: .RS /usr/local .RE .RS - /usr/local/doc .RE .RS /usr/local/bin .RE .RS + /var .RE .RS - /var .RE then "--include-filelist list.txt" would include /usr, /usr/local, and /usr/local/bin. It would exclude /usr/local/doc, /usr/local/doc/python, etc. It neither excludes nor includes /usr/local/man, leaving the fate of this directory to the next specification condition. Finally, it is undefined what happens with /var. A single file list should not contain conflicting file specifications. Finally, the .B --include-regexp and .B --exclude-regexp allow files to be included and excluded if their filenames match a python regular expression. Regular expression syntax is too complicated to explain here, but is covered in Python's library reference. Unlike the .B --include and .B --exclude options, the regular expression options don't match files containing or contained in matched files. So for instance .PP .RS --include '[0-9]{7}(?!foo)' .PP .RE matches any files whose full pathnames contain 7 consecutive digits which aren't followed by 'foo'. However, it wouldn't match /home even if /home/ben/1234567 existed. .SH BUGS rdiff-backup uses the shell command .BR mknod (1) to backup device files (e.g. /dev/ttyS0), so device files won't be handled correctly on systems with non-standard mknod syntax. .SH AUTHOR Ben Escoto .PP Feel free to ask me questions or send me bug reports, but also check out the mailing list mentioned below. .SH SEE ALSO .BR python (1), .BR rdiff (1), .BR rsync (1), .BR ssh (1). The main rdiff-backup web page is at .IR http://www.stanford.edu/~bescoto/rdiff-backup . There also a mailing list described at .IR http://keywest.Stanford.EDU/mailman/listinfo/rdiff-backup .