# Copyright 2002 Ben Escoto # # This file is part of rdiff-backup. # # rdiff-backup is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. # # rdiff-backup is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with rdiff-backup; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 # USA """Hold a variety of constants usually set at initialization.""" import re, os # The current version of rdiff-backup version = "$version" # If this is set, use this value in seconds as the current time # instead of reading it from the clock. current_time = None # This determines how many bytes to read at a time when copying blocksize = 32768 # This is used by the BufferedRead class to determine how many # bytes to request from the underlying file per read(). Larger # values may save on connection overhead and latency. conn_bufsize = 98304 # True if script is running as a server server = None # uid and gid of the owner of the rdiff-backup process. This can # vary depending on the connection. process_uid = os.getuid() process_gid = os.getgid() # If true, when copying attributes, also change target's uid/gid change_ownership = None # If true, change the permissions of unwriteable mirror files # (such as directories) so that they can be written, and then # change them back. This defaults to 1 just in case the process # is not running as root (root doesn't need to change # permissions). change_mirror_perms = (process_uid != 0) # If true, try to reset the atimes of the source partition. preserve_atime = None # This will be set as soon as the LocalConnection class loads local_connection = None # All connections should be added to the following list, so # further global changes can be propagated to the remote systems. # The first element should be Globals.local_connection. For a # server, the second is the connection to the client. connections = [] # Each process should have a connection number unique to the # session. The client has connection number 0. connection_number = 0 # Dictionary pairing connection numbers with connections. Set in # SetConnections for all connections. connection_dict = {} # True if the script is the end that reads the source directory # for backups. It is true for purely local sessions. isbackup_reader = None # Connection of the real backup reader (for which isbackup_reader # is true) backup_reader = None # True if the script is the end that writes to the increment and # mirror directories. True for purely local sessions. isbackup_writer = None # Connection of the backup writer backup_writer = None # Connection of the client client_conn = None # This list is used by the set function below. When a new # connection is created with init_connection, its Globals class # will match this one for all the variables mentioned in this # list. changed_settings = [] # The RPath of the rdiff-backup-data directory. rbdir = None # This string is used when recognizing and creating time strings. # If the time_separator is ":", then W3 datetime strings like # 2001-12-07T04:22:01-07:00 are produced. It can be set to "_" to # make filenames that don't contain colons, which aren't allowed # under MS windows NT. time_separator = ":" # quoting_enabled is true if we should quote certain characters in # filenames on the source side (see FilenameMapping for more # info). chars_to_quote is a string whose characters should be # quoted, and quoting_char is the character to quote with. quoting_enabled = None chars_to_quote = "" quoting_char = ';' # If true, emit output intended to be easily readable by a # computer. False means output is intended for humans. parsable_output = None # If true, then hardlinks will be preserved to mirror and recorded # in the increments directory. There is also a difference here # between None and 0. When restoring, None or 1 means to preserve # hardlinks iff can find a hardlink dictionary. 0 means ignore # hardlink information regardless. preserve_hardlinks = 1 # If this is false, then rdiff-backup will not compress any # increments. Default is to compress based on regexp below. compression = 1 # Increments based on files whose names match this # case-insensitive regular expression won't be compressed (applies # to .snapshots and .diffs). The second below will be the # compiled version of the first. no_compression_regexp_string = "(?i).*\\.(gz|z|bz|bz2|tgz|zip|rpm|deb|" \ "jpg|gif|png|jp2|mp3|ogg|avi|wmv|mpeg|mpg|rm|mov)$" no_compression_regexp = None # If true, filelists and directory statistics will be split on # nulls instead of newlines. null_separator = None # Determines whether or not ssh will be run with the -C switch ssh_compression = 1 # If true, print statistics after successful backup print_statistics = None # On the writer connection, the following will be set to the mirror # Select iterator. select_mirror = None # On the backup writer connection, holds the root incrementing branch # object. Access is provided to increment error counts. ITRB = None # Percentage of time to spend sleeping. None means never sleep. sleep_ratio = None # security_level has 4 values and controls which requests from remote # systems will be honored. "all" means anything goes. "read-only" # means that the requests must not write to disk. "update-only" means # that requests shouldn't destructively update the disk (but normal # incremental updates are OK). "minimal" means only listen to a few # basic requests. security_level = "all" # If this is set, it indicates that the remote connection should only # deal with paths inside of restrict_path. restrict_path = None def get(name): """Return the value of something in this module""" return globals()[name] def is_not_None(name): """Returns true if value is not None""" return globals()[name] is not None def set(name, val): """Set the value of something in this module Use this instead of writing the values directly if the setting matters to remote sides. This function updates the changed_settings list, so other connections know to copy the changes. """ changed_settings.append(name) globals()[name] = val def set_integer(name, val): """Like set, but make sure val is an integer""" try: intval = int(val) except ValueError: Log.FatalError("Variable %s must be set to an integer -\n" "received %s instead." % (name, val)) set(name, intval) def set_float(name, val, min = None, max = None, inclusive = 1): """Like set, but make sure val is float within given bounds""" def error(): s = "Variable %s must be set to a float" % (name,) if min is not None and max is not None: s += " between %s and %s " % (min, max) if inclusive: s += "inclusive" else: s += "not inclusive" elif min is not None or max is not None: if inclusive: inclusive_string = "or equal to " else: inclusive_string = "" if min is not None: s += " greater than %s%s" % (inclusive_string, min) else: s+= " less than %s%s" % (inclusive_string, max) Log.FatalError(s) try: f = float(val) except ValueError: error() if min is not None: if inclusive and f < min: error() elif not inclusive and f <= min: error() if max is not None: if inclusive and f > max: error() elif not inclusive and f >= max: error() set(name, f) def get_dict_val(name, key): """Return val from dictionary in this class""" return globals()[name][key] def set_dict_val(name, key, val): """Set value for dictionary in this class""" globals()[name][key] = val def postset_regexp(name, re_string, flags = None): """Compile re_string on all existing connections, set to name""" for conn in connections: conn.Globals.postset_regexp_local(name, re_string, flags) def postset_regexp_local(name, re_string, flags): """Set name to compiled re_string locally""" if flags: globals()[name] = re.compile(re_string, flags) else: globals()[name] = re.compile(re_string)